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October 28, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…h . " VOL. I. No. n -. UNIVEPRSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY) OCTOBER 28, 1890. PmrC 3 CrS. INTER-CLASS RUGBY. The Junior Laws Fail to Score. The first foot-ball ganie in lthe cas5s series was played yesterday afternoon between 92 Law and '93 Dent. When play was stopped the score stood 4 to 0 in favor of '93 Dent. The first half was stubbornly fought, neither team scoring. The first part of the second half was played in the dark and it was then tha...…

October 28, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. C~i. of 1miW a published'TDaily (Sundays excepted) dring the College year, by THE iU. OF M, INDEPENENT A SDITION. Subscription price 82,0 per year, inrlby in adrance. Single copies 3 amt. On slo at Sheehan 's and Post Ofie ewn stand every evening at 60o'lok. Sbsriition may be left at the othier of the DAILY, OpeenatHoso btnck, at Shehan', nt Stlt's, or with any f tto editors. Conamstetons sould 1s rech the otic by Oi0 A. M....…

October 28, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SA MS, SMOKING JACKETS!1 TH E N EW ASCOTT. o tmL~r. VQHi [TS BEST WORK IN THE CITY ?'STATE..ST. TAIL ORS, CORK CALLED FOR and DEIEYRED. FIRST CLASS WORK. I--Sitt&CtAI, RATES To STUDENTSt t0fficne. - 23 South Fourth Ave. '.-]ALL A I SEEbb US, Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitars Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inchi of the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and ...…

October 28, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…TPE-TE nfP M. rDAILYr 8L E~AVEJ~, 4+ 2-i T~~~4 'R AE NIF W -fI '-I(W CLO"THING HOUSE -S IT, 73, 115 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MW) icu t S hIL I I - { 'IT DER~I1 17 117 -LJI7BstNovelties A2rriingDail NEW BOOK STORES, W V r~ig ti .ltifl Udeweari. Black Underwear. Medlicott Goods, Natural Wool, and Cheaper Grades. This --Display --is --Unsurpassed. 6 Secth Main Street. 44 South~ State Street, Medical Bonks, Law Books, BLANK BOOKS, Ai,e i. Ij s, A...…

January 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…Llfjc jKI, of ~n. WaiIjj. \CV '--N0 d U. OF M. BASE-BALL. Noe nthe Coming Base-Balt Teamn. UNIViEli ITY OF MICIGAN, W, casional gause somte day lTuring the week. It swouldl certainly seem that such p~ermissions would do imucth to- It ibsnug I . c ha ah ati. aris stakling the Ctimtolasilsr ntte tat the lU. of i,.,iillitCSI)((- a inrh ratb d f su e t o0n at its sareofois siipportmui colie di t verattsmooth s trustsstiso a1ar etltati0o teI a lsti...…

January 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…Tu T14' TI(' M' T)t A TT '.v I iL, yr mac. of "N1F. THlE U. oM. INDEPiENDENT A, SOGIATION. th' fl''t fi ndttt Pos't',.0en' s tndcvr letat tit(' o 'o otoo It t t't'totto','ttouseb block, t Sheeh' s'at't' to o tlet' t or ih ity of the dto rs.lttttitotto p l't ot tt tt titoolit ' ' t to sh ou the ote' by.o THE U. of XS. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. W 1.U 1t "i, .fa mIt 'Edioi i~ rt":,.'il. ,Ist. aattngEditor u~srl~.Dl sistI. otti u...…

January 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…_ TI UNTIL SATILJIP Y NIGItT HIE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE + TWO SAME ALL PIlNC'E ALB3EU SLITS, ALL BOX OVERCO(ATS, A LLIPANTS Of Old U. of AL shol have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prites tostt, (Quality highest. Gutarantee'd every iech of the road. Violin aool (Guitar Strings, 10) ets.; Btanjo tond Mandlolill Striogs, 5 eta. Eserstillinproortion.~O L.I.(~'lamet, TALLMEITPIITGLL ?A§o 15 O7iIT cO. T IRALDE A~T BROWN'S DRUG STORE ('ORN ER MAI N...…

