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January 16, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1-16-1925

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I ~ ~ id i~an~ ~them, a multitude of the most slippery
-- - Iot icl i l:L i L.1ilil . ~

l'unbihe every mrning except IUvinayj
during to he. lnivei sity year by the Board in
Control of Student Iublijations.
M\4embers of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.

(ent 'heart a sense of (a! efro Rahan
don as he skids hither and thither
across the campus. It is by j cst this'
sort of little thing that the Bulhlings ',
and Grounds committee makes itself,
most felt.
fThe Daily has, however, on~ small
suggestion to make. Let these blithe'
fellows-the janitor ;cac~ne fo'rri
some fine cold mornning n sprinkle
fthe Library with a fin, sinrav Ci I v
('h l # 's t.2t (lt?,. It7 S;cI i> InY



Entered at the Po toffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third :assistant P'ost-
miaster (General,
Subscription by carrier, ;~o. ; y: ir, i
Oftices: Ann Arbor 'loss I ViiTW:A
nand Street.I
Phroncs.:Editorial, Ai Ivd ,"

EIl~I AL 'l AI Not all of the benefits accruing f v-
'IelelJhlules 2414 and17. 11b tax-free government bondis are ab-
MVANAGING EDITOR sorbed by' wealthy individhils a ad
PHILIP M. WAGNER corporations, judging by a recnt r,-
Editor...............John G. Garlinghousc I port which shows that nearly hlalf cC
News Editor........... Robert G. Ramisay the thirt --two billion dollars Rnu'
City Editox........... Manning llouse.luit
Night Editors stanlding against the govern'ulnnt i
George W. Davis Harold A. 'Macore in the bands of persons ?whose annIl
Thomas P. Hlenry Fredk. F. Sparrow, Jr.
IKenneth C. Keller Norman R. 1 ial f'i8(' I; j mzl $rir11) ')OC.T tJ:-ex ar.' i
Sports Editor ......... William R. Stonemnan ionl is evidentlyntivegitt,1l!
Sunday Editor......... Rouert S. Mansfield ~ ~ ~ ''af oI1
Women's Editor ..............Vernea Moran mfonleyed l?5lass its l.;efltn ar"e (n-
Music and Drama...Robert 13. H enderson loved by others a5 well.
Telegraph Editor ...William J. Walthour
Assistants Tlhe'e facts in f1nm<el?"nfl ;how 'tli'
Louise Barley Uclen S. t lliar tiwE ahnEss ul -riving tfi" p;rcen51#t~
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmnann
Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed aUnd cry which clim~s that wealthy
Smith Cady )r. Edmarie Schrap~der nptc bl
Willard B. Crosby Frederick If. Shillito ifv'l-rlba ovfrnment offerings in
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens order to escape taxati,-n. for the prac-
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise tic2-'teems general. dPut e;-on vwer e
:Manning H-ousewortk Eugene 11. Cutektnsi
Elizabeth S. Kenrnedy Robert T. DeVore ~ u li ~c tI' tC$sivc;j
El1izabeth LiebermannaStanley C. Crighton Tax-exemption is on" fit ti beIf
Winfield H. Line Leonardl C. Hall
Carl E. Ohlrnacher Thomas V. Koykka ceiling points of irovrnlrent bond
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner i tl ifor ' tmrnel that acompara-
tively smrall rate of intr"'-t i.crtl
BUSINTESS STAFF to r; lamrer retairn on other bonds.
Telephone 960 while in addition the buyer has i 1!e
BUSINESS MANAGER benefit. of a safe investment. Bot if
WM. D. ROESSER the government proceeds to tax its
Advertising.................... E. L. Dunne own bonds;. a corresponding; raise in
Advertising.................... J. J. Finn ;h naetrt'wud!'i'esr
Advertising ...................H. A. ',eMarks~5:Dr
Advertisinqg................f. .H. A ak M. Rockwell to make thorn, attrec(iu e. The gay-
Accounts ................ .... Byron Parker
Circulation.................... R. C. Winter ('inlfloft must sell its issulies, anrd their
Publication..................John Conlin decirabil~tv, which woold be lessened
P. W. Arnold W L. 'Mullins by subjecting them to taxatPion, rnlust
W. F. Ardussi K F. Mastbenritnd.O-ou le?'f
Gordon Burris H. L. Newnmanr emanane.Obiuly either wa
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead tinder tfxxf ion fir frfe, from it -
Philip EJ_ D. Ranxcitbo result will 1,e the same.
Noia FebIng_\trIa iafl~dlurg Tis lt)i ri l mel -y lsff--wi
"1W". k . :m~e I . roear l j "Id
L. ,, I. r- .. F.ta L:r j(a i' L?- -s hi' i v '!_i , i T c : 11Et"i('
jI id s ofel aillioono(iT jls that oth. .-
wise would be snent on t:iXable eInter-
- - . - - -- ---- - -prises, res .lting in alarge "urinal loss
1FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1925 toth nai. oen, ow e.
mut sse~ar i).to te a, oeren
Night Editor-KENNETH C. KELLAR bonds, and eqital pnortmitv is cffer-
ed to all. The sa<rindi inT,-nstnrs lay''
A r0'orI-: v1i1ti OINVFit 'takeon 11T).half of flte vrnrnen cf!fer-
'ill- i'nit od Satt .; i- i li crg ; i l ' = in 's; it ronlain ol' to thle "a pttaiibasto
\i fo, Il: ri il <.n~aii2 i s:3 3i 1i' ' 1)i I": }lt410 ? i t( rl' -i. Pr?'r ,iny Orcura-
first importance at Paris. i'11 C S tesame a-, nun t would
cepted protocol, deemed by many the b a xe .remained free of tax.
extortionate instrument of the' "thy Efforts wvoro made (during the war
lock of the nations"-rceanintr 11! to padth sale of war bonds by
United States-is the first inter alieli meanls of l~iitatio ns uplon the' amount
agreement to which this country is a of 'nbscritions. But such limita-.,
party since the failure of Con%ress tions are not alwvays feasible; the pub-
to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. As! lie becomes surfeited, and the wealthy
such it is expected to usher in a new+ buyers miust suppl'y tir'e deficiency in
era of American participation in world. the frtvest'nti demrantd.
a.f-fairs, a falct which has been balledt The remeody lies, no-t in disorirnno
with great enthusiasm by the foroigln tion against wealth, but in the reduc-
press, despite the 'fact ili,,4ealiht'of"'' tion of the present author-iz(d govern-
the allies has hadl to make riie 11115W- mental expenditures whiech me~ke

