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October 28, 1891 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-28

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Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings.

The J. T. iJacobs Co.,
The J. T. Jlacobs Co.,
The J. T. ulacobs Co.,
N. B-We still have a nice assortment of light Weight Overcoats
to he closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices.

Call and see usn.


ADD Arbor Ma~1inb IIIry, ' CO~ .AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mor so ab ) + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A FltLinerof all Cstlege Text Books, including Loaw ai ext alRnol esi, ley tls stacL5
CALIF. oN Cheapest ptaee tor Note BAoosatd Foustain Peas in the city. s'eshe crowd in. IComealong
SPECIAL RATES TO STU DENTS. M_ Stdtfriends. Innor havemy entire stockat my store on NO. 6 S. M 41N ST.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11 WET WAStlen ION STI sE. 220. z. 200R222
Every Student will save money by buying University Text-Books and all suppliesattIlesdquarters. We allow! Orders lFor traits, parties, woedddings, etc.,
special discoutton1LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS.,IDENTAL BOOKSil shitt, ety Book tused aitte te~lehone 68i.21 N.Sain St.coes. PosattOltice.
I~ni yer :,C00 B ilr s lank Books at lowest prices.___. MISS JUDITH GRAVES,
t iaaat tGrades. ITagt.Apply at Wilsey's
" - 'li')F'rifE - ItXCES.IOt) - IAUN: f)IJR
( lrOtnC Sr Pt C. as alte'imp~roedmt sesaipand is pe
Net 'e-hlsec ivil be aruceta pared ttusra oastfirst cruseseworkoshor tesnoss-
4 Nho. 1xs.Strofh Ithe''eneisyta aa Cle,' Saturday tire.raa worksstusrn e edotset aytt.
Na. I fllou reolotiesla leav 0 Prieus resonseatble aadesesela usseaatrced. tNo-
CIGA RETTES. 1Pisefllwig rslsin lhv orsing at so o'clock its roosmeA. 10i Psnt Puot~ses. A.I. 1tItT, Ptopsetor
Cigarette Smasers swho beers adopteid by thse '93 dent class: Not i:.-,,%r.VFoss, theewtiev'pO. M. MARTIN,
-,v are wtillineg to says littla
satre thsan tierpricenl WestonosAS, Kited Provisdense tas appoitntedl Instrusctor in Cersiaat,wlltee SEI i
trcatr gefr tettr ilnad Isi sleit.valiiertsvd'etsst beiisn'Cloth Caskets, MVetllic
- raeeigretergled ndinleernintewthe rmoesirodsttbeabeiosegnr0 Iwok ebef ablesBRNDtoprirhisNDCOMworkFNS
ceNl e- Y5Bsnsaerrtaouer meidsttsen esteenmedlclasstmate, John before'Thutrsday, tperhapsaotthsll othANs.J.IA.MON LHEMUS,
Tie R ichmnS traight Chancy, therefore be it wveek. The various sections its -r r' " r
Cu o1Cigarettes are maedsfreti the bright-wsisweetsaebtsfrcl ____V
es, tmst delicately tiavored and highseatceat Itesolved, That thee Detetal Class of mats BSHAKADBGGG IE
Goald beat grawn is Virginia. This totther Old ,<etn< t hebeee eehr~ wtll therefore continue tee recite as AS ItSHI ~ItAOO tE
and Original Brand of Straight Cut Cigarettes, xedt h eeae ~~le' i-NeerleMales Strnrt.
and man brought nut hr us ia the year 18t5. tsr atid brothierottr heaurtfelt synepathey, hithserto unstil further notice it givens. RINSEY & SEABOLT,
ter riiainadosreta h AVNTOA.f name an helom innsn every package. aitd be it furtheer CAvNTBts S ahers and dealers in
The ALLEN & GINTER BranchReovd That a copsy of these ri's- NOTICE-All candidates for ' CPeres S. vssgtssr ndt.Feed,
