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January 20, 1925 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1-20-1925

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~j~~ ~ jjl~ ~J'.Rising Inferest In Aeronautics STDNHIr
rKT ~H Fualfills Anticpat"on-Gerhzard LLI

Acri-dtufle sI 'So( i( ly il'1I usInlude
Actual worki in dlesigning the 1g
racing airplane to be built. by th(
students in the aeronautical engmn
eering department, will biegin with th(
second semester according to plan:
b >eing made by the Aeronautical So
' ciety. Classes in veroplane dlesign xil:
fulfill the requirements of* the cour sc
by participating ill he design of the
plane and l thoe siudying, pro pelloi
dlesign will plan tbat portion of tin
Tests have been conducted on wind
sections during the present seinest ci
in the wind~ tunnel in West Engihaer-
ing building, to determine the win,;~
dlesign best adapted to the p~lane. Tr;;
racer will be driveii by a motor of api-
p~roxinmat ely 46 horsepower, eligibl
* for the 80 cubic inch class.
During the Dayton Air Races> last:
fall, a plance of this class, using a3
.< horsepower motorp entered by the
hnson Aeroplane and Supply com-
pany, established a worlds' record o1
y ' 9 miles per honur. Ant horities point:
to the increaSing interest evinced inl
the light, low-powered airplane, while
a ma chine plowered with a 20 htorse-
laower motorcycle engine fleoxvsuec-
cesully during the la~ist Internatijonal
SAir .Races.
The-studen~fts in aeronautics atI New
a.York University are building a plane
of thea light, low-powered type, which
"1will be entered ill the J-925 lat emna-
tional Air Races. F"ollowing theo co ii-
pt" letion of designs h wI (1the :su iienI's
will coiai once bunilding operal 1021s,
receiving credit in the delintei(1 t for
1their work. The i-acer wili not hae coina-
l I leel next year, Imit present pllans
~v provide ice ])articip ioln in the air
acsof I 926. Scverail i3etroiL ooj'galnz-
Sations, particula raiy the Air (Cm ft
lDevelop.<nent -coy-poration, Ralph HI.
4~Upson, president, have offered atss-
i tahce in finaningp the project.
t it,

Ii L. LI L 1 111HIL Iffi I L lIL L


Says Year J'925Marks Lal't <t in hiair lines, controlled tby private coirn- U an u vvaU I i unu a
I DIi(Od1ip4leII yIs ('oaii lt f c f (anI;1 uis, the Army Airwalys, and the
luihisi ry's FIul tire. iA =rii. '"1 look for much more caltf- ,$f~ lt $lYh eivic t' Report for liecainbt'r
' ; ~1011,; '.vrcIollnu en t of privatel'Iy ownled Acltltes i.$0 .'$ Cases to Flu
"The swiftly i sin- initeicst inl nero- andlic operatedi planes,"'lhe continued, jldic
n,,, tical a ift'a irs t i ollMont the world for the 0rea son that, the lproblenms of
YIliat em aIce in t he nai 10 arne is Itch PEIFORM 7OPER ATIONS
is the fi'=tl#':Ime Yt of aiiiiin n~ ioeiiit'it aidcos;tly I aui Ttha<t, of N1
by e~~ea e' Cn2,lneui':; for uiiy tl'e at tor le''11;. e poinated loluthat
yt-2, : ;h-si \\liii I inhF. Gel- an ?add [s#IOI, :F1 r xvhaEkto Ille wide- Increase in 3Ill er s, is hown by the

- 1 cnce to stud:ents caused by theb -
(ccut \ater sorag ohre.
ANews From Other Collegles 'P'lc Architectural
that additional instruc tio(.,1 r ar
J lve Dessign v-ill be givens:i ecn
I+1gene, Oregon, Jan. 1.9.--Sopho- iBloomnington, Int., Jans. 19. --0Oe . ese rnile Messrs. F~ e n
nrc o at t e niv . ity of Or gon re rhoar exam inations w ill vbe gi v-en I k n ut h, ME , f 1h e t y a p a e n t e c m u e r !T slt n rd y o h s w e r i nfo m a ion m a b
ing"be ea h nive rh~yofreon re-Indianared 81 the etoiceroftthenitre in
cntappo bi earion t ave uswierh, dyadFia fti we 1 eLgern uli
maeo leieii ithv Iclay vacation lbetween seiesers. a ) ' '' .l
hcettoinos, wle ,coffs, and w ie belt! mvemade necesszr r byinco~nvei- ~ d ev n -u
100115. _____________________________________

