cl 00,
VOL. XXXV. No. 83
ANN ARBLfl, MICHIGAN, '1 U1,SD V, JANUAI-'Y 15, 1925
New York MayrIAIPpOOO
Roof Railroad FgN POCI
New Yorlk Ja in 14.--1 heposibiity
ofci'e ting a irp )0 or t f commercia
pupssi e ok yroigoe! 9 1oI the yards of the P'ennsylvana Rail- -
road at Thirty-third street andl by JA M ES A. i10(GAN, J Rt, GETIS
putting fiat roofs on large piers on the FUAIfIEU(CONCESSION
water front, wvill be considered by the FOR A)M RWA.
Select Committee 01' Congressmen _____
which will commence hearings Thurs-j
day on the operations of the air ser v- DIVIDES ANNUTITIELI
ices in the IUnited States. ____
The committee wihichl arrived he're Firs/ ofrjc ilc rIptc
Cfrec i e rusl ye~sterday, is headed by :Rep. Florian oIeCs'lltdBfr
lamlport, of Xwisconsin. It is15 liol) -. ole(ialtdieg
able that the committee will recoin-ISceudPa.
muend to( Congress the establishment1
of a permanent commission or engine- P ais, Jan. 14.-(lBy A. 11'.) - '1V~
ers emlpoweredl to handle flying af'- Pwr priiptn i h Paris cc
fairs. ference of Allied finance miinistc
German Describes '
American Student!CBL .T bI
?dew Hlaven,(Doun n., Ja.14. -"'1'ei
p1 ul htl£i(0b X(Utn(o iMARRIAGE IN
loIge of (Germa ny and America is that
in the former the students go to learn, 1- O
while in the fatter they go to b E e [CfOEINIGHI
flAO~ I~flUA~~f.1t i t1IUtZ
Speaks Tonight
cently by Profs sor Kaffka, of the
University of Giessen, Germany.
luIIl1 AI'Il lTORII'I'll-AT
Coalit ion of Parlics iroui-lit
After Curtis C'onfers
with (Coolidge
Neted for' Versatility ill Mingling
Iiiitor and Pl'losophy ill
HIaggert y Slii it I 17fi Tfotl4
'Field Goals to Ills
of Five
Washington, *an.:14. _-(13y A. fP.)._
With final approval of the Underwood
private leasing bill by a vote of 50-30,
the Senate today got itself out of the
parliamentary tangle into which it
became 4enmeshed yesterday, and so
washed its hands of the whiole Muscle
Shoals problem, temporarily, at least.
The measure, after a tempestuousj
today signedl the priotocol for listrii
tion of the D)awes plan annuities
j which the U. S. shared. The final ph(
Iary session f th le conference at. 1
Quai ('Orsay occupied two hours.
was a week to a (lay since the mei
six weeks voyage in the Semate now10 1t* 911 I1111111 W L U I L L ings of thle finance ministers beg
goes to the 1luse, which at the last and it. was the first out, of 29 sincet
session passed a bill accepting the Legislature Seeks Tearis To Effect; armnistice to enid befozre the (1
offer of Henry Ford, since withdrawn. Comipromse For Farly scheduled.
Tshe procedure there remains to be jpassage The most notabe achievements
'(determinled. The bill either canl be- -- the coniference: thec determiinat jion
°sent to conference (directly, or can be G O SE K FV RA L the (hitst'ibutioii of the Dawe , anun
reerejoth iitr;euute.iies between the allies andl their
Senae aprova of he Mscle- -!i sociates ; econd, the obtaining of i.
