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January 18, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1-18-1925

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HA CMPAiGN ENDS Authors Of Jun
Two hundred and thirteen pledges
were signed for life membership in
the Women's League during the life
membership campaign on the Campus
last week. This makes a total of $10,-
650 pledged and of that amount, $924.-
was paid in cash.
An attempt was made by the com-}
;-'nittee to reach every University wo-
.man who had not signed for life mem-;
hiership. Several women who are sup-r
porting themselves and putting them-'
selves through school signed their
pledge and one student from India j
took out a life membership because
she believes that it will help to make Ruth Carson, chairman, Helen R
foreign students feel more at home. of "Castles in Spain," the title of th
Constance Clark, '26, general chair- will be presented by women of the j
man of the committee expressed her a r the Whitney theater.
appreciation for the cooperation of heri
committee members and of the women Social Events
'n the Campus.
Of The Week-End
aDear Nancy, -
Comnm ents On With examinations so near, you
Bwould have to puzzle a long time be-
Buiding .Drive fore finding a place to dance or to
-- meet your friends but such has not
"Alumnae support for the Univer- been the case in Ann Arbor this week-
s ty of Michigan League building fund end! Instead I believe that everyone
is staunch and from the time that the is having the last fling of social ac-


Dior Girls' Play R T RFive Groups Of
Awards Given At
Fancy Dress Ball:
Work on the revision of the point Five sets of prizes were awarded at
~'Vt~li y (:~mtt c f 1 mmbesthe Women's League fancy dress
syste by a committee of 13 members,I party at Barbour gymnasium last
vith Jeane Briggs, '25, general chair- night. As the best small group, com-.
man, has continued steadily since posed of less than nine contestants,
r:Dec. 1 with the result that the revised j Adam's house received first prize for
!chart is expected to be ready for print their "Cain" and "Abel."
__ I Of the larger groups, Sigma Kappa's
the last of January and will go intosof heoks.waschosesmstaor-
effect the second semester.
:: efec thesecnd smeser.iginal' with honorable mention to the
Consideration of all suggestions con- it on oa Cme a, the
cerning the evaluations of the number kitchen and by Altha Chi Omega, the
of points to be credited to each activ- yt
ity and the addition of new organiza- Gamma Delta's jazz band,. and Delta
tions have necessitated the commit- Delta Delta's league bricks.
tee's spending two afternoons each ma Delta's jazz band, and Delta Delta
amway and Lucy Wilson, joint authors ksDelta's league bricks.
e 21st annual Junior Girls' play which have interviewed the presidents of the The Pied Piper of Hamlin, by Pi
unior class March 17 to 21 inclusive rga aincnule h aut Beta Phi, was chosen as the prettiest,
orgaizaion, cnsutedthe acuty ithKapa KppaGamma's pierrots
men:kbers or director associated with wItKap aaGma'pirts
as ecod, nd hiOmega's cross word
the organization, when possible theya s
{ ave discussed with the woman whopuzl as. nmed a motas fing:
held the position last year the timeicts
spent on the activity, the responsibil-
N O TICES I lity of the position, and the character G
of the work. The committee has con-
sulted the reports in the office of the For Play Posters
---____- dean of women. They have located the__
Junior women interested in ma new organizations which should be Junior women who are interested
ing posters for the Junior Girls' play added by tabulating the records in the Junior Girls'
will meet at 4 o'clock tomorrow in registrars office, the accounts in the
Barbour gymnasium. Daily, and those noted in the Michi- play will meet at 4 o'cloc.k tomorrow
_ganensian. This in addition to the re- in Barbour gymnasium. A prize of $10
The next regular meeting of the gular task of keeping the files up to will be given for the winning design
University Girls' glee club will be date has made their work heavy. which will be used on the play pro-
held at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday in Room The reports from activities were grams and nusical scores as well as
305, School of Music. 1 completed in committee meeting Jan. the printed posters.
7. On Jan. 13 the point system commit- Not more than threee coiors should
Hockey awards will be given out tee asked the presidents of the Wo- be used, since many colors compli-
from3 to 6 o'clock tomorrow, in Bar- men's League, the Athletic Associa- cate the printing. Ruth Rankin, '26,
bour gymnasium. Anyone entitled to tion, and the Y. W. C. A. to consider will conduct the -meeting and explain
an award but unable to report at that the revisions that their comparative th-e requirements of the contest. All
time should call Louise Roberts, 398. evaluations would be accurate. On designs must be in the hands of the
Jan. 20 th-e suggested revisions will be committee by Jan. 29.
Rehearsals for the Junior Girls' presented at the joint meeting of the
play will be held as follows: Tomor- point system committee and the Judi
row, group 3 of the cast at 4 o'clock ciary Council; th t the Judiciary
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall, group Council may offer its advice arising
6 of the cast at 4:30, group 5 of the from experience with women who have
cast at 5 o'clock, choruses 1 and BEI had more than their 12 points. Final-
at 4 o'clock, in the parlor of Barbour y the report will go to the Board of
gymnasium; Tuesday, group 2 of the Directors of the Women's League for I
cast at 4 o'clock, groups 1 and 7 of their action.mI
the cast at 4:30 o'clock. The committee working on the re- Whe W eynzann
vision includes: Jehne Briggs, '2a
Athena Literary society will hold general chairman, Dorothy Pudrith,'26 Patented P
election of officers at a regular meet- Doris Bessenger, '25, Olive Hymans,'25
ing at 7:15 ofelock in the club rooms Irene Field, '27, Thyra Sheffield, '25, One secret of the unnmatch-
of AngeNl hall. Kdna Kadow, '25, Elanor Musselman, able performance of Wey-
26, Helen Marvel, '27, Ingrid Alving, mann, stringed -instruments
Members of Portia Literary society '26, Vera Wallington, '26 Katherine is the Patented Peg which
will meet at 12 o'clock Friday instead j Booth, '26, Eleanore Horny, '26, and mgeS possle a to gea
de i Kathryn Johnson, 26. tio.

