iJtI.o fU. Walp. VOL. II.--NO. 12-S. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARICHI2S,1 92. HENRY H. RAGAN'S LECTURE. I for the regular annual meeting of _____--the Association }.,to present the ac- One of the Finest of t he S. C. A. series. ' costs of the Association for audit- iog as prescribed in sectioni 2 of sivt sits IHall was weitll e article l\'. It shall also bse his cit eveds ni iing to listen to thic to s1in all orders upothte Treasurer. 1d5iistisedt traseler and lecturer, SLL.- . The 'Treasurer shall have 11cr s IH.IRagan.Ilie gave his clsarne if all funds raisect for athletic 3111.1!tate( lcturcetin '"Mexicot Mir lppse and sthall pay all bilts ap- .lvii N s ilior. The lecture wi' I s rosel by the Boiard of Directors. 51)1 ii libyus descripitlin of the . I le shill slso miake a repsort to the Board of Directors: atnd presvions to) the annual meeting of the Associa- cisation shall also audit the anonual reports of the 'Treasurer stnd F1 nancial Secretary. ARtiCL V Sectiotsi.I .lieamendesd to ceas: The Board of 1 lirectot s shall lie itsj tsropssrtioin tosthe tnmber of stmtin tiers of the Associationt in echi se- piartmtenst; providtedl, thiatinsytde- PRICE, THRsEE CENTS. UR ~SOCIETY BADGE IMailed to You v-. -r Through Your CHAPTER( PR~lIE -*vAPPLICATION. 1ItVII'1,1, KAY k (0,L v';fls citthe firis ristil iest, btht etera indiliis nsterntsaliaffais, uvs 'i"Seillisivi cif tieasc ini goy- mcnt «vsi btind.luy it - :til h ioicltv 'its ii re Bosardl cf D irectors at eavcs c'g;ul'sr -rm hvn;tn( o ebr iiieetiii g and to) the Ascato t itsis the Associationstic'sitlowossnvie si nua isilisetiiig. :dafl iter sllris re- dirsectors. I~ t i potshill liiiecbci au.iiittd lnisisi is liii>! I iti il ii x i ii ii ois aric ile IV ,h h ll puivsti httthe I I i ii l l i I uliis theiCollusgio-papits. ilsecsit 6. it hees al ea li i anciis S liii Suhtiu fr tirclBoasrd if Dissctos at it s lust msisi ug''in slay shll itcleiitaiisit-hlll iii li retor atisls i s. i itnitsit Ich shaltlvelect aiiot-b ll im i c'r," sti'C . rs S.G.A. Lecture 's:t 11,lit s mt cvi i'it ioll ()ftti i itWi Liii' i1 th1Ta sv1t 15 'l~c i iie t viiiiil till . I s iniccrctt lc: si I c> iv ll esis x- 't. Ni of- lii i lt i. sll Ics p(iiti iti'r r (()us i )iar e silleic !M - i I th ii s thync rls IIi't 5 ii'ii I iV,1 crt he c rsC O 1 . 1> rl c II l ii l it lst il t ltn i11 1 a 1 i)FC' ii' siilsii v ii. .i ale n ts~11v o ill t )si excisi hthy i i i 'sisisli its oil fle s iiisoirssxi to b iis i ti cslisair i 5 lsil ectre fi