Shoals measure was b~rought ab~out by L ansing, Jan. 14. (fly A. P.)--T'he U..., ,s i a par~t nr wit lie allies
a coalition of adm inistration IR epub- s ta te legislature' buckled dow n to t ie th~e collection of pazym eclt from G c (ad a g o p o o l cr t , an e l u o s d r t o f h g w y t - i n n e h ) <w s Gc e r i
came after Senator Curtis, of Kauisas,; nance today. Front morning until i hrdthle liquidating of thleRhur r
the nmajority leader, hade conferred1 night there wvas an almost unbroken cpnnlacut
with President Coolidge at thle White; series, of conferences during commit.- cptoa coit
Il iuse . Immediately after the Senate tee meetings and discussions. Thie T lie question of tlie Amnerican clait
met the Underwood bill was iaccptC(! eyntfte wa htafimefit as the hardest for thef conference
i~cvnotettf tTheseaclahas werertheffurt
for a second time 4-2,as <a sub sti- 1)0e made to promzote harmony and ef-;set.Th escam wreheubc
turte' for the Norris government opera- feet a rompr~iotniise that will p~ermit the of long and t ense, buit at wv.ys f riend
tion plan., which had been iap~prove(, early passage of finance measures. It agarinsanla:ol oa s
an onpoie yesterday 40-39 over the Jones .pro-; became increasingly evident that the readihed that salti sifled all concern
p)osal to refer the problem to a coi- lhghway bills are to be givens the right ;The fact that. America is joining t:
Luis ;ion withi is u;ifsto replort of way over all other matters until a, allies in the reierations syndicat~ef
next De)cem ber. ;plans has5 1e001 adopted or a hioheless Itle entire period of I tie D~awes plt
With the, Underwood mea surie lb us> deadllock has been encountered. is regatrded here as an e vent1 of t'
lr~or th Snat Snatr one, w1A new plan of finance was submitted first1)01liticalI ii)1 )01t a ice. No iU p0
11Repvjblican whip, realtored his pro- in the house this afternoon. It po- ant reservations were inade by any
posal, which displaced the Underwood ;v*Ided for a weigt tax of 65 cents on i te owers in afxn their iratr
bil yeteray u~ it wa reeced :Gtsenercars and a graduated levy to the protocol. Tlhie finial sesion, wvhii
d(lO °z, 52-20. ., from 65 to $1 on trucks. Its con-, wrs expected to 1)0 a mere formlal
th g~ Sei'IlnadtrHarrspeewoulyno panion lniece was a 2 cemit gasoline of signatures-a c'omlplete agreeomce
had'annunce tht li wold nt !tax, to be suggested for a referendum; on all questions having lbeen reach,
again gaffer his bill1 to-thre Senate, ap- nx pi.Tecmiaino rs-ls ih-a id akdb n
pionents otf the Alabama senator's leas- netArl;h obnto fgs-ls ih-a aemre y01
ingbil jld nte ~e p tne igh, Sn-line and weight leviers it was esti- the most imiportanit develoliients.
ator McKellar, Demiocrat, Tennessee. matedl, would yield something likej the entiie conference, -;vhen James
offz~tl ,,ulat~tue, roosig o rfe #$24,000,000 a year. It is understood Logan, Jr.. of the American (tdeeg
theV~rc; a Shoalstuersingto refer that Governor (Grosbeck has approvedi tion,spr-dng a surprise tby obtaining
dent Coolidge for settlement without the plan. The weight Measure was in- further concession to America durii
cngressional restric;tioni. It was voted ;traduced by Representative Charles the closing minutes of I lie meeting.
