lionof ii amncluent -et~iccc
~J1. of t article VIIl, the bulk of thewor o W riC ht & Difpon's Tennip Rackets
conducting the lpreliminairyclass InR182
theColett yer, y Ithe execuative committee and given
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION to special comsmittees from the
Subcrptin ric, ,0 pr ear ivarabycarious classes, thus insuring iiore
n a cenoSingli cocescc3 centts. Onaleat( care aciiil itstice ini the oniduct of
uheehuc 's ataiePosilfic c ew tandtact i i the cointests. .\mottier sise feature
Welocki, noon. Subscripticcs mccieetie"it a
heftiee ovf the DILYi, Opera Hocute tiock, at if this amiendmiienit is ste etablisli -
Shhiiiac's, at Sitfiet's, iortttih anyr cfthe mn iio(f the sainie system of imarking
Commutcatiocs cihottlitreachiitlitoffite iv as is tseti in tihe aisnutal contest.
o'c.lAioc sk i i-.iattey itetottiteit te niitiiiit' ' l attic provitdiigfor the relpre-
ii toithe lanaginc Ettitor. Aul tusiinettjseintatioii if boths departments aimotig
comimuitinats cticcitd te senttothtin- (ci- I del eutates ct the meevi ciofitthe
Siiatilcing's Rackets anid a Coinplete Line of Spurting GSoods.
Wholesale antd tetail Agents for Miehilgati.
- . - .Itour depatetnts-tCtttereialNtext-boo
it Mantuterip at -r-t tutlis.Sotihanduan
t$t 50 peerireek; ttsudentsc cmietea tc pos iti.
Fctaloigiue, addrtiesP. t. iill It, Priet.
t e s t s s hi l l h e p i i h l i c t oi t h e t u e m bu e r s L ( h e p c i e c a s s e t o . { r s n e t o } ' ET TT
amiecndedl by atltitug: hut nticimoiire
thantwtuoilelegates shlIh i ihem bers S
i f otieilelpartiient Ioiiithe CViit fttr~n
uosMutit cc.
Ann Arbore, Mtich.
Notrni Oratorical I vague is just,
anti will not toubit lie acdopted.
EDITORS. j earatorical Associtiot-
F. E. 7i sir:rr, Lit. '9:3, iAtttuagituc Editor.-
G tr2i B iit. 'ti Assistatt
J . .I Itti elite' iatitiit the itiettiig iof the Orattirical
C. 2.Otititi i, Lit. '94t tetetatti Assoctiationt toitlirrowevcintiill
c. s. iit.t i iulisi, t~teicut. - a2 1,thefolowitig amuetnments
5.i-ttt Latit '4,Aet-itat. s-l i iib ls-sutt
ritI -a~, liw3 A at . ci-betip o disc usion.ciiast
:, u It'. lii.I-i'91I" t Ac ii) IIe t -ti c le it he \s11 a. ii
L.t'.N I h i at t. li, S u lt
CW.C.A.FSList c,4i. - i Sectar io Iccas(mededsco asitoi
F. A i it ii I- Lit. '13., it ' .
Lc,. r i, lit -9i>. 4three tther iietiilers anl the (cities-
- --uIsrof lI le tit in ithe 1,- iiiersity,
-hfii oi tttutietc t tiucei iri ttes-3 shall coiistitute the Isecutisve (oiii
pondtstipiticitcinithei ii). iiiY iteectf this Ssociation.
it.t~a, ,,c,-nc~ - Secioin 2. 1Pls ihf the coiitiest-
cup classes shall lie cepres -ratedl oni
l ' cutir [ItI, Um ['v Sitwi1,ius ,i this Levive Costutmittee.
it1 AiNDKii si OFi iTHEi coii ci i ii Sethotsj. (Presettsictioti 2.)
MIA ii . t: ii OEDAi X. Inusertciaficc the wsi- isterini iifitie
yecar the followviiig: except the
In thie romutn uuicaionuub tl ishued mteiiiter Ifir the juniorcia- elatstsiwhi
ill the tcoliiiii iof ttodta'siDlIINi!shall lie elected cut a steeting
maucy he foiund goodtoiloudfoe cellee- to libe alledily hr ie Presitdent ill
t iou for thitie gentllemieii whlo ace the' folloingi. IOctoher, andl whoise
acecustomieid tineglect their co-ed teriti shacll expirce ottthe fgrit liis-
Iciinsonitheit occ-asiconiof atliet ~il ayciii Spr
ceent. i Sctioi 4i. (Present Section .t
ofi tice t e inte. Specialrtesforilongeu,,ut Ji r a tal
coatiingsir tiousernlgi, it itwill he li to -flI.-
yotur ititerest toseve ktheiof Asetttiis
displatyed tlth ~e (ConokIlittse,^IThuris-
('ustomii Deptartment oitroStItit.T heyi1'5 -anc.
lihe otst tartistitcCutters anta tilors.
