THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SA-S AGENTS FOR- ~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. - Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. iJacobs Co., The J. T. Jlacobs Co., The J. T. ulacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of light Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Call and see usn. L_ 13LTITZ. ADD Arbor Ma~1inb IIIry, ' CO~ .AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mor so ab ) + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A FltLinerof all Cstlege Text Books, including Loaw ai ext alRnol esi, ley tls stacL5 CALIF. oN Cheapest ptaee tor Note BAoosatd Foustain Peas in the city. s'eshe crowd in. IComealong SPECIAL RATES TO STU DENTS. M_ Stdtfriends. Innor havemy entire stockat my store on NO. 6 S. M 41N ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. NO. 11 WET WAStlen ION STI sE. 220. z. 200R222 011'AH 'S 1rUSUILSS DIRECORY. WAH'SBOOKSTORE, DOWTN TOWNtt.i Every Student will save money by buying University Text-Books and all suppliesattIlesdquarters. We allow! Orders lFor traits, parties, woedddings, etc., special discoutton1LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS.,IDENTAL BOOKSil shitt, ety Book tused aitte te~lehone 68i.21 N.Sain St.coes. PosattOltice. I~ni yer :,C00 B ilr s lank Books at lowest prices.___. MISS JUDITH GRAVES, t iaaat tGrades. ITagt.Apply at Wilsey's LEAD)ING BOOK STfORE IN TIDE CITY. ____ Ni torie .a " - 'li')F'rifE - ItXCES.IOt) - IAUN: f)IJR ( lrOtnC Sr Pt C. as alte'imp~roedmt sesaipand is pe Net 'e-hlsec ivil be aruceta pared ttusra oastfirst cruseseworkoshor tesnoss- 4 Nho. 1xs.Strofh Ithe''eneisyta aa Cle,' Saturday tire.raa worksstusrn e edotset aytt. Na. I fllou reolotiesla leav 0 Prieus resonseatble aadesesela usseaatrced. tNo- CIGA RETTES. 1Pisefllwig rslsin lhv orsing at so o'clock its roosmeA. 10i Psnt Puot~ses. A.I. 1tItT, Ptopsetor Cigarette Smasers swho beers adopteid by thse '93 dent class: Not i:.-,,%r.VFoss, theewtiev'pO. M. MARTIN, -,v are wtillineg to says littla satre thsan tierpricenl WestonosAS, Kited Provisdense tas appoitntedl Instrusctor in Cersiaat,wlltee SEI i trcatr gefr tettr ilnad Isi sleit.valiiertsvd'etsst beiisn'Cloth Caskets, MVetllic - raeeigretergled ndinleernintewthe rmoesirodsttbeabeiosegnr0 Iwok ebef ablesBRNDtoprirhisNDCOMworkFNS ceNl e- Y5Bsnsaerrtaouer meidsttsen esteenmedlclasstmate, John before'Thutrsday, tperhapsaotthsll othANs.J.IA.MON LHEMUS, Tie R ichmnS traight Chancy, therefore be it wveek. The various sections its -r r' " r Cu o1Cigarettes are maedsfreti the bright-wsisweetsaebtsfrcl ____V es, tmst delicately tiavored and highseatceat Itesolved, That thee Detetal Class of mats BSHAKADBGGG IE Goald beat grawn is Virginia. This totther Old ,