tl,~~i.52?9. ot o th wa Evans, of Lenawee, one of the staunch- The agreement before the confe
Willi the imeasure esoot-tatogsointtaepopnensy(ele rovidled1that the lililouit of w
the qcutestioancaereupI) on the filiThe gasoline bill was sponsored by, danmage which- should go to Amneni
passage of the Underwood bill, and l Rep~resentative Newman K. 'Preston, ofi shouldl not exceedl $30,000,000, Mv
th1is pre'vailed after Senator Norris B~errien. Logan succeeded in having this ctlau
had miade a last pleai to the Sensate to The weight measure carried the ad(- stricken from the protocol. Before tl
wvithhold its applroval.j ministration provision that after it 1)e- ffixing of thme signatures to tale p
______________comes effective, all purchases of 1925 tocol the American dlegation mat cner-MT l B aiooiedutln wt hadprmnaftetcrny~ eevto htt
1111(III f"'lU 5'' imw-L.D ;oCiJl4* ho11'
-v(ope ('wlwoha o+Itel P I-1urdue scored its first Western Con-
en hit lgppevr May I tw 7yars beOen amusing Collier readl- f Ieec victory of. the season hem e to-
-- erIs as (comimentator andlstrs )
ELIMINATE SPRING DRIVE lauliC 1men1and politics of the (lay, Nte ecuerad wl ngt w hen teilermaertamy
1111 nde 'r a meok i eIlen"speak at 8 o'clock tonight in th Unverityof Michigan quin-
wil sca Oi te raorialasoca auditcoriu.n MAr. Creel also (isting- l et in a closely contested game. The
I A a ina (lte or hel~aniets f len' prgrm a 8 'clck oniht nwished himself as direct or of the na- final score stood 37-36 %l favor of
subci pt ions 1o tile 1925 Nlichiig aie- ll lbtfu.tional public~ity bureau during the time Hoosiers.
ie n th uiesnaa mu .t war. The scoringf was almost equal
ian 1 t hebr usy Ii. Phis ann tncenie t ha Mingin g funl with p~hilosophy, an tiru ho t te game, first one team
we-'va.s in adea fter thea decision to have arwhc Celdipys it.vr-and then tl thers for'ging ahead. At
anI the dIistrilatition of' the yearibook tbegim i sat ilty in his humor column as ''11 OO OM L TI N the ,half theoe was te at 2
the ;onl May 1, (cle henry,'' tihe humorist wvillI presenIt points and( near the finish it stood
ate ' No extra conaies ha ve t)0(liordeeiltonight. his aspect, of "L ove, Marriage, itJ l. I h soigo l
of l book which is to betie ht out, ant ly a writoe ', meor'ts onil ls l1C itSI P A H l i us w t ie b s es t his creditu,
l~ nidCt' 1) oti ~i~eo h n thrPrl. lhuh~~:ta A S f~lh a , ;ls ithaggetbasles fotheiscrer-t
of (there xvililibe 1)o sprig camipa igntf'or hecltures state thatlie carr'ies his li flULIII' I 1? .lid W gf rmradTuete
it- subscriptions there will be no op>pon-r in' to thie platform with as much frPru ooswt he
as- itunif y to payy subiscript ions a fter ob- t'l ii ~mco aslie (does oil paper0).---lorIudehnrwihteesrs
he I'an 5 r' gnetshr i(m l imxl ieli nw omr S,, le of 1.93 Books (4t Swim 'riliketM Ieach. Gregory, Michigan, approach-
tlaz a mllon(clie r<1c~rsasaTotarihi$ ' 5a Rep~oiled edl nearest to Hlaggerty's total with
n i ado vihi pri~mnter lntins ;to Lve a ote Iban a i i i ihioe Coier re des s
fulsmimmot f %sau iiV 1)11I u ':;,teiiiable athor of thYe Sol.oi ol o i iel
