**' L-l
VOL. XXXV. No. 86
Tradition Provides That Senior Wo-
men Be Guests Of Honor At
First Performance
Russian Singers Will Appear PLAN 11111ANN hL
In Musical Program Tomorrow DIPV'AAYS MITINP
Fasile Kibalchich and his Russian
Symphony choir, the next number on
the Extra Concer' series, will be of-
fered at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in
Hill auditorium. They will present
a program of Russian peasant and
classical music.
This group has become noted dur-
ing their tour of this country for thel
excellence of the work and the beauty
of their voices. Kilbachich has train-
ed his company so completely that,
although they sing without accom-
paniment of any sort, they achieve
the effect of a symphony orchestra of
many voices in several of their num-
it brings to American audiences many
of the melodious themes which are 1ir Hi
the result of many generations of LRD
evolution; sung in an authentic way l
by a talented group who have knownt
a majority of them since childhood. THREE ORGANIZATFIONS SPONSOR
Another feature of the program EVENT; BLANCHARD IN
which is somewhat of a novely is that UI ARfgEF.
Mr. Kibalchich has done something
entirely new in that he has arranged 600 WILL ATTEND
several compositions by Chopin and
Schumann, which have hitherto been
used for' the piano only, in such a Expert Engineers From Many States;
manner that they can be sung by his Dean Cooley to Welcome
choir. Delegates.
In doing this, he has also turned - _
from the beaten path by treating hi, The eleventh annual Conference on
group of voices as a symphony or- Highway Engineering, arranged under
chestra, rather than as a number of I
the asie fteCleeo n
singers according to the traditional auspices of the College of En-
custom. gineering, the Michigan State High-
The program will begin at 8 o'clock way Department, and the Michigan
sharp, and the audience is requested Association of Road Commissioners
to be seated promptly as the doorsI
will be kept closed during the num- Ijand Engineers, will meet here from
hers. A few seats for the perform- Monday Feb. 16 to Thursday, Feb. 19.
anee are still available at the School Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard of the
of Music office. The seats are priced ( highway engineering department, who
Chimes To Feature
Crossword Puzzle
As Cover Design
Twenty dollars in prizes will be
awarded for the correct solution of t
the large cross word puzzle to be pub-
lished in the January issue of Chimes,
wvhich~ will appear on the Campus j
Thursday. The puzzle will appear as
the cover design of the magazine, and
will be accompanied by a complete
Solutions for the puzzle, which has
so arranged to present numerous dif-
ficulties for even thorough-going fans,
may be submitted to either the Chimes
office in the Press building or to Pratt
and Dunn's store, and will be accept-
ed until 4 o'clock Friday. The correct
solution pWill Abe selected promptly
after this time.
Two prizes of $10 each will be giv-
en, one by Chimes and the other by
Pratt and Dunn, making the total $20
which will go to the winner.
By W. H. Stoneman
Displaying a whirlwind attack that could not be stopped, Michigan's
Varsity basketball team defeated Ohio State's veteran five, 39-29, last night
in Yost field house.
I4ed by Captain George Haggerty, the Wolverines started an offensive
in the opening minutes of the game and outdid the great play of the Buck-
eyes. Beautiful shots were made from every corner of the floor as the
Michigan squad piled up its lead, and when the Ohio squad started to creep
up on the home team more beautiful shots made the lead safe.
"Castles in Spain," is the title of The predominance of bass voices
the play selected for the 21st annual among the men and the many low con-
Junior Girls' play, which will be pre- traltos among the women is said to
sented by the class of 1926 at the give their siing g a deep richness
Whitney theater Mar. 17 to 21 inclu-which is quite unusual. They have
sive. The play was written by a com- been easily placed on par with the
mittee consisting of Ruth Carson, Ukranian chorus which met with
chairman, Helen Ramsay, and Lucy great applause in their Ann Arbor
Wilson. appearance last year by the critics
The authors were chosen by the i who have heard them.
chairmen of the various play commit- The program which was announced
tees from more than 10 junior women recently is of unusual interest in that
who submitted manuscripts. It wasI
believed that the committee system
would give more diversity than the .
selection of individual manuscripts,
which has been the most frequent sys-
tdin previously,.
