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February 14, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-14

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Ill ~Vermont Unicersittija 8ensation.
~j., ~ 'The students of the University of
Vermont have not in years heen so
Pubiited natty (Sunday s eepteefd)es ~g the! much aroused aso over the attempt now
tollege atn progr ess to enforce the penalty for
THEE UNIVERSIIY OF MICHIGAN. cheating in the examinations under
Uept55: The Inlad Preas', HnningBioch. the so-called "honor" system. Of the
Both Phonec. t47,
__ __ ____ nine accused men, three sophomores
SINACNG~have pleaded guilty, and the jury
Stat ~as~ee. t a. recommended to the ststdent body of
11t;t vH;" T A.;ti;V. the university tnat one who confessed
. a. IRAtN.'ate a. previous trial he deprived of his fran-
Illallte als and from holding any position of
ATtHLE-'ICa. . G . . I iecsce , 'at honor in the college until the end of
r. R. WaOODRO, ,~.'00 a. A. tt. Ytet)ou( eLLs'.'.Eat his sophomore year; far the other two
A, G.,PBscass. '02. K. . w t t '00, the satme penalty is recomtmended until
L.dJ. MNaTGOMtRY, 10',5w,. tH ICKEY, 'U0M the end of their junior years. The
staudent body has the power to decide
whetheer the penalty, whicih usually
extends thcrough the cotlege course,
b al be. mistgatedt.'Two of thce other
The et-seept et'profsthaec tAILtais$2.50 ftrI nieehave been acqatitted. Otne of toe
he cals" oyerwitaeegeu lare dlevey betoee
ron ach Icy. Noticescomnca"e tioneseed footr auioas lass appealehd acs case to
hned inat rtes DAILYleoffcelbeforetx ptit.,berthe facaulty, aced enthe othcer cases no
maedteo a tea etor efe .1 peieecfete day lecision atstbeen reached.
appear. IThe clause of the raules prescribing
Subscritio:,aslie l teft atalthe DAteYffietet+te penalty an steelscases is as fat-
t5yer'c eec Sletll' e estse eel wth Buteiteesces
MAcage .Subscrieres willcoeee vr cebly lows:s
crerteierIllpeee. i '~' telee-, Settton7-Any person alto, having
All cagsi detsn ate u ei a a l ilt patblicattd inplarual hear-
the aofieby1, pa Ile.eoa thce say pevioe-setoeat inlg, asby satd jury adjeteged guilty
onthichlte ear se t e ar


*qu[-ST I0

GYM SHOES, Weight 10 Ounces.
Best Back tanned Elkskin Bals.,
Full outside back atay one piece,
lace facing and tip, $1.35
all sizes $2.ao, now
weight to oz., all 9 C
sizes, $1.25, new
Glass's Clearingq Sale,
osttpn 109 SouthnMain.
Our 1-4 off Sale
.1a But it may cease as suddenly as it
satd. Bear that in mind and.
prftby it.