iV~ayI so ~llrt, blbC~n he dstribtican Unc~e Heny" erY" aticPlaytilwashrfastflboths ateamth)ta sensingn
mA y otiIt Xbl i'ibtiibti'n 'Uel 1 ir' rilesilohr
! begins it wvillabe comnlphotezd inl two Iileavel(known l li in iia more serious FACULTY RE SPONDS I the actuality of time match. Hlaggerty
ac- yiol ; h(fl' (was hdIV hsthme undoubted star of tile xy oe +?~ efr he 1dwnhs.game,
i ~with Wright of Purdue a close see-
A i lthlioui 10no tdelintbi tis ii s ave waty to I iao ,oaart,,of his readers as lProspects for' thne zrising of the eendrn. rwenty-.eightfolwrecld
is beetm f'onsaI r~(d for thle (list riiut iota of ; thefunster' in Collier's, he had distin- o ol eecle
the hitiohs it. is 0<1)0010( that it w~il lmelhmmsr t h otnLo e ire amount:ineeded to. complete the !to the line, of wvhich 23 added to the
illy bi mnade from the U ibrarny as la.st ye xii iiig; ch1osen by 'esident W ilsona to ;Union s wiminir ig 1)001 brighltened last fattal scores,
as li1 tilul o ill'SYIOi~ i'aMIIto: the Bureau of in 1)1 le informat ion night whemi fraternities taking part ziti~t
sod'c tha It the wot k xwill Welt idrag lb rough '(Inuring the warin. At 1110 close of the ihe (drive eotd'h eulso hi t Purdue
5e ver« wreportedr theo results of t, ,hei aggevty .......R.h., .. Jarmenson
lie ! ; wasar, rtfo''.SIialft 1ieniless, Creel conceivedl the
aii. warned not to lose I Iairhri''V0 pt « ~I first days work. Farly last evening Chamxbers...... .......Wright
f)or IIi.' iltca lor' I ncle HIenry.'
a-5('consi drble0bot01Is cas1 e ( 1),41 1. mioliniy' a om ly493 books of swhmn ticket,; had been ! D:oyii ................. ... Cramer
toi to ie si ai'f amnd the sI iltent xx'hmom'a mn hdh ala 'amng alIslshowing IIa $2,46.0ha hsChmer'ry ...... ..... ...Wellman
l r meceipt is los;t. It is Ims,.c.,:m'y that,
lb nmeamd nub'n'lltm me'I p it tsburgli , vhere leis first lectuire apa- far been raised.s Writhz one more day jGr~gory ....... Iti......... tobbins
of ble looked1tull in tinhes and then a a Oiiice was i'ecei ved emit huSitstical- in whichto r"' ; therest ofthimVU ol --Pi'u rilt
Sr Inew set. of cearl'(5mialle omit.. I . Long, befoi'e thme a utbom'shi p of the , 3 d5~ d h o rae , Robbinis , Wellman 1,
Ic This yersUnsacillaehimt '~''e tHeniry" ar'ticles became known ;nay, it ;Ipes .'ed certain that the tank TIaube substituting fom' Iarmenson 3;
~e arlvEm 0gs in wilomia(1e)paI )theews os;ral iec il econpo e.Mcli lagry5, Chambers 3,
ty of tea e~~sn > c~o cn n; hr a oslrbse~rat amnwile oiptedIMc n: agry
mLt foul. color 1umrocess, and I li "e will lug a mmd coiiiiiieiit, olito'muig the shrewdl According to the coilliiittee hanmd]- Gregory 4, Cher'ry I.. Foul goals-
led G lit)) itt.4 tr'''11y pages moore (of tias e- estiinnate of cuirrment pm'oblems unde'- ie (I d'ive, the a m~ty has1been1 re- Purdue: Wright 3 out of ;, Cramer 2
of'Lo hn e eo. Pcue fling th uiradItr ftesr out of 2, Robbins 4 omit of 8, Wellman
of -iNth "'blr. 'cu(s~lig h iiiral( 1t ftesr speondfig tothe (drive al itost 20 per 1Ioutof 1., aube 3 out of 3. Mich-
of thi i lnuts amid of' var'iou1s ct'vics i.
