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January 17, 1925 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1-17-1925

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Classes Ii

as All Major Shorts,
Aro Planiied

Twev(lve~ comiplete c ourses will be
given in Michigaln's summer coaching
-school which opens on Jiune 22 and
( doses on Aug. 1. Courses in all mia-
or snort: activities are listed on the
cur riculumi, in addition to classes onl
01 gani '~ationt Onl, adin istrat ion of
athletics, gyvl nastics, and physical ex-
aminationUs, first aid and hygieno, or-
ga;n ized play and recea ion, :taletic
trainfing, and gradedl plays and !;amles.
The( summer coa chinig school wvas
orgnired four years ago, and each
slimmer aln inicrcasing numiber of St u-
dents are enrolled, a better quality cCf
1 otVz urse.3 are rffered(, andl a greater
w-_...nount of professional interest is
rghuov. Students come from all p~arts1
14o,(f C1he United States. Last sunimer
O,10 mien were registered in the school
mil~d 15 other studlents, not formally"
~registeredl took courses. The act ie
, work in the summier school ris under
I ~ the supervision of Assistant Director1
4 ,Tad Weiran.
W1leiman stated yesterday that i
, ,ha NV pa11st the couses have proved imi-
wi~ly beneflicial to ( students and teach -
10 " The lx conitact and associa i los w1it
Amtces r epresenting a wide field of
e ndlea vor ham proven ins piring to th a
" Mchigan staff. Each year the Var--
r Ity coaches look -Forward to the a'
x ° ociations and discussions t hat. ar^ a.
i ;d rt of the summter Ss .sion sclao1t
, exericnce.#
' liege Growth
.. > Shown In Article.
Tremendous growth on thbe ~a rt of
,ttlriost all Amrericana unit crsit iea (lar-.1
i~~ng the last dlecade, as shown bot h byi
'tjf rnumber s of students and the value
j~k 6-R equipment, is pointedl out in anl
1 aticle by Henry T. Claus, releasedl
I waut Wednesday b~y the Doston Even-c
irng Transcript. Mr t. Claus has, sine
.911, annually compiled thme enroll-
4 ,nent-P~ecords of the larg;er- uniVcrai-
a ivmf, and analysed the result.
Alccording to official figures, which
do not. includ(e summner school. ext,i--
,~ion school, o1, evening class student,
t"A he "IBig TFenl" universities of Anca.
' in 1325 are in the ordler named, Cali-
="°#iirnifa, New York university, Itlinci.i,
6 usylvania, Minnesota, Coluinibin.<
. ?4cigap, Ohio. State,l Wisconsin.,an
~~Syracuse.California, the largest in-
stitution of learning th2t wvorldl has e,.ert
renown, boasts 15), 337 studen'lts. Michi-
anis rated at 8,970.
A startling growth in high: r learn-
ing is evident when this list j s cciii-
pared with that for 1310, fifteen year's
ad~o. The largest university at Or h't
tie was C olumbifa, with 7,191 st ;-
deonts. California, the present leader,
was still i the "infant'' class, with
;,718. Michigan was hird cii that IjA,
wvithl 4.574. Others of lihe "aniclf Big
rrfen" were: Minnesota, C ornmell I, I
y'ard, Illinois, Syractweo, Yale !i'd ('hi-
,The past fifteeni years has lIowni
that the most imp)ortan t gains have
1)0(01n iseitei'ed by the state univer-!
,tics. TIhe smagller' colleges of the east
ir'e lagging behind.
though not in eq nipnmeait or at and a r'd s
The cost of the.e collegeos is ,1 indi-
ud by the fact that1 thi~s year Ohio
State will ask thcir legilature for
$16,000,)000; Chicago ha,; inauagurat ed
" campaign for $50,000,000; Pennsyl-
vania. is out to raise $I O),0i and
the,1 dcuin md of other it it itt i>n5 arc
proportionately high.
Esealiaba, JTan. 1.- - . f. Olds; su-
perintendlent of theI Es:canabat schools;
for thre past four ye rs, has present.-
erR his resignation andl will retire to
his farm near Ypsilanti in June.
Chicago, JIan. 1 6.- -Wheat sold atf
above $2 here yesterday, the highest
niark since thme wrr.

Whoy . lndrrA Jta
Bea' 6y Or "r§ellicoc? LB^.^ria. A siL Rks
v. PX fir. K
l rt
C ia~'J. 1ntl mcx- tueiesoi;f'. I i 1 s l d q t q'y- a

c', F i*I

RETINSPlan Display Of
.Many Wfood Cuts,
A oletinofmrlhn Nvo
I PE ~ cuts; hasolluct een eceidby the
?Ann Arbor Art a ssociation, andI wil!
so0on he mu1f oil di splay in tue west
1) I iddit~0tt Igallery of Alumin i Menmoria I hall. The
' is f 1 ;libai1, conmes to the association,'
( 'onis rthrougt ghe A mcrican Federation of
ofa.Wam ig ,and fr'omi here it,
wITSCHO1OLS gora.to II. B atoArt, cluib, alead-
_......nt. ?um tSt 1 o(rga vnization.
ule :t ;lit' IEAG [S WILL TAKE !