Mtanufacturers, - - Richmond. Virginia. oluitions tee setnt to thee family, and be foot-hall eleven airc reqluested ho --- 6 nd _EWahintonSt
S ptublishiedin l the college papers. appear edaily 011thle catus for J. - H A L L E R,
tCaptita.$5,000.Surptns and Profits, $17,W). ' I.TheION NE 4 ,Repairing auspecialty. 4dliOUTHMNusder.
____ _____L. A. Cistttt, Ihee vitality of tleat lecautiftnl extrtiv-
Doars a greneral Banintg busiess. Papa is- A. EUTY, aens vtghls, stl e hei J.'D. TMOIT ,Q7 ON\S
terestoSavuntg Deponitsa.ssnafety svaKtpar.tiost rEnglineatSe of th U S -t~x
Deposit Boxes toe Reset. I.KRT os earal1faueso hemd
St. ICEMPF, Prern. 5'. H. BRLPR, Cnshier. Comi-snittee. erti salge. iItas beete plalyedl contiitite State Str+Eeet Grocers.
Cast e nnSaturday eeeinsg. - 4-~- silly for seveneteeni yeairs, aindtis tow Studeents hiltls l ail eespeciailly solicited.
Ann Arbor Savngs Bank TheClass Foot-Bal Schedule. nore phlair theaseever.teuntilrecee- F 254 I. STATE STIRE'. AnAbrMc.CptlSok 5,0,l thsbe lyn tteBso
A Srpls,$1000ho. 3-p'ucSac, 3 tL, awvs.vac92 Law eat t' on, illeto tpacked hosesandets
Organised under the General nankissg Lawscoleaiyhvreindfersx --ANE LIEO -
at thissstate. RteitornDeosits, buanusd INOV.- '3Ltvs'9Li. weslnr.Isucssadpuar-
stlls exchange an the prisncipal citienseCfthe -3l.va itJt eekbeerhasetctthheesls-
United States. Drafseaceshed atlas'pPoper Nov.10 .-hhictuSchuoolv. Cnr treesluey dtef555ineits ti IIS
idnttiiatio.Ofcr:Z)Set h osue rty n ndrpIS NMACK,PCers., of Law' game. sette stantet's gorgeos;me11155il Stop
SW. D. Hansetats. vicePCeca., .lesignos n h oeypr
CHAS. H rssew, Cashier. -NOV.tI2-'92 iit s. winnler oftIdewtsomgceitltexarhetin'clitneto s
Yost Probsably Ilave sonmc Brokesi .krti- tit.ganmc. tinitk theal its sulccess5 comes a uh cl 15v5 g-inro li.V.fon htthchi noe tly st'tsL,~ozorP
Le itSfromthee lisre psutgelstor
JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT wiunner of Professaionual schoots. steikitig seffcs.
OF REPAIR, 'Thie tigh School eleveuu us classccd 'To-nuighst "Evangetinue' stilt be pre- I
W.ANL, 3MANSREas hprofesional,.stited.sh.e'11etire comtpaney, costusst
WM. ARNLD, Is AIN STIERT. atd scesnery tesel itt itasIBtstonTi 1healtre.
lathe Piseeto go.success will be uesesh here atnd the satneA
Entries to the Dashes, csrettech attetiotn to detail that cha~r-
ateriede its sutccesleeswill be givets
An hue relay race next Saturdasyhee. Foremoot in thee cast are Ilileha CAL INS
m~A D _ aythbe made to the followeig: R.EaighuJ'tnes S. Manlitim ihte - __ PH R A Y
FIEPOOGAH T'. FarransdeRalpht Stone, S.C. Fisheertanie, orge Schiller as Le1j
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS !Cldden, Chias. IBowven George B. Bltntc Irv in T. Btusahs Cathiaritne,
3d Cnt cra Suest J~ger, RgerSheman-S.i-IScvMiss Estelle Clintonr as E~uhalie, Missl
30 Est uro Steet Dyert Roer heranA. H. ev-Sadie Stepshetns as tFelician,ItarryWest ]
j'l YA I , TAKRE A mour, I. E. 'laylor, and F.'rank as Captain Dietrichi, E. S. Tearr as i-.
HARTfhi B.Prttmn.Ienedict, hBernlard J. Reiley as the s Q
COURSE. Petmn Entries close Thurs- Poliemanl. lien. J. Miles as Mans c
IT WILL PAY YOU. Sharthand School, Nem a, agner, and too scores of otlier ohc
Building, 20 South State Street,.dy, Ot29, at 2 P" . 1mfvorites. 71 Fort St.. Went. - Detroit, Mich.

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