1v l 1)0 )ha(e(1 a in aug rtuae 1adye r'tisa'-iWhen A mnci'i r c et ienedo hsIcent and Idiestudernts on thle Campus igan Haggerty 2 ouit of (,;'herry 3
m>~rr~crice durng te wr. Ceel et.have also showni considlerable inter- out of 8l, Doyle 2 out oF 2, Greg ory 2
i'ta-evie (iin'hewm' rel st.out of 2, Chambers 1 ont of 1. ft.f-
IKtTIAP himself t ie task of carrying a pub- ~Ec rtriyla'ii~tn nL r~ MwErhm
hici yrieae':n Mhat'e, lill rtelahfro
01) ('1111'of the clountm' y toethle 0ti -canmpagmu w1, s given a40 hook:, of tick-
,i. (r. Now Creel has chosen the task r ets to seil, and1( a lar e number of the M
mr ffi RfITlITllt of helIpinlg Anmerica to forget those hoIauses have called for more, wie[011N T 1
Ga bU R L IY e en fu d ys th ouh3is Coli r r- calling tw ice. T e rivalry betw een t e;tr.t t e .h u e s li g t c e s h z, b e s r p P r 1 I CCip o
UI .
Edward TI. 1Devine, xWriteor andml ect-
urer 1'on social work, will (1eliver a
University lectur'e at 4:15 o'cl)cki this
a fternoon in the Natur alI Science aundi-I
torim'ion 0 "What. We Learned Aboutl
the Coal Indluist ry,,' ime address wvill1
be based oum the fi nings of time I 'nit ed
1111dJI U111VIIlU L1ULI1flL
Organmiig up)onlthe s.uggeston of
Paul Bllailshlard, nloted American lec-
turer on social problems, the Rtoundt
'Table Club, caumpus l iberalI orgauniza-
t ion, IMd its first miieeting las)tmnight
In the U~nion.
The omiectiing opi'eed withIoaimall-
dme s by Prof. J. B. Waite of the(' Law
school, who, oi all a ssuied point of!
view, presenltedl the capitalistic idea'
of the way to dispose of leadlers in
industrial strikes. Following Profes-
-,or Waite's talk, the club joimned in an
informual discussion of thme strike prob-
All effort is being made to secure '
sicakecrs of national f'amni thll field
of social worker's for the hi-weekly
meetings of tile club, whiichm will beE
regularly followed by informmal and
op~en discussions of the various sub-;
jects6 presenited.
Coumlbia, S.C., Jan. lei.-Without a
dissenting vote amnd without debate,
the South Carolina senate today re-
jectedl the pr'opose(d ch1ild labor amiendl-
ment to the federal constitutionl.
looks for mioerate weaitler to(da-y'.
You can reproduce your voice
20,000 tlimes through the use of
state before they will be permiitted(1to "'hou
oper'ate. It will return $6,000,000 a;
year to thme counties andl set aside 'azeniioa
$6,000,000 for trm'unk line constm'uction, Bazla
$4,200,000 for thme highway bomid sink~- ' eservwtic
ing fuind, $1 ,t00,000 for state r'ewardls, t he insti
$2,000,000 for trunk limne maintenance,
$1,000,000 fom' trunlk line bridges, $500,-: Unch~
000 for' non-trunk line bridges, ad1
$3.(000,000 for' noin-trunk line main- Tii
tenance. The state administriat i vc'
board wold hmavye some suplervisory
piowerliver' its lirovisioms a ndhcould
increase time amount fom' siuiking funds 1101(11' e'
and~ rewards if there was a sum'plus.; tion ci: il
The division of finamnce irk thme h111'Their tick
priovidles for the collection of about :ioon at1
$17,300,000. Cam' owners would file alp- 1 rights Lo
plications for license plates based! offer'edt
solely on weights. According to) roll- were meji
i'esentative Evanls, the 65 cemit raste Smuall
was riot put as an airbitmrary figure, 1 programi
but wxas given to tbheiouise as a start- Ithe i~oII
i hout time documenmt withio
tbeinm ade11(1 of "'associate
lad Rumuania also mmadle sl it
ions ini thiniter'prmetationi
ickets Will Be
o f'
LUJUIs tIoa2) commission ozNo a puoinmt mont. for the Ipositioni of
of whichAMr'. lDevine was a inibcin.
