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January 17, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1-17-1925

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VOL. XXXV. No. 85






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Robertson Proclaims America M I0CIIIGAN DIVIDES
Shaper Of World's Destinies
Th'lat the Un ited Staitesis ,going to be 1hen,.yavw ishd t to 1)e other-HFONOBS IN DEBATE
the outstanding power in the shap'ng wise.,~~
of the world's destinies from now on That thle most forcibole proof of the IH ~ ~~iI
is the belief of Charles Grant lRobert-! stat emnent that the UjnitedI States can- VITHI1 IUBI[L!LflII
son, prominent British historian,ex-; not helm;he'rself brit must become a
pressed in an interview following ic i.; y t;o the ;affairs of the world, Mr.!
lecture yesterday afternoon in the 1tch - ;,son Bointotl to the Dawes p lan, AIDFIRI[ATIVE TEAM DEFEATS
I Natural Science auditorium. ' ;hich was fermnulated ';)y an Amer-! ' (Hi sI'I'E IIN
"No matter how much she may de-{ ican, bear s the name of an American, AGTJE'
sire to avoid1 entangling alliances with andl only tis week has b~een officially
European nations," he continued, sanctioned by the signature of Frank LONG TIE UNBROKEN
"Am~erica cannot help herself. Her 1 B. Kelloggr, the new American secre-r
idleals and1 her principles will pervade jtLary of state. Wieie ~s ots gl~
the entire international atmosphere t"While _Merican entrance into the! lv(rn ve CSes Aant
of the future whether she actually World court would not he, technically Easm
Joins the League of Nations or merely speaking, a recognition of the League1


Creel, Admirer Of Wilson,
Favors League of Natic
George Creel, the unmasked "Uncle publicity campaign for Mr. vih
He1nbry" of Collier's, revealed himself, Europe, preceeding him wherev
as not only an editor, author, publicist, went. It was Creel, also, who c
' a large part of the burden of atf
and humorist, but also as an inde-I n to have the Senate ratif
pendent liberalist in the broadest 1League of Nations pact.
sense, a keen student of history, and Creel, perhaps better than any
an en~grossing student of world!1 living man, knows of the obs
politics in an interview following his i with which the former Presider

ver he!
fy the,



r other



Matbier Will Use Same Tlean)
Faced Purdue Wednesday



IVIUL I- Iccurmiy nigntIii rt111 1 unt-1confronted in his fruitless effort to
toriulm. league the United States with the na-
T hough the people of the country 1 tions of the world. Yet Creel is a'
little realized it, Mr. Creel's position firm believer in the League, and be-
as chairman of the United States com-I lieves that eventually, by first taking
mittee of public information during the the gradual step of joining the World
war made him one of the most power-j court, the United States will become



(gives her moral tiupport in its enter-; of nations," 1he declared, " in its Itrue

