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January 17, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1-17-1925

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u jg Mgi4n3rt~


Published ev'ery morning except Monday
dluring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en- l
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lisihed therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master. General.b mal
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; bymal
$Offices : Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street. -
Phones: Editorial, 24x4 and 176-M; busi-
neCss, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176041
Editor............. John G. Garlinghouse
News. Editor........Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor........... Manning kiousewrorth
Night Editors
George WV. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P'. henry Fredk. Y.. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R.'1Thal
Sports Editor......... William It. Stonemn
Sunday Editor.......... Rooert S. M4"ansfield
Women's Editor .............Vernea :Morar
Music and Drama...Robert B. Henderson~
Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour
Louist~ Barley ilelen S. Ramisay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichnanil
Leslie S. tienrnets Marie Reed
;smith Cady Jlr. Edimarie Schrauider
Willard B. Crosby Frederick 13. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Sevs
Jaymes W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise
M fin 1] -ouwwortlo Eugene Ii. G~utekunst
Elizabeth S. Kenrnedy Robert TI. DeVor~e
Elizabeth Liebermnann Stanley C. Crikhton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
.Carl E. Ohlmacher Thomas V. X~oykka
William C: Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 90
Advertising.. ...........E" L. Dunne
Advertising........ ........... 3J. J. Finni
Advertising................ .hI. A. Mark.
Advertising .... ............H. 1M. Rockwell
Accounts.....................Byron Parkei
Circulation.................... R. C. Witer
Publication..............John Conlir
P. W. Arnold W, L. Mullins
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Gordon Burris H-. L. ,Newmanni
F. Dentz ThomasOnta
Philip Deitz 3.D. Ryan
David Pon. N. Rsnwi
Norman ereehiling Margaret Sandburg
WV. E. Hamaker F . K. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson S. 11. Sinclair
.. If. Kramer F. Taylor.
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-H AROLD'A. MOORE
Phi Beta Kappa, national htonorar,
scholastic frater~nity, is aliout to enlte
upon a new era of activity, dlesigne,
to correct the principal ailment o
.American university an(I o1lege life
the tendlency to subordindte the im
portanm. of ;i^holaatic achievement
to various form of extra-curricula,

tion for the promotion of the best in
higher education by the step which it M
has taken.____,O TDRL
The nine bishops of the Review IDLY CHATME
church have decreed at last thati GEORGE: Hello Cowles. CLAY'TN hAIILTO\ L S IZ E S -
and Bishop William Montgomery+ COWLES: Hello Deans, how are'
Brown has been convicted of heresyi you. today? In connection with the Sheridan
and will be "deposed from the Epi3- GE O: Well, I ain't dead. Where yaj Festival, which is signalized in the il
copal ministry." been keepin' yourself? theatre by the revival of "The Rivals":A
Simrilar to, yet infinitely differenit COW: 0-h-h-h (yawn) 1 was in with a brilliant, next to dazzling cast,,A M3
from the case of the Presyterianls Detroit Saturday.! headed by Mrs. Fiske, the inconmar-,
!against Farry EesnFosdick, who GEO: You was eh? able Mrs. Mnne Maddern isk, and r 1ii naoe ats rahn oa O : Yp-addnttikInldn hucyOctGogtead(ohEd fteDaoa ak
Presbyterian congregation at its own didn'tpt on a hadr o.Cohan Lola Fisher. and Tom WsiteEgihveateto h vi J .1JrJY~rIri. JJ0.rl0~JJllrY*JJ /'1 "',//d ~J1,l J""Yl'.',
request, the grievance of the Episco- GEO: Ya did eh.°19the111i1111English1119lT111I departI?1ment11 of1111 the1 1111Vni-.ilill11llflt~11ti111Illltltlr
pal church against Bishop Brown COW: (yawning again) Yeah boy veriyhsscrdalyo aitn
sem obe a real one and the result ;I did. A real A-i bender.,We had theditigushd Iranaiccrti, o
~~~L"iof the trial not only none too harsh:! absolutely the meanest pair' of women lecture on "The Old English ornm POPULARITY is the Erj j AN E1N S lO
btflyCheepce.Andl what you ever saw in your life. Boy they edy" Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 W greatest outward sign of a E=~
reut fgl yotdbe eapcte .n g .