r megistrar of time University, made va-
Mr . Devine attained proinlence in camnt by the dleathi of. Arthur G. Ilall
the Ii old of soeial ecoomny as om'ol'es- last week, wil11libe imade for somte timnn'e,
sor1 of social econoumiy in (I iiilbi;i i uiii fDa Ihm t f
11111 vei'sit yeSopinionI offDtae Nohnv R. ()i-
school of' as5hea of1the a wI forkliungem' of time literary col lege. The api-
xWorld vatin, as at stumdent of social Coil- Ipo]itinenmt will probably be made all.
and compiletition for' the loving cup of- DES.[1ULJt' dUUH
.,fored b.y the Athletic a ssociration to l Iefaent ciigtems ikt
I~~~~~~~~~ thNreiwiy eln h ims ikt York, :Jan.. 14.---Dr. Harold'
-andl the br'onze t. blet to lie erected by
1 h Unon asnarowe (oivm t IJacoby, who is chief astronlomuer at
abot I~ o' hehouesworin' IColumbia University andl once jour-
-- 'r: as igtsowd 'lh neycl half 'round th~e earth to see anm
! e '. as ih hwe lii cipse of timerun-ol om; t
IDelta lii to he headling, with a total I eivssinit wl e apwru
nuimb~erif '47 book,, sold, while Pet'xIblee cinit ilge apwru
I kick"' out of the forth-corning phreno-
ITheta 1i was second with 46, andl Sig- I'
Itt mhuhrmwi 0 Tesoeso tnon on ,Jan. 24, aurd thmat s about all.
the various houses.; taking par't ill tire Dr. ,Jacoby doesn't believe they will
trive are s :cv-: Alpha Sigma (1be atleI, with instunients andI methmods
i ow known to astronmomers, to add
I'hM 7; Alpla Tan Omega 15; Beta'
11Phi D~elta, 5; ('li Ii 12; O2ii I'i 23; 1 mmchi to the exist img store of know-,
Ied e concci'ing the sun.-
Delt aKappa .Epsh.ilon, Ino) report; Delta i , galni
C Clei 15 ; elta ['hi 1!ii; Delta Signia 3htgmpsnay be taken which.
Phti 5; 1Deilta T int Delta liI-t) ell a Tan u ill show some infrinite detail not hith-
I~loiloi 10;I~esa.Lil sio 0; er .to disclose d Icy all the thousands of
Epilu 1;l rlapiln20 ,-hrp-hicturei'0 ade of thme sun1, he sol.d, andi
imnitage 3; appa Sig.ma 10; Kappa N ut, we i' mnyceru oi
( Nto repoi't ;iLamuda Clii Alpha 12; IPhzI tr fc)£.ii&1( (1, ~nttavrr
Deltaa. Theta 17; Phi (lammuma Deltail3 or 1~r i lnefmeo'vmtrvry
Kap;s 2;Pi KpaTny6. flffh
Phi Kappa 23 ; Phi Kappa Signma 10; T
Phi MVu Alpha 10 ; iPl IMuDelta, No' I IIUU LIII01SCIS
reporit;; Phi Sigimma Delta 104; PhilSig-jr
Ima Kapp~a 5; Psi hpilomu 2; [Sigma A-11 DITICU ErI tI flI IPY
, . _ 2 I _ _. (Ht ion ;,ainid problem s in n i'orep .
F, (J!fcite 1J J(11J)"! late( byihmsbeen11cointvo i t, ti15i
r: of raccepted .1J-clop)1) lica('r- country I'.