Michigan's Varsity basketball squad -riles. lihyt sntin leBuUhtadPLLETIN fiti figures in the Wilson regime. The; a full member of it.
wilme hoSaea 73 'lcPDrn heps ieyas ra will lbe ut another step in the inevit- Evnston, Ill., Jan. 16.-North- peculiar part about Creels position~ A firm respect for President Coolidge
willmee Oho Sate t 730 'clck,"Durng he astfiveyeas, rea. iwas that hie was neither a Republican coupled with a great admiration for
tonight at the Field house in its third Britain has finally conie to a realia-f1 able patht which the United States! w'estern'sl'5 airmiative debating cnor a nDemocratf heseso and Oioi iobecauseieas fPrsofn W his his tea itothaimst f ntrand tamtidealsiedth seemspoisonan tod per.ssu et i
SaernsathtoofteCne-Ison for the League with tile United (tional .affairs." I ~~loe h ih gannea to a cotinuous andl vicious attack by Coolidge is the right man for the
Stt otsa h o fteCStates as a member can never be re-; Mr. Robertson 'oncludedliis re- f ive team in their annual debate go)aris problems that confront the nation at
enrge standings with two victories over ,alized," explained Mr. Robertson. "Nor' marks by saving that Great Britain undx~er the auspices of the Central ~botthe tie ta sue h tepeettman httePe
I A h ieta ssm ihtepeettie n httePei
Indiana and Wisconsin, and no de- ! i there any more imisundersandingi holds fie United States in the same Doebatirag league. head of the government publicity ma-I (lent will handle those problems in
fetswhl Mchgn il g nt teof America's stand, for Great BritainI light ns the United States -now holds The Michigaibn eamt was con- cbci'r, federal officials were at work the right manner.
game with a victory over Northwest-; now accepts that situation as inevla- Great Britain as the most important! Jl0.!eJ of the follow~ig three men: attenl-ting to set up a strict censor-; In discussing his "Uncle Henry"
em an adeea b Prde n tsble nIo matter how much in the past of all foreign powers in the world. IPalton J..f[icher, Albert M. Stern, shipi on alublicity. This policy se-! page in Collier's and how he happened
er ndadeetbyPrdeonisand~ Wilinm C. Dixon. enc I to me like one of substituting' to choose that work, Mr. Creel said
1925 record.,lhfl-l -A--AT I rumoir for fact throughout the nation, that there eras nothing left for him to
Theuad eytosAnnlArborhsmring.a'vtePU lL iUIiLi INie ia's Varsity debating team' the difference being that published! do, that his political enemies, of
sqaIoAnAbo hsmrig Te U K T 5 LOSUEhich p~tr the atiniaive side of IStores can always be hlnied, butwhich le had many, wer atn o
lineup which will oppose Michigan to-, the question, "Resolved that the Phil- rumror. cannot," was tie way in which' an opportunity to ruin hie in private
night will contain the same five men OFTp r n ~ lflllITf fit ies be granted tohu complete and! Mr. Creel ~xplained his success at his' life, and that some disguise such as
who tied for second place in the Con- l; in iI InnInIII 11 medate independence," receivred; job. I th ae"Unl er"wshsol
erxc latyrwhl Miig' llL I1IU II U IU the deciion ov er Ihe negative North- jBut Mr. Crels pet subject ihesalvation. dwl oti w ebrswoswsenter nter eaehl at sIh;,Also, the "Uncle Henry"
squa wil cntan to mmbes wh ______ wsteim eamin teirdebte eldlas XWorldl court. An ardent Wilsonite, in! idea gave him an opportunity to re-
did not play last season. Assun~~tion ('oliehe I)feasir w t eilnri(C '> *iiit i*5 ,SoiC! Navli night in Till auditorium. Previous to fact cnsidered by many as Wilson's!I some that comic-satire on current
Both teams, however, are rated(1al-l 't'ream1in Speedy ilorke y pio' dnr il A the decision in favor of MAich~gan both right and man in many matters, it' events of which he had been so fond
most equally on their past showings 1ots. gr~feeIttaums had won el(veitne.WI(relwo(aidon thegrambfoeth.wr
this season. While Ohio scored a 30-1 Members of the Northwestern team _ ______________________________________
22 win over the Hoosiers and w~on I- were Williamn C. MacLean, Otto, E.
easily from Wisconsin, 27-20, MichiganI SPRATT STARS 1 HAL DIEFENDS POSPITION; Nickel, and Wight E. Bakke. Speak o
i nn every *Con tcrt this seasonlb 1.e}1lich- A 't~ ir~tn oi 11 g's la"'Q t. t: ter JI>bi ts , 1 . 1l - fy A ~ D h b r , '5 e r e . mae r '2 d H I T R AF A O SOS EE D SE K
igan's 20-10 victory over Northwest-' Y" anti Elmer i. a1zmn, '27,. With the
ern and the great game put up 1by the1 ~x .. downed licign2-1 in the Preside I ('adi position gist excepltioni 01' the('first two 1ichigan
the inspired 1Purdlue quintet last Wed- nighit inWeinberg's C(olis eum. ITrh<~ca;'.bati lo> lies rewconi falitforthe rebuttal, the mm i iokeill.th~ l(T-OF [EdG JEaSbtIDAAGRE[M[N
nesday evening, have made the squad slow ice numde accurate coobinaton fir' today from I the1Democratic side ( order namned.
one. of the fa'rorites for the Big Ten pa ij , o ot ..gn.Mi'~i ie~~ia. As ot lined by the speakers en the (.sriit RiJtrsn, I Talk Yeserday, Longworth anid Snel Cofer With
title. Mivliiga-&n ;-al the t i ev ol~in i sut( &lhci# red ('o-ora tvn nede k1redlent onn of Much
Michigan's squad will lineup in the Igin could make lit the headway aganust r1 hi anual 113 al nppro:'rialtion bill favoring the gra nting of immiediate ii-I To Prevent War. Discussed Bill
same order that it took in the Navy, I thle backclueekiumg of the Assumpion as a ,,rliciei, riniioitv snators not depenideiime to the Philippines were,'
Northwestern, and Purdue games. teaum. only idt'i~iandod that Congress diect first that the governmrent being (len-I, CITES BRITISH HISTORY HOPE SOLUTION NEAR
oratic andh representative warrantedl
Captain George Hlaggerty, one of thei Goaltendler Weitzel of Michigan crzu ain but also assertedl that unider'It ueedmescnl a
leading scorers in the Conference atl ighttoidpnecsodlgh !
'the present time, and Ed Chambers 1 gave a remarkable display, making 19th le tr ms oi the nmval Ilhfitatioi tie economic status of the Philippines ! "A form of co-operation among the Washington, Jan. 16.-(By A..)-
will take the forward positions, while stops, many of which were lshenoun7ptien- t'atx il he i " I.u. could not be on was sound and therefore(desrving of nations such as the League of Nations President Coolidge was represented
Gregory will play at center, and! al. He wasabl3' supported by lMic(Knia wr withIiGreat Britain in the mattr independence, andl thirdly that the tri oi boueyncsayt oa ob nareetwt e