1-4 Off Means

snai. De punistieq in the rollowinb
manner: (a) the iurv shall publish

Want the Dark Dance. rcus ob ubihdinteUi
''efollawing is freest a Madtsan I vea',tty Cyntac at utteothe utniversity Special X20.00 Setits steelOvercoatst $15.
paper ueder date eel Fell 13.It ts to Stlletinarstsato. ttettance ot' Neckgwear 18.00) '"' ' 1i
regardtoteelie "Darts Datan cwhich tastesatfsteuclpersott or persotns Sl l
less en afeatatre efWe-sconsttn founttaguitttv.fie) Satehatersonsalalt 50acent11-.00.0
Franca ar seveal yea teta atlte b e depriveed of thte ight Puffs and 1.0 ' ' '
"'There laiceetn a good deal af spec-a.teevoteianyetvcl'assar celelege tmeeting Ascots
alation as latoaat atietot the facultyI to thist avytofce tof hcareotr trusi now
ciii tatke withc regaeretote the tuchtrie ftttinte gtft o1flets class at of a ' 35 Cents or obe' Sa r Cloti ng.
talteed-of "a dt anc'lietteof thte suntior studentt battyandtsecth persate's tante 3o for $1.0o0 in
"leraoc"Thtere htas Seen a strung pro- stalhntteappeclear itt connectiott with
teat agaitnst itleuttudtttetets sty thtey hit class intttte college atntttal.'
wilt htave it, whther it is tbjected ta Tostmater's Club. G AS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING SUPPLIES, SHADES
or teat. Ticis teas eteetee of the fes- 1probatile of lf tie le casing createsIllf PORTABLE LAM PS,
tures of itnterest, fhe secvelty of jot-lthita rSOt tere tas brett ttottt tlton' A SPECtIAL'TY. SANtTARtY PtLt'Cttttt, STEAMt ANDt HOT WATER Hat sta
litng aboutt in the hetgeItal l tich ocal s hn t he Tolatmeaster's clutb
lights turned off watle the dance mu at- etelad at Catekhtoute Ibonuasy J. F. SCOH UH, 207 E. WASH 1N GI
sic continates, not having warn off by toasttttterfr Jth ecao.IThtefo-
its practice for several years. loiotntgwee te ltes~ts:A ir e S tea S
"Tlhe report which has gone stat 'Tyalte, . taIA. J. Mc7eayan d't Ite
that the young men have sleut out the lIts-es SopieL.EasHen i- . O LS IV R
young ladies who resolved not to have Ftortc PooaAt.s FaltrtnceacSty.
anything to do with ,..e yotug men CotasEC Wells,'etcvlla Cl-eksay,'-d-
of the university after the La..es' halseer, Lltzabethe Scaffert Lottte. Scatil, INlE C~r~
C A ESepisode, is not given a great deal of HelenteD. Geoarg.III .AJ-~..I. For Parties, Receptions Etc.
credence by the youang men whto will Toasts wcerec respotnded to as fotllaows: AND
attend the junior "prom. The Laties' tAbrahmeitsn Lcoislit Dr. ar atige
'ican Mtr".itNewell; "'he 'eVoalel(fd ~
hail affair is a dead issue anal students in Carictesttt Mr.Easton; Queetc ("iACO UES Good and Prompt Service
have Seen anxiotas to drop all thought HeartIs, Mr. Voorhies; Lords of Cre
about it. atton, eissIPomecroy; SotmtcRece .tt In
Society gosp iveo eottde ettotts "air.Jackson;"TI Bert
gosip s dvo - -Lo he i r.IEtens;Si A~yPofesston," IiVs'al
cussion of the "prom" son-.the ,.ouse la.e;Hocmcog,"lMt.Rssb ; Colg
parties connected with it, to Liet ex- Frtctnds,"lit Harvey. Students' Lecture (lssociation Cour



elusion of all else. _--ere seems at
douc.. but that it will be the most suc-
cessful "prom" ever held."
Another Worthq Graduate.
A writer for the Detroit Free Fres
upon "Fresent Conditions in Cuba"
says: "There were two other orphan-
ages that interested me greatly, bath
at Matanzas. One was an Episcopal
home and school conducteta by Rev.
Fedrao Darte, a native and the Statt
protestant missionary in Cuba. He
and his easel wife work ender thte di-
rection of Bishop 'ataattaker, of Fhila-
delphia, and receive some caal aid,
I belive, from church foods. They
have 200 pupils enrolled. The other
institution is an orphanage founded jy
E. E. Hfubbard, an enthusiast svho
went to Cuba last March wvith only
$300 in his pocket, but who has built
sap a Sune school and home for 47 boys
and 14 girls. He rents 70 acres of
good land for the practical instruction
of the boys. I was gratified to learn
that Mr. Hubbard was a member of
the U. of H. class of '88. lie has spent
fSve years in Japan since then."
Dr. Mother will not meet her classes
until Monday, Feb. 19th.

llre -Andrewes visited te Barbour
gymnastum Monday afternoanuo ad-
tdtessaed te.gttris of liar freshanuclass.
'Tere. werae. sevceralewhco desired thcat it
cie~t srhlotuld be foramed atmontg t eeol-
lege gttris, as a letateel of thlocal circle.
Jus t hat icllcc1 be cdone in thsatter t°-
tain~ts to be. dretemised, bt severatl te
te Unitverstty gtrls wtill identify rtem-
selv ccccthlthliarassoctattotn.
Antite stiothanad lith altsha
25crBtt tle.
Tooth Paste
A poiularanaeeeliabetD1enatrifiee.25
P artge
CsAMP L-u-s =-To-w=oit'

Listen to the Band!
Sacyl sloosoFEBRUARY 20.
Stogie Admssoton, Reserved,- -- --- 1.2
Sotasa and G other numbers, - -------------150
Sons a and 6 otheer numabes Reserved. - - 2.00
Resere e aot Chartclotsesat 6p. c.,Feb20. TICKETS nowons ate. at
P0116U To wait until you are compelled to
it's oorhay rubbers.
buys rubbers and baa thorn ready for
wear when oecasion requirs-and
APRILL'S SHOE STORE has lese to pay the doctor.



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