is more, if the "heresy bishop" dis- ,had everything but White mice. o'clock in the Natural Science auditor- ral god eaig place. =
plays the proper spirit he will accept] CEO: O0h there's hot women in De- lum. Come in any time and you --
"The Rivals" wil'eprsteat~
the verdict with no further ado about trolt all right-if you can find theNe DetroitOraWill find the same quality Opel fo
it"COW: We just happened teNwDtotOeahue onto em alayf
In order to substantiate such asser- Theywen' girlsI knew r any-thwekoJaur2,an .1am adseic tatas Cod-
wee' r ilton is travelling ahead of the con-,= distinguished Allase d "
tin,'n needs only to turn to the thing. poyasis uliaedavac -gn-a
views to which the Bishop admits GEO: Never had much of a chance as. it ulmtda ILa
I lI asep danyter ation ea e nt01 -
that he subscribes. By the denial of I to get to Detroit myself. Just every.lehsere nitrainlrp-O
f u re o n z d d t i s of th e O N C E in a w h ile fo r on e o f th e w a i n a c o a l r t c e u l t 3 u d j
church, namely: the existence of Cod, sc shows..,..I dono many people in suhecelnawies sKnnt D
the doctrine of the Trinity, the earthly! Detroit. M ~wn Sheldon Cheny, a nd=-Dil
existence of Christ, and the "divinity! COW: WVel, Detroit's a hard town Stark a~n Young, and i ]no speciallyritwellthVan'sidLunch
of Christ and his present intercession to know, unles you live there. nwna nauhrtyo-h-Seia
for us," Bishop Brown has taken a (mean it's darn 1tard to meet people ridnt~ n a~e' f11 ot nvriy w
tht artificial age with its wigs, pow 7O-iatU -' iw. hn,39-
stand in which he could hardly be there. They're kinda-standoffish-- 0EEs nvriyAv.Poe39-
expectedo reeto eareceivetretany otherw filtreat-he yuhbroknosw.edhees'i=Cpatches11ItandIIIbrocades, red heelsI °='1111ill119l91llllli11l11lI1I9il99tltl19ll11i!I91lll999l1lillllU[1lllI91 fllX11.l1l1
tribunal. Hlastings, where I come from.,soitdwt rfso rne
What would have been a more ap- COW: But believe me boy, once Matthews in the department of lira- I___
part f, te~yo knowpeope inDetrot iticu!literature at Columbia Uni-
propriate move on the prnf h ouko eol n eri-i o al
now-confirmed heretic an (done which get in with the ih stee itvrsity, Mr. Hamiton became t-O''f
would have shown the proper defer 'anicer place to live on od's green" some twenty years ag o as one of the::il
Fo .U fu A IQ
ence for the Episcopal church 'end its earth. You can talk all yuwn ablest lecturers in his field. Poi 1 vi!'
doctrines, would have been the cor- about New York and its four hundred periods of varying length he has been
The Forum. Vogue, and EJverybody's
eplete withdrawal of the Bishop before or whatever they think they got-but 4
's predin toth wold is ew ndI they arnthlassob as some Miagazine. His bookes include " The, h w n
praigtth wolhi e anarnthl sobyTheory of the Theatre,""Problems of S'hoivingS A L
i radically differing doctrines. If hie of the Ole families in Detroit-I mean thulyrg~, ad"eno h
rhd taken such a course he would like some of the real nice people that 1
' hav shown the proper respect for got in on the ground floor of the auxto StgOhlfsa rmts ei
the church, hie would have had the industry. And when thytrw ba-lest known for "The Big Idea" -O
am opotnt ofsraighste!The lecture Tuesday afternoon will All
doctrines, and all of the unfortunate GEO: I was in to one of them onco.b opimnay ndtegnra ih g ad he n
trouble would have been avoided. Went in with Jim Allerton. D'yuh !ipbi sivt* *E v1 ening re u d
The most regretable thing about thej know him? wnosi1ery (greaty rdve
whole procedure, or any others like COW: Allerton. . .. Alerton 1111.TheJim IEF OF BI),AAW +.
1lit, is the fact that such futile con-1 Wheres he live?Th majority of moving pictures,' (41 !-
I troversy over doctrinal affairs should GEO: I don't just know---Some- unfortunately, are trash and piffle. Gowns ato 1{h. :room or spIng.
so engross the religious leaders of where up on ah- But there have been here this season'
y the day when they might be doing ai COW: Nope, don't believe I know; some six first-class attractions: "For- r V ec adisc.