Chryand Doyle at the guards. lgap's defense men, Peteriumaimand Levi. Phlipiesfer qaliieni fncion oi boueyncsaytotdyt ei gemn ihR
C h ger ty wi l a a n b i h g n s A s m t o m h d t e e g n t m c ' ' L t~n sh i i s at least u n til 19 2. !P i i p n s w r u l fe o f n t o
bigget t for vgitory, wileCh ain - A rdum lin. haptain edgen t hnd fM rti-ti ; b' i milnlr s o -as n independent sta e.lprevent war in h+,urope, a war which' 1pubican IH ouse leaders that they
biggst et or ictrywhie Cain! wrd ine Catai SpaitandMarini e v adefend:ed by (Chaiiman ortwsienthese arguments, the woilii plunge them into a state of should seek an understanding with
hers who has shown constant improve- starred. However, Denton scitiliated ! iate of' the iival committee, who de- Northwestern teamm outlined tl3 fo- r2d ruin," said Mr. Gant Robertson, Senate leaders as to the final form of
ment in every appearance since thme with sonic wonderful stick handling. clia rd the American representatives lngtv io thr e queston:ifirst the distinguished historian, in summingMslShaseiltonbfrte
bgnig of ratewlbeaig Assuniptiomn hadthe edge during tewr a ie theheledigegwi a ie;ieo h usin is h uceSol eilto
practce willPbha bigwreesdvioenoty warrantdincompleteanup hs talk onl "Principles of British Underwood rivate, leasing bllisad
asset to the Michigan squad, lie is aI fiist few minutes of tie initial period, ,n, ;a. expertrs and thlat, in arriving a ii;msd o arn opee!ipbli at-
great defensive player and he com- !and only good wrk( by We,'itzei kept i& ' tleim of twenty capital ships for and inllfled(iate' indlependencee bcause foreign Policy-1815 to 1914" given vanced to its next lgislativ step.
banes ability under the backboard Spratt and 1'Martin oft the score sheet. fC lrrr rtain and eighteen for theIteyin nosufcnlyivizdoat41o'okyseryinheN-II
with accuracy in his long shots. Denton mnissed a splendid ,opportniity ; niited 3tfatcs, they too: into consider- meet thne demand of modern cviliza- ur~l Science auditorium. ItemoryladrithHus ,n
(Continuedon Pa e Sx) to scoe on a conli~rat~ousay wiilition, secndly they can not stand on In the first part of his lecture, Mr h aoiylae nteHue n
g t'o r a l a t rs e l c a l t a h ee o o Iu nnis, R edm on d t urning aside , hi' ei ghteen A m erican battlesh ips w ere !lo h w n f e o na i al d , nd i a - R b rt n s o ed h t t e m v m nt C i m n S e l, f t e H u e r l s
shot. At this stage Michigan's defen-ere poerfiil tharn an equial number lv they hae no nationaltle'ense with in British history came as a result~ committee, told the President at a
l i e w o r k; w a s n u l l i f i e d b y t i e b a k - o f a l t h e lB r i t i s h f l e e t . w h i c h t o sa e g a d t e r n d e n - o t w g v r i g f c o s , h e c n m c W l t o u eo f r n e t a t f t e
DIVEtheir, inJeDAnii-EoTODAY governinoffactorstthe ecoforwar!sWbilswentstoconference wthotisuh
06"11 MIION 9NCE T909 chekin of ssunpti0's frwar; ! l'he unsliot of the whole debate was nce in the event that it would be 1ones concerned with growth i in th tf hcin ftediu~ htSntr celr eocagatd lto n eltadteitelc-bluen-ocneecewtotsc
Towads te ed ofthepero(1,Snrtt Tnneseepropsed n aengmnt trpoitsuesd.n hchulatones angeathdandthechineectdrtadn,-twul elagl
INH ST ordrcigtIohtascetrd ter tak nnational thought. 0 N crdfo cirig nfoto h lvto fgn ogv rewritten there.
thTmomisrmaeOnfotofUi9t10 h lvaino un ogv were tie questions of Philippine edu- He citedl such leaders as Lord Pal-j They said afterwards that they
teMichigan goal. itile American ships equal ange wiutcinyohicm ccnni
In order to aid the Varsity band in Thre pace set at tihe be inning~ of the(1 those of Great Britaiii and Japan . Henton uicinyoficm, econoi erton, Gladstone and Chamberlain~ would seek conferences with senate
wiping out a deficit of $300 incurred secomnd peiiod was faster than the gave notice that lie oultd call it uip dependence on free trade, Amermcan as typifying tie succeeding phases of leaders including those who would be
during the past football season, tie previous one. McGinnis and Reyinolds;tmro when tile Senate had reach-,, crei anbthtL easecof tin s l nation allugwanspaalhwed bythmmanagers on the pr fteSnt
Student council in co-operation with bored in but Rednionl saved. Asurn "e n appropriate place illh o-}'lerebthai otilellyinOe-l-seandfin an eaallllortythto ctome t S enoteo
the Union will give a dance this after- ion forwards ccbind Wllianned welln aimd te ppaeWte-masideredtotionsinstet orthethe: rseandfaipofthtdotrne incas-in n feotrtreoe tosmeprovofis ionsJme setf 916,inw ichthlUite they is andagefall ofnwhle the docrin o go-
noon in the Union Ballroom. Paul itzel had to be at his best to turn aid e n-. Sae a lee ohv ioiie Thesefr hchge st oiecmosderodbl.ilreano pae
Wilson's Wolverines orchestra which theit efforts. Once lie had to sit oi the- to grant independence to the Philip- I aly about a generation after the first Gillett 's desk, where it has been since
plays at the regular Union dances has puck in order to plsy safe. pineft1I~ fhIf[ us -when such action was con- need for them were felt, easa it was reported yesterday from the
offered to play for the dance 'without Michigan, 1led by Reynolds, ('am1e0tO IIIII IHIVIL U IIES I sdrd eimm.oheshv pitdbutecamewhosea.
pay, and the Union has donated the 'life in the final period and showedl Prof. J. R. Hayden, of the political held the reins of government were If a full understanding can be had
wllrobe frnhe2ter0o'o Dckinm'o i pelte' an eash o eruhack T Kscimanco e debatendipr rdued heir- en past middle age who thought the in advance of conference onsidera.
wallb room o ie 30tero'oci. la in dsroi mafteand ndas to athe ir tac.I ITVC II f[ JJTALU scino te deateaint, rodedlshi-e otrnso gnrainIeor.ton, IHouse leaders are hopflta
Mimies has offered to furnishl a guar- tool. three stabs at tie puck but failed'u question. Prof. Emerson W. Miller, "This refusa to grasp contempor-1 Congress will be able to dispose of the
tette as a specialty number oi the, tonetit. Michigan evened the score Vrosfaemni c nteCmu of Delaxvar, Ohio, rendered tie tde- ay(Oliiisws lutae yEgwhole Muscle Shoals bfr
(lance program, and the orchestra will, w 1he eyold's shot from bhinld t .. .- ,,,..,. ,,eion. a ,.----------...... .-....a.. r..,.fi--------------------probln~i.. e, ..


