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January 18, 1925 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1-18-1925

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SUNAYJ_ NUA-RY 14, 1925



_, -._..

oil 111111 ill

LOST Tart of string of green b~eads.
Thursday at 5 o'clock, bietweeni
Medical and Natural Science Build-
ings. Return to Room 215, IIedical
Building. Reward.


Gerhardt Says All S'chools Will-CHMEWILHA
Teach Aeronautics In Tens Years NE L9 1 TI[OD



FOR SALE Vi. C. A. Model U(-Z-Loud ,
speaer hrn. 15. all . . 1l bi NANTPI) Suaite xwantedl by two sen-
3158-M 101'Sifor' second semester. Will pay
31__________________________ $4. Write no. 55. Mich. Daily.
xFOR SALE Saxaphone-C. Melody Wur- WATDSNL.OMFrmn
tzr ngood condit ion as it htas ;Intreer location with p~rivate family
leen used very little. Will sell'
reasnabe 34 5.Stae. 1 Iaking no other roomers. Box no. 56
House phone 304-M.Iai.
FOR SALE Tuxedo suit. Call at 72()? WAN'[ED) J-H~op ticket. Call Stephan,
Haven Ave. Phone 1540-lit. 4-M


FOR SALE-New and modern six room;
house three bllocks from the campus
that can be bought for $750) down.'
$65 per month. Call 2438.
FOR SALE Must sell new tuxedo and
vest, size 38, cheap. C"all, lBlunier 2-
801-M. 914 S. State St.
FOR SALE Black evening gown prac-
tically new. Size 38. Phone 1587-2W.
328 So. Mein.
"FOR SALE On account of sickness, I
am forced to sell myIBEUT Y
UU SHOP immediately. Up to dLate
equipment including soft water
shampoos. Call at no. 19. Cutting
ap~artments or call 11015-W. for fur-
ther informnation.

WANT ED: Will student who borrow-
ed( my gold pencil with IH. Hills
engraved at Pubication (lance,
plealse return. Haxloule H ills. Phone
1402-M. 1515 Montclaix Place.
WANTED To serve J-1Mop breakfast
for about forty. New (ining room.
Call 2620-M.
WANTED A suite of rooms with bath
in vicinity of E. University and So.
University. Box 54, D~aily.
\VrANTrED Garage space in vicinity of
Cambridge andl Washtenaw. Answer
Box 58 Mich. Daily.
WANTED Letters to type. Call 341-J.
WANT.I:EI Fur nished suite or small
apartment by two graduate nurses.
Preferably on first floor. Urgent.
Phone 2747-R.
WVANTED Dodge or Buick coupe. To
rent or to buny. Call 496-F2. Sundayj
2-5. Monday 7-10 P. M.


D.t r .


FOR SALE Two goodl six roomi houses
Each for onily $500 as a first pay-
mnent. One for $750)cdown. Phone 24.38

FOR RENT Single room for two Withi
large sleeping porchr.'all at meal-
time or evenings. 2952-M. 512 Mack
*JFOR RENT Rooms for'nien. Steam
heat. Plenty of hot wateor. Also gsar-
ag e. Phone 11.) -M, 4212 E. Washing-