January 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THE LU OF M. TDAILY% DIxN N ) LUlNCH ROOM, I$2 .98-- AT $2.98. m-$2,.98 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. _________ Fitst class board, $2..) pe week. Lunches at ll hturus. "A. II.Q Oy sters in eveery stele. line line of C onfections, ( t or etc. ________________________ NEW 1300K STORES, 0aoWmINTIiNci zIxEI-TIAr X titi iin-lansl zjit ents, nortli5os (ellis aoil75 slts . [, ev \rticle 1M' ' \l4\ 1)1stTi'I' NI ltit\(I; tilst5 o h m illS't as s. UNIVER1SITY...…

February 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…'--N. is. UNSVEWTY 01 MICtOIG; A, ~nAMWail -AT[URDAY. VE1BlUA1RY POOL'ij Vjzicv, Tmzvi,: CENTS. Th y und Enter tainment Pro- grant T I il' ) i Plt rt rih fr te c tran iiiiflto tael i vcnto (le t o I Iscl n h h t , i th r i v (2 r i t y h li l .iac b c tie©la Olley ions to 1t.k 11pa Sin th. e trtanmc~t rc heDa raatibr Suhterr i . C e lu Bao l nn aid the C( (umc-n Orchestra.... Y11ersity (ii ee Clnh............ co.edellota.t ~e tl oi tetten........…

February 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…'C.of ' Cit. $rn(tu. theohioletent to rIb~v ~TI U. -FMN. INDEPENilENT !A SCClATIONr. eveit t '. o cl ock. lihii 1' tono a~z 1 ;eft t at the lieo the lt'.ti )ea l~~ blt 0 ok t . lie-i'.~ , i t' < 1i t x' . rwiho 'nitotto .lit ot'inot to l ot'echiirol. o'''. by THE U. of H. DAILY, AnxnxArbor, Mich. EDITORS. Ei t. V ItVIN. '91 l ! to ooIbcit . IL 0!N. Itr'o:tt'iit. Asis.o- it toyoo Edioa- A. .TiooW, t.tiAss.'Nl .Thtiogolditoi. ,; C it vs,'2, Iu t...…

February 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE U.J OF.M. DAILY iw Yournan's Hats, Spring Block Knox Hats, Latest Shape Silverman Hats, Ml ii "I ' A \VI; APl; NMV HO'- i I!. THE T WO * SME T,1. _ZIim I Of Old 17. of NI. should have a Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. P rices lossest, (duality' highlest. Gularanteed every inch of the road. Vilin ated (Goitar Striogs, 1(1 ets.; IBanjo auidl MandolinoStrinls, .) ts. IEvery thlinipo p or 1tion. BROWN'S DRUG STORE (Oli IId AIN AND It) lti NST R...…

February 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…I t-4 F t 01 V)/T JUIT TILife is Uncertain ! , L.JE. F WTCHES DEATH IS SURE. TMETABLE - 1.,l"11),,(r 1Fi l{._1i.i'1't 1,!i11_(.:.1.. SN t) it olit letf{1 t 11 7ti y__,tl ,I ~ii tieF "Xi Establisheded out Saene efillte nd. f2300. Seeks., 10 ii t l e it ii t t i lt , I fXii .X t ra e 1 bit ,i s efor a d v a n e mn t x rath:11 e r1th n 5 th ose{ 1with O0e11 t n ii rscl'~ BlocktAuu l 'ttMich. IN.-2 co. Washtegt on St neat Mate. . wnn H JAMES M STA...…

March 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.Of Al . W1ili . 'VOL. 12 i . U-N[XERSITY (OF MICHIGUAN, SA-TtIIfDAY1MARChII S1, is91. Piit. :, TitEr CE NtS. INDOOR MEETING. A Good Exhibition But a Poor At- tendance. TieindlloorVImeeting" listnig'ht was a failurefnanc~Z~lialiAlybt 5aisuccess 1s ar tilietilc xlibiitiol. lne ttmaa- irs iworked hardt to Ilake it a s111:- esa, lilt tile studeints failedI to re- shendthle aenda c bein and wilt iprobablys-c111rVI tilVexpenses.5 lireater nuii...…

