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March 28, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-03-28

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'A.of '2. . Da
efil lially (teeieeils (Itt eiedue ll
h- l ;s; end PIotOfice nes standelat I:?
S'lctlo ile',u tci ption etway he left it
he otlicteeefttlt It tt, IotperaHoue Bloctk, at
-hetleate, at t ttttitet, eortith etlet of the
o'clock i,.tti.tithe)-ttte to apetareeithe next{
iad-. Adhdress eallmatter intendeet fete publictt-
,itti tie the Nmetagiit"Editore. All husiestt
Ann Arbor, 5Mich.
t. C C ti '2, I:,ManaginegiElitmt.
tie, ~ttM ,9,,Assiet . Mlteti PeEi t.

me!soo i wiiaggr~aitieteeii .
lit ii tasutualed imeltf thit
c)p illli it ilitof s iid, a a 0in
'elyhp 1aiit~eiiias ot te
.tsiiiiiiyii M his t ouerse iioiioiaiiic (I ei
vi ofi i aiesetsllisof e l i, Plet a it
lotsy iedsuh ic gra1elasiaiee of
leaveg110isiictiurysethonii bltlttTift
djournalists."' Tir butsineess is as
ptrniciouis astC i 15teptibtlbie, atit
se weiaie wo leeoalethemiiini iii
jWebster Public Enteetaietment.

Wi. i' tI "tiitlF, 'tile Asst.'MctncgitngliiEdit. feletseond iof t he iebstr pubiiii
teeell tiltt Itttttt 1 entte rti nmel ntsl ill hetio iveat inlthe
C. Wi. Ric' c -- t st 91te Al ise~lt. Butsitesse. iliteet.
%V I tc it tie r i t ee C Ie IeAt.tte ttttet ),'ic9 . ii elttl e .eeeee 1treet:leItce
I F it m; 1 i e ee Iit I Art t E . ie0 . iiesic _ ---- _ - en tt t ettilt
u . let-.. t iltelee, IFered, litteltnd IAlittelti
Mu-- - - -------------- - - Ii3i!.telltrllttt
tie lheeallegedtiaiageo . . BUSINESS LOCALS.
W~ebb,'e.3 lais, at Vs ilai 11 IIc! ioieisetdnths ohm atheae
Iiemi was cottiribaui ted1y paIrlites nlttof1e nt pelr t litne Special eatesflrlteoe
tiltandie tratllin~es futntshttedlbyapcliei tic
conecliitett withthe D mi lii aniiiei the DAILYle l
111111 (toeEuroie cos1)111-ill I iii sell
Benic ithI1eleveeaiy 1. fM a aciie.A desslClilt G..(lil t
ofiee <;lt
Ii To ((le 1 Suelit le d romse
ilillili35 eoetIlice itittteese.
hoe er, t romi the i sam le tsouc itu ll 0 ls iet fS lat
(lieiain fromille it ii sutaly is ti eite of ltd
an11111'edti itili urnais itsi at liOmast sy ti li l a iiI-iou ilatil
lltifiii 0 ,are hnee c 1 i l t iquite I isielan ato s oii. ii ii t ise so-
iiitel So far as ngtiit t udati nt ciii eltd lim tde tana ic i s iii
theii lnllestoi algoes, tiet rem aiotist ! eisthe ob lySt h alii tio1ll"i ci tyt
tiiorheeittie na tbe iltitm .thai tee lecttd i tnhi ofigeeiioii iState
justfictionof he irm' b ne s tiit a t aal, iet 1il 1 iies(,a-,s ctie
alagiarisut antilteewhoiiiii luistaiiho-tSIpretaied
oniirse deis al sateev tit RClii t is
toaiithrme t se ifoe itheii tedi-l 1 Iiiai ets insstreeIt.ei

l!o k TftUnvestty Booksellers, - - StteStteett
l lili Its te L I GS~a CHOlOL ot 1 111 INE,
.. 1Fette departmntsl-f'tnunttua 1 Ne text-t Ik
Ietyianstttlttjlegtenttettlding, latheci-
_-= tendIee tlttet istructorttt rk tttot
_ - - ----- ottghtettteg expenses eteeue lowi $11.tt t o
$tilt pet- teekhe Itadeuts assitiet to positiotts.
Fo a taloueaddresseP.tIt.PCLAA Present.e
Stage Realism. Uncle Hieam To-':
stage ill pienty, but it retaedetetelli
Altaitiei 1. teeiiitii te tt iint ite titlet °
in 'n liet l fli thatilutstll tithersi Spring
fl th~eiae. lit ,1t14 fileeritoi is ktoitd
setnseless tenithe laltilot Itl iJutias'
thit limtedilt epess fisbot to ass- UitnS i
The. ettYit ieeseets flee'tdanger , wite
hut i beI~is, titngsthetbluwilel te
t~eres thll lete, ilt tootee. T h'le en-
Lietateetonistineg if liii ioti it tlon,
tettert. lseggage' eat, passengertoetee
lighetnineg speed't. 'The tetrotis :)It eel An
kaitt ft etegilieel fet tttittg riot, btickls (
eliThe au lediene setsI te coctorttt
tate alttlogtealttel Feansible cyl,
t'oach, otelite the doeir, step tetl
t wenltthe tralint, m~ovesleffthall ilthe'
'effects oittemaiir rkes, exhs~ltt. \~sin
jolttitng fte e cales,etc., fafitfully It'
isplaintoteeletIpeatitysteel theaterus I f.iil Es, 5 AN11 CO tTLAiNl
Monday Evening, March 28th; Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
- Michigan Railway.

']H(to ll Vil 1)1Ai s.
AAR~ON 1H. WOOl ht I-L

'Sie Card inttfetiltaIuaCrCet1t, 1,te
Aturival oflrii tett iitetil iee cly.

ii - ii,, iiii~ ele~teela el e, 6tll1tel i htit .li
t}:o td 1Y 1 ,s 1 O . I eecLi N .l al i etiiExie s. C ll
IJNCJA1 t~att~ HNoR5. 111 I'rt(ciii li....i..i.....SIt
lii{1111.1io..11 et l iti till. t
il- liii lt.tieletete I i-lie-ilc otn.lilt ttill
to0 cnc outcn T i h wi f h te t anded im ie i
mit ll1'11 pealo (Itth tre. thc lot-111
defl fiod tce. :a xlts-:ti)fet I W 11 1 BullT, I. S.G I'l- IA c D
Sog rs tt Rtes agei Ptl eod.1,' e.Ps.Age _ _ _ _ _a aen
Reservedtltfspatiohoge especiallyttPostiftil,
Iltlall~ ga pettiy ett tutI tlSt t C SSTTE TRM l

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