LOST Gold eversha rp-Mrs,. 1_1 ilOW i..; I>aniifo a d enlg i iowiii
1 15 1Mont, Clair. i.oczt icls .s Iore Accessary
LOST Thursday at Maestic Theatre'IThal: cwols
or Nickles Arcade, a pair of shell
trim glasses in black case. Return to LIVES, MON EY W~ASTED
212 12th St. or call 4391. Reward.___
FOU;NTIAiN PNS Vocational advice to students in-
tenlding to etr college is more im-
TEL, ouidwta wo'n derful l'at than thle establishment of
TELLyou frend wha a ~V~. Ii'ilmore inst itution s of higher learning
pen your Masterpen is. You have r odiltoU.Khene1.Ba-
beendoig i. Thnk ou.ford, author and authority on voca-
RIDER'S PEN SHOP t~ rzluidaIce In an a rticle 1)111-
302 State St. ished recently in thne Springfield Re-
FOUNTAIN P~EN 1INK lpublican, Dr. Blackford states that "by
our failure as a nation to institute.
1 A vicious ink may work for a short' ,come jitelligent methodl of selection
time. It will work only for a short of vocations for our' yung lpeople, wej
time. It costs the delicate ine('han-jareo Wasting untold millions of dollars.
1ismi of the pen and cannot be ie.e a11 s thousands of lives."
moved by any ordinary ineans. It is the neecd of vocational advice is
chemaically antagonistic to a good shown by a recent research amongj
ink which will work and renders i 1,000 menr of the working world, Dr.'
the good ink colorless. Bacthford deui'ed, claiming that 763
Consult Rider's Pen Ship, wheret you (A the-len,"0o' 7.3 ner cent, felt that
will always findl a fresh supply o] theyr were in the wrung vocations.
the best government standards j[These mren, who were taken at ran-
writing fluid. 1 1d021, laid the fault 'Of their misplace-
It is the only satisfactory ink for theo w>ent to either drifting~ along lines of
fountain pelf. least resistance or to poor advice front
PEN AND INK SPECIALIST.S. [ parents, teachers, and employeers.
- "We are wNasting, in my opinion, in
Alton B. Robinson, 827 E. University. °tryo ia y-first, in the method by
TOUNTAUN PEN RIEPIARI NG 01wich we allow the average boy andl
- i girl to di ft in to any vocation which
FOUNTAIN PEN 1IEPAIING first offer, itself, and second, in the
SAVE dhrat long wait while having: stay in which we make college train-
your pien senit away for repairs. ; ing available without intelligent se-
W'e repair' it the same day it is bron- lection.
ght in and insure that it willI be ad- '"In many coleges the student can
justedl to your hand when 'you call jfnd a faculty adviser to suggest
for it. courses to hin. 'This servic'e would-
.....RIDER'S PEN SH1OP b. e of immense value if it were cone-
PEN MAKERS ducted scientifically. But often it fails
-- - - ____ __________....- Ilamentably.
__________________________our_________ - c, covering years
Latet B~nswck Rcor Relase of ca reful investigation, we have seen
OH lIAI. so much of the tragedly of the misfit
A Fx Tot.Wit Voal fhatI it sews at times almost univem-
Chorus by Nick Lucas. IBig sl...Tosnso on e
'hit" in radio now, and V,'oen are encouraged every
STOFFLE:T PHONO SHOP 1 year to eroll in schools where they
616 E. LIBERTY !wil spenud time andI money prpar -
I ig themnselves for professions already
FLOWvERS ov.ei'ei Oded andm fo which a. large
majoritiy of them have nro natural apt- I
Our moderate prices make it possible1 it udes."
for all to have FRESH HOME ________________
ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 1 BOARl) and ROOM In private family.
122 E. Liberty. Phone 16.30 1 1220 S. Univ. Phone 287-J.
and r
Mimeographing promptly and neat-p
ly done by experienced help at'
moderate rates.
17 Nickels' Arcade
The Typewriter & Stationery Store