VA L ofl ( the 11' '?1'on hu !e2 (ug uerin g i pre d uise oft1wp rivat ely ownod
(l prtiiC y st 1''b{. <tee mu itlt planein thelie neni'futv aretxva s that Jan
do velo pu:'e' :u sigo Ithrough a per- ir pl a ne is tnitch lmove la ngerolts ip
ioi l OF ''5cata nd II Le tclnic al (ieve- Ithle handis of ani il(Ollh'1'': ilo 1t than

l~ti:nciail edi mr*;arc uly (conlvinced(
"iiTr~he invin ofthe; y earstag5
Il.. :1 '' the 1 .; V anAxxhis ay coStapp t
Ut( i02'e 1112 a.l (1s1i yas swift. ifiv)!:

the aiiiomoeil", but11adinig," \Vitll pro-
po ' ellat;ionl Qi C1o$ 1illlci(1and(1regul-
atol bo 1~ tle gyiV('e: ll 111 rl1{ ti) ecoin we-'r
(na K &M l pane v.,::li3 eroine Pas x(vidly
us~ed $ ':li(ca;! ; he ai' s'oliio.
! ugari iii the Ipraject for roofing
tew'- I hr railway terminal in Nexw
Ywl'II ' i Ilie format ,ionl of a dOxx'-
L1111 i ld r11 niih-o'i'cr7OrCer-har t inl-
(li( ' 1t l' s'e a h a a an n s.

he Il re . 6)£' nOie of' til proai 18dent I tlat iaely pi - id.
laim:r' in i' g t is cjlang( 1is__- - . -
tlii' 211. d we iiNewxv Xoil C 0] le 'Worlks
the ~ ~ ~ lar le s 0 ' r'i' colitnieI' Jil f
2 cis vii) reresenta - Onf Lisplaktv This
t~le f ll A2E y 1ndNavy. f; "ti(cIreTk At
1r1,,1 c of 0 plicl 1, a,2,; for P I'Cseri ation *I 'i dibi I,
to lI h'slsie .t C oomlidg e and (Congressof a p n W ( iu f l y a d 1 sz an
of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ok a 1- o(021Cflya eiiLi i;1Siroil I lie Samuiel A. J ones
eatl l I 'he t1 :Oi tto b l gve(' 1o)'.ller-
calli' \:2$ )1 ~y Ibe gre Ii~lelt ReCar1lylehletlol( Ol, «8 grioup?isi ubering-
ga i'dtrig ,at a dvi sa'")jlit y of govern-, 121 ,3 _l~iSaeon( 111
72]e2. tllu .._ T I t,}12if ndus.try, xvcl i Ts titi week at, t.]J libra'FC-. si o f o the2


D iecembl('r ieii'1 of ip He althiiser-
jee, over those of the sa !i(' imonthIinii
p)ast yerca;i, di,_ ,ensa yJ cali l n et'-
in c-8It 3,21ast'ol 'aeed Wi i 2,1518 in
Ikeiot mbet' of 1 9:138and 2,'337 in 1922:"
'W1110i~leti ; is tite ini hart, to the fact
hafive more fulll school layvs arec
inc1laded this yearI than Dist, it is also)
In; ige] p (1te to an epn (loliliC of mild
in fillenza, :sceori ig to 0t e1rer..
10 s-_ 'mlo!?n -iomlex 1t.lof liiifinl, it
iS t~lediiliides 1 I i-'iaial hc ad (ON
I'vit h 1'i~atlit 1'U dSti lhb i(,5-oilen <<a,':-
'II in1'ian toil lby 1) 1'S stoat.I (og,
in: at.'ik ti s. X ;
/:l"c a e 't'x ' ( '18 2 ;Orte l(hli 11 ii 'i t; liitii.
C(I,.Ind, 01 1?"w('rpi 115 1112(j(c'l. 1. There
t. 71 _ m e l ofI ; '. ;<z .i)' s, alit
hos:nital 2on1 !' nf:221:i 'V b1?^ 1)t eri i 3
...,1 ) i l t (.' 119.! l. (' s ,." te; It
the hospii"( t ,"alf:,f 9W1, 1,1a'i3"CO1i,1
ca'ls11315. '11'e f(212-C 58'
,?1h11at o:. irfe'i ien!.' aa'e , l t I19f,
(if- a%-0'Alt'225 in l fle'iuhi;-' r
l kl tv'u, (Colnn.,.h;m. 19I. -''o-
i. Wa :~i't- Il' seen11iil thehome11)v b
Ils- wtill :;aon ti wle anl ;1"Aa ira-
it'; ', witn reachl of everyone,"' was
the stat el'cut, ma de hy Dr. C'. F. .1Ten-
ki1s (if the .Jqi kins labioratory of
Washington, D). C., when speaking to i
students at Yale recently.
Don't delay-Pay your Subscription

