~Ij U.Of
Al . W1ili .
'VOL. 12 i .
Piit. :, TitEr CE NtS.
A Good Exhibition But a Poor At-
TieindlloorVImeeting" listnig'ht was
a failurefnanc~Z~lialiAlybt 5aisuccess 1s
ar tilietilc xlibiitiol. lne ttmaa-
irs iworked hardt to Ilake it a s111:-
esa, lilt tile studeints failedI to re-
shendthle aenda c bein and
wilt iprobablys-c111rVI tilVexpenses.5
lireater nuiier111011 iia l V ianC
5Ilictato11V. i's'heelit tihat createsd
lhe mst ienthia-sctwsit tileiic-
Ilrtnent rciaykrtl V lile events
iil wininers are as foilowcs:
First heat: 25 yartisilashit, A.
Sw 5Vet 2, WAitngard; tinie 3 3-5
Seconsd hiat: z, Van Iniagltns21
Parker; titue 3 3-5 seconds .
TPhird iheat: 1, Avers; tulle 1101
Trial hseat for seconsds: 1 Witsgard;
litte 3 3-5 secottds.
-Final heat; i, WAingardl;aSweet;
lhtse a3-5 secoisds. This wias an-
ouce as eqlla to tile best ada-
tr record for that distance. Swveet
cl5mstihat ail tile meen but :Ayers
went1over tile miark anti that Starter j
Maiiey faiieid to iput XWingardi hark
aYard, as tse ruies prescriibe, hot
Pliaced bim ns11the scratcit attulput
Vai~l Inscagei atnciithiseif back two
Yardis. i-Hetihinlks titerefore he
shosid iave ibeeniaswardeti first
The iight-sweigiit wrestiing was a
ver lively contest. tt was between
ktheiii and Grochau. Arnei won
the first faii in three minutes aisd
ffty seconds. Grochau won till
Second faii in 54 seconeis, and tile
loises-el, andi iis jumnp lileslnlt,
tiherefolretaatsithiindlllo r rcordi
iihe scxt lowersel ighit wioldiillve
ileenl tile iioorIeradiif tile mVa1-
urers htdil esrdilcttlill 5didl
ilpilltil ial bariibttaI Il
to, lack IfillractOIice ala 1111 e t
sinig~ 1,1111 theue atireo th
cciii. firist place ivas ac-i rcla-itio
cseii 111111the 440vyirdi-i Iiasii
atiers second;i 1timeli(laSI-,j seco~nds. I
iihe reilay race isasswoin ill-tile
imedicai teach, literary teanli secondl~.
Wiingardi took teieadi at tile start
andlis tSeans ieidi it until tiele ast
lap wiles McKeon of te iasipassedi
Jeswett and whetslie Vroipped ou~t
tihere swas no one to take hiisIliace,
owing Co a nmisunderstandinsg. lihe
conisieuece isasCise mediucsavois
and te iits canie its second, tilaws
inot finising. Duffy, iawv,loaC tise
ieaei at te stare by faililng at te I
tu~rn. Tue edistatnce isas 6 lails andl
te litte 3 tiniutes, 2a f4-5 secondls.
An Interesting Work-
:about J 11111 first tisere is to aptpear
IA Generai Cataiogue of tile Uni-
versity.'' This work is being ediited
by Prof. Demmson and Prof. Pettee,
ant iliicontain tecauses of aii,
stueents ishioisave attenaiea the
University fromste beginning. InI
addition to the nauies a fewim npor-
Reminiscences of the Past.
tild lst Ilnihttoillbiar Judigi'iN'aW.
Ciieereri is1tis pokeV uiiier tieauIls-
thces talof t aillllteubieupoi-a
t"eas-it ict ectticlit , Ileicontiedc
l65 andllpiei i iiii l fteeert- la-
!ViII nit cife111 cioisthellii liii i-c
stes.fe C of oF. boys trterioe wi
tiobiy aiiii uiiaer tile eficient drili ofI
Librariati Vance, mnia-swiei riileii
officers aiii soiciiers swere sent to tile
Wily siiouiici ae tniourn tile lack of
oppoirtutnity far tiistitiguisiiig0o11-
seives to-clay?'iiie eviis of society
are as great tiow as ill te iay-s of
fit 111n1 to retmedthi iem, to keep
society adivaticitig, tile yountgtietn
miust hilt tiheir siioitiaers to tile
ivieel. Thiis is oppoltrtuntity eteougis.
