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Establisheded out Saene efillte nd. f2300. Seeks., 10
ii t l e it ii t t i lt , I fXii .X t ra e 1 bit ,i s efor a d v a n e mn t x rath:11 e r1th n 5 th ose{ 1with O0e11 t n
ii rscl'~ BlocktAuu l 'ttMich. IN.-2 co. Washtegt on St neat Mate. . wnn H
JAMES M STAFFORD, F<Int t iY,1 ]Yji cnnTESS IE ,0
7 lie liest lute torge aaXbitiottisiflodilaTe satet e s tet than t hoe Sw i Rou t p st
prcdI'%l-rte ,, e 111 t e Settaid atere~j ilt C e R O D . 5iei
QU:E F'NAI PN ~Plio atitettiat it.it. H A tititier-die ilitectitttt uthtrot Stitile
tissMtiitS-.jtlI it lit .s -aso.2 . alir ttshigoc t n ar Mlii n.G.lHt
W~1c9 .M.ARTI. ER
TAILO1RthI-MiltI-til Isrlte l 15itI l;riC i We reateIa~ A T CoHMAKE tsAND 1:EWEL
coat P -71erl li s i 9 1 P1atesii ; ( tere t-il e gtet n:ue A N IlN ul t .l ,tc
7 itiinh Aaaniue tinst ial ta tes ti-iw 40ti eglt.hersest t an a A PLH EM
SnSt or cCait I ts Pir letriit )su etier Xset tis t)IIstu IAh IIloh II
earl W it ldIsetthet pr etM I.Lttti itrti
19 ceSOU gtH aINST\dheIlttI iliS tinrI'lt leiatsltl nuaii i hit IS&SAOT
Theth tbiesrtty IIt 0 t cstttIrsi peri o teS e t IIT ittr i itel Sttls ' AndFe
Groceries, a(Idrleil
ANN AR3O , - - 1 eti '~t reidti toth a IXil ktIts heoitt cullet(ol ica o at _ I i tttu 5 l. G iSWEDtllS
Stleenarek tt oi e-nt, i tyan onr hst, itetlassht fallc u torFo hndW otKE-.
BTIh '9&-1- ftrh t fmodics ae olaotin Cau tirthelirtacttithef rof.lt anug lery, z TDE an. (JNT ' j4
c tes s ilal xg i-s lthe ell a plted Inatyt sutcic e. Ii ilC C tiThte i i
LAT ST STY ESTtase et-ollow alteiflirgle.- -rm. r wa ile ilas'fln seea
T1 T 7 Icy i)h ets ated retel mos.tit.capac will Ot.tC t ttI e I ts WauufhW sel
lie illi h tltitit i p, Il l o r; t tie e n-uiest alectu rinth1as - tti IeCl aoth easkille t, lit l
I'C M.leicsgariteTrate 1 itt n(~ ig Cus e, wil- be(ivntt o C -titus(tick l la t 1i-s - t
MODERATE:PRICE X Ciiits Clihe la fieeuit thi-s igyttil ei-tttb I ev,).ATI lt e ytiu ofuis Lug ait l ' all I ittitig iste-
Neryslo a enrie o ~te-rot Statistc. Streite or t ttti tt til ltttbt 'il
19 SOUT MAINPT., theDetroi I lig SchtolsehoalshipOIrtahienoftfhrst." R Ilti& ABO uir
i t iri itttfo te iitt- IItD . S tts ti-illeident oXtha slt G roceli ies, akrs, IIMIS,F I hi~ d~ t
li RB R M C . T of Iread ig eoosltti ilia s \I ties colee it co dcatit is tok tltona hssds. aiL.ershMtntns t.
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tfeno rn il5 oet li aI h ohere dii g ete slyItotl fou tig Ct h l
Th- s ie o lliivjnslte turt atied t time ar voaigoe hiwecole i c tig (li;rnte ty oe.at ;.tait ~i 11
.10 TT rA gAn~,A ct, VtirgtPeoltple s r Irij. ocalsnt tngIarsdatsbsiue eteti 'tOS- u o- tr ~glt ehtht
'C~~~te tru esateeti]c ble toscitr, e - stit seio , iit e 5p t ft
e thn ay a ersclti a intI tnieilItnlxt ls.fou od ihr t spsitfr~
SportiN ntK Ahltc Kosstt sotte Theprorams lire- Ar Ia ite a illetutae t offeret ba llcleecus.shl o t
Ilall aitl s a rite otsiln t t hi ffer net te oloicl snsnares Frms Xthe Bre t Itheyasedi l
Z oo ds t seealY The aitet istemaponofrthr In fth ees ast. t r Rust onte out e- hltb reru'dtoa
forW, tisebyestN.r cottand) "P ancAefCristan ity Apreset ChCGO lhaL"~hh~c
A. ID rD S 7 t~ Fenney.s 'le Dfirs tcoies seetre. out rwent awaylfeceligt the yfolladngha d fr5 "lMtlsSret lseh- cbaaia
"StIE OI.t I C Y A E T . o d t l asa t ste . " w at rf r ual and ure a ln ] t