greater service by preaching Christ anybody of that name. I know an hidden Pauradis.e, " "Manndled,"i
-and his prirnciples, the real message 1Ahington, though. His older brother. "Beau Brumrmel," "The Navigator,"
I of Christianity. Each individual isi went to Yale. "One Night In Rome," beautifully act-
entitled to his own interpretation of CEO0: That's it! Allington! I ed by L-urette Taylor, andl now witho
the scriptures since no one can prove- knew that name didn't sound just "lThe Thiref of Bagdad" opnng Sun-f
y that his particular view of the matter right. Mtusta been thinkin of the new;(ay afternoon at the Wuerth theatre'I
'r i the correct one. The real essencej Allerton, club residence in Chicawgo. You have two diplomatically (iptr ilut--S t
teahins ae acepedby many as ives on Brainard, don't he? houses.1 1
! ~h oePItrue and good and should be the only C EO: Yeah, that's it. . .,.I was at; "The Tieaf of Bagdad," offfure,108 Sfcu 1h Mairt. Phone ). osdrto fCrsin.Rseswtci.Wtniuqetoal h
w cosdrto fCrsin.Rseswt i.W ere both tyni-uqesinbytesupreme achuieve- 1
it ~ ___________ to make Yale, and neither of uis couldi mnt-if movies (-an ever become in-: nE etjs l tr
r_ MrCelsol ae icue ut 1 t ~' lw ' Ilnos reme--Of tile, indtustry. The follow- ' N

activity. The society, which is the I feminine smoking along with thei now isnee?
oldst rek ltte oganzatonin heperils of love andl marriage to be real-! COW: Yeah-went Alpha Alph.
nited States, celebrated its 148th an- ly pt temnteo hsIaps They're pretty strong downere, I
niversary in December and is initiat- to the miguesute..ionbrther asaskllsa
ing a campaign for a million dollar. bones at Yale though. Lass man tap-
memorial fund with which to com- i CAMPUS OPINITON ped.
memorate the 150th anniversiary of l Anoivnmer,is eommncatio as will be GEO: Jim 'ud a made uit too if
its founding. J,a-nts will. however, he retarded as he'd ever got into Yale. He uz, duln-
In the words of the national see- confidential upon reqluest. mern me though. Say, you must have;
retary of the organization, Phi Beta twelve inches there, Cowles. How
Kappa hopes with 90 per cent of itsE To the Editor: about coming out of character?
new fund "to increase the respect in! This morning I made an importantI COW: It's all right with me. I'm'
which scholarship is held.'" The (ldiscovery which was indeed a pleas- :boring myself to tears.
method used will take the form of ant surprise-namely, that the col- CGEO: (in character again) Same
financial encouragement for deserv-. umn in The Daily known as the Cam- "here. (out of character) Let's quit.
ing students and increased awarding!I pus Opinion has been (dedicated to * * x

ing critiltism was written b~y Robert:
Sherwood of Life, and should stand
as a lyric recommendation from the
b~est reviewer in his earthy field: 4
"The Thief of Bagdad" is the farth- j

.. a.,. ....., .....,.,....,.. ... ....


of medals for outstanding scholastic
work. It is hoped that by granting
fellowships and scholarships in Amer-
ican institutions of higher learning
students, who might -not otherwise be
able to afford it, will be enabled to
continue their studies.
Since' the formation of tihe society
on December 5, 1776, it has exercised
a profound influence on our intellect-
ual life. It has taken into its memn-
bership many of the outstanding fig-
ures of our nation's political, judicial,
and intellectual life. For more than
the century its membership has been
coveted as the greatest honor of a
university career, but its value to
education has largely consisted in
this-its incentive to careful and
thorough scholarship. The broaden-
ing of the scope of its activity, indi-
cated by the campaign now underj
way, is the most encouraging single
announcement of rtceent years for
those interested in seeing increasedj
intellectual interest in our universi-

subtle humorous offerings. , N0o i' II E P D 1 A L O GUV E
1\ .L.--the Gods be with her and en- (To be read by six male students
dow her with increasing mental ca- with megaphones. They must each
1 paity--has made the statement that have had experience singing third
"if the male world finds that there is bs narcgie leCu.St
to be no more kissing unless smoking lastin adconizumeseCastbSet-
be stopped-smoking (among mlen) DAIS Whtddyuhiko
will vanish into the air." It appears tharvieI:Whwan dd Panurgingave
to me that the young lady in questionus
! has reserved for herself, a large Ipol-us
tion of -well-deserved critical coin- HIEN DERSON: I think it was a bit
went. May I hope to be the first to; unusual, don't you?
take exception to her article in order DAVIES: Superbondogical, would
that harsher criticisms do no descend' you say?
