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November 28, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-28

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INLMEN:-Youlmaons, KnO'z9, Silverman'S Hats,


We wilh to) call 50ou1'particularI'attentionl to the fact that omrc
Stock, as Usual, includes a general andl compilete ie of h1ihclss
cdotlijut". Xou ny MAen's

Exquisite Gent 'sI'uriisli inigs, Bath I}robeos, .1oulse Robes,
Siolking Jackets, Ptajamnas, N ight Robes, P'errin's

mcade tap with aill the (detail, 'are anti skill which chraicterizes the Aal ilso n's Collars and (Off's.
best merchant tatiloring wtock.
Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. ITHF T SM S.
Aan Aror Savigs Bank PATRtONIZE M,_-- STA BLE ,- Excelsior Laundry,
An ro ih apital sto', $50,0010, OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP ! I ( IAs fF-t x
Surpluso, 150,000t
Ogalnizeditnder thie GenerlnkieiingLs No. e"tO itIEST1iiil SIi~ tET5. IiV g oodWrn lrttnrEd :~r:eticf
ot thuis tate. Recise Deptois, bioosent1 anddeivre'. A .OVERT, 'o
Eeli exchangeiltouithe ltlc aii ctiits Ofthet.lo
t tetcs. Draftt aed upoI n poper(11 --THEt.ARGUte!-'
I j Y } y s c .t21 Year aii5the fl
IN'J 715100 westin ftoneta
50 AT 0) 'ti 95O00
at a l HcII- , t .c1 til 1 w it i'pi(r~ tesoiN.
Ju t cc-i-i. of, I ti-m()1. ii ilts I.I etl i ci ' C rir i stii i Cieli i I i'- Io
11N e(rIt' (r~r' tII 3tON I) rc HE OB RLN ID . (tit 1105._ Ii -gilit ri~,$tt
_'c- - n ri h i} 1li~ ~ r lr ce lf l y ( . .I ' -It cs ge"e l T oiie - Si,>0s. 'Iys i
Afad U t ,. ro T tdntl umry t tes otSL _ leois iasl
____________________________ I ec(S lie l h'cl.Iti'-it Gisrli, lrnoions J1t se 05 n 11501S',tees s' u.1051(1, Ctile.
s,___Tem lnkn tnieii.ccjit
11) A x ' io S.rilcrlrsii'lrin Iisr
OF NAL e . n .. HE O ERLI SIQ CoritIAMA 'A0, c:. r ~asaeceats $",,00

FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, ' ~Satiurtay 5's eieof(51ichll the slo-
ILLINERY AND ART GOODS!; 15- eture isch. }dl ent holly-ire gerilily aniofotmed.
---d. - Obrlin thinksthtei referee deidoed
______________________'Ole Olson." againsttthemn f n airly in ieveral
rases, e.'g.,our firsttotucih-iclown,
Q liii's tEARNEt ANTh'111mere'it n iciilletit of tie wich aliwas nmatde whents int was
15 51A111.11 ol'liilgof thie ori-;iat Swe('iishli dalect cal lid anid while tliiO(rlitn Iall
REPUTAT'lION ! c rtomedy, .Ole t )lsii,at thle optra tl otslt"tote'fce
H i hi itt rt. t(it l ci liiy, lov. 2S, lIISt atready Itr a akn o te rfre
0ot-It iTilDe rt itet a. try niitieahle stiri lno\i' 'on they thiiik that the touch-
E i pesiliil'that iilitl l iti t tilih-eiiildeitteccaitetof ilie referee'samiitalken
+ 'Alirlistliit- vl ietaIit'iii tilt, overlookin" these
to initeret, giilliild lis iatpl cictrfeeeccc vldcithe uy hclietvethey
peileen'1111ing :i Ivt iiglat i-ailiteri1sp'iyedl full himte anil wonsothe 'gamle.
f tiiinit limt aiwoit ld itli )11' liil tt foiti ng-epe'elch s w re stt
Sllt. F iil'ler pt i t'itllltiis 151this ii ecei a'lree. SI tiany fellowss heatril Itr.
cainn lii il i comp'arelllliwiththiicroiiiSpsangrslitay at OIlins laos-t t t)cli-
flli] Act ion thisetasonm. 1T1e1m l11'li'iittlisth lat Iicthe adlly i v secontdt
'' Itr, 11anditiIlciw ith teiad lilioe illwi litNirrastk iIi)cwiii Iept Itimc for
spletialItelatuire's li the iowis incated I-lOicrliishslosweilten iiuteslitt tfitve.
111l' brighitetedi eel l hll tl CltlietielI
itl- 'ii t S ine tits last II stl'ntttiio tin this lity 1lHetsys:.S p Sjit'il tc hagreed~i.
it asbect e-witen ndmuc i-'hetiiplaysweiit oti for two o r three
Spsecial IDiitount oil East cltuotsn a rtisits ttes rtoik it il Ile letlfigtao totilid gct listiiti 1ff itie'field.
Tet;loe.Te lrlI11 ill tsllistiitedlSwete iniiAmerica1, Ltttvorex-ok.Tearsttidid iiot take out a tisit
tiedtheiuucientf,wiich followlticeinuiiilttes weait during the latter half,''
raid tuccesin, kee111 liencelitill buItttthis is curious swhett tstates is
1T~+~ n~~1~rI Illnti lil troiir if lamliilti'. .tMmit'tes sueatll ha siisl
S(l llS'II'F.Nc11 esasthe ro i f Ole, tesm ril htbt ie
sldit lowhch is thie prnciplinalet'chaacter agreedl to stop at 4:50,t sitliot
it t iiipiecadit r llne yal eeecst ibinmg takeii out.I
whtittati ien101Minmlitsthe test SwitshsT'hese are thse facts as 1tsrvedl
in te city for 25 teti. Ag7enlt for ai ittlilliithis lifflitllt olt. thes iysi Sl o mftesfrousmthe
Keufftel &Esser Mathlematica l Istril-Ito (Ileaen it-lsenofthmi11h4)mt
me its.t'Under pmices on everythlin ng tcrtanimemuts tomighit: IUnityt stgeitein I ieI gis
Cloli, lettire by Prof. Russell;Itn- Iarc a IU. oti.manssantI prefer
laud 1Leaguc', lectore lbyRetv. J. NI, to see oor teamntam; tbut I woutld
srT'ORES . (lesmon, "'Refotrttuio00thelComnti- ratimer slitshiotuldi he shuttouit thtan
South State Street and Main Street. ~ t rlainm a virtory slit tas not
(ilpolite I oursii s(et. iWent. achieved. I .M

' V, E Wm ltttitoll trecet.
Goodspeed &Sons.,
19 . M ain..
Goodspeed &Sons.,
iNiOWA 1111tNki ')ENI "'
17 5. Main.
Goodspeed cSons.,
Sole Agentis itrtthe 'Miller
II It '' intosLime tu
15 S. Main.

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