.._ .. F


rnn~u~e1f o'clock and from 1 to 5:30 o'clock
Uff fIN today at the Allenel hotelAMITP rmetn 1),mc 1, A neral
Og [ whilh Pr ofessor 'yne ill 'coeductea
Srlting (to t che ~ uh il
M!rtPnt any Univrsity students ave-ox- 1110 iCliniitliWi xiI _
pressed their interes't ini the proposed I'O0~0 ~V5 attn' Oth
establishment of a school for roll e5 n : :~a -a- a mi f
tate training, according to P1 rof. 11. the jouaW-:-,ll'1. m
D). Byrne, former head of the depart ,-
moent of history and social science at lodnJa.1.-Am saorK-
Kent State Teacher's College, I -o, loggin tends to saill for the United
who is here for the purpose of inter- St ls eweenvFeb. 12 an(I 20 t'o takie
viewing seniors interested in the Av ( A
Professor Byrne has been ewpl (1u i uie :ac'tar fsaeI
by the Knight-Norris-Hibbs c_'omT-ma,', __________________________
i, large ireal estate firm of Cleveland,;
for the purpose of organizing such a'
school, the first of its kind inl thea
Uniited States. The intenition of the y \,L 'A ltd
company is to establish a school to CLOTHEIS FOR THE COLLEGE MAN!
which only those who have had four
years of' college training, or its equi-
valent will be eligible.
P'rotessor Byrne will interview t hose
wtshing to take advantage of discus-
sing this training programi from 9 to

aa l 141 i: da';oi £ti 10'he ~tiCollees
O iA 1.,-7 f': t Ii iwm ork. te ot
.£ j''aroi iI.: tismtaUiti onthe parth-1
z-'O eaml; 11 s. z~e id ~teneioi-
he H ' t 0 itmenCt have been
5 5 lut ilinfg tie sys tem 0of
311i' f ity inselt menat lpresenlt n-
kv r ~ direiofa IUni vers it y cozln-

wn da Mn,-a \ asl(),-c A IIwe(44Lt )



I Y >'li m mi 1a31; er ae I' S t > 1 .< ,a {l . t 'g l s Si m l S If~' llat A --
C~> t i , .1 10, Ni -rile, Rock,I
EArnold Nsim1m, 'r.-V' o- ~ Ia' :o uudrokLk
vcl('rsitI(Iouvai u', ugt "tO i;c! auh v' 'h'O Oni e j.t cif Schools
jwiit n(I 11 imi' woI°'tito tUih'?i' L11pwl x 1'( it mdiW,' t a a's tsc1:pteol hoeo
senlves to be ; )Ia t) W lits 1. 1 1 z rt IJu t(} ''l i !total iii niu l)()1'o ol
I) I
t S1. 5. .he ) 12 V ceremniph;'.<<1;izmimglie iiiplo11an ie
:/'"P fS 1!oRur" ' ti rainiea'(.che3 ;, 18 chIools3

1a'veteachersof' Eli %sliwill
t" Y~ e - a n n at i t req iired fori,' e t o .1 1 f nW c r f -
a11-r ngto 'tile.n anoleient ef
{ ' i . '.( F! '>Ws xv; ai s 1i ,icharge of
;eatci i1~~elrWit;t tie purpose of
i.t; com ng'-, and '11l toroligh-
;iea oP teeua o smn ill the +
:8ix'iIc i. Allt knoxvie lJge of English
l 1i1; Is u: 'Pu11 whet 11 as gainied in!
r5]~ aO)l~ S oomm:i. rr15051 1d;vid al ~hreadt-
All tt ,e I Ia ingl English either
as miajjcr or ininor are requiredl to
tape th testA, which. will also serve
" :Aiu-ecu niit e for wadniission to the
f-i{!so ii le teacintllg ofEnglish
'i i --:11le F#'( the siecondh semester as
Sediusalioni 1)1 10 or Eanglishi i:196. L a ter
lonaltt ii(mt ai in-Cols 2n:C'fda.tfons are 'to
tie t1 iSaudi mfi 'imlonm the r :>d.ob1-
M el 1 1,n; ie, ,a1. ;-fl1 5( 't'; li
cabinet w is in soulumlUow;a 50)55 n o0-
da;y planning the, defcal, of the, par-
ah zru g shippig :trike.
R,-"ead the Want Ads


.Ecept onally good
food at reasonable
prices ill lfheasant.
su rroumndings.