March 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…Pal mP.- THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~~ f ~~~~n ~The Palladium Prizes. 'T Q( flVX Q f h _____ Ps olessors KelseyhWalter and ~ ~ ) ~ L J~ LI Y 1~ bise<ed ilily 5804050 r xcepsed) daring Staiil - have just awarded the Pal. WE WILL FOE THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS lheelle r erirbyi 1 dimn rizes. ( )cite a large asimunt Offer five tons of papler of att kindls to tie soldliy the hound1( at regua TFo . .INDEPENDENT A)SOCIATION. of matter«-sinsnt iin II ost of itill ...…

March 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY FRI DAY A SATURDAY ONLY, intent tuffs NW rti 2.5c per pait- at 1,5c-, 2 lor 25c. I'~fine Dol TurntIDowtt Collars, Sutchlat aet o ld' fortp2(1( 100, each(or or Cl-25c-. Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices towest, Quality lhightest.OGuar-anteed every imelt of tltt 1road. 5-ets. Es I-PSttiing in proporttiont. (.,1.S Mincteut', LKNIG~ . -O 0TT (P00 T' RA.D:E AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE ~BY S 0 71lId...…

March 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…z== s ei-zI ii'----- Life is Uncertain! t ~ 1 ' 1 I TIME TABLE. 73 DEATH IS SURE. ilclil it t tth i't ttIi. \ , l, OtK 1s T I ME II T AEL,.> ,1t lI, A r1I Ii t ttti ti t-i~~i i -i B. F. C I~s 1*0ftK ,ranager csitvict\siLN IO , ~.ti- 1 >5 t iitt, it F -iaiii*si-tttia i -ti-Biiii t-tt t t-i,.;Xi-i . m10. -1). tit i dai '5tit.. B.ow aetf J CONRA It , ,~ ilP w o ains Iclrr~ cl Ma.C ,caI~ltl St tao ELLITT & SHUTTS Proprietor ite tt l it - 1"Iti-i'-...…

April 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…, ,4c t * of Al.A WA VOL. .-N-o. 14 2. UN\IVER:SITY OF IIhIGA , TUESDAY, AI'IIIL ?S, lIS9l. PICEtu, Titi;E-tCENTS. what's the Matter with the U. of recent iurillber o1 Puck, into the Tributeto Dr, Henry Wade Rogers. M. Yells? i10m1u11 of a youIg1lady1. So that "The Nortlhll siorn World p)1ints- I Several hundoredl coliog yelols, froml o 11.11i' . iil 10k.115 all t1he lealou colle-es o1 the coffinc-rll 1) 101 1te 0 into the 0101iv V1 111 (11 Ol...…

April 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…i c THE U. OF M. DAILY. " ' 'f c'the neighblorhood of 200 members ins 1IREA.T $TATI~t1CFY $ALE" thte Athletic Association, sebich WE WILL FORl THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS Published Dail- (Sundiays excepted) daring makes $6cc, tbe total contribution Offer five tons of paper of all kindls to be sold by the piotund at regular the Coallegte year, by THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONI to athletics mole by abottt 2,000 ( dill rates. TFry our Croswnlntper...…

April 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Of Old U. of M. should have a (1Y1oun nivrer ity o f Mihtigan Guitar3 Pcearnodutinterested i the above linead s ehave lowietanility highest. Guaranteed every inchl of the iotin wned Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, mlade them a special study, wish yon woul(1 rail and see what wie a eta. Everythig in pr'tootiont. L.:3S . ~iClement, -zIE DNE.N N P A o have. We know iwe can ...…

April 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…ZPI7 7 i7 _ z =IN El i tt ii v i hOl°,~ E 110110101711.7' TOILET - SOAPS 1t 1(SIONitf N'(11ltt tetittit .fthe in at IIectio, I .. . th l~ K."E'] t ,i,'", t.:l; , t i tTTt'et. liii 13.. F. eLARKt M('iltanag t, e I'l( t.t',&' CNN t *,:1 t), ils lit l ~t i & las lU ani2 Sivili i itld i l .'ieiirit li _,1I i. <iii I t~ituiiiiti. . IIO is -hAL 'itLE fo 1I"l C., Ei OT H T S rpitr l;t Iariuistht ~a, hel torl-11-t-W i i n iiiran .:)itdin1884. Pot...…

