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February 13, 1900 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-13

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Headquarters for
W i ngremember that we can supply you with a $1.00 HAS, Cr, MEi's FE NISseaSw
Fountain Pen, tie Laughlin or Waterman, which ad Gorplet lie O GMASIsUM
W ritingwe fuly gura'nee Wht moe can yo ask 7'Tr us. ossradlWAER. S
15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. DO YOU $iYIOIKIEin and rhan treets.
Envelopes to Match. U "'"+""==H.'''"". .C pirl, HO0, t. Srlso, $3,00. Trsasr r
4Pittssbmurt-Sto,,ies for . - - - 5 RIExre Pr. CE. Orrste. ice-Pros
FRrED. H Errs .RCahir.
Agents for Geo. B. lrd's and Crane's 6 ill Antlhony li gars for . - 25c v or Arr Arbor
Fine Stationery. 4 Brunsiwick io issis for - - . 25c FIRST NATIONAL BANKI Orgaried 1862
ICapit, 100.555 Srpus anrd Prs, r940,0(
Old Number: srst00r11,ctsttrrsFssg
00 Visiting Crds Engraved witb 450MINS.,D ArI2d i. s tdsi. trttat
Copper Plate, $1.25. RNBROR t E.IINR, r. HARRISON StSUE.
--Jeffrcg.Sharhey Btlograpis Pictures Calendarw. C LA ISON Ce-h oer
American Torchon Raw Silk and Cheviot he its-arssssscrs resorddattikeslicsLs Monday, Feb. 2-Otteital ente- 1I$flO PtH Aror Savnqsp ME
litetreChiscago ,r ith I m re th n tsro tttat Newberry Ihail undretthe Ca itlStacis t0ott ,( sts s c twot.
AX at Doarus.: 5) f e htts0 itogasitueisot IFels 14-Mss KatarineoE. Oliver (taioo tstc i trt' Iits},Lts
tsts s tts issrtil istirs 5 iIin e Little Minister,"Unittvesity r.exch ange sReteivs t ,i i is ia ts esltr
Jellsis.-Sit slcv ts -t E a sts Isall Saten. ratosse o priopesor ientiiatio
MOUNTING BOARDS sidellI sstistss i 4lssoi et oAieii aft tspostt to ento
. 5w5e55. t 55e , a tttgro m ais5 Thr5sdyFl. ;- ctn ofm -SaeyirrcisssChrirtMoats. lPrs.s W..HIlrri.
Poster Papers in all the Popular Color s st t efsreste (lss sI ress opense d, a nd ]clso i t Lo r lecsure rot mn iePra.; Ctsas. E. Hlisosh. Casher; M.
listwh srivdtoewret urne Satiurda, Feb. 17.-St eo lente's J Frtr. Aritat Cshir
Ks-eDrumnoat Harris all-Atetr- W.j.oa~,rEs o. STT
aa.noon and evening.W. sRD, tstrie-rey Sl 1 1
Thelict urelss pirod ttelsscstrs asd CTtesss Feb. 2 Soaa's and ittS S orts C RAr. 2 s A e -.r t oSt' ,'VfNr
h6 hdI Ii csrta es idislstLt Cure
c-Npe stti sott the fe tltrst o1the tiers ThursaFeb. 22.-Frshmoeno last BANK
he missclsesofthsi sgly vl pesdhiteibanquet so Elks, hal.
Pubisers BoksllrsSttioer, bdis ad he eaure o th srugleFriayFeb. 23-A Perian Gasden" ranact a general
Publshes Bsokslies, ititssierslosslse stol soe o ltresol loeasrsrrgs rda~Banking Busines
and Erngravers, aeshalonrtwiloth erk ale teestraset so Choral Union Sriese.__________________________
Les othe saight deails of the wrintkles Satrday,-.Fat. 24.-Intdoor rt isroeetMaeso
320 8 SiF-XLTLST., in armette txtreof te atire ofungyrttrssstrro, 8 p.i. ti '-- COLLEIATE CAPS,
te mienrt te rirgside, cigar smroe. G' OWNS and H-OOS,
- - - -Stud ents are eordialy invited to in- Retna sf
ANN AIBOIS - . i'5IIII5Iantd oter ici denals are fsitfully Ipre- pct osr c.mpiete liii 5 of suits, over- CASsdO W S
e.enset 5,ierthsleset beed frsmrcoats, nmen's furnishings and hats. 11 4 SPECILTY.
U. Of M!s Barber VAPOR ATSS blots iirso abrasions the atectaceis Wadhasss, Ryan - theule, S. Main St. CLASS CNES,
Shop and Bath rhe Cty. 5Rea t-siit relisic. ieit Jefries poses- - COLLEGE FLAS,
C'serrble rs. A comlete line f Adler Bros. fins s C LSS PPES,
sotiy,32 TAE-- .roanwsi il rm b sragh bo fomt uits at Wadhans,tRyan & ele, 200 CLASS STATIONERY,
otiss ll, nitrte ilhsisopenistisoer f0ihis feet 202 S. Main St. COLLEE PINS,
ii BIRBZR i'ies sand rouhetinistg sioire te fallen ,SA O~
ULJRRON EES SRTISPHGITION isMisntowits as .itessiaaion si iis fsce 5of 'iWhen dwn --ncllItte- e WC R &CO
ct ts to its ete iattkte it'stene Florat i t rt rSventiSt.