All amsinitg atiecdote sias told of
W~end~eli Pilliiis, is-ll1attetmpitecito
spueak at Ann l:Arbor ill tile spring of
'61.- I Cecould obtains 150 iaiilbe-
cause of Cise toughis ivioihadi re-
soived to rotten egg itt o011sigiit,
so tile oid Cotigregatitinai cihirchs
ivas engaged. Tite class of 'fiu, in-
dignant at tihis, determtineti to ttp-
hsoldte rigiht of free speech atid Co
protect iin, so armting themsselves
with hickory clubs they tmarclsed to
J5 VtNtithe e r'iiwtl iof College
Mleti whio knti i iiapprect lite
iiiits, liiiitig il-ir'e colrpls o i lli.
I itsitiers anidiJesielet -peilly
traiiieiifohiiidIe aitiothet jeweriled
oii a1ills I aini i t heri rc iouiiis
tns lii e 511r5 ili i si i is to eiio
ic-left I i ird it is i-uuisaslii it
EWrigh , Kay & Co.
t.\l("' E1 C El I- 1XVI II i-
Detroit, Mlchiwan.
Chap. Speller & @
Univ ersity Outfitters,
20)' Wou'tti "TATEtST.
TTms *+ GOOD.
Fiemat anid Largest
Agetnt for Ann Arbor Steam Laudry,
quick delivery and best work.
q i3A$. V-6-LLc & qo.
ANN ARbBOR,5 C= - - MI.
taut facts of iuterest are giveis, in te scetie of action. Now thtese lads
eachs case as far as obtainable, saris were rough, broad shouldered cltaps
as degrees taken hsere or elsewltere, whso perhlaps edid sot possesSO as
high official positions hseld, ptreseuntntuch social culture as we find
address aud occupation. A special amng the students of to-day. 'They
effort has been nsade to record date wore no corsets neither did thsey
an3TIaVr nfl Ol VIIVIo h Vh1P~CPc75 V. cna'nt ,2n(eand rltrinn the cait; re
ana place of aeam of those aeceasea.
mat.ch wasawarded to him as ArneillTTse ivork will comprise absout 500
Palled Co appear for tise third hout. octavo pages, double columss, and
Van Iugagen was te only rout- isill enibracelan iutmeuse amoutnt of
Petlitor in te standitsg *higis jump. itnformsatiotswhsicht will be of interest
fills exhibition was a very pretty an vaebottosuett ad
°alt lHe cleared 4 feeC, 8Y4 iuches. alumni. It is beitsg rinteed at te
The inter-collegiate record is5 feel, celebrated Riverside Press at Canm-
' % inchet, nmade hi- Crook of s'till- bridge, Mass. Thte DAILYv hopes to
tamsS. give a muore extetsded notice ill abouit
hIlilchinson antI Wakefieldl conm- a msonths.
fitted in the nile run, aud te torus-
er won in 5 minutes, 42 seconds. President Ethebert D. Warfied,
-Sweet aud Van Itswagen comspeted of Miami Uuiversity, Oxford, Ohio,
a he running heighs jump. Vats tn- Itas been chsosen president of La-
Slsgen won at an announced hseighC fayette college. Dr. Warfield was
°f 5 feet, 414 inchses. IHe was al- the first American to ake a scholar.
10Wed four trials at thtat height, ship in Oxford University, England.
lengths of Mr. Pllhips' fiery speecs
only one falist siss was hseard, hut
titsaas quickly silenced by Mr.
Chseever ansti iis stutredy colleagues
with thseir six-foot clus.
Judige Chseever's stories of college
life in tise earlier years were very
witty atid caused mnucht attusement.
Mtuchin tteresting inforusation avas
gisva'nsuiponte former aspect of te
camipus. life closed his talk with~
a Coucting description of Lincoln's
funeral, of whlichlsite was an eye wit-
Tile Castlian of '91, will be on
sale T1uesday, April 7th.