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January 18, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1-18-1925

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JANUARY 18, 192,'-)



^ *


. I


E ivble Reord ILJI VfhI IIItH'iC
l~ t>1 [ l vei r, i ii ity play-
r ' 'vi jto jthe YankAsvDBToD

Hleanwell's Teani To Opose llicigii
Aggregatioi At Yost
Field House.
Michigan's court five will play its
fourth Big Ten contest in 10 (ays to-
morrow night in the field house when
Wisconsin will furnish the opposition
to Mathrs men.
Michigan and the Badgers are ex-
pected tp furnish one of the closest
games seen in the field house this sea-
son. The Wisconsin team has not an
impressive record having been defeat-
edl by both Minnesota and the Buck-
eyes in their only two Conference
starts but they have displayed an
abundance of power in both of the
games and their forwards arc just
getting their basket eyes well traine.
Michigan will e severely handicap-
led by its hlard schedule of the past
week in which Northwestern, Purdue
andl Ohio have been met.
Michigan's squad will probably e
composed of the same members who
furnished the opposition for Ohio last
night with Rutzel and Gregory both
being given consideration for the
center position. The squad coached by
Meanwell will probably start with
Varney and Wackman at the forwards
andl either Martwell or Brooks at
center with Barwig and Diebold at
the guards. Wackman and Martell are
both brilliant payers while Varney
has been showing considerable im-
provement in the last few games.
The game will start at 730 o'clock.
(Continued From Page One.)
George Haggerty again started the
bal rolling for the Wolverines in the
second iilf when he potted two free
throws. Hunt made the first field goal
of the period for the Buckeyes, and
then Haggerty came back with another
two points from the field.
Ohio then started an attack that took
Michigan's best to equal. Hunt's two
field goals and two free throws
brought the Buckeye total to 23, and
kept things interesting until field goals
b~y Gregory, Cherry and Haggerty, and
a pair of free throws by Hutzel,
brought Michigan a 10 point lead.
During the rest of the period Michi-
gan kept a 10 point lead. Cunning-
hamn, who had been ket out of the
scoring during the early part of the
period, got a trio of pretty goals and
Miner made another, but in the mnean-
time Gregory, Hagerty, and Reason
each got a counter and finisheI the
scoring with M\ichigan leading 39-29.
Tomorrow night will find the Michi-
gan squad playing its fourth Big rle
game against Wisconsin. The Badger
game will be the last game of the first
semester for the Mihigan team.
lichignan Ohio
Ilaggerty (apt. RF Miner
C'hambers IIG Shaw
Hutzel C Cunningham
Doyle RC Seiffert
Cherry 1,G Cameron
Summary: Field goals, Michigan
llaggerty 6, Gregory 3, Hutzel 2,"
Cherry 2, Chambers and Reason. Ohio
Cunningham 4, Miner 3, Hunt 2, Shaw.
Free throws: Michigan;1Haggerty 5
out of 6, Hluitzell out of 5, Doyle one
out of one, Cherry none out of 3. Ohi;
Shaw 5 out of 10, Miner, Cunningham
and Shaw 2 out of 2, Hunt none ot
of 3.
Personal fouls: Doyle 4, Cameron 4,
Cunningham 3, Chambers, Haggerty
and Cherry 2, Hunt and Miner.
Substitutions: Michigan; Gregory
for Doyle, Reason for Greory. Ohio;.
Hunt for Seiffert, Hosser for Shaw.
Referee, Schomer, Chicago. limpreu Ilni Wsyn

Covey Hard Luck
Star Of Leagues
The (departure of Stanley C'oveles
Mie from the ranks of tihe Cleveland
team recalls the fact that Covey
came to be known as the "hard luck"
pitcher of the Indlianu (ladl, despite
the fact that over a periodl of several
years he hung un a winning percent-
The Indians, game after game, seem-
ed to be uable to give Covey a wvork-
ing margin. HeI seemed fated to draw1
the pitching assignments on "off" days
when the team failedl to have its bat-!I
ting eye. H~e wouldl pitch sterling
ball, holding the opposition to a low!
score, only to find himself with an
ineffective offense. As a result many