May 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…j e . of , 1. la 1 . t'oi.. I.--\ ,. 1 . \'11L. I--No. 1;UIVENSiTY uOF \IICIII(J'N, TIIV IlAY, MAY si 't iIhtiiCNS P.,zlci,, TFiRm, C :v r . U. OF M. VERSUS U. OF V. A Full Account ot the Gamne at Burlington, Vt. r nlain iurin t? ' l ru 7re of a The ,;idae.I afternioun galie was atil led lithII 'tin letnota Wlsh i oints1)f)1r1 U. Cofl1 I\l irtha r The first ttre til eilit oti itrIcd shlort ordler oto popUflies and(1a0 IW ' ill st strike liut. ...…

May 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pi 7" r- i r" '-'f T together otnly hy the efforts of a few ,J1 ' 1&nt SIi]51 1 1 hretWestern ('ollege Press Ascat i hich wats or- stuiish(4i Saity (Su esS exce'pted}sti trinp~ her U tirsir}er, by gantied i Ciag ast Satuirdays HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION cotver. le ed hefr lst meet-j II w:* alenh satcIs ,a dteEDITORS. inte t t tII 'he ssoltlt itisj lilt' K 5II 5r1F, ". ali LFrt r h w "t (lt nf 'l ic ith TENNIS + RAC...…

May 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGL IGEE SHIPRT8. cf 0(d I. of A]. should have a Yo aeIi) oiil o ccitd i i a((' lji.ou i ia UivetYr~ty of Michigan G uitar ' 've. W e, kno wL(. l 1i(''i V01 't 01ave(1) 1io1v )iiAIN.I (Js' A mr aM ni)+ ) N)i'OC 1FF ARR Apbor S1oamFfi lll y, VOORHEIS &DITS BTWORK ITECT W CALLIEOFR anid DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. -IEIA,1kTFS'1 T')NSLL LOffice. - 23 South Fourth Ave. - / C\ -L --E E F OR FOOTWEAR. SHO0ES for 130Tt4...…

May 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…21't~E K (')t? V V)AIK>: TIME TAIBLI-. It K ..'N''l 1l111,.. Hi 2 '02 cIANIIit ; , i: if :.:1 ,>tf .'"1 :t , 1' . . t.. 1112 IN , 211;.i;>.*2111';N}..N A1t1111, . nL.. 22212 I. i ' ;w,,; C G1 It~ <llti~t 1tt .SUN A1 IN .,A'l.1 BI ' F. anagr I t2.11h A2' . 2, ANt.IA 1~. F CLJRK, anag Le1ave12ANN .410511t, Nl i(ouNIolI 1222, at. 40'. 1ich rsnI' 122. 11 12 Was11in 111n11tll21'. 11 "1 nd11 .2 t ai s on Sunday1 wil 11211 Nilcorllr o Cross andAdam12...…

October 28, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…Ije U. of A. Wailjj. VOL. II.-No. 25. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1891. PmiicE, THREE CENTS. ;As the "Co-Ed" Ought to be. For Second Prize. ''There is nothing that takes the Slocum and Stone played for sec- sting of defeat away so quickly as ond place in the tennis tournament the consoling words of a fair sup- yesterday afternoon. Slocum won porter,'' remarked an old half-back two sets and Stone one. Three sets to me in...…

October 28, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THE{ U. OF. M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College t ear, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE "Yellow and Blue," the new weekly which is "edited by the fra- ternities,'' in its initial issue, puts some slueries relating to foot-hall, the anssvers to which its editors can find if they refer to the recent issues of the I)Aliy. The editorial is as follows: " Altough it is not our de- sire to fintd fault with the ...…

October 28, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SA-S AGENTS FOR- ~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. - Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. iJacobs Co., The J. T. Jlacobs Co., The J. T. ulacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of light Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Call and see usn. L_ 13LTITZ. ADD Arbor Ma~1inb IIIry, ' CO~ .AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mor so ab ) + + WORK CALLED FOR a...…

October 28, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE.,- ANN ARBOTR ORGAN COMPAN Y, Formerly Ailmendinger Piano and Organ Cornpany. ..Lew Wo rsoomoa-, - Co«rner 01 /atiandfLci L ert y reets . A will. Open the Btall by placig a ire stock of Guitars, Blanjos. etc. (Telts ntemremnfcue zuu aehue PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. New York, Cleveland Brown & Co., Boston, arnd Cut- Fi'nd 'RU-=.wm-v'sM vszcso ff moa:,f ,15 SouirhiFoooth Aaecoo, (ity.W Oinrig hoIth...…

