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February 01, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-01

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94r PaiL


E Suitings, Golf Suits,
Fancy Testincgs.
AWe Carryq the Largest
L In the Cityj
Tisi caferascato a graftot
bruties thatwil not sled
their bristles..«Ie replace all
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Frsvrl ek eh
Very Campletctnd

FARMERS' INSTITUTE to none to informeation upen the eubo Is President Angell to be appointed
___jeet upon wic ht he 1s to apeako on the Philippine Commission?
GeneralKnightlhood of11cheNwPCentury.
Geeal Round-up to be Field in Ann Bolh of the S. P.1. quatetts aret to Te replorthoe heet sent ou~t fronm
TArbor. silng at tis serie The mixed uar Wshinton th1tPeesitient Angell is
Ist nd2ndthe 0g11e1aliround cup of prno:Miss Carsoni alt;Mr. Ha telltolllcsso
H thee Mielcotli FarerseeoInstitute, whih ll eeeM ienhose ale e ACeli ssa ttn. eeely l
E weill behe l d at toonAhboe. Deerinthese 010110, firstOteeor;iM.teneoh, eeeond egarlto lteed e athee look the
dtestile farmoers5 will attlenesithe LUni- tenoe; Me.Cleverdon, fhrot hasso; M.t atertsa ue joke. lHe laughed
versity is g"eets of h' euadof IRe-Davidsni, secotd heoo.hetly andsa1d:
fenis. While he in in the eity Peof. Taylor Evn oeeugsio of esch a thing
T It hsleen eccthe effort oftelfi le eilt holdt a eonfereenecelwtih icblic a o ee ae to 10 e.a I wOO iln
1of ltce Un011ersity foir tome' tine'pastt10sheel teaecees on lice suhjeet of "The Wa siigt01000onlo lst cveeksintI enlled
hebiteg this institute 10tonnAiboreel SoeiltFPunction of the Public Sehools."11upon the secetarny of stole. We lied
by so doing hinte the agirieultuiral On Feb. 11 the speaker for the S. Cuielonto a1k but he did not even
e lasses, wich arie the thief lax payers, A. serviee will be Traey MeGeegoe, the mentcioen acword ahout the subjeet."
itlecloseir1touh wth thoeinstitution. Detroitocinsioicneoan. Feb. 1theDe. 'Thent laughing heartily agoin he sold:
The intsitute ciii hold ito sessios ? acLauren, of Detroit, 'alit speak. Dr. "Moy be the appin~ictment 1 iscoin
L both Univeersityanod Nectbeity icals. Goynton, of Deteoit, Prof. H. L. Wit- be registeeed lettee whieh liae delayed
The eomittllee havitog the matterin loll and Prof. Harpee, of Chieago, ace it stoimew hat on the 'any."
U carg ar had a wrk o a tohav, mong others wvho have agreed to It could be coolly seen fromc the waoy
evrtin ni otesmhyhoe a ke addressea. inecthieh lie treated Ihe matier that
Rcured a speecial rate of one fare fortheeist no foundation inc the rumor.
the round tripe00 alt the railetoads Lull in Track Work. htc e ut ubro fill
oso t al satnofth sat Tic Doting the pant week there han been anod piofesseo of the university pre-
reite is not speeialty fec the I' 'mets1itile or nothing done in the cray of eict in Seeretary IWade's offee. They
hoiwever, hut is good for every fetrark nthleties but for the Iwo weeks wcere made aequainted ivith the rumc
throughout the slate who wishes to previous to this lime a good sized A11 ngreed that Di. Angell would no
cist An AhotaodtheI~osettty~'squad witas 01t work 1011y aod the early to the Philippineo even it the appoint-
that time. Thisorte wiitafford antcc trining s hotwsoop ctell for the futote meat is tendered to hircc
cellent opportunity for studentsa 0 tucess of tice traeck team. The ltling The disptch which onve ret.. rl
have thettcirtpaents and ftiends spenidup to the nouber of eiodidates 10 01. tumortis the followiog:
a fete diys here. aitosed by the heaty oerictes thcat NetiYoet, Jon1.Aseca o tile
Doring the stat festivalcreek a lirget'nostof the elasses Icaite beetcn aingBerildf nmWahinon ys:Presi-
cumchet It peoplle thr ooghoo'ut the cc
prepar,11attry 1oexanatctios. Lttlle dent 'Melvinley wtill soonthiz e the
visit t1cc Pniv ersityhot it is a w.ell tore Itrck tetocivmy Icexecedetuitill apptolinlotm 0 entofa tomisionllto li=
kntowntc lt that aitlhctltimce of ytaithe close tot this semwester hot hemgin- hargedwthlthe establishentt of cieil
it is impcit'sble tortht agri5tcutlttringwt ekfomMniteygveneti h hiipns thr
elases t liteetceir worktarl tak' cice twotk wiil beon pepr ttt \-lltbelfite i"let it ndCo. hrl s
tttvairttttotfthe sptecta al nit at't o the irto tetseries itt dotottrceets Deobtt iflce icnIce trevailedtuponclto
ttotferet tt cttime.it wh tit itetrtotabltt bittelt onihetgtcewi llt tobatlybeiappitnttetd chair-
tneh touinty throughttut the stole has seenteenel th f Februauy. SohfaIi t hteican. tiol.Deani. Wotrcesterilso a
ataret's tiotlute, teealtsuoted practce esteiatlly =s cc tttork Ihas beeni oemcbtrofttfhde lpltseict Philipptineeoc-
rav by 0 spia l ~11opppiai teof01thte staleoe i ic the imitdeisttancte rnts etcmition, ici 1bIe atttittiedtIa icembler of
vith ellto tOi lccoeo n th Ieltraci mndtintctie itole vaull, ad Itce newc bodt.cA5thirtd 0101,ctwhose
C seasntIhet cliliceet ttogethcer.Thisnicuhtintistretf being strotiget'lhanname his bteen tcentiooed in connectioic
hntliceeting his getoerallt been heldlucotliinIheseccvelnts. ice pirospects with the new bedys toDr. J. 10Aogell,
a1 the Agricultural Collect 01 Lansito ofa talict1 be senct 10 Pa110istae formicer ministertoIttChinaand furkey,
) olthn en te oid f e'itbri'-hr~eniig toe oltytquetiont being antd presidetof 01theULotsioty of
-ioduced themocIceonce here. A numb r"i' tsaldceost t ilatMihgnt t ca i tnhigo
IL hti hl eeo noata ihgn h a nWsigo
I f 01 g ccspeoer ac tireat -O +100