Ylutei ullstwys idepi-edtiltgettinig tliiiVestinit
corrcivt styleIatdtmotertfect ;lit, hit
silesa sinitilg if it least $10lit tilt oit itt f
ini chictie summetitit ovtteltivs jutst 11.
riivci. JA
GaLAITP OLEaA IIOIJSLOE Ni. it Stitti MAlS Str'eet.
iNN ARBORtl. tiNtS NW ct1'(I'VS. ___________________________
Friday, .April 29, 1892. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
I Michigan Railway.
IOblerlin is-ittia ,5aute icerCaseiiithe
tither clay andilthe "Pet ii w exults
Sectitn-it I 'lie orators iwhio shall MARIE 1i\ T 1 ivaloCtrinsc it SJiitArboronl'.
compittletact tie tcntest shahl he , c~~j~j iinti Ict i tt uutt
us appr~opriatte phrlaseoliogy, t -it:- sevent (j) its tuuniber, ctudlshall he I i ittu ti-iticnt pruodutctino . i dtrOItutORTH
Th'flue g dugulecurytight o ohnutinlimihted culto membtuers of the SAssocic-t Uctuat' eat playitu - Nut. )t. tutu tutu Arboxttct. -i. ii
Bttu tde-at is entded--the dawn ofit ion tuthact cre purtsuinig uttutec grauu l 11 1cutu oerGSOTH.
the cut intg cay isrousy vish t heue shtlt ate istutdies a atu vsue nithreceiv-edl iiio. 3'1Mai 1'sI ct'uer.........1-tu tut
itNo. don-.ilotxpIess .....Slut..e.etu4-- - .itu
ofvctr N tutuo''cost-," see ccaulemticudegree. lhcy shacll b hu.Psen e'I T oltveduo sAcuuti -- 1ru0at .
Ubfls.) [A l; rnletwe ens An-- - -putnc
Itliee, -us the swriter'ueis di- Chuoscet It_ preliminacrysconstests ftom-tins U HA-1111 oledocnly. uututcttitttAtit
-- a. te sph moejunor an- seio .;tetraltitStanadTicmu Ine.
th oiuuuc, IttoJ othsusc Magtnifcent Costumes Ait Tratitus IDaily'excetundaite.i
uSe cre ini cecciplt oflaci ututtt ti- 1classesi of the Literary- lehpartmuenst, an w. It.-BENNETT, It. S. GRElENscOOit,
ustin wicti se d thusitdeemxld-Eadfrmte uirandilsentior S3er Neen.tPave. Agntt. LocaclAgn
cult to publish. -The witier toucheles ehcasses of thiv LcstwIDepacurtment. -Elabolate Scenery. 1
sully incuidentaclly utinti ti ci Psi -uts Sectiont2.'the IExeeuuis e(Couni-rxceu
topuic, suit dtesu stuspiace ctsulnd istee shahl alucilut cicomttsitee ofJO NI
sigorosus vecrbiage to shiv ulfetnse cut Ithurevpesvonis trout eatcitof stecout- - '_--jl
.1 certains husiusess lireu of she ivt y testing clauses, ste chuairmans of eat-l Prices, 50, 75 andt $100.
wicih hue believes tins been puttuponlt. tonmmsittee bseitug a nuembuer itt the
Asre inuterpuret thle situatsionu this is Executive Coutsmsitteeswhichiuntdcer J.- H AL(~_ E R I
tot fte-question ttiutsute,. shivgeuseral direction of the Execu '77=T,=: I
"- l ive Comtmnittee tsall conduct ltne teptiin aunspecialty.- 4i; ociTa MAIAT.
- tue ameieucntssso shev cotstita- several preliminary contestn, in ac- ~ ~
t ion of thse (Iruslrical.. Association cordance wiih the plan of the ansnual
pitntech in to-dayns itsue are wvorthsy contest. ansu shall relsortltsa mark- 1 .SISN tC OS
the careful consniderations of all ment- ings of te judgen to ltsa Executive 1IO 9 A II R Sndnsptoagepe iy oictd
hers of Itatsociety., By the adop-Comnsiltee. Thse prelimi'narycoln- Stu1dWeHROnS.tsH5pTataeepcialy octed