Business Houses Help Campaign By
Buying Swimming Books For
Going over the quota necessary to
be raised in order to complete the
Union swimming pool, the Union pool
drive closed last night at 6 o'clock.
IWhile complete returns are not avail-
able, due to the failure of 10 frater-
nities to turn in their reports, money
for 1,100 books of swim tickets had
been collected, thus assuring the suc-
cess of the campaign.
In order to make the drive a suc-
cess, it was necessary to sell 1,066
books of tickets at $5 each. A good
margin was left above this amount
when thle totals were counted last eve-
ning. While $16,000 is needed to pay
for finishing the pool, the Alumni as-
sociation has offered to pay two-thirds
of the cost if the students could raise
the remainder. As the remainder has
fbeen raised, the money from the
Alumni will be forthcoming in a short
Organization of the drives this year
was placed on a more business like
basis than had been the custom in .for-
mer campaigns, the entire campus
being mapped out and fraternities as-
signed to each territory although they
were not bound to stay within any set
limits. The work of organizing the
drive was in charge of John Gow, '25,
assisted by Gordon: Rice, '25.
Members of the faculty responded to
the drive ;with _enthusiasm and. most
of them bought' books, according' to
Charles Spencer, '26, chairman of the
faculty committee.
Beta Theta Phi won the c~up offered
by the Athletic association to the
fraternity raising the most money.
Their total score was 250 books sold.
Alpha Delta Phi was second with a
total of 112, Phi Delta Theta was third
with 101, Sigma Phi was fourth 'with
86 and Chi Psi was fifth with 80. The
names of these five fraternities. will
be inscribed upon a bronze tablet
which is to be set up in the pool.
The pool fund was materially aided
yesterday by three Ann Arbor busi-
ness firms who purchased five books
each for their student employees.
These firms were the Farmers and
Mechanics Bank; Van Boven, Cress
and Thompson; and the Ann Arbor
Floral 'conmpany.
Complete returns on the drive will
be run in tomorrow morning's Daily
as the total receipts will be available
at that time. Those fraternities that
have not yet reported may do so from
1 :30 o'clock until 5 o'clock this after.