Colom blus. hio..Jan. h19. --Ohio State'
univ.ersity is undergoing its annual
1~ -spring "L ee-off-the-grass" cain-
haign ntoes. Ticked guards performl
the office (or the vUglilanre. commit-
O'kNliorna (City, .Tait . 1:). - -'Through
an):! agreeme tnt with' shot) owners, 0(1-
atccut. to t~e c 2Y"u a the University
rf OhlaYhcm-i the ivers ty authori-
vJII xuil tenrt to prevenYt all card
ploying in nuiblic places. The action
C1Onies as a<t.result of complaints flimle
from all tlarts of the State.
1 (f; c i.:1:yes, tot -ili1iig mare th'an 5,-i
U.), lm a-e bee-.] nt, o'i1 vl) fthe C°.-
- C":iC (itj'tneont 0offthe University,
oji _exas f, t,,lzng tlc th ;>2: Fy l ' res-j
tan lYngiish t coat-lui ave p 31tileF
Ai T-
yy J-HOP







_. . _,

State Street anid Packard


CO1%i.")U 'T

' "' r',y _:.f ,S. 1.4 B I.t..! ."' .z r;.,.., . . .., . ._-.,.r;c..., iir

il' Ili es> '111t itafl 1 1 :n'eves' lEuro-
w~ n1(1) cntea's, P!'oressol'Gerhardt '
i:1'ijr8t('(O tat;lie tbought suchi a nmove
f1'n thn)i on , t.': Ithele reset itun.cje
woumj ld iiid li'it ''t> wrkham) into tN;
is dst: -
"l3reet ('atielates ci;th11 ~himaJtt
' Ip ol 2cithu] -id id V 1(1' 120o01'aXim,1 i1 l
'ire not Watll11 xaggera ~te(1"' 110Sind,
-gnnfN nSr?4211 h m nn " v i'f

boob S shiownxiiaxereI'sted'iion0cop'0ies'
of ('ar::' s sel aruite =w1u;( W)1 .the
O'hb 11 itA iSOi ncltidos Sii' iii t''re'8t -
End';: r'trauits and let ter's, and many
iook;s, on thle aut11h01 and his workh.
In Ithe ('adileiana ther'e are'0coplies
f 1 'JimyJ ames0' '"Personal Recoll e('
lions of H enry James," Jamnes RussellI
1-owxell's "My 1 t nley Windowvs,"' Hai'-

OANE NEW Eeq nnIrig
WE'EK 4 r 'T Sunday
S- C WHITMSY presents - - - :
f2onD .vAV JS UN/'t~
Prices (EveS. -DOrchetra, $2.75; Balcony. $2 20,S$1.65, $1 10 Don't be disall-
x) AINE ~' Bloy -- $1.65. $1.10 s .eats early

x~\IL;JI~i~ ip--ii II,:'iIIJ1111) (J&J ti'iet t l i 10211'S 'Alit oiogra phy'' andl
racertlbefA~or te ih ar V.a Ric e- dcsii n iuuroxvs' 'Fresh Fields.'' A coply
backr beoref~m.ntiita~y afair 0ofJoltaii Eckiernram's 'on Versa Hon's
conutnt tee of the1(1ouse. Major Rick- With Goethe,'' gives Goethe's high
(milacker 'ric~lttedl that withbin 25 topinionl of (Carlyle.
years tho 1 i-,d BStteis wotuld hbo_________
spanned both ftr01m east to west acid2111 ;AVF Y'iou STIIBSCI{IBlEI) YVI i
no,011) o tO1 h I-y a<0'1, tunk ines, with
an airdrome and lanuding field in (~ev ,y
city of 25JI100 or over', for' the use of ::::::::~
thle ir 12m al id coni ierciA 1aviation I " l '. "=

A P hALl l- 1) A lI'l'S
- - i:'lo-h; AI'e~lde




I iF


I ' ofeenor or r P 11 n itidic'ated t 1hat.


