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March 28, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-28

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fU. Walp.

VOL. II.--NO. 12-S.


HENRY H. RAGAN'S LECTURE. I for the regular annual meeting of
_____--the Association }.,to present the ac-
One of the Finest of t he S. C. A.
series. ' costs of the Association for audit-
iog as prescribed in sectioni 2 of
sivt sits IHall was weitll e article l\'. It shall also bse his cit
eveds ni iing to listen to thic to s1in all orders upothte Treasurer.
1d5iistisedt traseler and lecturer, SLL.- . The 'Treasurer shall have
11cr s IH.IRagan.Ilie gave his clsarne if all funds raisect for athletic
3111.1!tate( lcturcetin '"Mexicot Mir lppse and sthall pay all bilts ap-
.lvii N s ilior. The lecture wi' I s rosel by the Boiard of Directors.
51)1 ii libyus descripitlin of the . I le shill slso miake a repsort to the

Board of Directors: atnd presvions to)
the annual meeting of the Associa-
cisation shall also audit the anonual
reports of the 'Treasurer stnd F1
nancial Secretary.
Sectiotsi.I .lieamendesd to ceas:
The Board of 1 lirectot s shall lie itsj
tsropssrtioin tosthe tnmber of stmtin
tiers of the Associationt in echi se-
piartmtenst; providtedl, thiatinsytde-

IMailed to You v-.
-r Through Your


1ItVII'1,1, KAY k (0,L

v';fls citthe firis ristil iest, btht
etera indiliis nsterntsaliaffais, uvs
'i"Seillisivi cif tieasc ini goy-
mcnt «vsi btind.luy it -
:til h ioicltv 'its ii re

Bosardl cf D irectors at eavcs c'g;ul'sr -rm hvn;tn( o ebr
iiieetiii g and to) the Ascato t itsis the Associationstic'sitlowossnvie
si nua isilisetiiig. :dafl iter sllris re- dirsectors.

I~ t


potshill liiiecbci au.iiittd lnisisi
is liii>! I iti il ii x i ii ii ois aric ile
IV ,h h ll puivsti httthe I I i ii l l i
I uliis theiCollusgio-papits.
ilsecsit 6. it hees al ea li i anciis

S liii Suhtiu fr tirclBoasrd
if Dissctos at it s lust msisi ug''in
slay shll itcleiitaiisit-hlll iii li
retor atisls i s. i itnitsit Ich
shaltlvelect aiiot-b ll im i c'r," sti'C . rs
S.G.A. Lecture

's:t 11,lit s mt cvi i'it ioll ()ftti i itWi Liii' i1 th1Ta sv1t
15 'l~c i iie t viiiiil till . I s iniccrctt lc: si I c>

iv ll esis x-
't. Ni of-

lii i lt i. sll Ics p(iiti iti'r r (()us i )iar e silleic
!M - i I th ii s thync rls IIi't 5 ii'ii I iV,1 crt he c rsC O 1 . 1> rl c II l ii l it lst il t ltn i11 1 a 1
i)FC' ii' siilsii v ii. .i ale n ts~11v o ill t )si excisi hthy i i i 'sisisli its oil fle s iiisoirssxi
to b iis i ti cslisair i 5 lsil ectre
fi <LIl . st Yitunun xiii ii i shc i \ .C5 ll ii tl 'G ll i(l tli ,o ri o ' '5is. I 1)( tI n(s. v iii 'd'."si
saccth txths.eciultwas 'e sislls-lie sio heshidlconent sl this
'thy fislisiv ss 'iiie sitisess Is sis' S oisis sst~cs Isi l sitspokes firtch of rel5is.ills ai.
'i i itstl l it ti. te Isilectr seItiel itf iro il s' ' inan iai t _is ~lii' i t s5sn st ts. ue tii ii- issi
ii.v tis i isi isc~ci l i is ii e..si (dew '- ssil iouls5 itiistss a it siir ivs et siy h l oiat s mos eIoii
Sitiec. ls is- " ii' T hei iiiliTreasureriof i liii1silf- ss lsiiI515 1flss it
stt" btlesis.sslrstficorcmial, 5ss 1as ciio5t1lyilili ioiftss Idocitit.rsini esei-s
11\' s't itions ' oticiil IISisti i ish ll sieisis. ssl s che m iresorilve sslig i visRsvarc-igis«s-
1 i ll ofiliisill il uh o5fst hesi s e-hi a 5li sot-I I e ler, sin o vthe vori i d sto.Is is
The folli ngi i u e nsct'iii' uts1arejcblil 55nd 5 t' illCoxiiiItei sile's:a o iits .'Re'lisionis ral h x
stvi s'' vs-ui is. hebo r(: ofal onar rganiztionsNavciv sritof thIe- men tl Sats.isorsa-
'sc x- teIsestleiicsir rt :tletsc i s, il a lia e i us' pe opls s'Jss di sp ii
'ei' l e rtat yissil I rsoxst c e,i s por as.tscast lc o lther55voluntaryorti ldte c tiners et vssso rth s.I iio -
'tic s isers cxOfu tis sohe iatscIio n se zztioes undtert he d'ist ectintst e sstsso ealtlspo ittof csrs cias sss
sec.ll.1)e sePreset ic st e- es - St t ec.2lil e i sseitiech )Ito ()fath it alsareveb oes thtcalne te es
strandRecorigSeet r et iaycsall foraiio n 'Iltecd io"ry (. sie crsas. 't th priltuh
sccarv ra osurer, and aerforni1 sheall ecofsutehit Asoegaionto r all . hereay o eltast tone ilso e rth
(fthte n tl Dit orstls oafices. t itr fin ipory ts cen s hle rta-I t erllst okfotv allasdcieconi
Sec.ll.Ma nas e c t-hul It h al t tlecateticy saellfa re lothe fil.e ladhsyomp e e l t en re cth Uil-
lie thedut of ht h iaallld f e e mzedr s teetysuibsiuof r ouseip es ad ~ ity t o tud)' these q eins, to
tar t keepofonfie itemiedrstati e- inliules of a nsBes, raiesz era o'tik-ear e pr
sinsofao tercout ase n et. nisa aeth orr sffotin rld or aomp le ine order
li leadof Directorsand emetboer anyth ofI'therats of the t re i nv estigatewhes consatts.


wisiirJeweil iirSoiety ttBaiges.
'm si iivi ii in i 5~ ivi'i v
intho I zi suisto laIilss el Aim- rh
- V(s - its l fr0tsis'i'ths' stii
R.H ssitishrsteiuiutis

Filull -s-rts if AL~L. ltSl('-
UIk)ILL 13A ?M. 18ssNvill1 hb tissade' s
I tveiltsisPriceiiiorliiie rsisusts l-
tlis iff tiseicolp lege, year, 1.2.
RiQhmond Straight Qcit.
Cigaree tniiiureewho
aecwillinig tits iy a lttle
moire tlisthse puie
F chSargedt for lie osstsiiis'y
Titus BuANSU auetiOr to
allgee R Teichmond uttStraights
list In. Cgretseereesadefmtenuthe ight-
est, imist5delicately flanv-otred dhigisitot s
Goltdteat gist's in Vtrginia. Thi 5sistir Old
ted OriginatliBeand itf Straight Cut Cigarettes.
ansI wansirought osut hy as ini the year is-#5.
Sews-restf imitatios,.atd observe thtat tie
Sets name as hetowteinstn every pachage.
The ALL5EN &GINTEuSR Branch'
Of tite American Tobhaccoi (is
Maufacntuerers, -- .'ileliittst.Virginia.
Nenth Maln Strt

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