As the name suggests, the play will
introduce the colorful effects and pic-
turesque romance of sunny Spain,j
without in the least neglecting the Increaged Interest in Greek and Latin
local college color which has char- M3akes Enlarged 'irricula
acterized former Junior Girls' plays. Necessary
Following the Junior Girls' play tra-
dition, the opening performance, giv- KELSEY WILL TEACH
en Tuesday night, will be in honor of
the senior women, and will be open
only to the faculty and University wo- Increased interest in the classic
men. ! courses offered in the Summer ses-
The tradition of the junior play has sion, especially among the graduatej
developed from a single vaudeville ss to
performance given in honor of the Isuethsmd tncsayt
senior women to its present form as offer more- courses in that department
a complete musical comedy: This form next summer. Twelve courses in the
was first attained in 1912, and the jLatin department, and five in the
second great innovation came in 192 , Greek department will be given in!
when the play was first opened to the 1925 Summer session.
men. All exceptthe first performance Important courses which will be of-
are now open to the general public. fered in the field of ciassical su)-
This year, for the first time, the jects will include those in Latin and
play is directed by a woman who is classical archaeology which will be
a graduate of Michigan, Miss Amy I given by Prof. F., W. Kelsey, who ha
Loomis, '22, of Grand Rapids was been absent from the University for
chosen to fill the place. Miss Loomis more than a year conducting an ex-
was prominent in college dramatics, tensive archaeological expedition in
a member of Comedy club, and has the Near East.
been engaged in professional thea- Ih addition to couirses given under
trical work since her graduation. ei direction of Professor Kelsey,
Prof. John R. Brumm, of the journal- courses will be given by Prof. 11. /V.
ism department, the former director, Sanders, Prof. A .R Crittenden, and
is now in Europe on leave of absence. Prof. J. E. Dunlap.
Rehearsals for the play started Mon- The courses in the Greek depart-
day, under the direction of Miss ment will be in charge of Prof. Came--
Loomis and Norma Bicknell, '26, who bell Bonner, Prof. J. E. Dunlap, and
is the general chairman. According Mr. J. B. Titchener,
to Miss Loomis, some exceptionally # In addition to these courses in Lat-
fine talent has been discovered among Jbin and Greek, two courses will be of-I
the women who tried out this year. fered in classical archaeology. One
of these courses will be given under
Join Protest Over the direction of Professor Kelsey, and
i she other under the direction of Mr.
Stato Road Change Titchener.
In the University high school two
Representatives of the Ann Arbor, courses will be given in the teavhing
Adrian, Tecumseh, Clinton, and Saling c( Latin. under the di rection of Pro'.
Chambers of Commerce, as well as . I. Carr. One will be a course in
representatives from the University. the teaching of Latin in the secondary
will go to Lansing next Tue'sday t? schools. and the other en obsrcvs+i
discuss with state highway authorities; course in the teaching of I tin i be
the maintenance and improvement c' secondary schals.
state trunk line M-65 over its present Enrollment in the e a;se covm, -
r o u te . r(irin g th e la st fe w y e e s t 'a r Sl li p fl
Therel has been agitation to change !.araid inemrase, and lastye r all p"
the rouite o1 thetrnlie thus ciur- I violis records wero lYr:Jkc'1. In 5,m
therote f hetrunk line, fhse e frt to 'Vfer these students thmr . ork K
ling out Saline. and the visit to Lans- whorttey rthes in cliscal ub-
ing is in the form of a protest against jhc h e shurr inla ave bee n r
such change of route. jects the curricula have b°,vn enkir
Rep. Charles A. Sink, of this dis-e
trict, will make the arrangements for ; -___---_--
at $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, and $.50. has charge of preparations for the
conference, indicated that between
500 and 600 road commissioners and
F engineers are expected to attend the
IFOSUO'60"' TO S.P1 K 1event.