D~efeat At Ilauds of ('anaudian Sfxtl
Although defeat ed by' the speedy

i. ihtfielder of the Chicago Na-I _R
f ,:l Les guie baseball club and for- ; ttdSltIjuIrIvO of Posts 'r ~
nier 1University of Illinois baseballs Ilhs Ujp Bacijurefl Ilehl-
> t zr, ha,; been secure(d to coach the CI's
a :i i;sel~all team. Vogel will take up---
Oii : c, t at Iowa next week and will 16 PLAYERS ON ROSTER
2a0a call for brttery candidates
'. 2 \l~olii hie will biegin xwork im- iici i*n's Varsity tennis squad ,vill



Captain iloc
Deibold is captain of the strong Wis-
consin basketball team which 01p1o0-
es Coach Mathei 's Wolverine five to-
worrow night at the field house. The
Badger leader plays right guard, and
is a capable man at his position.
Washington, Jan. 17.--The nomina-
tion of John J. Kiely, now acting post- j
master at Newv York, to be postmaster
of that city, was sent to the senate)
Friday by President Coolidge.

night, the Varsity hockey t(cait1 sti- "c g, 1 has an enviab~le record in the i sarpractice on the winter coii t:
ed evidlences of great ability in ho~ld-i 'zf elsce having been a three letter in Waterman gymasiuir n e': :;~
ping the Canadianus to a 2-1 r cio, . while at Illinois. iule with the week. Practice Nv as sched led t) oglaad.lttrsinfot-II
Due to the superior facilities for lrVglmdeltesi ot immediately after vacatio tt h
practice andlgansteinesAli(' i, baisketball, and blaseball, leadingon b t th
games, then hwttesewith anareiagenewly ordered nosts for the nmet did
in far better shape than the Wvolver-of .4iii 1922. while he ranked near J not arrive. Thesec are expectedl tonior-
ine, ad teirila ~ u niot i the "to,) in 1921 and 1923. His fielding row, and by the end of' the week tae
However, the work of every mnan onVa; ona rwihayo thiilbebetortceevy
the Michigan squad, lpcrticularliy the i - I') n arwih 3n'o 2.etmwil eabe o r'teevr
1 . '~ ,,1 O l T('111, r (o in fe re nfc e g c d e ie rs, a n d l ie a fte rn o o n b e fo re 2 :30t o 'clo c k., v e r
new players, \was excedil irc ,. l=ah ,uasu l VI. udorpa(ie tddls
a g in g ., Iasset toutheotea m .aForcthe fi1I th e a
The wing combination, lDenton aim 'upd sse t th hasmbeFnrwthhers al, tand u~dwas cut to 16 tim
«st vo sari Vo I as eenwit (hrsandit is these mien w ho WillI
Mc~inis cosised 1 to iewc fiiis Chicago cubms, Where lie was con- practice in the gymn. As the pl ms aro
torth tehquadoand thei ewvkwa d ~ee+oe of the promising young- now, the mien worksing in the gymn
ntorthypathcroghowe a. net 1 heclub. Iwill compose tile Varsity !;quad. With!
Denon.in iaricuar liwe~ a rea Nol wllsucceed Sam Larry who thle starting of outdoor prac tice, the
speed and ability until hie tired him.- , l iesdvddhstm ewe
self out by his prodigious etor t'S. thsohsdvde i ielewe s a ilaanb ct hs1it i
Shorty Lindstrom went into the gami ;e';le haI and basebal~l and who has eight nien.
wheml Dentn cam out.He tok>Hey heeiiudered as a rule by time over- If the Players that are now blelig-
whet entn are ot.I~ tok ih- 1t ;iiwv of the two seasons. With the ible are successful inl their maidi-year
nolds' place at center, Reynolds going'
over to the wing lpositions.i. cG innis jatm doeVgl Ia'y~vl I- exams, IMichiga 'il h V e cel n
, e Jtrreti o th e cur sqad materai for a championship team.;
worked wvell with his m!ates, woiking -rt i(I Geor'ge O'Connel who ranks 11th in
the p~uck through the Assumption (de-j
fense with fair success on several r.gaecas a regular, also snlowed to ad-lMid-Western tennis is counted on as
occasions. zmant ae. Welt zel at goal imade nuns- a nre point getter for the Maize and
Reynoldls showed his old-time sipeeui i 1Citusdif;incnlt stops, breaking up 19' Blue, if lie can overcome his sehol-
and aggressiveness in the game but out of 2 1 shots. a rship difficulties. Paul Jerome, under
the lack of smooth teanmwork oi the f >C iiiiltcleflleital trouble with tie faculty ban last season but a. regular
part of the Michigan team amiad thre iX ,overine pllay Wi as laeth of teamwork. the saobefore will he countedloon
strong (defenise of the wines a too ,''r lpassiflg was eithmerin accurate, or in the singles again this season. C'ap-
much for the Varsity to overcomse, tae nman on the other side of the pas- t nCae rimr n o r h
Captin eteran layed his charac- s=-r was out of p~osition to receive the three veterans who have no scholastic
teristic game at defense. HIis work in t mpuek.truls
checking the Assum~ption attm ek, and
his rushes dlown the sidelines wvere - --
well executed. Lcvi, starting, ~f i",A e1t the W ant AdsA