All teams entered in the inter-house
basketball tournament have drawn

Don't delay-Pay your Subscription


",nd were chosen as most effective. *,fo opponents, according to Miss Elsie
P~urther honorable mention was given Erley of the physical education de-
to Delta Gamma's woofie dolls, Betsy partment. For the benefit of those
Barbour's orphanage, and Alpha Phi's teams who are not sure who their
sunday school picnic. opponents are the list has been post-
All of the honorary societies and eld on the bulletin board in Barbour
classes gave stunts after the fancy gynmnasium.
dress awards were given, and. the sen- I The kst practices for the tourna-
for class won first prize, on a take ;riat will be held Monday and Wed-
off of the Health service physical ex-
amination for freshmen. nesday of this week and the first Mon-
day of the new semester, February 9.
Games will begin Wednesday, Feb. 11.
Women Pt actice !The schedule of games and the dates
F or Baketbal which they are to be played will
For Basketball""
be posted Monday.

HERE'S every pastel col-
or in these stunning gowns
for J-Hop wear. Many make
charming use of ostrich and
fur trimming. $25 to $85.

building was first conceived in Jan- tivity before those finals arrive.
uary 1921, all alumnae organizations This was the week-end of the Fancy
have been specializing on campaigns dress ball given for all the women on
for raising money," stated Miss Jean the Campus by the Women's Leaue. It
Hamilton, dean of women in her com- was held Friday evening in the gym--1
ments on the building campaign. nasiumi and such a grand occasion!
"Alumnae organizations have been Walking and talking cross-word puz-
working particularly from the stand- zles, fairies, Milk-maids, girls repre-
point of having a place to come back senting the popular songs of today, the
to and considering what they would Follies chorus and an entire Peter
get out of it." Pan company added to the vivid at-
One half million pledges came in tractiveness of the ball! You know
last year. The need of the graduate Nancy, I like this party because it is
women is also realized and the cam- the only one we girls have by oursel-
paign committee are being urged to ves all year.
have Michigan meetings in the various One of the sweetest parties of the
cities that the alumnae may hear the week-end was given at Martha Cook by
latest, most stimulating news about the residents of that building. You
Michigan, get their enthusiasum know how attractive a party can be
awake, and leave talk of raising money in those stately old rooms with their
alone for a while. high ceilings and beautiful decora-
At present the big cities are run- tions? Dull rose colored lights, baskets
ning alumnae meetings which are get- of roses and tall palms were used in
to-gether functions. It is expected that giving the blue and red rooms as well
a renewed enthusiasum will be evi- as that long corridor the party atmos-
denced iii the spring for making a phere. I met Miss Clark, the social
new attack. director of Martha Cook, at the party.s
On January 12, Miss Hamilton She looked lovely in a white brocaded
spoke at the Michigan club of Chic- chiffon gown, the only trimming be-
ago. She was accompanied by Mrs. Ed- ing a long scarf of delicate blue and
.ward Dwight Pomeroy, first presi- pink shades of chiffon.
dent of the. Alumnae Council. Pi Beta Phi also entertained at a
On January 13, Mrs. Amy Hobart, formal party Friday evening. They
assistant dean of women, spoke at an used white roses and tall ferns for
Alumnae meeting for good fellowships decorations. Their programs were
} nJackson. white leather with the gold letters'
A meeting of the regular campaign imprinted on them.
committee was held Friday in Detroit, McClinton house was also on the
and the Detroit team organization is list of Friday evening hostesses this
keeping up work all winter. week-end. Japanese lantern, palms
