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January 28, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-01-28

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lBt war on the rier of Clothing, flats, Cams, Underwear, Gloves, Mittens, Hosiery,
Commoncing Wednesdasy Morning, Jnuary 27, 189z.I TRUNEKS VALISES, Fine Shirts, Collars, Cffs, Overalls and Jackets
'rWe are gong to let the pulic loose atong hirty-eight thosasd dollars ($S,oo.oo)
The worths of serchandis° for twenty days, whirlh will h lieii Ferutary 9, at oneqarer ()
off mared pre. We have not picet ot a few godts ans imared thest dowt,htt offer
Clot ing.Remember whaI weraat saig: ONE QUARTER off tre lrie of everyting atri any
Of Clthingtis in or liontie Stoe. Not one dollar to go on te oos; eery sdollar mst.stheocash.
We ogt to move ONE THIOUSANI) IDOLAR' worth of goods evey lay a1tlhses
Ovecoasc Suts, patsIDress Ssits, Priscer Albet Sits, Smoing Jacets, Batis Robes, prices.
loats ands Caps, Seal, fr asd Plush. all CUndewear, all Shitss, all Gloves, I The J. T. Jacobs Company,
all Nehkwear, and every Article inthle Stock atHedu tesfrhiscio ofheSae f %cign
$ ever~ty-lTVive U~ierjt _h r il the i o11 r N. ]li-Coustry dealers will do welIta come it, ansl assort tp these stocs athIlese pscss.
Ii) IS AND)FUtENIS.1lllN(, GOODS everlheld Esesy \tile goes tSeentyfie CensssCapitl.$3,0. .inlts astssots ON. -+-o Dla os tt dene17l010nking business. PaOOTin
trsonSinDeoisHasaeyDeposit Boxes for ent ARNOLD'S - 36 Main St.
'TY27TW~I a Z TTI NO 'C _ It. KEMPFJ Prs FF.. l EL'K R ar.
_____ Ann Arbor Savings Bank ( AAhT
Ass Aror Mih. Cpitnl Stok, $50, i, A A~/-.N SDAls,$000
li'e wi-t tsstat a t unsdsereconstrct tree articles ae n o lt luded: alMr, ssssouman' OrgnierudeOsrpteGerlav Banoi. g aw
Isat, \1 .Knoxt I lt andi . sWCollars, Alasthse atic!es at Seventy ive Csssss ottte Iof thin otate. eeieS 'Dpsit, bstys ad
lil~r RMSIIR ss ratl~ecsa atl o Sl satifsslsenoie.yvstselsrxchngson the prniopnl citiensf the FINE PHOTOGRAPHS
Dollar- I MEJ1BE~t his GreatOveUnitedndStaten.leDnntttnmtisrlnotie. Don'tUnitedrSttes.LDNaRY cANDeARTonGOODS!
,take assyspucarbse unil yost lhas-reen ostas. -identifisation. ODictrss ILN Y AN R O D
- C 5tLD~ e ACKPrss.t I r301Test HuroStret
TH-lE T [9 o\ J /.a V/fQ SA S, llsa P ___ox
TifstA ISa aSkWits 51 l .L_ BL.ITZ.TM EK=,IT WILIPAS YOB,5.Shrthaschssoolttl, News
Reeriringe speiaty. a O ctsuriNA INS ldtielr, 0 Statesss F Oso er--.
ARRl Arlior Stuo ILalllry. COEiAI~L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mucesort br) + +
WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fsl isesf alli tollege TetlBoo, inhdigLocsada disef~se ssl stssl t.lt~by tesrh
I .IA NCeapsteplc efo .NX ttle tttook siand ssitai Psin the city. i,,ltttsesst-csrssstin. Cs- sIR
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. y o lsi a-isats. I nsss- havr ey etire stck ns atm tsr n i. 6v,. i.I NST.
Office. - 23 South Fourth Av. INO. 11 W st Wosiissa-loy STRERT. C.-OsSI. MORO5_
cosey Stsudent sill osave iooney by lbuying Uiisersity Text-Books ansI all supplies at hedurterls.sat WeXallow0 s>rdes fort ts, jorttt-. trstsdisg, et.
specital discstsstt otsLAW BOOKS, MEDICAiIIBOOKS DENNTAL BOOKS iastasvey ook susedlin tho Itsss,tarssm55Y attndstcatto.
Untivercity. ,(100 Blatnk Book at lowest ptices. _______2 Niah t.of Pn Ofc
4G~r3E .../ "1'J W _C.. R , j HsaEsa l- e FordXClov IOR - I.AUIIRY
mmachin~losn~sssttseryw ncisaapret
asld trn iutsfrst cstsorot s-yosst no-
LEADING 1B0OK STOREh2IN THlE CITY. ftie.o-. cssl--siIotsIttned as oilt sv do.
PrictesrosotIIae a nd wA-1.or RY. ~tstrissNo-
CIGARETTES.,i(Charteredadl tI sess,15r55505.i - Cloth Caskets, Metallic
- Cigrete Smokersho - ANDT COMMONJDS iESCFFI N S).-as--) - 00-55
s aee sillingtonayoras ite NO 1 II) otit P Il;t.Fllf t~f1(I. ls i tIJS Prepares sudenss ts oiny collegea-s cst-aJ A O H II S
Sstore thsn sthe tricev 0 - s chsstl ilae sssssrr..A.P LH M S
nkg rlso .rgrd oe the sssslissstcia lste its tt i.LEh tt OU i S . Ireltttvsfo rsthes slrres sdsinsaslat tse rioadetotIue ars' rTl = v,-M -= ,
- unctsl Cigartts, willond t htlesssst ptc-salresls.