Iai ::"sx>2 a uis' I ' : "-d. IFor 'i~ ~ J tUlcal~s
t ~i3} (U~ueti' a ot a goo'i dbat-
rt ey.Ol neIris career has SRN E SS-OVFR
TlI t, x sr in 1:2, "hir ii e s(c; rii the FI 'rospect s for a well balanced. yearl-
ha:' 1 hor a 252 average . teamr this season are doubtful un-
:f I he 1tiar hi; a verag e less more freshmen turn out for the
a he '12 a-a tw a oilai's and a weight andI distance events.'
T t, N one of the distance men now out
$1:il~s a:; layed thre ut field and have had much experience and hence
all in iid.. .nos-lions in his ear'eer. His are a. doubtful quantity. Several: of
<ite in hris ;abil ity to step) into J the memi who showed up well as' cross
''V 11 )'5 h and idlay a. delpenilalle country men are not exhibiting as
genie a ii iltl adding strength to good form on the track, as is. often
the team through his keen baseball the case, while lack of material .is the
brn. p lrinciple reason for a weakness in the
----- _- weights, only three men having sign-
Getedt up in this branch to date.
Few times have been taken as Coach
Trial I it~ Cubs h-oyt prefers to allow the men to
round into shape slowly. A large ma-
jority of the practice sessions are
K('ur is gOing to get his chatter'ill being spent in correcting the form
thle big show tneMxt 80ri1ug. ltmt liCk y of the freshmen.
Kerr isn't 'e eone referred to. lie is Several of the men have had con-
Mlel Kerri, a. votng busty untcovered; siderablo experience and they are be-
G;) th li (auadian i tlm tii dionids by! ing allowed to go ahead getting into
('tb 'aies, shape. Crimi, Ardnt, Mintz and' Boge
Ker' ply oil the outfield and first are the furtherest advanced amnong.
base side arid, bed-, how hue hanummureru 1thme sprinters, several of them having
'emr. iccorcigr to the Cub seoul ~* (lone the 50 yard, dash in 5:4 sec-
e rill the inrtern I?-n - , onds already. Cooper and Jones look.
,te, tred to gind VKem'r a yea;'lago but; the best of a large squadl of hurdlers,
his f.l ,r d( ',,ed the lad rasnt el while Valentine and Lodgress, 440
andtiIl j;,ane; as toohong.I yard dlash men, are in the best shapa
___ in their event, both having done close
Norwic'h, Corn., ,Jan. 17.,-- Georg-e to 54 seconds (on several occasions.
.henry Ilo~v,,d, a patent alttorney- of McClellan, Billingsgee, and Ardnt
lkashing;torn, is dload her at tlie a e art, showing excellent form in the
of 80 ;wea'. (Continued on Page Eight)

Plungers are needled for the
Varsity squad. Candidates are
expected to) report to Coach
Mann at the Union from 12 un-
til 3 o'clock, and at the Y. M. C.
A. pool after that time.


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Sprin Clothes
The new Spring models are
here. §lttractipe patterns 1in
two, and three button, and
double, breasted coats. Forty
to sixty-five dollars.
wA-GriR-& COMP;fl

Every overcoat ~osa n-hr

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