Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
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the workmen more efficient and is
helping American products to compete
in foreitgn markets. For this fair OA T D R L
presentation of the situation to the
English people Mr. Fisher should be YOU DO"T
thanked. I OFTEN
Of more absorbing interest in the .GETIT
present discussion is the move to af-
feet a more complete agreement be- We all sat down to a game of bridge
tween the people of Great Britain, after dinner. The guy on my right
Canada, and the United States fos- dealt and bid seven hearts. I gulped1
tered by the English-Speaking Union. and passed. The others passed and I'
Mr. Fisher found that a great change led king from a king-queen. The
has come over the American people
inhe oinions the Enisn Peo- declarant took it and led the jack!
in their opinions of the English peo- ers Sen w maioe n
I pi an ads tat e i "cnvice+ of hearts. Seeing two small ones in;
ple and adids that he is convinced .
that the visit of the Prince of Wales the dummy, I covered it with my'
has had a great effect in producing queen; and after my partner had
it." thro vn on it, I reached out for the
Whether the visit of His Royal trick.'
Highness, or the war, or some other "Hey!" says the (declarant, "that's
agency has brought about this new at-"my k"s
titude it would be difficult to deter-I my trick!"
"It aint either," I says, and you're
mine. Whatever it is ,the cause of down one now."
the Union is a worthy one and should down one
becoriall recivedby ll Aer "Down one!"lhe shouts. "You're
be cordially received by all Amer- crazy! I only bid seven-and thatI
icans. It is certain that the great sh
majority of -the people of the United wg**
States feel kindly toward the British
i It turned out after the riot that this
while many have an actual aversion guy thought he was playin.g five hun-
to any possible misunderstanding be- dred. .
tween these peoples in the future. If * * *
the English-Speaking Union can in- TheKalsomined Gardenia
sure friendly feelings between the two Characters
nations now and forever, may its Urelia, a co-ed at the Detroit Housej
cause prosper and its membership of Correction.
grow. ( Bosco Bycepps, captain of the Mich-
igan Crew.
THIS AFTERNOON: The University
Symphony Orchestra with Lorraine
Parke and :iaud Okkelberg, soloists,
at 4:1i o'clock in Hill auditorium.
At the Masques' tryouts Thursday,
Friday and Saturday in Newberry hall
over one hundred and fifty women ap- I
plied for membership, enough being
selected from this number to fill the
regular active and associate member-
ship of the club. Active members are
chosen from the upperclass women,
while freshmen are admitted as as-
sociate members. R
Nellie Rittenhouse, president of 1
Masques, expressed regret that manyI
talented tryouts had to be eliminated d
because of the limited number that
could be admitted. The following e
students were elected: r
Active Members-Leona Sherman,
'27, Florence Probst. '26, Winifred
Benedict '26, Phyllis Haehnle '27,
Laura Craft, '27, Lillian Bronson, '27,
Dorothy Pudrith. '26, Katherine Pierce,
'26, Geraldine Knight, '26, 'Frances -
O'Brien, '27, Helen Adler, '26, Louise
Rittenhouse, '27, and Margaret Eirich,
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Advertising.. ........E. L. Dunne
Advertising.... .. - J. J. Finn
Advertising..............H A. Marks
Advertising...H. M Rockwell
Accounts........... ....Byron Parker
Circulation........... ,......R. C. Winter
Publication.... .....-.....John Conlin
P. W. Arnold W.L. Mullins
W. F. Aduss K. F. Mast
" Gordon Buris H. L. Nemann
F.r entz r Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz 1. D. Ryan
David Fox N. Rosenzweig
Norman Frehlng Ma e dbug
W. E. Hamaker F.K.Shefl
F. Johnson S. H. Sicair
L .Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Nig t Editor-NORMAN R THAL
An objective towrad which the Uni-
versity has been working for upwards
of ten years, a completed Unio build-
ing-is about to be realized. The stu-
(lent body responding to the challenge
of the alumni, has made this possible
by oversubscribing its quota in the
last of the swimming pool drives.
No more will the swimming team be
forced to navigate in the waters of
the "Y", no more will the student have
excuse for any relation to the great
unwashed, no more will guests of the
Union be shown that dreary hole in
a concrete floor when inquiring con-
cerning the far-famed "pool." The
University and the Union will be able
soon to display justifiable pride in the
swimming facilities of the building.'
Just incidently we might remark
that in the future a more auspicious
time might be picked by campus com-
mitteemen for waging such a ca -
paign. The fact that the drive was
a success is all the more remarkable
considering the fact that the student
finances were depleted considerably
by the recent holidays, and nearly
everyone was or should have been
busy winding up his school work for
the semester. In view of this the
fraternities and individuals who gave
so amply of their time and resources
are to be highly commended.(
Since his return to England, Hon.
