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November 28, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-28

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-~C. z ' ivtu stopped at fourteen minutes to five, FINE AND ELEGANT
Owhioh in itself was sufficient to lose
Oberlin the game. Alr. Spangler's S~~
Piibiicy(cly ceil)di statement bears tthis out in everyOft]knsorLdead nl-
pct ii y Itartilar, as sdoes atso that of tCm- 31t knes fot coladte. n cni
l i cs Iittte rooni for belief in t0" W H M L E
REVIEW OF THE SEASON, allynmaterial change in the relationis 4 OT A S
last 'Thursday's gamie practically' of the two dep'lartments of icedicine,,
enideid the fintliall seasonfir '9 2. if the statemienlts of those nmost initer-T
(liiy the inter class gamtes relala In estedl are of aiiy veighct. . cob- $PECI AL SAbE.-N x.~ -D~
tic be la} vil oif this sevek. In suni-tlete abcolitioni of the hionceopathic I 1j{R O T N S
ilin ill) the season's results see canc school is a supposition wholly on-VY
nt look bark ilpon an uinparalleled warrantedl fronm any facts that have WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers.
Sccessilcil if victories, but it the yet coiie to light. (Of course the- -
sarnie time sue ire far friiii ciakicng swhole niatter lies ini the hands of K6py Toledo. Anan Ar'bor and N orth
comlain t if tlieiesuit. iOut iofthe riegeiits, andl thec Ionceotis swilll Pt cMichigan Railway.
twelve elvnsmt svr have lieen contin'ue to recite regularly unitil ---
tefeatlcl (Ouir ieailier deals cantie sorcciln g definite is deid edl. , I ci iii (_AraI iin , 1)~} N iti iii,15
rii ' ~ laeIi tsciivgvl ils t ciIvii'ii iiof 'arsati n I IA i ii i
in te fae'o disouraeme ts tat _ - ii
woud vt'l iec otall eiitliusi IT WAS A GRAND AFI i, {.i ,s,11i
side -silt it the PreslCIent c OC Mrs. Anlelli Estee- (..j l I~ 2 (n.2 $:'5j.Ii
tainteeA th" Faculty Members nt I te LEADING SCHOnnOF BiiUiSINEcSS. ii - ic; (1 ' s -11 1 _ II ..
(11orn 1L, i I 11111only bli neli111 hle Unlverisity e nsate. gvIlisvllilc;supiv~criivivc el pli edeadinig ''ivN "''
iii 'I'ii liv iii sd ccilay cvi.. P roomn di y i e e ti'vi$ a uda eveine ptiiions; iiii'iif~
plte lls l1 atsfcton Ill fC' -- ~pn1w. itile i yer;vcomec u iciagutinei No.".iiaimAii 1I'ii ('I<I'..il ii.I .i.
1111 1lclivii'i NoP i~~i i'i . iciviti4i.ii~iv