jand narcissi made up the background
for their party and Japanese parasolsI
Addion Proctor were given as favors during the even-
Addresses D. A. R. ing.
Aside from all of these parties, Fri-
Aday night was a popular night for
Ata recent meeting of the Sarah! lihrds oe hnegtseg
t.Caswell Angell chapter of tthe Daug 1 ligh-rdes! More sthanu eight sleig
s, selAgelcatrofteDuh ride parties were scheduled for. that
ters of the American Revolution held one evening.
at the home of Mrs. C.B. Coe, 809 E. But Nancy dear, I must not dwell
Kingsley street, a resolution was read on my good times too long. Those-
concerning the library of Americana final exams are drawing near al-
presented to the University of Michi- together too quick for parties to inter-
gan by William L., Clements which I fere! After the strain of exams you
voiced the appreciation of his gift. may expect to hear more often from
A resolution 'congratulating the your,


f (


or Mvonday at iey s studio to nave 1
the Michiganensian picture taken. B1L
Berlin, JTan. 17.-Dr. Hasns Luther,
The honor point system committee the new German chancellor, this
will hold a special meeting at 4 o'- afternoon still lacking four members
clock tomorrow in Barbour yof his cabinet an hour before he was
Sgynas-due to appear before the Reichstag,
lum. This will be a joint meeting iand the session which was to have
with the Judiciarycouncil. The reg- marked the formal inauguration of
ular meeting of the committee will his non-partisan bourgeoise ministry
be held at 3 o'clock Tuesday, in Bar- was postponed until Monday.
bour gymnasium.
Bucharest, Jan. 17. - The govern-
Miss Jean Hamilton, dean of wo- ment has prohibited the exportation
men, will entertain at 12:30 o'clock of wheat from Jan. 15. Requisition-,
luncheon Thursday at her home for ing of supplies from the farmers will
the heads of all the dormitories. be resorted to.
Don't forget that we are now holding our customary January
Clearance Sale. You will find numerous attractive and clever
articles at substantially reduced prices.
Darling andMlleaux
224 South State St.

Through an ingenious ar-
rangement of centered gears,
four turns of the tuning but-
ton revolves the string stern
but once.
As a result perfect pitch
becomes an absolute cer-
tainty and slipping or stick-
ing an impossibility--your
instrument is always in tune.
Simple to install; can be
countersunk or set on sur-
face. Obtainable in two
finishes; nickel plated with
celluloid buttons; gold plat-
ed with pearl buttons.
Se & Son
Music Hou e
110 South Main Street

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once you drink one you
will come here for your
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Ann Arbor Times News on its edi-
torial policy which "refuses to print
in its columns divorce (details unless
they affect public welfare" was also
' Social events for the near future
were announced to be in the form of
a bridge luncheon Feb. 7 at the Delta
Gamma house, and a costume partyI
Feb. 19.
Mr. Addison D. Proctor, who was a
delegate to the convention that nom-
inated Abraham Lincoln and present
at Lincoln's inauguration, spoke of
"Reminiscences of Lincoln."
A dozen women members of the
Methodist Ladies' Aid Society of Cun-
ningham, Kan., recently went into the
cornfields to husk corn to earn money
to keep their church from being auc-
toned off to the highest bidder.


Ash to 'see the
Four to One Peg.
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Original Designs
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New Term, Jan. 26
Special Classes for Feb. 9
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While they Last, you
can buy $12.50 Arm-
strong table stoves
(electric) for $8.95

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I The Detroit Edison



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