(4,; w ho liavexo lt lihiliedifor'
Acsiyv 5o('cloc'k this atifi(In uto,,atic Phonic
the 1unioni, will forfeit therC
otickets, which will t.hen be)0 System Expect (
to those whose aplic~iatio~n' s -vila
jcted(. ; In U e -Y a
cards, entilintg thme hlolder' to
. M
following ttie); ml-etimg oil Janl. :39, le
I 'nivursity, liracle it known-m that, thmei'
Iyo,-t to fill thme vacancy.
rnn n nim nnvi, nnai i
anld favor's, arice included withi
ticket, and~ will 1)e exchanged
oi lont. romr the favor's about a, week befor'e
- tics d(r ce, accordhimg to time 1101)Coin-
IIinittee. No favoirs will be given out to
COMMISSION REPORTS O0 persns nthavngthceiself.rt, c
.ii'sns mot havin tickeself.i'd, o
'~ '~C K ~ N ~ ONS unch lie teflop ~will tie furnishm-
i mut b znCluler inthefurnishings
oft oohbyteorganuizationi 'Jo-
Wvasigton, Jan. 1 4.--President jclipying it. Taxicab rates have becen
Coolidge was advised totlay by his !set, by speciail a m'i';: ugeien t w ith thme
agriiuitiural comimnnissiorm that existing' taxicabi coripaJiles oif Anmn Arbor', at
finance agemicies are able to hiandilhe 59cniierp'(l,(dmwytth
time credit emerigencies in the livestock flp Tikt ill p laly lie issuedj
inustir iy, but.-ttlat a new hand policy,
r'evision ftrl sotaikicareby I llie 10 lol oiii 111tt, ,itxwas I'epor't-i
of lit'sr nighttby nneahar'gewhich ,'Au
an nt anr'otective I a niff ar'e needed t o~ 4iiht,~ mem f vihsu
I put time cattle business onit a sun tn t 011 de(sir'iig trmamspoi't Stilill Jna y iiir
footing. t;irange fon cabis ii~~inavn.iiI
Amnendmnent oif the griculturmal Imndpndents xill ieet am 5 o'clock
cmedit act to el imiinate Itie provisions jII (iinorrow imi i'liznn 302 of t he IUn ion to
pmoibiting rediscount ing by thie Iim'anize for boot l;:, which x'ill1 be al-s
credlit b~aniks of loans negotiatedl by itoted next Wednesday,.l
a igencies havin; cenitm'alI('hart em's va S -I- -- -
'ai u'gestedl, aunl the chairman of thme
farm loan board xwould berequliredCIllino i Ta-kes
to relnort to thre President on July I1
vto progress naohe in meetinig the - S'econd Contest
jCreatiomi of a ('011) inttee to(Ira ft a Chicago, .an. I14.-Illimnois ton1ight
iuniform policy covering cattle grazing ('qualled Iowa's r'e~oi'd in t heoxwestern
onl pubhlic dlomains and in mnationalI conference basketball mrac'e iy heating
'.Altlmough little infom'umal iou is being IIJUU hT [11f I pa pioN)meo';SgaAha 111hllIULIJ LUI
given out conicer'ninig ime a utouniitic u No report. Signia Phi Epsilon, No ;
tlpoesytm whitlm uis being in- - 'eor--Tn etal'i No report; Tan I Charles Gi'aimt Robertsom, Principal
stalle d here by tim eM ichuigan l hi Residents (fAumA hm ilgetEpsion Phli, No report; Theta Cphi 18; I of= Birminghram university ofEnld
- Telc~lci hloin 1))1hy, zit1,has been anm- thoir best view of time ecl ipso of time' Theta Delta Clhi 10; Zeta Beta Tan4 viii speak on "Principles of Bngland
hoe ' ha t tefor pus e:untillnot0sun, whu~~ iclhoccu(1 onSaturdcay, 10; Zet~a Psi, NI) repom1 ;T 'igon 18; IForeign Policy, 1915-1914" im tihe Nat-
Merayfrus ni Nay 1. Shom'tly! January 24, at 90 o'clock, accor'ding i'lceneadtru at41 o-
beoethe change imade tothe at- oProf. A.J.iussey, ha fthe Uni- autyj .;til Sckeoruwdigt.u t41 '
iniatic systemu, am'e vised t ehephomne! versity observatory. The eclipse willf -iclcto rowng.