''very univer'sity in the worldl will liProtessor' Gerhardt will Ipresent a
llive institutedl a diepar'tment of aero- p:' pr on thle su h,;e't 'of "Aecronautical
nautical engineering within 10 years,'' Educaticn'' dinlg a slecial raerouau-
said Prof. William F. Gerhardt, oi tidal meeting of' the American Society
the aeronautical engineering depnu't- -of Mechanical 1Engineers, in D~etroit,
mieat, in commenting upon the in- ,Ian. 29. H-e will dliscuss the partic-
creasing interest in aeronautics dis-; ipation of the universities in the deC-
playedI throughout the country. velopmnent of the aircraft industry, by
The addition to the curriculum will teaching not only the fundamentals in
cover not only the strictly technical all phases of the industry, but through
phases lhe believes, hut will extend' co-operation in research investiga-!
to other departments, introdlucing tion.
special studies in economics, business t-
administration, and transportation. ''BPeyond Our Strength,' by IDjornson,
treating problems arising with aero- will be readl at the meeting of the MVon:-
r~autics. day evening dramnatic section of the
"The influenme for adjustment will Faculty WVomern's club at 7 :45
reach even medicine, through the o'clock tomorrow in the clubhouse, 226
fact that flying has its definite phaysi- South Ingalls street.
ological effects demanding classifica-
tion and~ investigation," Professor Ger-
ha~dt saidI.j
Aeronautics needs more than engi- wh ~ls
peers, Professor Gerhardt pointed outLas
men from related professions, "In
thme early stages of a developing in-
dustry, research, invention, andl novel
idleas in apparatus gain prominence
and hold most nublic attention. In thie
s tagze upon which aeronautics is nows
entering, quantity production methods
and~ operating technique will hold the
stage, andl allow nrobal~y the greatest
i'enume ation," lie said. j I

FOR RENT For 2nd Semester. Two
double-rooms. One large living room11
'With fire-place en first floor. Ex-
cellent location. C"all 2578W. be-
tween 5:20 and 7 Evenings and 12
k . to 4SaturdVay.


P. Y. Woodbridge, newly electedl
-ecoretary of tie Chamber of Corn-
umerce, w III1 be the speaker at the
luncheon which w~ill b)e held Tuesday
noon in the Chamber of Commnerce
inni. I le has chosen as his subject
1 "Wha Shall We Do With It?"
-.lr. Wood bridge has b7een tempor-
ary (hIairinan for the .ast four month,,
! n il w ,Ii elected'( as p~ermlanent secrce
r y fom' the next year at the Last
m1eeting; of the Chamber of Comumerce
uoarl cif(direc'tor's. During tihe past
nu onmn~hliie has carried on a con-
ri, ruel iv, proram .in timeorganization,,
andI i is exu~eted that hie will outline
Is pliv for the comning year at
'Incesdlay's luncheon.

FOR RENT One single room; good
heat; one block from Campus.
Phone 1235-M.
TO RENT Ver'y pleasant front suite,
('JP~n and light with lavatory. Phone
2898-M. 402 So. Observatory.
l'uR RENT Large, light double front
room for secondl senmester'. $ 7 forr
two. Phone 2951-1b. 1127 Church St.
FOR RENT Comfortable room,- single{
or' double. Dormitory, Near Campus
422 Hamilton Place. Phone 2121-J.
FOR RENT Fir'st floor suite and don-
-ble room one block from Campus
807 E. Washington. 481-M.
FOR RENT Warm, clean single or
double room. 204 N. Ingalls. 2444-R.
FOR RENT A suite of roonms, andl one
large front room in p~rivate famiily.
1364 Geddes.

1 3 Nichels Arcade Opp. Subu-Station
CIGARS, Trobacc.(plipes, Gilbert can-
dies, sof't drinks, ice creanm, and
billiard fables.
514 E. William Phone 1981
A loaf of bread
A 1pound of meat
And all the mustard you
can eat
i ~atI
Kewpie Hlotel Opp. Eng. Arch
We 1Deliver
Call 799-M, Open 4 P. M. 1 A. M.j
SBirthday Cards. ;
Friend ship Cards.
Place Cards.-
T1.ally Cards.I
Ap)plied Arts.I
2 Nickels' Arcade.
Waffles 71N-,E-y 1A A A
Coupon Books PPY!'
C o pnC A i rl T R ' S
So. Eiersify .---
RutGS SlIAMPIOGEL) or dlust cleaned.
Anal Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works,
P'hone5 0.