also have an accortdian player. Time Assumption goal was deflected into!
council decided on giving' the (:ance tim et114biy SI)ratt's skate. Sprat
in preference to putting on a tag dlay, etrate Assum.ption's (defenise. Spratt'
or passing the bucket for donations as m ~ade himself the hero of the gauz
Tickets for thie sancer may ;be puir- F mid w fo ieed Weitzel 1 with az difficlt
c hsed at the main desk in the Union. so.Wt nyafwmnts1cman
Ilfi pfling, Michigami made deseratfe effort sI
II iNEEDIR tBM PLETES to 'vei thme SCO-e, Ltleu Ihue ga' ndme
1 ,,,,,11 2-1 in favor of As sumiptioU.
ULING MHCHIC Lneup anid sumzmarzy:
NEW RULN AHNjiCigu { ut11F O
Weitzel .......... ----...R1diomdj
After th:ree years of wor-k, a ruling i---------R)--------izp ('iavimi
machine, capable of rulinig 14,000 lines Reynols.. ............ ..II ... Siat ( capt
to time inch, is practically complpeted by I Denlton......... ''.......Marztin . .

v w cuinsiserink; tile aculty-stu-
ihent t iscuonm Which will probabily lieI
hld in the various, frater-ni ties omn thei
Cam rp i ~next seifle:4tel-under' thle aims-j
fpice of trme St mient (Chr-istian associa-
j''lime ro'pe semtat iVe5of trlievamious
I ft- ateinil ies were p~resent ed with the
p~lan of time Student Chiristiani associ-
at ion Wednesday night amid since thenm
11oii act ion has bten taken by thIe'Stum-
(h( ii1. Christ ian asso-iatlon. The dif-
ferenit fr'aternmit ies are intdividually
cou sidem'ing' whiether-thtey xil entert
inato the p)lan. hue1floe
l.i sodyei' twentyhossflwe 1
t!'' plan of inviting a faculty member
to their fra ternities so that a discus-,
5 iou umidem' the pi'ofessor's leademship1
coulm hie h"ld in the (eening.
(Our jolly -usatonuers are
overwheiiums, even iin
"Soc" lecture they try to
l r ns. ~t.l~a~~in ; 1 fi,,,