Although designed primarily for the
highway nmen of the state, Professor
Blanchard said that engineers from1
all sections of the country will pro-
bably attend the Conference. The an-!
Other Notables Will Appear Here Llater nouncement of the gathering is pub-!
On Oratorical Association lished in the technical press through-
Program. out the United States and in view of
---the several important subjects to re-
BAKER IS SCIH)EDULFD) ceive discussion, those in charge an-
ticipate a considerable out-of-state at-
Harry Enieisoa Po dick,elergyman, j tendance.E
refori-er, and publicist, will speak o The aim of the conference is to sup-
the Oratorical as;sociation lecture ser- ply information to road engineers and
I ies at 8 o'clock Friday in Hill audi- commissioners relative to highway
toriumn. IHis subject, "The Need of administration, financing, and organ-
Modern ('iurch Leadership," will al- ization, as well as tho presentation of
low the speaker to deal with any pro- the latest technical developments in
1l)ms which ine may select the highway engineering field.
Reverend i osd ied (lelivered the ad- 1 Prominent engineers will discuss the
ress at the seventy-ninth annual lU-ni- most recent developments in the con-
versity commencement in 1923, speak- struction and maintenance of road-
ing on the subject "Private Consci- I ways and bridges, applying particul-f
ence and social Instihutions." At that arly to conditions met in the state of
time the steaker was given the degree iMichigan. The conference is open to
of doctor of laws by the University. all road comniissioners, highway en-
Aimoig- hiIre ot l?('rdegrees whic ' gineers, and others interested in
have been conferred upon The Rever jhighway improvement.
end Fosick are those of master of Professor Blanchard announced yes-
a rts, (Columnbia University, 190; doe- terday that students interested in
tor of divinity,, Colgate University, 1- work on the conference are invited
9tI14, New YorkI Uiversity, 1919, Brown to attend all se:ssions and discussions
Uniartsiy 1, 190, and' Yle I University, of the meeting.;
1923. The conference will be closed with
Exclusive of Friday ight's speaker the Thursday morning session, fol-
three more lecture numbers remain on lowing the presentation of a group of1
the Oratorical association's program. ( technical papers.
Senator Borah, Montana, is scheduledI
to appear as the next speaker, with I l"
the date and subject to be announced i VCflI W
later. Tom Skeyhill will speak on
"Soviet Russia Today" March 23. New- IOflflfl
ton D. Baker has been secured to fill
the engagement originally accepted by 0 U~ O ~ AE
Henry Van Dyke. A definite (late and
subject on Mr. Baker has not yet beenI E. S. Cowdrick, advisor on indus-
£anounced. ! trial relations to the Standard Oil
By the end of the first half Mich
while the Buckeyes trailed with 15 c
Students Raise Over $45,00; Alumni nTii
Association Quota Is Paid
In Part.
STakeThree Bouts Out of Possible
TANK READY MARCH 1 Seven Against Veteran
Final count of the number of booksI
of swim tickets sold by different frat- FIRST WIN FOR M.A.C.
ernities during the pool drive which_*"
East Lansing, Jan. 17.-By a score
closed Friday night, showed a'total of ' J
of 20 to 6, the Michigan Aggies wrest-
1101 sales, making a total of $5,507.- t
11. raised, assuring the final comple- ing team defeated the University of
tion of the tank. The money promised Michigan grapplers here tonight. It
y AI was the first meet M A. C. has won
Sby the Alumni association has been fo ihgni h ieyaswet
turned in to the Union in part and the ,from Michigan in the five years wrest-
remainder is expected to be forthcom- ling has been a recognized sport here.
ing in a short time. From now on work Though Michigan won three bouts,
on the pool wiil be rushed and the one less than M. A. C., the Wolverines
j contractorssguarantee that it will be gained but six points, due to the fact
readly for use by March 1. that the three bouts taken by Mich-
Beta Theta Pi won the cup offered(tha e ohreciosthken thyMA-
by the Athletic association to the igan came on decisions, while the Ag-
housp raising the most money, selling gies scored theirs on falls.