upon her defensless head? TakeI-HENDERtSON: Oh rather-but it
mercy upon her, men, for she knows 1 covered the ground, don't you think?
not hatshesay! IDAVIES: Well I guess so but it
Is a kiss from the young lady who j(didn't say much--
favored us with the article so desir- f HENDERSON: No, it certainly
thler that men are willing to give tip didn't. Itiki a l h
terinalienab~le rights and .(-t ep'- p IS hn twsi h
seatedl habilts in order to taste the wr'on~g column, (don't you.
sweet innocence of her Cupid-bow I HENDERSON: No, all Drama re-
lips? Unless she be a most exceptional [ views go in the Music andl Drama col-
and unusual girl-the kind that buys umn.
the theater tickets for herself and es- DAVIES: Yes, but all other non-


est'and most, sudden advance that the
movie: have ever made and, at the
same time, it is a return to the earl-
iest presentable films. I remember that,
the first picture I ever saw was a fer-
ociously fast French comedy, in which
one of the characters was dressed by
mnagic. His clothes leaped at him
from the closet andl fitted themselves
about iris passive form, his boo'ts
scurried across the floor and slid onto
his feet, and his shoes laces wviggledl It
into place like twin serpents.
"It is trick stuff of this same sort
that makes 'The Thief' of Bagdad' es-
traordinarily fascinating. Fa-rbank.;
has not been afraid to resort to magic
of the most flagrant variety. IHe has
usedl ropes which, when thrown into
the air, wvill be--,one rigid and scal-
able, magic carpets which fly th~rouigh
the heavens, win ged horses. and gold-
en chests from which vast armies may
be conjured with the fli.ck of a finger.
There is also a supply of genii, djims.
talismans and fire-breathing dragons.
" 'The Thief of Bagdad' has a mar- 1
fvellous fairy tale quality--a romantic
sweep wvhich lifts the audience and
vaporizes it into pink, fluffy clouds.
It also has nunch beauty andl much I
solidity of (iramat'.c construction. 1
"Fairbanks amid Raoul Walsh, the'
dlirector, have devised scenes of over-
whehmn~g magnitude and grandeur;I
but, in doing so, they have not neglect-
ed the (details. They have built, with




ties and colleges. cort-I most assuredly entertain my ; sense goes in Toasted Rolls.
Whatever one may think of Phi Beta doubts, Perhaps the young lady 1 HIENDERSON: But that wasn't
Kappa-and there are those who hold woutld be so considlerate as to explain,' nonsense.
it in low esteem-he must admit that for the benefit of men, as a whole DAVIES: Oh!
the aim of the society is a worthly one, why she thinks men value a kiss so HENDERSON: They didn't say -
likely to have a significant party ini I highly. It wouldl, no doubt, be en-j anything nasty anyway.I
remedying the many evils of modern lightening as well as amusin g, and I DAVIES: Well they couldn't, you
edlucation which have lately beenlwod earn for her no end of praisel know they had passes.
brought before us by the report of should her argutments be based upon! HENDERSON: But even so they
Robert Angell concerning this Uni- information glndeaned from romantic were quite complimentary.'
-versity and the comment which it has. novels and cinemas. DAVI ES: Well it WAS a good
arousedl. The only possible way of1 If Miss M. L. is voicing the opinion show wasn't it?
stimulating intellectual activity, as of all her kind how sorry I feel for{j lHE'NDERSON: Of course-we hadI
has been perfectly evident for some ( them in the moments of disillusion- i some crowd too didn~'t we?
time, is to increase the respect in m aent. How sorrowful the awakening! VALENTINE. I
which the real scholar is held-that Why should men set suich store by af * * *
is, to give the earnest student the so- I fleigmmntssiuaioihn Wl, it goes on like that for quite
cial recognition he deserves. The best' other things so much more worth a distance. The gist of it is the first4
way of bringing this home to the mass while- are at their command? They sentence-the flmst word of the first

Bagdad-and they have also built a;
story which is sound and workable,
and which.lproceeds rhythmnically and
gracefully at a steadily increasing j -
rate of speed.
j"Douglas Fairbanks himself (does
the beat work of his life in this fan- j
tasy. Ile has surpassed' his own
D'Artagnan andl Robin Hood by a long,
series of leap~s andl bounds. HeI vis-
ualized this remarkable story in his
own effervescent mind; with infinite
care andl artistry, he set it forth in
living shadows on the screen. I have
never been loath to back him with all
the verbal canital at my disposal, butI
now I am compelled to shoot the

I A _______



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