1mn am effort to do its bit toward the
colilpietitilu of time Un ion swimminigig
pool, time muanagemnt of'time Arcade
theatre has purchased $30 worth of
swim tickets, whmicm will be used as
five piizes in a comipetition for the
best review of "Nor'th of 36," to ap-
peal' in that thleatre starting tonmorow.
Any one is fr'ee to take part 'in time
coinpletition, and those wrmitiLng the five
biest r-eviews of nmot more than two
hundr'ed word., in length will receive
a swim-book. 't'hme Dramatic Editor (If
The Daily will act as judg~e of tileconl-
test. All nmamusript s should be turned,
in at the Arcade as early as potssible
m next we( k

laind's iefusal to recognize tue changes tLn ea te.IU i esent5ii session. Iftat
that took pliace in Germany from the is not done all pending legislation on
tilme of the Franco-Prussian war to the subject will die automatically
that of time Worltd War," the lecturer March 4, and it would be necessary
con cluidted. for the new Congress to go over the
entire ground again if the problem is
CHRHSNEAR QUOTS to be solved.
E o u C EHO WWith the student society of the Ltth- OF DPRT ETLOHF
erin church already well over the
mark it set for itself at the beginning l Washington, Jan. 16.-Herbert Ho-
of the campaign, the inter-churchj over, who two years ago declined the
drive will come to a close this evening. I interior secretaryship from the hands
Today Nviii unark the final effort of the of President Harding, has refused an
othmer four cliiurclies engaged in the I offer of tihe agriculture departnment)
presemnt d'rive to secure funds for car-I portfolio from President Coolidge.
rying oiut their programs of the stu-, Mr. Hoover intends to remlain in the
dent organizations for 1925.. cablinet but prefers to stay at the head
The campaign which began Tuesday j of time department of commerce rather
is being conducted under the auspices)I than direct the activities of the de-
of the Student Christian association. I partument of agriculture.
It includes the Presbyterian church The President offered the agricul-
which is wvorking to raise $1600.O thi Itural seretaryshin to Mrover be- I h

Washington, Jan. 16.-Retirement of
' Roy A. Haynes, of Ohio, as prohibition
j commissioner - at an early date was
indicated today at the White House.
' President Coolidge has given little
attention as yet to a successor to Com-
missioner Haynes, pending disposition
by Congress of legislation to place
rprohibition enforcement in an inde-
xpendent bureau. It is understood that
Arthur Woods, former police commis-
sioner in-New York, has been suggest-
ed to the Presidenmt for appointment in
the place.
Commissioner Haynes, replying to-
night to questions as to his early re-
tirement fronm the post, which he has
"held for three and one half years,
said there was "nothing to. it."
"It's all new to me," he asserted.

the shops of the engiumeerimng depart-
nient. The machine is the wvork ofI
Capt. A deKhmotinsky, desigmner, in
charge of time building of research ap-
paratus. Time work of smoothing and
correcting the instrument is explectetl
to require a great length of time. Whlen
completed, it will lie used to prmoduce
spectra, instead of by thle use of pri-

McGinnis-------URWV-------lVi ci ntyi'(
Assumifptioni------------.1 0 1--2
Scoring: Michigan ....0 0 1--l,
referee: Gill oIf Boston.

F Ou~e~hr 1



Washington, Jan. 16.-Conditions in
Europe still preclude any move by the
U. S. towards another arms confer-
once in the opinion of Pres. Coolidge.
Time White House today authorized
a flat denial of published stories that

- = ' ' ._I I

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