250 books for a total of $1,250. In ad- It was a veteran team that took the
dition to the cup the names of Beta mat for M. A. C., four of the men hav-
ITheta Pi, Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Delta ing been on the squad for three years,.
Theta, Sigma Phi, and Chi Psi will while Karbel was the only Michigan
igan had piled up a total of 21 points,
)unters. After the opening of the sec-
ond period Michigan failed to slacken
its pace and had a lead of at least five
points throughout the final period.
Captain George Haggerty again was
the shining light of his team, with a
total of six field goals, three in each
period, and five free throws out of six
attempts for a total of 17 points. Cun-
ninham, Buckeye center, played a
great game and was second high scor-
er with four field goals and a pair of
free throws. Miner, all-Conference
forward in 1923 and 1924, showed all
of his old speed and accuracy and got
three goals and two free throws. Both
of the Ohio stars had hard luck in
their attempts in the second period
but, togethertwith Hunt, were the
mainstays of the brilliant Ohio attack.
Hutzel made two goals and three free
throws, while Gregory caged three
The Michigan defense, especially de-
signed to stop the brilliant Ohio at-
tack, worked successfully. Hutzel,
playing at center, was the star of the
defense, though the entire squad look-
ed powerful when the Michigan goal
was threatened. Dick Doyle, playing
at the back guardpost, kept confusing
the great Ohio trio, Miner, Cunning-
ham, and Shaw, when they worked the
ball underdthe basket, and Red Cherry
kept the doughty Miner under cover
throughout the entire game. Ed Cham-
bers played the greatest defensive
game of his career, and 'meanwhile
tbe Inscribeu on a bronze tabL WIch
is to be placed in the pool room
Following is a list of the scores
j of the different houses which took
grappler with previous experience.
The bouts resulted as follows:
In the 115-pound class Baker of
Professor Van Dyke expressed his
rg: ets in a letter to the Oratorical
association, e phaining that he has
lieen unable to fulfill any of his en-
gagemen s this year (lue to ill health.
company, wiil deliver a lecture on
"The Production Manager's Relation
to the Personnel Program" at 9
o'clock Monday mnorning in room 411
of West Engineering building.
Mr. Cowdrick will head the slo-'
management conference at 8:31
o'clock Monday night in room 302
1 Union. The top'c for discussion will
Il M -i trrint R A,4 il ity to
part in the campaign: Beta Theta Pi, Michigan was given the decision over Haggerty kept hitting the net from ev-
250; Alpha Delta Phi, 112; Phi Delta Mohrhardt of M. A. C., his advantage ery corner of the Ohio territory.
; Theta, 101; Sigma Phi, 87; Chi Psi, being 7 minutes 47 seconds. Michigan started the' scoring when
80; Delta Upsilon, 40; Phi Kappa Psi, In the 125-pound class, Williamson Hutzel dropped in a try from the foul
j 26; Theta Delta Chi, 12; Hermitage, of M. A. C. beat Karbel on a fall after lir e. Miner then made a point from
I 5; elta a a U pi, 8; T ion 7-48 seconds of wrestling in the second the foul line, and Shaw made two
Phi, 1; Delta Sigma Pi, 18; Trigon, 17; 'period. This was the only bout going more, Haggerty following with an-
'Lambda Chi Alpha, 6; Theta Chi, 26; beyond the original 12 minute period. other, making the score Ohio 3-Michi-
Zeta Psi, 7; Phi Kappa Ta.u, 1; Sigma1 In the 135 pound class, Captain Han- gan 2. Qunningham then came in for
Alpha Epsilon, 28; Phi Mu Alpha, 10; sen of the Aggies scored a fall over his first field goal of the game and Ed
Phi Mu Delta, 7; Zeta Beta Tau, 6; Toepfer of Michigan in 5 minutes, 11 Chambers did the same for Michigan.
