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May 28, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-05-28

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r- i r" '-'f T together otnly hy the efforts of a few
,J1 ' 1&nt SIi]51 1 1 hretWestern ('ollege
Press Ascat i hich wats or-
stuiish(4i Saity (Su esS exce'pted}sti trinp~
her U tirsir}er, by gantied i Ciag ast Satuirdays
HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION cotver. le ed hefr lst meet-j
II w:* alenh satcIs ,a dteEDITORS. inte t t tII 'he ssoltlt itisj
K 5II 5r1F, ". ali LFrt r h w "t (lt nf 'l ic ith
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tti tt Showee' ,Iii . i tosecri
ministre'ls itn Ann A'rlmrvvis 1 1,'sivc
tt-n i t. 'the troupeis itill id u -
sills givc d ic' list (fit s pertotrm-
hiltfiof tht si'a ho ittishiedtlhate teen7
afI t (} seei i tt e hl .i lli u -
(Iitir'sIa c it lit's lir1 Ita iorsi
legsitatif Vetmit s lr s tiohe-
Ia:,o a. ill. ill o tmll fo th
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to 'il itti t s n t i t e titlT altttSiS
M's' t a iillc itte i ly t .tit I mnSil til t.
Stss'ies" tS ns'os 1''at mit s' .1St:it
sTtS rSits its s Si tie t , the Opera t
The Adonis,
'Mi nerva
and Helios
I. iLlN E ' Ii A\P
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..4.1'': AN II
-~ ~ t.. Now 'fttr Sts th balatt'e sf titis - -
W1, dsie o oli aI it he shoolt itttte it's l titts.n a benSit.' TEsC H ERS A~RE LNTRODSCED
oaisegsjournals of l Ili e o i eei usns ti s.Se orst5k.I'Setir iries. "ies'guatranitee 'To SCHOO t-
sirk upntlici hir sutctessfu rantiti uloc It. stringts sttlalItasny int Sitssitsy. a.'"" _ O3.FF ICERt
SI ;iix 1 stc . I 'Ss. F th AtNAi .XS 5'ttt I
tuotn lit a tills'55 I's.' issoiati on.it''1sss . t i i
It wouldthti liii' I wli iser ' t.-ril ils
Stir Ssti rlt its 5 Ijolied the I t t i I Better than aGymnsasium. ,Nv 70 . E555O5N ST. Chica4 li.
' call (,I:SIit at In laitol Go d s t
stices b li o)nito , sae o c ill is ftheS 55tnill
arcitioi l i("oni NullIeas aO., N I. Vs lit55( 1 15'
alwsso iliti 's ii to it ("I th
spIrtt sfltis tslkefi JL S '
rcteiSitpes solrtli Sl It Sil L I L L ~ ini ty i., Must,0tGt3
heitI~ st nasic oll ege rl a ersl,iiait i (onunet'en cutltittSt. (ii. sI,
alrsgratmes. raternty attuiitesdvcoilege, _
inspioit itot ieyifrncsMiiias uet(ai o tiiniati)Iiet 77Ss Gradt Qer So'Illuse
this rectadsian Ithibsriirss n about.ePrrpgrlyi(11-
tritiit soiege titieiss ae liaIe t tuniraSS ther inslsofacolege usek
P.ea A. odw i he ayuccss.it s hadb ts peial oregengav ein s crrith form,
anwhici oueginnhleingsmaredbe oandClboDierae prices.POLKEITEmEmIIOL
with ~ ~ ~ an smofteohrcleepssall tCe.kMCCLURcllge& o.,
wtsoeothotecolgprs LURassociations which have been held CHICAGO. Tickets en stain at Newn Standl.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
imneTable goingglnto fftlrs, IRtonuO'e.,i20.
II'. ItISNNiT"5, It. 5 S.ItIi'(70SDiS
COOK a1jOU~c
Is bseinig tlhor'ougll reniovated
anti re-furnishecd. AWe should be
pleased to see all old patrons of
She house ansd alsonew ones.
MA M.Nowlin,

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