-buit. This pose is the exclusive
P1 Oj o imen. lone. B. ?Men would
sip~ to afecet cosmetics and other
.ituiue minnerisms.
C. The cigarette habit is mascu-
D. S.moking is a filthy habit,
knocking the indulger off her pedestal
ref pa~rity.
'oiragra,.h IV: The consequencesI
of~ a girl's wishing to be a lady or a 1
moie e e.a1e s .. uSly affects society,
1N(ch.: men dinap prove of the
s':) ncking.
V ' university man's life-mate
1VW1>f ilo ex:actly tas otlh r women do.l
(I. .' rniboy-girls" fare y notitpre-!
Pr raera-ph T: The woman who
smokes is in the same rut as the;
A. Pothl are unladylike.
Thie Women's club is directed
a r. iinA an evil which threatens so- 3
ci ety's idels of wontanhoodl.
The foregoing analysis ,ierves to
?Jliit'i: the utteor worlhles-nes s of 1'.
M. 1 ..' ; ('25) slitirge of verbosity
an example of priori reasoning theI
ztii, paragrapli is lai.4ghable. The
eon(i irtuallyInPijes that when
c iP'ge vwomn voiOcetheir opinions
affrrmatively on such a matter as to-
I acothe y lock "good proportion."
Isn't that the berries?
The third paragraph insists that a