January 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…~iJEtt. of nWal, VOL. II.-No. S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TH-URSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1892. Republican Club. Choral Union Items. The U. of M lee and Banjo Clubs at Ypsilanti. PRICE, THREE CENTS. OF YOUR *-- IQno~rTMmv ' D T -nrvei AXbout 1 50 yonng repnblicans met iIn about four weeks tse chapel ms the lasv lecture room, Tnesday will be supplied withn a new ballet ev-ening to elect officers for tine corni- & lDavis grand piaiso. Tine instru- ...…

January 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…--- - - --- xzac'x: x: cx. '. x:xXxxxxxx THE U. OF M. DAILY. P TI it Q 41 ec t3 ti u n R F' t4 I ei 21 S t; S J I1 tl f; c lr S( St r. si C, t) a c b Il t 9 ' /* of ^ r . r and are productive of harm rather 0 l '1JD ' than good. In the present cse they are entirely out of propsortion atiehed Daily (Sundays excepted) during as ela lcadpbi pno the College 3tear, by swl shradpbi pno HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION cannot consistently utpho...…

January 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. AT THE TWO SAMSI NO WAR WITH CHILI! lBt war on the rier of Clothing, flats, Cams, Underwear, Gloves, Mittens, Hosiery, Commoncing Wednesdasy Morning, Jnuary 27, 189z.I TRUNEKS VALISES, Fine Shirts, Collars, Cffs, Overalls and Jackets 'rWe are gong to let the pulic loose atong hirty-eight thosasd dollars ($S,oo.oo) The worths of serchandis° for twenty days, whirlh will h lieii Ferutary 9, at oneqarer () off mared pre. We hav...…

January 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. 1N w \areioosss, (Crib'- of MAin 1"1a(d Libertyv Streets. I oill "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WIL.L ASTONISH YOU. Find WI~M vvsmc STRE 2M South Fourth Avenue, City. Pure ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. - NESTABISHEI) 1851. Fresh COURSE, one yeatr. Three foll ternms ( reqfuired. Terms begin, September, c a Jstnuatry attd March. seatsENTRANCE A...…

March 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…iJtI.o fU. Walp. VOL. II.--NO. 12-S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARICHI2S,1 92. HENRY H. RAGAN'S LECTURE. I for the regular annual meeting of _____--the Association }.,to present the ac- One of the Finest of t he S. C. A. series. ' costs of the Association for audit- iog as prescribed in sectioni 2 of sivt sits IHall was weitll e article l\'. It shall also bse his cit eveds ni iing to listen to thic to s1in all orders upothte Treasure...…

March 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'A.of '2. . Da efil lially (teeieeils (Itt eiedue ll OEi OM.INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION h- l ;s; end PIotOfice nes standelat I:? S'lctlo ile',u tci ption etway he left it he otlicteeefttlt It tt, IotperaHoue Bloctk, at -hetleate, at t ttttitet, eortith etlet of the o'clock i,.tti.tithe)-ttte to apetareeithe next{ iad-. Adhdress eallmatter intendeet fete publictt- ,itti tie the Nmetagiit"Editore. All husiestt THE U. of M. DAILY...…

March 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…THE -U. 'OF'.M.DAILY. y ~NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! 011r S lxlIN( iii I Si M ! v 1 ' xj iGS aex ii iixii,., (Iiiix See our line of 5oc Neckwear, shown in our ~ ~ ~ f~U~~-~ xxxxu i iw' win'1dowt. price". Dx iii lxix9t ut, i lo 1 nt.(i Spurig Oxvei-cmit unil xxxii liaxi xx>> ii.xiiline. A larige line) it Trui sx- nd it ags ralxx-xxxx Tx~HE TWO SAMSv= 11Iinidxlt The J. T. Jacobs Company, ANN \ BItih 2i ind 2:) MAIN ST11)EET. TE 'o 1-z= S'TATK7'TIO...…

