January 21, 1925 (vol. 45, iss. 88) • Page Image 3
…WEDNESDAY, JANUARY n1, 1925 THF MICHIGAN DAILY ... ... I, FACULTY ACCEPTS NEWA BIOTUC. RULES °ancAlaay Bits F~or Freshm11an El'ect ions In Miliary Science 16 LH)URS'IS LIMIT R;ules for gu hung 1fre05 a~12 c le:- t ions o()l' I its r2y sCienc~te co ols wo're preI'sented Mivondajy afternoon at Ite i Monthly mheeting of thme faculty of 1,1h0 Jifry college by A-,J. WV. T. ('arpen1- ter of the R. 0. '1. C ., and wcCVe accept- The newOW 1ul1...…