Feeding Of Birds
Will .Be Continued;
Dc-pite, the occasional thaws, ice
still covers the earth to such a degree
that the feeding of the birds in Ann
Arbor and vicinity will be continued
fc-' some tiie. The Boy Scouts ar'c
still distributing grain, suet, and
scr'aps in l~ace-s around the ('ity
where birds and small animals ca n
get; them.
The worst of the food 'shortage is
over it is thought by Scout officials,
hut the feeding will continue until such
time as a nernianent thaw reaches the
ear'th. Contrib~utions of food are be-
ing received by the Chamber of Corn-
merce and the Boy Scouts,

FA i

1.Fast iberty St., cornerI Fouirth Ave.

TH af

Unusually attractive and prevents slipping 4t
heel. In black and brown Satin, tan Calf,
black Suede, gold, silver and black Satin wih

t '
I w.:.





Garage. 140)4 W. Hluron St. P'hone
104 6-M.
MOD)ERN F URNISHE'D61)sevein-r'oomued
house. Garage. 1114 W. 1l uron St.
Phone 1046-.M.
FOR RENT Large front suite with
sleeping porch also single room.
East of Camipus. Phone 2952-W.
FOR RENT See this room-Right on
Campus. 610 So. State St. Four doors
So. of Union.
FOR REN Single room for two withi
large sleeping porch. Call at meal-
tinme or evenings.2952 -M. 512 Mack
FOR RENT Attractive three room ap-
artmnent well furnished for light
housekeeping. (Gall 1674-M. 1007
ROOMS FOR RENT Around the cor-
ner from Union. 608 E. Jefferson. 1
double room. 1 suite for two. 1 sin-
gle. For 2nd semester.
L. C. Smith, Remington, Ulnder'wood,
Royal, etc., 3 months $7.50 up. Ini-
tial payment of rent aplplied on the
purchase of any typewriter.
17 Nickels' Arcade
The Stationery & Typewriter Store
IF 20 YEAR; of mechanical experi-
ence means anything to you, call
me at 310-M for typewriter' repair-
ing on all mixed nmachines.
308 South State Second Floor
Only Typewriter' Store on State St.I
TY;'PEWRITERS Splendid machines.
Best makes for rent or for sale.
Phone 342-R.

I IlkIII C .)1/
PHONE 866.
S For'Typewriter Repairing-
j (Allsniakes)
Dealer in 1yoodstock typewriters,!
Sundstrand auind Portable AddingI
' machines. "
Ann Ar'bor Typewriter E kabaugel q .:
9 SvigsBan~ kl.. J.Jop p aors--- =.
On all mnakes. 302S. Sate.
Arnold State Street Jeweler.
BEAUT ~IIVPESWithi a touch of originality and
Permanent Waving aud TV1rellng 1111
FMACK AND CO. I:clcvcrness shoula be ordered now
3rd Floor Mkaiu St at Arnold's. From the numerous
TB BE EXERTMA~tELLES -I ~distinctive te~es of favors, many
Phon~e 2939 fom' appointment. j
DIMMA TTIA BEAUTY SI-TOPP fl nayp be found which will please
State Street-Above Cushings-
.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... __--, -:011 s f ancy.
BENTLEY Beauty S11opp e. Marjoriej -
aElson, manager. 106 E. Liberty St. ;
Phone 2568-M. Marcelling a spec- 1-
ila ty. 331
Wuertli Theatre Arcade. See the Style
for yourself. 1-
POSITION WiAN ,TE±D. First Class col- 5 t t tee e ee
oredl man cook wants position vs=
g ook in Frat. Ilotel or restaurant. f 302-South State St. Phone 889-R
jPhone 2116-M.
POSITION WANTED Senior sttudenit
will work for room or mnake part j
cash lpaymient. Box 57 Daily. _____________________________________ ltlllllII illlilllilltl111111111111;








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