March 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. INeow Warerosoums, o. rerof Mau in ad Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, bansjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find ST 7= s 's sym=c SoiE 25 South Pt uirth Avenue, City. YOUR GIRL - Alban Law 8School . ES'lAfLIStIEI) 0851, Wousld p preciate a box of I loso COURSE, one year. 'three fuill terns reqluiredl. 't'ernms begin, Sep~tembler,...…

April 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…bc * IL.of n.I Wai Von.. II.-No. 14-5. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL )s, 1892. PRtICETHRlIECENTS. THMt ATHLETIC FELD. PROF. D'OOGE TALKS. Will be Formaily Opened Saturday. The Value of Classical Education. Communication. To tie V. OF NI. DAILY. ,.rie co-ed" of fte. of M.\l arc Tlie base-ball commsittee anil Prof. At a recent session of tbe Sunset ichasrgediwiths lack of interest in ?tl Langblin lookedi over tbc Athletic Clubt ...…

April 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. lionof ii amncluent -et~iccc ~J1. of t article VIIl, the bulk of thewor o W riC ht & Difpon's Tennip Rackets conducting the lpreliminairyclass InR182 P, theColett yer, y Ithe execuative committee and given THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION to special comsmittees from the Subcrptin ric, ,0 pr ear ivarabycarious classes, thus insuring iiore n a cenoSingli cocescc3 centts. Onaleat( care aciiil itstice ini the oniduct of u...…

April 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SpigSuitings. Latest Styles of Hats. Your Newv Hat or Overcoat before vacation. Y~ou n Iow YOU Will need s ome NEW SPRING NECEWEAR to shoe the peole.Q LARGE LINE OF TRUNKS ANI) VALISES. N(Is en LINK OF i N assWVARE 1(. airT.. sT ANN At THDE J. T. JA.COBS COMPANY, BOJI 27 Ksod 2() MAIN STREET. Y 3 KAY =TO Y =E ST2XA2'Ch TENNIS O S.THo-*isEOT SOI THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES., T.~ULk OiTL 1(06-1( 1 WA AhI> E. ,CII I( AGO...…

April 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…THE U.,. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. N, ~orWareoX I A s (ACor(ert of2laint 11n(1Liberty- Streets. I 'trill "Opten the 13,tl1" by placing a ine stock of (Guitars, Banotjs, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find Mvs~'s ~ c oSwoT,, 25 Sooth Fourth Av'enue, City. YOUR GIRL Albany Law Sc1hool ESTAttLISHEtDIt1851. Woul appec11211ite 1 ox of1155ths COt tiSil, oneyathe t lttec futltermos requtiredl. 'erttco begtn, Septe...…

May 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…e . of Aft" 'To,. I1-N. I171. UNIVTERSITY OF AMIChIGAN.SX-TTIIIIDAY, i\IAY , 11)2. HOW IT HAPPENED. The Princeton Defeat-Good Work of Jefferis and Bower man. fil, E O esfitJ. it.-t The i (t;alie hiodaiytNvat iitie tti ti'L;ill- trestilit<;' iof11w iii thai t, s ieih t playe dd iiiif iceors nwerlieiipecitlly best w ifrki il iheiin-fiild.iii l i llithe ' ANi-otl tilItie(an n tet,1Cssppor tit liiiyiply ifdr ilgh ti111ill tioi i li tref...…

May 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. tonermian il it~h- ily (iIoeo t c ptd)i durngI THE L., OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Le-gal lloli(I~y for tlel olijee Mons- day. NtloIape. How It Happenedl (")tilel 'eel 1fh-t pae Inicks Ii ii nwits ot ini teaiii1. ird D)1111' llmde it]ae ]it:) in let fiel eil~ild rlll _ o tn \ LS ilillji 01111dd tol ief'rs lt et idi i i iilioi nl ('ohi ii~liit baii lit and went; 1 til S ec-11 and n it iiilri ie it y tra fr (oiii wes t if...…

May 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY, The GREAT HAT SALE See Our Line ofI TENNIS SUITS. The Two Sams. Off''T'I ZR7LONT ('oininii pTiiersclav , ay 6. we Nvill give you the ehoice of aill i.),$. , and $4.0hi) 1erhv Iats for ,1 T This sale wvil l coiitiiiiie for .1 few hi v s onlv. A ny one ini iedc of' a first 'lass styl- isll li et will c1() well toex iminte these goodiilndprcel THE J. T. JACOBS CO., 27 and 29 Main Street. THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES.TJIIGOS...…

