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February 14, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-14

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' of

94 PaiL~4



No. 101.

G. H. WILD & Co.
W5e have just receiveil our line
of springswoolens for men's
wear. It includes ev erything in
staples that aire suitable and ale-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in qjuality an(d style to
suit the most exactiug taste,
consisting of 'l'op C.oats, Suit-
ungs, 1Fancy 5Vests andI Golf
'Irousetrungs. We invite you to
iall and inspect our ise at
108 E. Washir)gtor) St.
AT hv
ALL rcnl
prepaed till
Wilder's Pharmacy

TRACK TEAM WORK. luig tennis matehes thus shutting out
the view frso the outside of the fenee.
Well Begu in all rances. To the under side will lie fastened
Wel Beun n al Bances.extra plankas which will heroine per-
Traeck work has now aetively hegian manent Pencies for speetators when
and training will he kept uip vigorous- the tracka is raiseid during tennis
ly. The eandidates will mseet daily msatches. This trunk will enahle the
under the geaseral direction of Diree- meis to takie a turnositudoors on the
toe Fitzpatrieck. For the presenst the fiest warem days as it is only a fewv
men in earls event swill lie planed inI stiepascurm the gym.
chaarge of a foremier aiensoie of the Sousa has an Abundance of Nocel-
track teamii foe preliminary traininag. ties.
Tire followinig sceduile haaaaseas Souisa is always the miist fertile uf
miade out. Candidates foe the svarioscoeceret directors ini providing rise
events are reqiiestedl Si report at the
nr\E st aiid Peat, is sell asarisnging
hours lidirsated:
Sparits-4:30 to 6:00so IsWeatIR iliowniifiromi the past the richiest of
iHall; qaaitea huh -a , ao Hatch;s ri''' e stores iniall the eeaiiu of
half-mile-445o IsEnmrsomn;ahirdles- miic ianirthis has invariashly heeii
4:45 to 'Sic Ce-assasa; I to Barook- one of Ithe atrun"features of lilapmo-
field; lisle vault-hefrei:0055to Di-itgiamis.IFor rise resenit tour-wchel.
rector itzapatrick; ahot lit-after-lby the way, istlihe iefest Sousa loss
noonas bPelaa.4:00 isis'tiaeisenssthe eaenase ini any season--sae ifamous5
forensoonstoirector itzpsatrick; high l isils tirsslas-iissl
jumsp-i4:30 to 6:00 to Armsstaroag.
Diana eeki tromS atiurday, Febh 24 inithis aresiet. tis s i e has pro-
tise farst aisaoor mseet asill he held.aai iaaa aaasa Saoeseli
Ti s wll he 'assall-asron assert for allelaainsg tiara tess-Sousormasrhes, nuri