book will lbe issued assigning all ie w tiegin befor'e sunrise here, and willRobertsonIhascontributed.hmuc
m'tlhave thT ac- Ioroanshoistwillin histimeeVOTs
nuimblers. Thie numbers will be in visible until 10:15 o'clock. 1 fS ht toEurpea itr nhsnmru
fudigtsan illnt aeta c rErfso se willwiesthi books, the most important of which
corn amyirg letters, as 15N1tie (also (l eclipse fr'omn liiiffaio, New York, whmich 1rnri FCI are his "Enrgland unrrder the hlanover-
I somie lines at hiresit. -is i'th(lie of toitlity, priovidinmg the' ofM 1 H N I . rUH I ians, his "Evolution of 1Prus7sia," and
With the advent. of the a mfit~uti , lripit -prevented hbyUpressureLIIof l;his life of "Bismarck."
sti'mu nI l evnnieus ielli1' mi i o meemt( yhesu' f----- -Inmmtime recent imeetig of time Amer!-
systm ad ne nuabor, te phiv!work :here. No4,ctI) s pcilhlamis for thI
iltlens vni i ~iei rr'ty occasionmiseaingpeprd y tWintn , (1.Th oms an Historical association 110e(1 at
will beoeuseless, and iit is lpart ly' Observatomry hr, oing ~evie. ) - late to(d1dy Jpasselbthe10 Mch~addeimbill, Richmnmd, Va,, Mr. Robertson was
for thnis reason thiat thle cha lnge is tie- Ua_________ vhtici would revise time national. ha nk- 0on0 of the plrincip~al speaker,>.
I imig made ais lata in thle school year' as ing ltw.,As sent to time Senate, they-____
im1ousi hi e. Senate Aipproves; measure carmries thae[i.1ahammendments
Lid Inadeglial Costsbranihbanking, all o IU, I
W ood Chosen Hiead Fadden of the banking corum'mittee,
OfCZv ocey Washiing^ton, Jan. 14.---Thle Senate at o fte.hl.k .I M W HIMY
OfCivic S ceyIyesterday ap~proved time appiropriatio utn o Th tie-lls al. bya. st.anding ARAM IAN
of $40,000 ('arriedl immthme first, defi- ot it1726-Afe-tm-Hueb°
A t thme I ec cem nber m eetim i og h a i n y b l o m e h x e s s in l ' a r l a l v t Re X s e a i l c k ; W a h n t n a . 1 .- A n r c aslt o a o u m i y C n e r a i a i n ; d n o t e i a g r t o of theeN -idienythilhat m oot tmtiem e m i o l c l oteb y of 235-90 a i e Blatld eve o'ash ipgt n chant. f 14, yi ngAe a n
held ini Chicago. Prof. A. I . Wood oIf Coolidge, M~arch 4. e1ort Txs omedmmli h they get to Europie, a4ccorinrg to Lieu-
a thie, imasr o ditost t fasre sociology departmentxx'as electeo l houghhI.n'sideint Coolidge has Imauefrahiimst to eistenant John P. Vauin udof the
.i's em.Tepm'hoo(fIle0' famiendluments, sponsored by hint amnd
presden. Th ;arpo e o theor-i agaimn (ecla red himiseif against an o ntdSae i >ric .ly a
ganizatmoniimisto encoouriage' and lpro- { elabor'ate inauguration, plamns that t Representative Steagall. another I nite tes Iai sevic,00 vihlhasr
I llft( ('lilhllili ~~d lp~lh~itll~tlhave been drawn upa by thme committee; Deimocratic mieinrber of thme lanki.n g trphouh uoesudigevl-