Delta Phi, 16; Phi Sigma Delta,1; Phi I seconds. Cherry followed with another goal im-
Kappa, 60; Alpha Tau Omega, 33; *In th.a 145 pound class, Berquist of r'ediately afterward, and Shaw tied the
Delta Chi, 22; Delta Tau Upsilon, 1; I M. A. C. subdued Kailes of Michigan 1score at sixall with a free throw.
Delta Sigma- Phi, 4; Delta Tau Delta, on v, fall, Kailes had an' easy advant- Miner gave Ohio its last lead of the
121; Phi Sigma Kappa, 7; Kappa. Nu, 6; 1
; age of 4 minutes 3 seconds. contest when he made his first field
Alpha Sigma Phi, 7; Phi Kappa Sig- In the 158 pound class, Sinclair of goal, and then the Michigan squad
ma, 16; Phi Kappa Tau, 14; Miscel- Michigan got a decision over Teeter of went wild. Hutzel and Doyle each
laneous, 24. M. A. C., his first advantage being 6 made a free throw and Haggerty came
The few houses that have not turned minutes 31 seconds. through with two free throws and a
in their reports may do so tomorrow In the 175 pound class Murray of M. pair of beautiful field goals, making
fron 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock in the lob- A. C. scored a fall over Langguth of the score 15-8.
ly of the Union. Michigan in 3 minutes 42 seconds. Shaw made a hair of free throws for
In the heavyweight class, Goldstein Ohio and Hutzel and Haggerty tallied
of Michigrnwas given a decision over field goals immediately afterwards.
[TH , E 1Homtan of M. A. C. with an advantage The half ended when Shaw and Miner
of 8 minutes 15 seconds. made field goals and Shaw got another
- - free throw when Doyle mate his
GER ANFRNC ACOR ~ ~ nln fourth foul of the period. Doyle was
i HU .o ot p d ylthen relieved by Gregory and the lat-
Paris, Jan. 17.-The German ant ter ended the half with another field
French delegations which Piave been goal.
en~gaged in negotiations pending al O IRO HI (Continued On Page Six)
commercial agreement, both are now
convinced there is little possibilty of Washin-tton, Jan. 17.-Decision has
comning to any accord. and have' ece yteHueadSnt ALC V ILIL r~
ashal ntrbefwco nddotneither side'.f EO IN ITUILT Y ON
will take any measure in the nature et to conference between the two
of reprisals. Each country will im- lgiaveoe.
Pfnr thic tni t alo nrvr
6a IV 1 Y
.., _ - o -c agements iespons!m y o
BOREAU OF STANU M S Mir. Cowdrick: is considered an au-
thority in the Twrsoimnel feld. le la,
recently published a. bok entitled
searci apparatus from the bu- "Man Power in Industry." and con-
of standards at Washington will t.ibutes a great many aticles on per-
xlhibite4 at 7:30 o'clock Wednes- sonnel to business magazines.
s C:
the meeting.
San Antonio, Tex., Jan. 17.- Sgt.
Robert I. Lee was killed and Lient.
Charles M. Beatty suffered a brokem'
leg when their plane fell into a tail
spin at Brooke field here Fridal-
y. Chicago J.111 j. nnoawn
ts secoinh VC w ;tcrn { 'C 'L'E'ene ba:k' l -
iball gam- hor t nir'Iit '1 tn t' I
rIh...I~eath,1er, ia'n. U T1 'i-sit of Cliicgo 24 'ii; I i.
the ( iopher's 'rihit iaix, apI hltI thI
scoring with fo:r baskets niiid r-
free throws. Cicago'> I'111s' ( k
red completely i n' t midcie of t
Grffh Refuseslf.
Griffith Refuses
lay in Natural Science auditorium. At
hi-; time a representative from the
ilii\owr\ philit sectiom will give an in-t
forlmil talk e l i' ng anmid answeimm,
(71 h-4tincus C OI('*2iililig thie iippaI I'l 1;5.