THSAFTE1\0N O: Tryouts fLLSoES
mzemblershipI)lit Masqitesfront 4 tor6
o'clock lit 'Newberry ball.6
"The Admirable Bashville" Wcdne
day evening not only drew a capacity
house, even to a bursting standing- !
coomn, but people were actually turn-
ccl away. Finar-tally, tihe production
was such a success th-at a second per- ,win has given the best music of the!
formance could profitably have been season thus far, taking most of his).
given, and as result, the January pro-1 themes form his "Rhapsody in Blue"
,rain by the Comedy Club next yeari and adding pep. The scenery is whatj
will be played for two nights. one can expect from Bel-Ge ddew-'
There is left this; semester ouly anti is far above anything of musicall
Professor Hoilister's production of shows of the past few seasons, at
"The Playboy o,: the \ 5st 1n Wotli" least, can boast of. Sammy Lee ar-;
by John 1Nllington "y-ge WVe nesday ranged unusually clever chorus numn-
I ye-fing, January 21, in University hers and trained his choruses beauti-
hu;a. Inlay of Irish folk-lore that fully. Space does not permit morel_
Shaw has called the greatest comedy comment-but if you chance to ,go east
by a contemporary dramatist andc that, or "Lady Be Good" chances to coni C
all critics have agreed is a sign:l~ca Unt, west doon't miss it. It is now at the .j
outstanding exampile ofthe new Liberty theatre, 42nd street, west of
theatre at its best. Broadway.'
When first produced in llublin by
the Abbey Theatre Players it crecated Well, anyway, Weeks may come and
a sensation that envid, as all phe- go but the president's cabinet will go,
I nomena end in Ireland, by rousing on forever.
r~ct. Later when the sam1( comny y




(Both Ends of tho Diagonal Walk)

ddd. ddddld./.J".d~d.1, J~dddd. .. .d, ,r<, .dl~sY.1.d. .I a.. i e..t..r"d,.+ .I


_=nT a

.P,,^/..."C"I"1,1s~§"§"O.":".1. "" / 'I". %~c ".'

Whropodist Orthopedist
7N. University Ave Phione 2652

0 111 limig 1,


71I2 Arbor Street
Near State and Packard Sf*i





We Carry a ComipcI.C Lic

Dry Cells

RaIdio Batteries

Flashlight Batteries, etc.
Fresh, Full Standard

smoking lady cannot make a good presented the play in Roston and New
housewife. Dear L. _M. L. ('23), would York it created even greater (list urb--
she 1:e a better one if the Women's ances, such veritab~le tecapot-toensts
'iZ~u man tched the cigarette from her tht Presileut FRooseveli wazs tins hlly
fingers? Tell me, oh Oracle,-why Id-ja-n into the controver:Y': so mutch
>Ihould the emiissicn of a cloud of, for its histgry...
smoke from the mouth cf a woman 1 The reason for this furious con-j
destroy her womanly ideals? What on troversy lay in the fact that theo
Earth has smoking to do with love, humor centers about the i icr of a
a itafilness, goodness or idealism?.ahrb i o- ni-il oalI
Wawhat has a cigarette to do with I ood natriots, the Irihe lano.I
a girl's character? Tell me, would you 'hbis turmoil, however, is now in the
refuse to nmarry a girl who is brilliant, backtground and ti-I earthy, lyric
faithful and sincere, a girl whom you beauty of the p-rose stand"s today in-'
love--would you reject her b~ecause compsiahle in all dramatic art; the
of rj fewv inches of paper wvrapped quaint pl-rases of the dialect and the
O roeand athimblefulI of trce? what "rni', tive graindeur of the tlieme--- a
A-t t'd ''" t- .'vo ii 'a'snre r is a. ita r --el with his ?mightyI
i')V is rp' '-'iy >ay ;hat t1 oba eo is a to-Ik hut fthere's a great gap between
filhy abi. hve ou versee ana gallons story and a dirty deed"___-'
otherwise neat girl handle a cigaretteI unite in an artistic whole Iliat i,; tin-
in a filthy manner. What is flh usual and delightfully entertaining.-
* * f
abouth smoking a few cigarettes a day, T HE IBALICIICH'OR'
any more than drinking a few sodas.
Indeed. I should rather see my sweet- The Russian temperament,.filled
heart sminirg than stuffing popcorn with a strange, half-Oriental love of-
down hor' throat, a common sight sensuous emotion. has produlced1 in a
amon th co-ds.scor-e of years tha-t has scarcely ended
TheeIusudiv f te ourh ndan artistic renaissancze that has In-
fifth paragraphs is too self-evident. A -lecdadrmd~lteetr
further discussion of the matter ist Western world. Its literature has
therefore superfious.1 nurtured Tolstoi, Dostocvski and
Thus far I have previously avoided Gorky, its dramla Andireyev and
saigm atiueoa. aTchekoff,. its theatre the i'Moscow Art
use of tobacco, thou~ indeed it must ( har lyr n h huetlu
be evident. I have r o objection to it. ris, its dance Paviowa, Nijinsky andj
If my chosen-one loves and is faithful Fokine, and its music fully a third of
to me; if I love her,-why, I shall the significant musicians before the
"shout her praises over the house-(wrdtdy
tops." Smoking would play no part Such an extraordinary record must
in it, as it would (polite cough) with Irs rmafnaetlcetv m
yoL. M. L. ('25) -O. -V,. F. a pulse, an inheritane that sniows one
yoof its fullest fruits in its choirs,
A SLIE OR ITO such as the ukranian National chorus
A SLIE ORTIVOthat appeared here last year and the
To the Editor: Kibalehich Russian Symphony chorus1
The thing tht needs correcting in that are to present the third
Ann Arbor is the terrible condition number of the Extra Concert series
of the sidewalks. Around the entire Monday evening in IHill auditorium.
(~-1;1ui, I know, of but two landown- l
ers -vhlo have cleaned the walks inf
front of their property. What is the