Arranged baj Miss Olier from J. M.
Baries Poplar Stora.
(Charaters Impersonated.,
Gavin Dishart .."The Little Minister"
Babibile.......A gypsy girl
Dld Nannsy.......A poor wonan
Dr. McQuaeens .. The village physiian
ERob Doss'...A reforned drukarr
Murals Dose......His little sass
Jeats . ...i leienirsiter's maid-sersant
tor ai titsul . . ..A sweathy nolemans
At I-Babile's powser. At I-An
assakeneasosil. At I-The 0usod.
Gr eat interet is eing manifetei
inte dieaeital tonight y sa Olier.
It s tirefPst opportaunity rie people
of AntiAsrsue have had of hearing
The C r,.e Minisitr," ard ir s tls
Gusver triesyisill fPdasucahlarmiasg and
intellgent inpersonater sth, itsthe
potraysal of Sottish charater, is to
the platform shat Matde Adams is to
the stage. After her reading of rie
story at "Thruns," Mr. arrie hinsel
paid her the following troaute
133 Gloueter Road, S. Av.,
Aug. 9. '96.
Dear Miss Oliver:
I thought your arrangeenat of the
"Little Minister" ecellent, and youa
delivered many of tie senes in a way
that pleased me nmuh-particularly
tire pathetir screse. I aiha you very
heartily all surcess.
Fours very trul,
Whst Scres
'lie folloswingawsere the plisascres
mnadest ast nighta pliy:
1 15-5 ts:'iD.SOU rH.
Ds'eerait andBsas .....11 .-.s
Hrwssand lDansforthl.....27 4
Sawsgo ad d Gbr--.....26 3
M~arsihall andta r ..23average
Daris andrard e ....23 verage.
Moantgomery atid Eussell ....23 -to 1
Maadelharanaand Weiss ..i..-21,) S
Montagonery salFiser..... 214 -1
Haughes and Beer.... '..24 -- 1
Mulrrll ar nis .....14 ..1
liar'SWSist crushlad elec tits of ole-
eta los this seaseser aithrie aseeting
lost aight as iollows:
ieantJuries; secrearytsBacor:
At tire hbusnes nmeeting tiewhslit
tourastamsent tIsbehIeldainta AatAror
the allteroot andrieveninsg o1 Feb. 21
swas alao dscussed.Tlias tmeet swill e
hseldlsr ir 1s Ishall otnil its)one swla
wiihaesas etter iupots ipament of
star dollar. Ithere swil e twsenty or
thirty- play es here froam Detaoit astda
otlier a as rmldffearnt Iiarts of tie
slate As son as a team deides to
atteandlthey shoiiuld larsntheram rnes
tar Juries or Bacork.
j Manual Training.
1'Shere sill e asulislimoeetiasg al
the Coura House oar triday eening
Fe. 1t, at 8 oclockr for tie prpose
of intereting Atn Aror citzens in
tire subject of Manural 'Traiing. Mr.
Winas. C. Skinner, stir is well knaosn


THE OLD lay ingi ta frth
Rx sLI a nii r war e e a th (-
E~'IEmS A Sa-mGtA'l'.f

Vesary ompletoeiinn


eseants and-an admission fee of
twenty-five rents will probaahly he
charged. On the Satuarday following
Marens lrura, still orerar tire ansna
freshsna-sophomsore ameet. 'Cle nmeet
next wsekssilsuarely he air uanusurally
gooda one for s early in the year.
'Tie tuen itasonro of than events are
somesuhsat hack hut tire pole vaulters
and jumpslers and somse of tare spriasters
are heginning to shrow good focus. Di-
rector Fitzpatricks has givnsconsider-
absle attention to the pole vaulters and
they are all niaking- good distances,
Doorack having made 10 feet 9 inches.
A plan has heen devisedl hy means
of which tire sen will he able to work

Sausa cnacerts,usualmastotif sich
swill he preseantedl oar lie forthnomsing
Eurropeans tor. Soursa atarI iis Pass.
have hbeens chosens Sriopens rie Paris
expuositions on April t4, as is suell
kanwn,. and at the cnaclusion of a
protracted engagensent at tire expro-
sitiona a toue of tarecoastineant followva
'lie present tour offers msuach that is
especially attractive not only in nesw
assasin for rtse lband itself Pitt hy the
soloists. TShe latter include Mhiss
Berthia Bucklin, violianist, and Miss
Bllanche Duffield, sopranao. Of the
smnny soloists of the hand those swho
sill he hearu are Arthur Pryor, trom-


out doors as soon no it moderates hone; Hlerbert L. Clarke, cornet; and as the superintendent of the Toledo
eanouagh winuouit waiting several weekas Franz Hell, fluegelhorn. The date for Manual Training school, will give a
for the 'athletic Oid to heroine aer- the only Sousa connert here is Tues- practical talkr which will he followved
viceable. It haa heen derided to huna day, Feb. 20, at University hall. Py a discussaion of the suhject hy rep-
a plank track around re tennis courts - resentative men and wsomen of Ann
inaide the enclosure. aids for the NOTICE! Arhor: there will also he an exhibit of
construsction of this track are now All students aesiring to take scien- work and equipments.
being conaidered. It will he so huilt tific prose meet Professor Hempl Sat- Everyone weho wisnes to he informed
that it can he raised up vertically dur- uruay morning at 9 oncloess in room B. on the subject should he present.

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