Iis exhibit beas been secured for
til: Society of Autonmotive Eingimeer s
convention in Detro it tomorrow and
will afterw' x ards he lro'ought orti here.±
Davis / ddrs he scho
' at oni h 1(1-eled two a'dd(resses
- Imii in lint v the assembly of
city and c'ount. y taac ers called by 'Ir.
I I:. 1+1 Le". i M 1r~~ 'in 'ti 1 O1 School;.!
P rofessor 'i Isvi s eon; 1(1C ma'l ''So SIC I
Students Inspect
Jackson Prison!
Under tlie gaidance of Prof. A. E.
Wood of the sociology department,
'-1111'nots of criminology visited the
Jackson state prison yesterday. Dur-
ing the morning and early part of thel
afternoon try were coxi'! uctedi
th:'ough the prison and told about
the functioning of the various parts of
the institution. 'Tie class returned to
Ann Arbor by iuterurbnn yesterday
Students EnjoyI
exCE's MOM1sH O110W tIy Ii), iith tei-
perature unchanged.
The J-Hop is a matter of the very
near future. The feminine part-
ners will no doubt be well sup-
plied with everything you can
Wisconsin Offr cllilt tProbmeis o the J.1minm ihCoastingarty
_ _chiool" xwvit hfaculty interested Cisig -
~ seventh and eighth year work. I---
itith, niJan.17 jof at c solk (1 seior Iig school teachers About 5 students, both men and wo-
SGriffith, ceninissioner of attics of o "What the Pupil Thinks of the I men, met at the ('ongregational
the Western Conference, was offered' High School." The meeting, which hurch yesterday afternoon for a to-
but rejected, the position as director is Id become an animal ine, xas thi bogganing party on the hills east of
of athletics at the University of Wis- first to be called by Mr. Lewis. II!Hill street. There were several pairs
consin, it was learned here tonight __skiis, two hogans, and several
He decline because he desires to - bobs in the crowd. ev. Knox
continue his wor''k as "Big 'en" coim- Practice Teaching ithe charge'd. te .
nmissioner and also to devote time ,t edTitchell had charge of tie party.
his new (duties as execrative vice precsi- I Offered Students --
o mt at Betoregt is s se is sLaen,n owever,
pose its maximum tariff and let it go the ground will be felt carefully to Moscow, Jan. a17.-(By A. P.)-The
at that for the present. . make certain that the Senate's con- fate of Leon Trotzky, Soviet minister
Such a situation, however, it is said farees will not be hostile to the bill. of war, is expected to be decided with-
in official circles, cannot last long IThe broad variance etween the Sen-
because France would be a heavy1 ate and the House bills, it is said. in a few days by the central commit-
loser since her maximum tariff, even Iwould place scant limitations on the tee of the Communists party, which
in the bill increasing duties which conferees and they would bave author- began its sittings in Moscow today.
is i-mowrebeforeththewChlniber aofhDe--
is now before the Chamber of Dep- ity to report out a brand new measure. There is much speculation as to
titles, are far lower than the German 1 The House last year passed its meas- whether Trotzky himself, althougha
rate. lre o lese he roprtie toHeny !member of the central committee, will
The French government, it is tin-Ford. j participate in the sessions. He is con-
derstood, will make no move for the' sidered by everyone as out of active
present, but if the Germans remain' .T politics and unless he intends to ap-
obdurate when the tariff bill finally Inplate King Is pear in his own defense or is invited
comues up for a vote in parliament, tDeaOfPneum oniaby his adversaries to do so, his
measures will be proposed to ade- Dead1 O flPnu a presence at the sitting of the commit-
quately protect French trade and in- is scarcely expected.
dustry. New York, Jan. 17.-(By A. P.)- 1IPolitical observers believe that no-
jSamuel G. Reid, known internationally thing short of unequivocal retraction,
as "the tinplate king," died suddenly 'of the viewA expressed by the war mi-
1890ASDES SCHEDULE GHID today at the age of 67, after a three stre vions foxowed by this roe
.days' illness of pneumonia at his Fifth Revolution," followed by his promise
nniu-rrnT ui1irim rnavi 1 iill'.avenue home. -' .. . .