frail ISev~donc" () 1 11 e stroiileiiic . R.iiLtheYfaculty ccntiiistlives Timi
see n.ateri e e hl i l i a eicc o h aut iibrso Su11y l p the Iuniversity :Sebate. 711ally svho F $ .00. $3.00, $ 4.00,$51 I'riccns c cltidvc' vi~r)stts'. 'kos
wli el ciliiirv i s siu ere In attendaiie icite iv sayi~ n ns:an ttbten r.u~5 iii i'i c" iAiAllm iv rt ci'
tii gvee strong ssarraint lioithe as- ticat it seas the gracelest affair vii the EIeysils Was I nov nucucdaiii cc cmiii iv da in,
scilcitiottihat our eeen is thce est nl hy eve atenDoutyii icicAr-Einer. IiGen.1asccAgti. Loalciiicnti
the [;niversity has everisect outn. 'liTe idecoratincs, swhiclh coil- _____________________________________________
I eartiest coniigratiilatioiis vie ilie sisteid of wvlite chirysacnthceiiuncs aicel Y
maae, niitcitciiwii tishite roses, coitrasted cecll.cwithi lie I STUDIENTS, SAVE HAIl" sYOURI ALONE N ANSI_)IN
gaaecpan emadsu ay ciistumnes if thce ludies. 'lie - A't~~ -
ileicts fur the iiutcomce ofi lie leait's genitiicen aippearedin ifull idress' t3CA "A j~
weorik. attic.
Dtelicate ref reshmiieiits swere serveil<'' XII111
ADVANCE IN ATHLETICS. diiriicg the evening.i
'ieitritgaccie served to cre- 7i1Mrs. Angell had sicareid no Iains 1STUVDENTS' BOOKST ORE, ST TES .
ale at good ideal if iticusiasic for to mcake tis one of the niost desir-
atceisi eec,,ii iefobl able featutrcs of the receptionc, and (Crei'k, Latiti. Frenec, ('lcrriiiaii cd all C'olleg'e Texi-Ils', Ness
atltc egnrl n ootalsue seas umcure thcaicsuccessful ic the uilSecilIail
~in particular. lice subtscripctioni li- lattenmpt. All whoi attenidedun iite in <ndSon-Ia.
lier started that eveining iii ietroit praising lice efforts of the residenet /'AW .AND MEDIC.A i BOOKS
footei l.vii 5o n iaiisihirt titme, acid aicd his wtife, anid pronccccve thcemci
tse suncists sincce beenicnccreaseih ho idealectectaicers. AT W1hOLESALE IPRWEES.
551cc. It is propoilseil ti uccsse a _________________ "-o
sivseinctic cnasaog tlklsc n lmi for unditis to give cilet- '_-Q=7,i -- -/f
irs a big foriwcarilnovemcenct. .Fromc BUSINESS LOCALS. RENTSCHLERC,
lice icnterest tmacifestedl, thcere seenms C LE E~ ~I~7T ('o to ('. A. Muyiartie tl t
COLE E to n ar~cphtaeetre
to be ico reasoci for weant uof sticcess. .t..L', giro., r oili. pui, fruits, ete c ii-
Icc fact lice outuookuis cbrighter thcaicn__dieints wsilhlIfinal ciiii lice clt tel ~oi- o
ever before, anduhthadtichis steplis litiseietingiatrisocetriuEACiiHliS i aviaiSi'ltsabletCci'sS
oinly licebeginnuinig of a nmovemnit at cshirt niccee ts'cntei nit'. lisk r~ ll'"'1 rcr'vrti'RA'u'il '
to plce hel nhciversity ini the froict badge ot' anythcicg i Jelr h-, Techeris'Age'ncy, h0ll Wabishi aveinue, W('LLLIJJ U . 1. E JE
atccis(sctvietaalw'wt ci oba'u i ifcegi iii A NIGHT OF FUN.
cynkin tltci o a xrv- w at ott erisin -Are ,'ciiig og iget ai ftll Driess M naN vm e 8
5 ii supositionl. If ltce raisiing of Suit' .hfsic it still hpay youcto see 11.Mi. dYN~ele 8
ant ~~~~inde. tOur reptiattison is the IRosieio"The (Gioldenc Nauge,1)etiroil, cit Cisagemeni I I the GIeteist Comedy iii lvh
mcone~y cvii irovidheustmcore andilbet- ti uh lucs,''c T hecy. 'licynicake,
ter coaches for tics''Varsity tevams, Ihiglhest liii'this wturk l Nvoi l 'cc' Ii ui tmclsills liine'v,rat vS, sorthi
it swill certaincly raise atletic stancd- ad$0.Thi iN'f utng an L
wcill uffeou ciilie tiost iride- I ucu'ucticgs cit *25 are 'ciect iworthi es-O E OLSO
aruhv aindhive better results.I 111 'll" liii Youeuictihuiplicte thceic OE LO'N ISTS 5
utileha orrsii >iilirci ru'Ihuii ,tcicP5erfection inc Style OLhiSNS'ITES
-- I'atE' price ill IlC~rT 2, or 111111 forl..le .S , .'''"'it an -n iti 'new castSOW , Si e('dik ea

lI regardl to thce commciuciiationc
coiccerning the Obherlin gaice, wee
have nothcing to say, except ontlie
point of tine. All ohjections about
slugging and ireferee'nsicistaken
judgunts seem babyishc to say thce
least. Without any reference at all
to thce four nminutes lost, thin game

thei hest 'crkl.
WooiidtwrdtAve.,.and State St1,
DEIbstoT, - - IMICR'Ii0AN.

t mn,"for handing in cuncorous cnts ,he'uuui
iic comcp~etitionc for privet offered by Prices, - - - 35, S0c and 75c
the ('ustalian of '9J, expires Thurs-
day evening, Dec. i st, 1392. Al '
contribuntions nmust be in thin handis GI O
of the rut concumittee Icy that time. 'rOTO
42, 43, 45- H. C. RAN, kAiw HDL.XAIIMIIN N. 1 W1HRO fS .

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