May 28, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…ITTHE U. OF M. DAILY. WEARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. Ness- *varero lls, (onter oftAlainand Liberty Streects. 1 will -Oenl the 1hut, ly placing a line stock oci Guitars, 1itaijos. etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOUui-ae tNOL' Fid 5 outhi (ourthAvenue, City / YOUR GIRL WVould il 1910elate 1a box (of'1t(ose Fine Chocolates Alban Law 8chool I Etnt Itt 1-'51. t (01 R011e Oyear.i lTre Rill tel"1ins requoired,..Teams logic. s(1etmber...…

October 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…je .:off AT. Ei VoL. III.-No. 23. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1892. PRiopE, Tolt 1EE CENTS. A T league contest. The one who is THE TENNISTOURNAMENT. ORATRICL OULOO, awarded first honors receives a -II r -- testimonial of $75, while the second Good Crowa and Good Games. Crane, Watrous, Dodge and The Oratorical Association, best receives the sum of w150. These Paddock Winners. two persPaddockomWinners Past, Present, and Fut...…

October 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1'J(E of 1'JZf. afu PublshelDialy (cItuday s excepted) during the Coee )ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Ooltscrittotuprice $t.5 pe year, otnvariably ,radaoncee stle opie :3 'nt. Soterip- tions may be ceft at the ofte o the tDAoL, at stoiet's, toth aty oh te editor or authoizett olicitor. Coamunications osootd reacho the effice by " o'loto.t. i thy are to apper sle et 'toy. Attoless all mtttter intended oe publ...…

October 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE, STUDENTS. _ UNDERWEAR. GENTLEMEN:- AT THlE TWO SAMS. Elegant line of Underwear at; FIFTY We wishn to (all .our particular attention to the fact that our I , Stock., as usual, includes a general and~ complete line of high class CEN4TS. Better grade at SEVENTY-FIVE CENT . _S. cloting. Young Men's All grades of Underwear in line Silk, Wool, Xl (rnt and ]3a1- S7IT ..IT. ' briggan. itade up with all the detail, care and ...…

October 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…PERFUMES ? YES) So (ood Ithat wh~eii roi li. used the ifist diiopVoti start for CALKIN S' To bNc so ne loov. 34 S. State Street. THE UT. OF Ml. DAlI_ v TRY THE NEW UnereUTemA~1COLLAR. MUSIGAL GOO-DSj IT IS EASE, COMFORT ANDSTiYLE ALYVIN WI]LSEY,j Over( itki,'Dii-lr,ic, /5N ARBOR. RS>00B1 N O L E MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ivoersitys- 'eaf--B obs, Ai edicat loiiks, Lawc Bo oks, lDental Books, Stuldenlts' Note Books. ...…

November 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…Amftv e ' of Vill *aN Vo .. I.H.--No. 4,'-;. Vos. 111-No.48. UN[VE[RSITY OF 1\ICIIIGAN, MONL)AY, INOVEIB11i t>; s, 1892f ~ tos oss j~rs ilI (r' ff r {{ ii b/7 1 v A. L i'". f S.1 L . S Y..J 1 . 1 J ~i~FIt~ ~ cNT aVNliled lossn the plitsts of the CAN IT BE TRUE? li__ e handdI IIla on voo le ,Some5 Infot-natiom on the tRumored , But Made a Great Sholwing. Iaitdtss te5Cne nhddl.ooth Tyg~A o Ting "onell in Secon After IX thes iee ad'o ''e hd...…

November 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -~C. z ' ivtu stopped at fourteen minutes to five, FINE AND ELEGANT Owhioh in itself was sufficient to lose Oberlin the game. Alr. Spangler's S~~ Piibiicy(cly ceil)di statement bears tthis out in everyOft]knsorLdead nl- pct ii y Itartilar, as sdoes atso that of tCm- 31t knes fot coladte. n cni THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION lire tPretymian. l i cs Iittte rooni for belief in t0" W H M L E REVIEW OF THE SEASON, allynmat...…

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