th la s; '~''a .. 1 strids1i tle near *-''~1Vk
lie a 22 i w a1: )1 altetil i_,the rgtLiar' ..:::.:.......-
C a ~ US (lR1 D RI Giu'itaRI1 Pens, Inks iPencilBlur: BoL
707 NV. Uoive-,itv 'Ave Pbonr '9652 ' li ~ill iiest-Aeu hn 1tl
t; mttoreinitinmate relations hot ween
I!!estiudlents 2and(1 'aeult y will blie is'h
; l evedl by tihe prophoslitifraternity (d1.:- .
is#sion groups?
WhIe e tisk;eld: rThe(, atimral sc ienic
li b rary.
. ,, >Il " = : Paul 1i. Jsi))I, 25 -
- Ithink, that. the proposed discu.s- _______
sion groals will be very good things,-A 1d'~'If~
b, ecauise they will =?'v'e the students- a - iII I UR OL4
x better' ii'i(er't2ndlrg tte 101 I1(2XII LL Treat
"" ,.tach them, and therefore cr e te inire 1 ,. + {I£'it 28 ' rtt 'fl, '1t11(1
interest in the(ir ('0112505~n. Anl also,:ft I
f'it will hel) ninny o" t he faculty t 7 Ca A1V A x'laui
1 icconie int iate vwith their Imdna -;-IH
Arlnstea I S. ['ridle, '27.----''l 1 ildr
that I b iitsci 501on ap'ls Wii he1 1' (10 "=='-d M~ADE ' L
(If tile ost" 11eans15 I' i oc ' r t l liii V~i'tI heae id'X t V A.L)L C0(J)!
t Y relations bet woocl) urlic el15 21111faIcul- a>t~' at 1 x Ma ; i4'
ter. At theell('50 ii]12'ls1g, ii lmost.:)I1 o:'j= - hol' you're Otiher '1
ficl oin malities arid dignities of tei '-c att; he In ' 1 ol9 "a L ,. .
tudent will b1)f ti'eoto 'o,)1)1'w'vr 1 t e ~tiIo l
i- . t11 h s lol aC ci lIle d s ? ', h u e C r o s s ing) dltitie.11,Sotree am1
ttWr s i his owvn.''" l 1 il=11 a )mjl 1f'
Albert (1. IT iutt lgtoli, '261 , - 'T o____I_
ae so few (l '1)itS51011 r e\.~2Cf SA(O~t1'~ O ( 1~flh I: WY m t ~' ';1
t lie j<1 > ter< 't. 1 -G;o ttil I WIOttIo,1 :;11'=t1' ts 2'the In- Nl'fV ('Yt'" A ,h w BiC1t Iotu"-'/ ,v _
any 5212)t111110()'ol :01101,'II(- ,:; 4C~t Ola ! EfAIN 'Ib11,''1hiI L
p atly, or alesa~d g' sboxard to i e*N 'i'
1)'' 4i11#iiC b r i n 11121#77'1'esi eI ' -: { '1 2 )I)
A frIoil) these grout)c. S(Jhool t u:E s w'ill _
faulty to (liS(oxcI' tha.thot i 1 ar " I" -
'D)ua." Een rB 'd aC nrdN gl1.Clinton fgreen, '2E.f MY
r° meeting whose puroeis no-,I1010'(! eC--Y ly eCok"- !
- tha.n to makeol'or such 2eationsoll d
- will aid to attain it, where lack if E w r Connelly
time and doubt of trtie earnestnes~s on
" lie part of students in consultation;i A Jpicture thaCwillill home ln every liorle, aI'rAc.o xcp
hneit"dramai that will startle you with its realistic 11111-For Eevn cbalcc
pry -, I~~~n tcay; a story of laughs and thrills.Cor!ciae
-r Schedules Ready
For Final Exam's 'A('I :.OFAI*W 'AT ...l
Examination schedules for the fin-
als of the first semester are available ",y
at the registration offices of tlin var- = ' rTPL qER IH S THE " RO. BBINSy' A~
0aious schools and colleges. The sched- _
' ales are 'arraniged in chlart. instead of F A M IL Y o ti e f r s f r x ry H "*iI -u e "le
-ORT hihVue le~OT'G
4 For College Men and Women -I 11,IxPik ;ef l*r~n4 Sl

''I 1 11 J,, i - - --- -- - - ON


iw q
er W '1



W-ed isFattht ee e
n1ma mned utside heArabia



, ^ ;

5 01

. , f
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PQW~bS r~fRfPA


y <



No expense has been :pared in producing the snciai music Which aoecompame~s 'this
Great Picture, and is most ably rendered hy The VI' #!RTI1 SYiMP ONIC ORCHESTRA,
Nicholas D. Falcone, Conductor
SHOWS-- 2.00..4:00..7:00.. 9:00

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