piroramcanodninnyiccore are in sie.
This fort tegethe r iith the towternate
of face insures a large attendance.

Morninq Seruices of the S. C. A. to
be Discontinued-Profl. Graham
Taiylor Next Sundau After-
The Students' Chriatian association
has changed its plan If meetings. The
Sunday morning services have been
diacontinued, and a veaper service cwilt
take ito place at 4 p. m. each Sunday.
In these services music will play a large
pact and an eminent speakec from
outside the city will he securted for
each service,
For the service next Sunday, Pt .cf.
Graham Taylor, of the Chicago Com-
mono, will he the speakec, and to ac-
commodate the large numbec from the
city svho wilt desire to hear Prof. Tay-
lcc, the association has oecuced the
Baptist church fcc this service.
Ann Acboc people ace especially in-
terested in the Chicago Commons, as
that is the institution wchece the Stu-
dents' Christian association has a

strong enttughloIngive Miehigaoic the
representatiotn she deserves.
Mail Festival Soloist,
Maoy 11, 18 and 19, 1900.
Sara Andecoon,
Ionbelle Bouton.
George W. Jenkins.
Gwvylim Miles.
Froc the above 1101 of soloists it is
evident that the Many festival of 100
will be equal1 to any cf its predeces-
sors. Never before has a strongec list
of soloists been engaged. The sate of
reserved seats is now' Inking place at
rhe offee of the University School of
Music. It is gratifying to know' that
the demand foe reserved is greater than
1laoP year. Miss Isabelle Beuton has

1-4 Off

fete dnys ao.
Tonight's Faculty Concert.
The follocwing program0 will he ceo-
dered at Ithe faculy cncert tonight,
at the School of MIusic:
Sonata, Op. 19 ..............RIubinstein
(For piano and violin.)
Allegro non troppo.
Scherzc-Allegro assai.
Adagio non troppo.
Elsa von Grave-Jonas, Bernard Sturm.
Sehnsucht nach die IWaldgigera......
...... ...... ... .....Schumuann
Dec Himmel hat eine Thrane gecce tI.
Die Hidalgo.
Alice 0. Ballet'.
Barcarolle in G Major..A. Rubinstein
Turkish March from the "Buins
of Athena" of Beehoven...........
Rcmance in E Flat Major............
...... ......... .A. Rubinstein
Toccata ............,......Schumann
Alberta Jonas.
A Winter Night ..............Molaerdu
(With violin obligate.)
Alice G. Bailey, Bernard Sturm.
Whist Tournament Planned.
The U. of M. Whist Club is making
arrangements to hold a ti tournament
'here on Febt. It-the afterntoon and
evening leofe Washington's Birthday,
Whispers from Detroit, Ypsilanti and
Jackson may be invited to participate,

scholarship. This institution is located just signed a three year contract with
in one of the worecaPslum districts in the Metropolitan Opera Company of
Chicago, and is doing some excellent Nets-YTrk City,
work along the line of solving the-
whole slum problem. It was in this in- A mistaken impression sees to be
stitution that Roy Mellendy, of the prevalent regarding the prices af seals
Stuent' Crisianassciaion prse-for the concert of the musical clubs.
Stu nts' hrstin asocatonproe-The reserved seats 'down stairs will be
cuted his studies last summer on the seventy-five cents and one dollar, But
question at saloon substitution. all the seats in the galier will be sold
In Prof. Taylor, the head of the in- at fifty cents. The' concert, besides
stitution, Ann Arbor people recsgnize selections by the entire 'clubs, will in-
a cultured Christian gentleman, sit elude a number of extremely 'good solo
able orator and a man who is second numbers and musicai specialties.

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