200-204 IE. LIBERTY ST.

Gown 5

Dancing Toni~ght



IDancing E~ery W~ednesday, [Friday and
Music by
Bill Watkins and his
Granger Eight

-On Liberty just off State




Clothes skillfully laun-

dered in soft water.


cial sacri; ce itos atL1K, it-laai
of the ? merican diplomatists.
There are many political s)"ive=1-;,
both in America and alironit, n it)o;-
cuse this country of extotriiur i~s
"pound of -flesh," probably with. so me
justice. It is easy to argue that s "mc?
the sacrifices of this nation in 0he
war in no way compared ni
of France and Grcat iiit n .,o size uld
take no part in the coiled ions foi n
Germany. Trhere are just a nmanv
economrists, however, who insist thati
the pament to us of our share ofl:
damaglaes and of the huge debts of the
other nations is essential if the
oconomnic stability of the world is to

necessary the isslnan==^eof
lo cls.

taxj fr"'-


we do them will wear
longer and look better.

I 'liP '!,;11100j cation~s will be
CirI"'g i 2 ai'. -J :C'- - -n r(." f)# \-nnTIlunj-
-aP, - h;-\'- I-ietrsda
cII iitdl upon req~uest.


~VI oO .i4 F
A; otit.F- v(;o mother, wife and
c ?;}(t~5als o m cd appe'ar' to be
Sh, ppic,1 af,t l)Ct0ter tampered for
Ssmoking (especitally those wAho smnoke
nines). I hare been stirred by Caiinn-

matter with the Ann Arbor property
m -n ors ? Are they too lazy to clean
their walks? IDon't they want the
students to use them? Almost every
eity in Michgan compels its residents
to k1een the walks in front of- their
pronerty (clean. Detroit recently pass-
ed a law making the owner of prop-
erty facing a walk responsib~le foor in-