IT. A. L. Fisher, former Minister of
Education, who included Ann Arbo
as one of the stops on his recent visit
to the United States, has been creditt-
ed with making a great many more
or less extravagant statements about
American education and various other;
American institutions. In most of
these he has exhibited the usual at-
titude taken by the Englishman. or
vny other foreigner, after a hurried
swing about the nation with momen-
tary hesitations at a dozen or so of
the large cities and a proportionate
number of the educational centers I
and universities.
Mr. Fisher's latest observations asl
given in The New York Times for
Wednesday,' however, show an exceed-
ingly sane view of two distinct sit-!
cations which he observed in the
United States, one of which in par-v
ticular is worthy of consideration. Thei
two phases of American life and at-o
titudes upon which the learned Eng-h
lishman touched in a recent address
are prohibition and the English- I
Speaking Union.t
.In regard to prohibition, Mr. Fisher
exhibits the typical English reluc-
tance toward accepting it and is of
STUDENTS AND FACULTY 1 Selwisky, a boot-legger. '27.
The yearly agitation to improve the The curtain rises to disclose. a Associate Members-Ithmer Coff-
relations of faculty and students is scene at the corner of North and man, '28, Margaret Hawkins, '28,
now under way. The Union, the Sin- South University Avenues. In the Phyllis Loughton, '28, Mary White,
inimediate foreground is a horse- '28,, Helen Vos, '28, Vera Johnston,
dent Christian association, and other trough, while r. f is a pyramid of '28, Edwina Hagadone, '28, Lois Porter,
a-gencies are working toward another plug tobacco. Tihe new Zoology '27, Marjorie Chavenelle ,28, Kathryn
program of fraternity discussion museum is seen in the distance. It Shrauder, '27, Dorothy Long, '28,
groups, designed to cement a bond of is night. The stage is in total dark- Genevieve Buell, '28, Matilda Sommer-
fellowship between the student and ness, unbroken except for the rays field, '28, Helen Hawkins, '28, Marion
his instructor. The plan, while ad- from seven Kleig lights. After the Van Tuyl, '28, Kathleen Chisholm,
mirable in its intentions, cannot hard- rising of the curtain there is a pause, '27, Rena Pavitt, '28, and Helen Whip-
ly be deemed original except as it may during which no sound is heard but ple, '26.
become more comprehensive than in that made by the drifting fog.**
previous years. It is hardly likely to (Enter a milk-man) "THE PLAYBOY OF THE WESTERN
succeed any more than past schemes Mother:-Louise, I want you to eat WORLD"
have. your soup. The cast for Synge's "The Playboy
The reasons for this are clear. It Helen:-But I don't like grape-fruit, of the Western World," to be present-
does not get even near the bottom of Father:-It makes no difference ed Wednesday evening, January 21, in
the fundamental difficulty, the failure how much you love him. Forget this University hall as the final number of
of the student and instructor to es- man at once or leave my house. You Professor Hollister's. Play Production
tablish relationships with each other. can never marry him and remain my course, will include the following stu-
Only a part of the student body, the daughter- dents:
fraternities, are included under the Hortense: (sobbing)-But Jack Michael James Flaherty, a pub-
plan. Most of those organizations who dear, why did you do this horrible lican ................ Robert Jones
cooperate have had a faculty night as thing? Oh, you'll break my heart! Margaret Flaherty, his daughter..
a tradition for many years and need (The sound of wheels is heard in... . . . . .. . . ... .. ..Phyllis Turnbull
little encouragement . In mapping out the distance. The sound draws near- Widow Quin ..........Mildred Boyce
a definite program of fraternity-fac- er, and then (lies away into the dis- Shawn Keough, her cousin......
uIty discussion the agency responsible tance again.) .................... Claude Sifritt
I is taking .away whatever informality Topolsky:-Hark! I hear a vodka Christopher Mahon.Robert Henderson
there may haye been in the visit of singing. Oh, Russia, Russia, sad are Old Mahon, his father.Edward Gibson
faculty men to the various houises. thy sons today! Philly Cullen .......Alfred Browning
facultmeny tBte vaous ot B an .-Myfriend, you are in high Jimmy Farrell.....Valentine Davies
Comparatively little value obtains l hz:Myfih
from a lecture by the faculty man spirits. Come let us dance a bidalgo. Sara Tansey ............ Sybil Clark
which usually results when a definite (Enrico draws a dagger, and rushes Susan Brady.......Kathryn Clark
subject is designated for discussion. upon his former friend. Skarjen sees Nelly...... . .........Virginia Cronin
! The- real trouble is found in rela- him coming, but is powerless to move. Honor Blake ........Geneva Wheller
tive indifference of the students and jAs Jean is about to pull the trigger *
faculty toward each other and their a vision of his home appears to his A SHAVIAN SAINT
work. No doubt the larger part of clouded vision. He drops the'axe, and
falls to his knees, cursing feebly.) Bernard Shaw in "Saint Jloan,
i the blame may be laid to the account openstg thiknevningsnn Detry.), ha'
of the students, expressing as it does Marcelle:-And so the fairies only opening this evening in retroit, had
r come on moon-lit nights. for his critical scrutiny a variety of
the minor place they assign to schoolI heroines. There was the Joan the
work. But there is too a faculty re- Little Joe:-I can hardly believe it.
