~~ f ~~~~n ~The Palladium Prizes. 'T Q( flVX Q f h
_____ Ps olessors KelseyhWalter and ~ ~ ) ~ L J~ LI Y 1~
bise<ed ilily 5804050 r xcepsed) daring Staiil - have just awarded the Pal. WE WILL FOE THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS
lheelle r erirbyi 1 dimn rizes. ( )cite a large asimunt Offer five tons of papler of att kindls to tie soldliy the hound1( at regua
TFo . .INDEPENDENT A)SOCIATION. of matterĀ«-sinsnt iin II ost of itill rates. Try ur CrosnvImpsiterialtinen at 25 ceints per
_______ tssipiunl. Bondt Papser,'t'hesis, and(ITypewrriter lPaper at
set as seery gosoid. Telvli g (gCreat Itarrai is.ELirelsitses to matectialtlapers
advnce deli~ll inl e 52.751 ient.ont~ c< tiNe-re-the sill essfiil ll o ictioi: sit -reatlsrediuceit rates.
listinfi-atsti -I leji lisi-sirii. 1c. i tistissb'i> ,& -
'eii Ss1111viiii i SesuisslI s is' tiens. .t.t. Aii ell. U 5 EI2 ' =C = -- = ,=_t S Ti t lrt"7 i~~al Z
.S.Ad r ssaIi lo terl I i iitl foii liiic viiti lto
First si/v 7 SssI~r - - F- 1. .isit
Seilis P,1 is- vms2", - - J. . it nitelI.
A TipI to Niagara.
'ic stIling ?. it-s ll iii-svn- i sos (t im i- Pos-e ilies Isis O'l 1 i'tSisei-t Ofthe Se-asosi swll lI),411 lild
THE C. U of M. DAILY, than ass se lii' nItosgethier fronsissE
An-- Abo Hits tl -'sisuiecastirs is i n dsta Futt Lille of
i ;an s sitesl Iv iiail d ('is. isillvise-
ovov el.Iii, tissn I ltr l a t'(iss l sillars fur the y/ fj l Fiul fu C(itiNiiiuvrondtr
1,X i sissssI iv esssl tell )sNtia.Ia i Falls I f wse
in IPHSlI ns,1-it, msisv Itlgsiig l;(lsiu(
.1 .T A I, (lilt ilsiusies 51 c. ssis us ise i a ipsets' osit e use ndsisreil
Chants'iwei do it'Avisil sus sr three dasla lr~ii lvs
E. At, Isis wr%'isis- . . . I lm' '1
H.) II.:I'Is I. iOefs -~ thye sing;vaion is slit lie senst YIII\ TI. Pciui's Kid Gins-es,
1.1O LLtt ( 9'i.:_ii in II. PARK15'43. Isyleasani lysl s is aselsripito the most Sitssid 'sli -v~nnSig. lsI t l Is, fli-sinsI O~l e ata
( I. C II AI 5( . (.I 1..5tA-N, .; S o slinck k. .A1ll F i s ofel
I 1. . '555. Ilunique os ecilist sit lmersicass eeenr hu Clls -- a ill-I diails li h ts-i. (l sisil
THE .isisSsi-vLsSHsassHOUSEill Illusi isic l( tplasttlnl - ied E ,TT TS
'il D o atl n' isi t thss i- eries lte -Na i shId thele sliii tC
- sos' is Ithta rg o hi inI x tjm xAl i'Ot'l Otltl2I)
iv li IuetliisssiI' lro SHIRTSi 6? i LdisJMIJ'
-OrdIi.i - le til v i I'lle tran csIls inot iu-~ 4 u-
to e s tudntl s O te llii- Is--s 3Is 11a aoed
ri i li I - il ills) ( s i p r isiss as u r d
lusTh e Il istinorneti t e _.Alproswhvele aethesle!iv " c vi-.j o -J -\
Is sIsi , Ie sf5asirs tI erss. la t r i I l de t Oct sn i r I a ls [ Is t /f
sin l ptm l d h l - tO .1. ritn rG.l.C a ul. OadFtFO deian S hilcio
illnts-bsillsir prisencrheir I Isehnil--a
isetn'ivs e5 te viieiv Isl I Iiele, I is heeals er th e ;Ie oiu e l a te
lic r ilo these esi t i te s vles hatI 'njO 15 'tl s'c ce silltthe loss-er f p
pataiois e Iss ush}tIo itc i thouii sins heater. Detrot, thisEevennRN ST. Chi cQc
lI-isiunisilhad the1lilltst cac BU om rs S aNSS LOA, VL ________ L
islisss sawh le. -n SIi et it se
/1 /7/7. of
' J - - til iisniii eiiiitihin, isl 1111t5 themte
sailie' stisilelsis siilll i t e lutist lii ii ii si'ipsv tg li ll. ilii is to l "1
Ils ii ssv ii 5 Is' unesi l e talneilriha iiI li
1555)1inlissi alsre i in a ipoor sssilsi s. isilsIlo sto i. .1 Irlsln'S. s
sil slt ut Itslii1iit1sre sisI1c a ' .st . BIs el- s - -
--Is it Co 'al usnIsswood I st lisslis s slae St 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit, Much.
N ii i I --It. ts iltf' cs5N'stiiss i v s
lil: IDioor' sttelslslss e' Si the-liofiat
i. car s s ocieesisu alsay a sub- i 4icia ' is s ts i 11s 1ia l terest
c(t ofirei ark. 1)vi thle vs svists't yu lo iiie T I'. Sas . L'ouis blPAitz.ID~
l~sls stlse'sttslstiil Ii~ts-i lil '.ofj.i ttlia
ise~~~~~~~~~~~1 tisyltle'rssl gsii 5lit (ss sihi-innisliinsil i e.eI nhs
teea studsetIsifrs mtheillsiteraryen so 1 s i aeideshehretin tyls. .IsiThsiese-Io.I 12 W. el"RtS' 1'. -
ter uppot tan tey siitprent hhist linede e staihs iiiehisve '
W'e 1liiglt taike sin exaiiile fessisi tlse cit. Noso'a le ill theohoit in ids ~.rni
%lisilsinti Normial Scissiool s Ihaii schioil yea tewll give eyouiahbenefitP
attenidaiiee if Sun studeusts, they 'tiere is hbisiness ini this. See utl Thursday, April 2, 18391.
steek, get our pices. e guarintee
have fane societies meeting on the our l0e. striiigs equialito any ini thie city, CORNELL UNIVERSITY
saengt- adalwthcoddalily priee. 25 So. Fourth Avenue.
nigtaiih llssiti eosehel WiZS.sinyssic STORE. - LEE, BAIT-O MANDEOLIN
s3ills. Hlunidreihs ef nobby styles li trouser-
'The essays, prepared for the Rhe-ngsatSAFJD. I S.
toneclases re t he andd inat inelts taken in the evening byPres -35 0an75ts
tori clsse ar tobe andd i atelectricity, $0.00 a dozen, at Kel- PIe, 3,5 n 5CS
thte last recitation lbefore vacation, hey's, No. 6 Huron street. Seala on sale at Pestoffis.e News Stand, Fri-
day at9,)clock A. M.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nosh
Michigan Railway.
in asegnlg lInoefic3ts susiusiar.,52t
.Iit. isIaivs s sv iiser .......- .. ..
itusislee Stail----....
iW. II. BlrN Err, 11. S. Gous~kNVO 5
lieu. Pass. Agent. LoalAgt