Send us

your i.,nxt

be maintained. Magnanimous sacri- pus Opinion on th..e subject. It would juries received (In that walk if due to I~
fices sound well, but are next to im - jalso be nice to know' how the chief snow and ice which should have been p si l n b s n s . I s sg ii a tIa g m n s u e g i s nozn l a ;d a a . S g n w a i y
po osibl ter uiess.Itssigifcaergmntsr ltl usd aantsokn7l wa.Sgnw a Ci
to otetht tereha ben vrylitlewould be applied by the Regiment of -mid FI+nt all ha e ordinances requir-
complaint registered by other coun- Womeni to the use of pwe ad ing the cleaning of sidewalks, and
tries except for the initial protest fromj metics:- it is also a practice (a) re- mat is more, these ordinances are I4
Great Britain on the legal aspect ofpuietomn (n(busdy I enforced. Even if there is no law
the situation. I "unladylike women" (c) whlich woutld requiring the cleaning of sidewalks
The principal comment has been make it -very unpleasant fox' 'children in Ann Arbor, one would think that/
,caused by the fact that agreement to be kissed by their mother." 1110 it's citizens would show enough civic
wras reached so quickly, that all na- saem1fml fospuhn O-~~ir~t to keen them clean. If there is
tions seem at least outwardly satisfied; loquy, I must auk you to respect my j a aw requiring clean walks, about B 3asile hifrdlchivhi
with the result, and that the United anonymity. I 99 per' cent, of the p~roperty' ownersj
SItates is once more an active partici- IYours truly, I shiould be called to court immediately. In such a recital. there is the spec-
patin allied affairs. This confer-E Gallio. What is the matter with Ann Arboor?1 tac-le of some two tiozen men anad
once has shown how powerful an in-_________ ___ I Is it's ci-vic pride dead, or didn't it woeign nacmaidbt
fluenlce the representatives from' A POLITE COUG~H I ever have any. ---F. R. 1,3. classic at-d peasant. melodies with anl
11ashington can exert when neces- - To the Editor: ------ effect that all but et-eates> a hurman i
Lary. It remains only to use this po- I wish to analyze L. M. L.'j ('25) ( T'llE {Ll iGIi) OPERA orchestra. These artists are t'Irained I
t-ent~al power ine the interests of world article on smoking. It irnteresits mue To the Editor:; from children iin the it ricate tech-
disa.,nament to insure ti-I future in that it is a splendid example of the I beg leave to take advantage of niqite of their art, the u. e of (lynlamics-
ph cci of tho western peoples, average college student's reasoning I your pzu!lication to express in behalf andI every delicate ,shading; mnore than
----------------. - process. No; ''reasoning" doesn't I of the ( 'hinese Students' Club of the' this, they biiig to thi-'l work the rich,
('100 OLD)11. AN!D G(. describe that strange method whereb~y I University our applreciation of Mr.I imagination of a dynamic r-ace, thej
Those employees of the Buildings stupid and impossible assertions arc H Fomrer Heath's action to change thle full vigor of a colorful inheritance.
adGrounds department who come. woven in a shawl of unnecessarily in- objec tional parrs in the Union Opera. * *
i:'to contact Nvith the students are a volved language. 'tWe take it as his favor as well as his "11AIID, BE (4 0}D !"
-A(ry munch maligned body of gentle- j The core of L. Mv. L':' ('25) argu-j cots -y to uls.! A review, by Valentitne Davies.
i , n. Their tasks are for the mnost amont is as follows: Mary I further assure out' friendi; Nornian 13e1--(eddes, George Gershi-
par't of an elementary nature, and Paragraph I: The Womlen's ( lub I I at 'i C~rei'C5lt resentmenht.we win, and Guy Blton have turned (out
lend (itleniseives readily to Jest, Never- of Ann Arbotr, in its recent denuncia-; tali( it a arsOut' hly to c'orrect: mlisin abhouzt tie best musical coimedy since
thelss ccaionaly hrogh ome act tion of nic'otine, addrhess;ed its crti- sfoiltit~tiomis andt to av'oidl misundet'-. the good old (lays when musical con-
c" rl siol orcommssin thy mn-I cisin, really, to all of Amnerica's smi-stanldings; «we have no malice against tde eeiuia ondei hr
a,-0e d) endlear' themselves to those who' ing females. Their uise of' tobacco I a-nybhotdy. ft is just because of the ever' was such11 atclay. The piece is
ise thie campus and to create deep is increasing. TPhis it pr'oved by the} fact that greater par't of the p~ublic called "Lady B~e Good" and wve re-
- u-iln the student breast a sense of fact that a few girls protested against I as alreadly been misinformed about otllendt it for anyone who dlesire to


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T sinclrv T("n

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