Mother says that the stork brings Bordicae of the patriots; Joan the
sponsibility which few of its members I.vaulting amazon of "Henry VI," who
seem to realize. If the instructor or fo t had wth m h a
professor is to constitute any con- (A shot is heard. Anna staggers in, uti sh w out a toth
siderable influence in the lives of his erapron about her knees. She flings unti she was brought almost to the
students, as he should, he must play herself upon the davenport, and soatth defender executioners;
the part of the friend break down the cautiously draws all the shades in the y Joan the defender and defended by
bond of formality which seems to act iroom. The butler stoops to blow upon glimpse of Gothic virtue through the
as a barrier to understanding. There the fire, which goes out. Silence. A
are members of the faculty who have bed-bug peers out from behind the mists of time: Joan for the modern
Sunday afternoons set aside, at which bookcase, then climbs the wall. As it psychoog sts who see in her voices
reaches the ceiling there is a scream, an interesting case of hysterical
time -they invite students to their and Samantha springs from the bed, automatism and rare matter for the.
homes. Suich a procedure may entail ;specialists In nervous diseases: Joan
considerable trouble on the part of only to fall in a heap upon the floor.) thecgunnery enlnert diserfect mode
shehos, bt i hs ben ortwhie.Gerakd:-MEy God! I've killed you, the gunnery expert and perfect model I
the host, but it has been worthwhile. Gih -yGd 'ekle for artillery students; andI the Joan
The men who have done this have and I loved you so! (He leans uponrs
Temenab wo ave dne ths n the bar, and as Jake mixes his horse's of Anatole France, an honest. ignor-
.l.tneck, the curtain falls. ant, valiant fanatic whose tactics were
selecting the right path of activity,
the right sort of life. -The Deacon's Cousin. isiple.
the rgtuoty-fei * * * Instead, from this mass of historical
The faculty-fraternity discussion T
program now under way may- be of The last column we composed matter, Shaw wrought still a different
great help in introducing faculty men spread all over the lot. It rambled, it Maid, a .Joan of moral reform, a Pro-
to fraternity men, thus establishing rambled, it rambled all around. And tostant sant of the Catholic church,
worthwhile mnts stishing that in spite of the fact that we mark- the despair of her cross-examiners,
of the plan that should be emphasized, a place on the manuscript where it an idealistic creature of mental, ma-
could be cut if necessary. The truth themntical impulse. Instead, he cre-
however, not the discussion of certain isaeasurirothmlavlan
subjects. Intelligent conversation is that the makeup man would rather ated a superior of them all, a valiant
with mutual inspiration will come as use up our copy than eat. When he figure surrounded by valiant, stum-
natura result of the relationships can't use it right away, ie saves it bling puppets-a king who sucks
tus resl till it is inappropriate-or even em- candy sticks, a Bishop who sends a
thus formed!
harassing, as the other (ay-and >irl unflinchingly to her death that
THEN sticks it in. his church may be saved, and a Bas-
CAMPUS OPINION Out of revenge on him, we propose tard who kills his sweetheart.
onmvv:u cmmunication:s will be to make this column a little short- In "Sanit Joan" Shaw has reached
,Q)t gard-d. The names of communi i if we can figure it. linut we don't fig- very near the pinnacle of his art, and
; ants will, howeer, be regardedl as"h
confidential upon request. uie very well, has created a play that is theatric.
* * emotionally convincing, satiric, and
SI LENT IJEROES The collegers have a new phrase-a rapid: the excellent production in De-
To the Editor: new universal cliche-and it's better troit this week is the height of its
Could I, an old World war veteran, than most, because it means less. season.
give just a word of praise to Dr. Cabot This is the way it works:
and his wonderful staff of experts, FIRST COI.LEGER: Tsa nice day THE YPSILANT PLAYERS
both surgical and medical, and the don't you think? The January program of the Ypsi-
wonderful care of the nursing staff. SECOND COLLEGER: That's the lanti Players will he offered for six
in the efficient way they take care way it looks from the street. performances beinning-tomorrow
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May bring roughened
hands and face.
No need to be so an-
noyed, even for a day.
The soothing, antiseptic
and astringent effect of
will bring sure relief or
Drug and Prescription
of so many hundreds of poor sufferers
like myself.
I'm sure there must be thousands
who thank the day they came in con-
tact with the University hospital.
I should also like to mention the
fact of having met Dr. Frederick Col-
ler, who served with the French am-
That's all and pretty industrious
Mr. Jason Cowles.
evening at their playhouse, and will
include "A Matter of Husbands" by
Ferenc Molnar with Elizabeth Strauss
in the part of the Earnest Young
Woman, "All Soul's Eve," an original
tragedy by Richard Ford, '26L, and
"The Man With the Bowler Hat" by
A. A. Milne. Anthony Whitmire of the
1 ,
went out again for suffering hu-
All praise is due to these silent
Cor. State and N. Univ.
- ccr