INIVF.RSITY SCHOOL OF Ciar toe. 16 attorson street,.for COmsGe. ILL.
isd iidd tdamtic. a h e neof pipe', tobtsac'tand esgars. - -
D A N ~C I.N G lt"A sl~5 iiee-V~DC S -~ iesto
r5r 5N- Hiarard Class Chooses Proessions. \ fyd ppfl
Gu tie n S 5 Sestnt hitr siti.1-isr itisi et iss csssi isess ie. t c1V c,,,pacne reso
PINK EIROS,, Instructorslorhudeaneihmmbrof -3EC&neesn
Offire and Aadrmy, Nirkei Hali334-336 S. Statr ew it~t tne os IsMan attanS hir- t is e'tt uits . lay-at T occo d leav pip
jutost t C tdtasnt .Itsant8 el. It ia isi.tes1 lts sicsoie osit (uoliori as. Toac o why Old En.
SM A OI'AY OFFER / s't iss tte iitsistsil sso it 'iis s ti- tt r ar dish Curve
0 CC iII \ st!7[0-!! n ,ote' 5'1toosientttit stu si tete12' Cut pipe to
in tr e 1jinIsissi chssas sal se f the etie e t e juiss Itaiht aco is so
$3.0 --steis of oos hiFtlt IapeSaionrlte lymtin n st~ au n
LAUGHLIN FOUNTAINiapulr. casts.t sC e 5 5
PENS more, sobSotthn MinoSt sutteionsThe curved
'tti tpid onsi o e ts Striat sat'a ilt tae codteed e ll siday (et-
dept M nd515 s)5 at4 0oclock1andit i 1 tin ox that its any pocket is another
$ 1, 0 fIcock p. tn.- Lt'eyiiittg ;lttst i n ieth its o uss is -lb ists's tshtoiliits-
It tt doer5110,111ss on. ss iss11i C Do o ntiss iia lThis Lstsi esoitiin. i is sisiser tar l t taher reason. No other pipe toacco has ever
ii I 0T S 11ttortt sttyonttII 1. G o t. (]lC [t'irg'coh au s s ossts is temade as many friends in so short a time.
If1sadHI. I. Hlsnstttt srTrntat, ssrss it hee ttsea ts hs o55
it suets sl yad JJ Hnnveaitt lttit S tUnissike te sstas is toisai sc s- It disapoints no one."
IIAny way yufigue i1 ROsITaposte c hifl f ga ls'sttts .ttt itir -
s i t of ahattano Stirts jusc assss'ss Olse 1,w rdisth woilhe isa itl t ria box will be sent to any one
to sisit r etttn ~ r.1orhnetosrte-sst FNET5 t as, Oyants& teuh. See ttiss~t astirey t ssunder-ls-sic, t is -anywere on receip ot en cens in
is UlrsTee DIAMODtorttS'tn Ts:o.rD theim. Suthis-tresisset. cledathsie Urty Cubi. Samps. Address Old English De
ony otnrtputtsetto 1 c address pareenni Tie American Tobacco
, -hA gsnotsfnttesrrdlttsntt-5g11 Co. mI Fifth Ave.. New York Cty.
edin uefl- m adflco -in pia rtre-o nrpinn ~pnigAll dealers sell it.
- osity. Sto a st etesasys or UI-I---II
genttrh t s'tlisatnras. A srest 5VIl SPALDINGS ofiial
LAUGHLIN MNFG LCO Wooens fob Ihe coming season hae Jtki o~
-' Any Barko rpresrCortpasy nt prodceild e r sspreadi oH 0515 SOttiittadprt bthesrledisg
Detroit,_________ tabes and nosw opn for yoit t 'ollgs5hsa- OAlha
make slections. We have mad .vRY 55RuSIaTrEFRs o..
- i~~t~hts~tFt~Sth~~tievery prparations ts stricly rtain rins 1Burl errul
biY'Ite prvious stsndarcl ofortilato- rotrlall Alrltllrt
Tr h..ing asidi10toprompjtly srv otr Spaldigs Oficial League Bl
N 0 RT H S ID E patrons We soicit your inspction Iite fiai1BI lrs nra
at an early dateLag and alt ladngscolge ass 150I-
LAUNDRY c~~iatos. Spadings ae Bal Gidefo1901c
L 03 rawy.17DelRhoeY Tai u I \lors. Steet ofA yAlei otcz .G. Spaldng &Bros
,K OS 510W ( rsKsr !o any address, 123 vssutlceMaui H sssEA.


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