1F1 q
f L{ ' i

'~j 1' 1 1 l'c ll 1'il
;t~ ~~<' inia ;-:.t.': a he Iiin '.
(:1(';l lI'4^'l ls urx u I ilmroin
halnre uxSl'' qqi: ' f 1C i:~ tmoh; - on ' Angel!.
11:)0 Oi s I ;ui schIools in 1x-h ish sitch
c <_r o:ilet iomma ;aros (.'adusted, a u-of a
hl;: r s , tn ri;i:1T tIIUKetI I flk Ml
1;5;iimimy of.- such;;;1 ash1 -c'. Sure-
lI t;1" W1 05';r is :tis wor'thy or utcih
iljo c 15( ' 5; ii: (tirl';,2i(G>"Il School.''
wJulia F , a '' '''' TO -"No, T1 clawE;
lie~~~ ~..,i ,.I ;-a>1" ii~ ' o
?WE;IllS :mri:;. ' O vI - i this 'st'2Ile .'; 'l
1LRO Nt 1, . :(l' i(', -"2-Itlu0 mly o}}-
collegeshlo" hl t.1. ; a1a-'0 I- ; i
:'"lIC}11;thy .au vr:i't h ;", a xw >it l

ix et'sityx, 1 is 'un tosa'a a-

7ir), (1i ?It} 477.au 7'7u i 7.rLfif'i 17t num1ber of,
10?''crs rar'musul cats n thei' faculties
'xrre ssi :r-"dl f 'on 2 to10)1yeari'statea.
'T'h) 's;',,<r <it }rotalct250 schools15will
hr'ti xmsit e i inAlPi; iganiby 26 nmemabers
of Ithue f:culmt}',each ofxvhiom are'to
5>011 ti 050 W ' inl inspectiom. Timeir

Corner State, 'Packar-d
Phone 117

has just. e xhile ''ss i L rtto iic cUrllliirru illAXIbeUt'usedi
molt(;Oili~lyoF 'lii-rd'; - ; ~ii a bsis for 115 oiig ll) Iplte list of
rlin Inisell nof 0)r ). Pu ilclwl U~'-1~IrJ n Lrges Use


1115, : l 01 "J. rIuCoic 'e i- , ;;Wtm-
his family.
At. the pr's;eil I mOweI Dr. I>PI i'i',
who gradna toil tromt ti e il( ( iti

Sschool huer'e in M 76, and wx; "u-;-n s i-
' ie hoor iv y degree of1[to01or5oSl-
in I1G; Oin 1es2~iing in Pro s'-"V
- 171( ;- oLa ha: JIM fiu 1'r u's: -
~ :ni 50 an': ini) 01st a';sat a m
Lime Northiernaitrmny d urng Up' tmC ('ivii
wa)r, bie seuvarl in M at cupad i m'ci
1 864 1i) 1867, also ;raoi nating fsst1 lit
' Univ er sHityduinig Ithat. Ilie.Il~e v-as
Nr Y:u .mtil)'1845,, and o':it ued ihere a.;a
fr''ali;an 'i Wen'he 1',' ;, IS 11 eorr
old 1im 1858.
NVIm ch ii] his hoco is a CIMaptem'

tihe literary (aoueC.,, ! oil 105 :-siiooi 1111(1 Oshlgo'(l;,y ,s i
EdWiiJ. \'h I : .,'7.-' d.1uo ,whifchlie i~c << -rio li( l ite'-ibr'a, u"iso
not Olig a~ in ia 'a'u'a 'sinl i, l-lda' aaU' ofrs c' te tfmux-r(s'at
ho It., s(-:tl alouiu le -1}(' ',r on(u!, '.:o3 0 aS if', f 1irl 1in litisi: duysi.
! 'wrf ' J iZ

Of Parrk n ,Space~
I?: e of I lie Ito large lots turned
c,4i u r;lm arhina; spaces by the Uni-
vcs.l-;,', is urged by E. C. Pairdon, Su-
t) ielcal t11 '11it of the Buildings and
C:m (,is l- "us:t aicit . If these parking
aror''': ~ ur,;od vrIa theoy should be, it
t 11 t ;i ho' ,su: assoff thle streets
11w ;I s nonau c m mu r ldthus relieve con-
o-s I inv-s;, )Ciflite'(1 out.
?c '-; : . r a v s itsfor this use
z' th"i'an: of; oitthtii ve'rsity and
'a ~ ~ ~~~o v.'-'s-, u to'the Univer-
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .- ..tol~~ -. ; :'crh nd no m'at the!
to brimd -t rap titi ml,, here is miire-
'u ->.: -' 'th( ."ena of' Clctuents II -I
a; Jm:is ealt u>ely prto libit d.
La.st Times Today4 I
I 7.90 I
t M'j~"
11 L.r iISYIiz- ON14





GIOri yi g The matioi PC Tu
Furthest North For 'riP-
i;.5,thet~iAiihor o





C / ,9E S J . ' [LFO R" I T S B E A U T Y A .N )

Thcsc amousStars Will 1.
thec lhrillbnn N.xrlatl ive fr"

-~ ~m,~:' ~7 ~ ~ Wdb V V ~64b' ~ 3r~ I,~
Ret ~o'r)

Sunday Diner

, oali


(-c:411 ohfC u'eemi 1":. z


CO1iv cs




Ait ym '. si]'i~1j#'d {(;f

Itoast 1'ount; (Chickeni v1it
Roast Leg of Landb
wvith Mint Sauce
Asparagus Tilps onl Toas t
Creamed Potatoes
hloime-Imadte Apple or RisinmuI'e
Brick Ice Cream with Cab~o
Tea Coffee Mlilii

QoI uctiomi

Hack so'uieft

a as

" J 'a' a


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