-nl BRlAss su sperioc to Ro its rN;ttfFiAND 1TEAIJIkE 'IIA ING IWfIitAIXT.Speal assttten~tionsn.ALSha)'BUS RAtKAND TBAGGAE LINE,.
. all others. - - s tocr ruttnfr toesasssisatsrn dtss.-r rslrts iNor ssth MansStret.
The R. ' iseEchmsond Straght pot.rits 155:11 .tt) INE .ART D-;uI ( u1'.'1.'41 tNss s ler~ t t N l t hUirsatedltaff. - --lv - _ ---
Cit,,. gnratcs-sare rnsade crar the hight- Rotsei: Cet31.ttll .f1.NI)D ttoTII.4.TltiElARlTMiNTS. sss lendilisscehosl ss taoi mssr. R S
I5 asrt deletly Ins-oved ansI highaetoot1steorthe etrvsssrly- arrdstts- 55pse tstudesnvts rtst ig. 'cars-s tree accouttnsstt c n o--Y&fiE BOLT
God Lergnt tvaits sirginirs. Thin it the Old usedto r t 11utotshanovsatv asy stot-h e tru atiotelistiat sissrsits the ounssrtry ssand ttltheo testrs elers its
and5 Origin lrasdssf Straight Cut Ciasetteo. smest sits-w srll an sr -strrsrtrssls. Esv lssss'a finOtrshelrs. roeerieeProviions Flour and Feed,wabru totby sintev l185 (,,,
Bewaare of imitations,.and ohseve-that te A. I. VEREX, Ireaideul. ttsttsand to.7_ tsashingtsn St.
fttrn ame s Iteloistaneverey potrage.
The A.TEN a.0G I NTER BranchJfesninLtrsyScey
aorfte AmeanscirssTrbta-ccotessvistLtooy oroy. M. "Victorr Salrv, ,of L-awrens ords-aesisg atngi5 in ItIis le cn-:5si
5arrtfatacocn. - - Itilsstoatrl. Viirirt--t-- ivsitrai l \issttsoi, has jutlIl).i- Ways55 tipt-tl uponr tgatir g Ither mostv
T-he ol ft wIsinsg is tie progsrimtforilisiredilispamphilet fortmr .tIhugsperects a ltrit ~ sturnd it sstingsqst i
tJ. D. STimsOOIN SONS, temei~ti vnn: nme fslc uttosfotofie s ok'lo~ ev onodr t
StteSrette StOrrieetsr Grocertttstt sstrtr siscr' tsissllshssfC1i1 lcr-,Iae, arr-l-Co use. t at-~ra5
tsh xceur-.- P crlef .\ 9,m o.Sakespeae.
Strttspatrotl tgeespseciat lyolctd tiatorsoos, sI tIto enen ti Norges iassNa r-o. Ircu
zA S. STATE STREET. Iflsnli ----.ir Miss Minnr a %i ,,rt ii rts ts - A goldl ring, will Seot o s .Su et
Speeh-- ---------- - - - 1ER- lSte" Ossntreeca-ntget i by t aliig ou j. i o itetlori eilrct Itlit-acorcnext
Putl linta teaystyle collars, 4 ply laie Volclrso tBlselofSe ville trchliba~ldal MaAlisertl ldent. }scoeser arec-rqiuetstd tar info r re
asr 2 for2-5. Muack & Scbltirl.- - - - - Me s WWBevrtiis A Ft tt. IlEss tND 5raulxar StI srs s1oot as p5oissibles that a stffic
Ata tlacaa 000e venr e saitg - - --___ A. E. Rsegatet, represetitg iteiensttur ot oossarm tay Ibcorderd
Atte T o S n. Cottitiestitg -_N .lMc ittrre andtF- A Rolae
Wadnsdtay motrrning, air.2, 92, the -- custtutdeparsttentrofthaefolda(sestfromtaTEarpe-.ITie rcouts.esincs
e ire stao-k rf Clothisng, OercotsIsssrslNs age-, Detroit, will besat thettaCaok
;nits, P~asts, Dresa Sitis, Printce Govitato .tt _-tt - -- It h iSteley lious. Fridlay, 2thluist., itha ols501- a studay of IEstirntstyIe, and practice
Btlbect Ssits, StsoPiesg icketsinistli It
lasetSits, ato ingCaps, elt, Baht.l t. te plete Ile aof Spring clothsa isscthilg itaansss d i La er tlIitnr otno
liar costrtcsain aapsncSealistslagy teir regsla lite of gos. They sition. The hours wlllptoatly lbe
Pluos, all Undterwsear, all Shirts, a~ll Tecussi dacdhsooysake ia specialty of IDress Ssits at $35',, chanaged t Isaaassnd Tshrrs Iday-
lilawes, all Neckwear, adtever-oy article andr practical physiology are tD be madle1ofAtie fiest impotedl dresi : © nd32'
stt stock at seventy-five rents ota the wosstedandase tritasaedh inathe best Tos-11 0sia2
aollar. optional to all mtedical sudetnts. usIe mannsse. ' Tose cnttemplating -j rot. t Rr

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