e . of
'To,. I1-N. I171.
The Princeton Defeat-Good Work
of Jefferis and Bower man.
fil, E O esfitJ. it.-t 2.li-t
The i (t;alie hiodaiytNvat iitie tti ti'L;ill-
trestilit<;' iof11w iii thai t, s ieih t
playe dd iiiif iceors nwerlieiipecitlly
best w ifrki il iheiin-fiild.iii l i llithe '
ANi-otl tilItie(an n tet,1Cssppor tit
liiiyiply ifdr ilgh ti111ill tioi i li tref
pliorIi lli iiesecia l i he ill-iiiiisli
Thei iaii if a i - il t a- 11yus ii i and
all5the e iti si i-'llw ld atrif
tali llsiliii ii fl: itlsuuiuttusi ai sorei {
bliifl, hich ti'i lleton lii iiiil
(11liItliy litd u tI, il er ovetu toiioit i
flittell 1is r lilo. iiie f lly lolo
fle n aiii- ftem. I elleris si
ooii woiiiii irtf ~ u flit siorytu
iortedif lifermahuhid excifllit ifuitu
iiifi sop w ii flit fill ite sit r'
llweiestopI 'setoin teainlliise
frt i I sot llg h h l t ecn
repeIatedilyiihittthlit Ittisinsissfcl
hw oIeslititit recrdsfits e
se'o~s1'l{hlit siitiifs if '1flit ti nt-d.
stirs s it )'rilleni sti flotti ltiit I
()4 it tr' 1i i s '1)t ftitit lh tlit itti
ifye t atilfl t ltlttft in tet i:flit
hi tii iiscte. hstu den tsitthe ;(lef
t ertertfui'it ni auill I nift ti li N tse
Ness X niThreN eisn Ititislth itdevertyl
vitrIft infviN its tHcoen.mili
bWenstrtillverut -ieton horntlyI
Yk t ss litereaig t heoifftrinsjwnrt-
SNg, ork \ii . 1 nsi iandil l
boyswee lvery- t iian ntan
McKenzie, ISi---- 2 I 2 0 t
Wright, .i- t ii S ii0'0 1 0~ i
Rtamsdeil, s.s- it Si 0 i3 1 2 0
Drakep------ 1 n i 4 0
We cck,3b-----2 1 1 0 1
Guild, 1st---- i--- Si 1 11 0
Humphres, c---11 i +C 0 1
.l i'2 2, 9 .3
R 11BH P0 A R
-Crwford, S.f-.. ... 5' 0 , .2 = 0 '5
-Cdd rf - '.__. -- 0 1 2 0 0
.purney, 2nd. -_..-_ 1 1 34.-:.4 1'
J fri, st
; (1
i 1
The Game at Detroit.
Se ldttiCit ---i---i ist -f---sI luf fit I01
e1itsttr, .5.- -- - --0
Robinsonflt1I ----iii-ii-i-st ° uif4-5 itis
. infii the f iffsulslre isa t ti ai Ii
.l s itrisitinistionday. Coiielileist
---t iitt- - asri itseni siat in a it goot gae 1 N
Strucki- outi-is,- foibins-onrt3situ itisi ,h 5;
Bsoilt alst o no i t D iak tut3; ' iii fit pethas illhaeisesf'a ta
Maiedito YOU
-. Throtigh Your
' 11 ,
taisfs asit tiu le i ais t sii ini ts
pitth i 5 t ht ts ne inci W
lftf AnniArbor.fisti flfitoitiwei- Ise-i-
ilug seru'sgoodtf-terI taidefet i te i
bf ortie-i -iisI a-iot-i'tt r-itesf. 55M it-tisis
reaced itNet' Yor sit tt -eniiitr some
ofte flt-ftar tti ee tniinsto eiite
frl stii tr ii s I1 lltfiiut'iver fl i
siranspo-t. 1stst fteibsoyil werflit-itt-i
ffi fi- itt-esti titu- cit-t1illthiiiflit;. ji
l tf f t i t i f ws ei s t e r e f l t - tti f t r i -
fuit-tutu I iiresisi s sirt t imei
-penitfil oikiis -ierNe-wsHafl-t's-it i
it a ii iSbti ci nnost tiitfs lit r i ffsss.1"
ist isisttitilhdtils t is is _-s(f itits'a
fitiia i 5 ist f iteotitfs At hIl ft ast
flit the flit fs wirtettaingit hefit-it- sits
f itce firthe :flt-T het- t'Valeffboys itere
lfifflit ttdttheO iews noft caledtiitfil
hi-f fatfur et h - Ilittife itt-ti ii-
sntiye si t -sfft-It stifissityerfI tik Itadei
som groufit- edti-aIsertissn5 thIlut ist ji
t in the(i-itnrsf Ouriiitefcfitnleilt flit
send ifbatsemantiii, sfttfiumlefditIfett
linte btteto ftfirst. (Csdfifsftutk
out itt Sfpurnety got a aIsestsitbtalfs
'forciig (rittfnil ft stcond.l Jetltis
foutildout. IPearsonmititift- i ft this-e
to Notrtoni, st-its agaifnifumbf ldtfhe balff
leftinig tfie batter to finst.(Ctanwford
fiingtereds tet wierthird luse anithe fi
pfate, tithroghiloortcocingii and-i wst-i
out. For Yalfe, Norton matehi tfand
Istole seondssi. Beatll struckf out. Bow--
ers matdse i single over Sptirieys lheadl.
Case Dmtde first Ubase on Jiefferis' error,
failed to hold a quick shot throw-, also
allowing Norton to score. Carter made
a long fly to Crawford. In the second
inning Shields takes a btase on balls.
Spitzer lined a grounder to second
base, who touched second and threw to
first making a double play. Bowerma n
made a two base bit, and after a fine
-steal to third was called out, having
slid over the hag. For Yale, Blissamade
a clear long hit in right center. Jack-
son followed with another letting
Bi3to second. Kedsie struck out, and
Bis Continued en s end "p5Be
itsl fpeopfeftaftts li-tlyet 'tifflyIts
(Ideito pu lt sllPriest ]i1.fitt,'bo, is 'LIST
Irba l lich te ii
fitsfel of tefCrnellft,
histea aswea erillfl
-lastfyrtlbtif trof ger
soih ftn L i s fa.Itit f fil
Ifl < stts ftsi i tt--s o, its ~t i . _itl
C. llilattc r ETROIT, - - leiGH-1
ff11l descis
It i t it til
ft fithei fit
sill, tel-reisl YF
itc tilt :ittltAt ~ ttl the SLitd t - iq4 i.
11111v tu-itS , j ' -IOI ,MIH
take the boysto I )ctroit.((,tit Nt Itii 1 tatl i , 55 i
f e-tu tise s 'll -O-,>>tg-' -i - tll o(t an h-iitcs)
tau fit usis itI r tsi fo ow t:3 tG0 Sit us oist i n Vsttuirusiisl. I2;iu iisttu'.tuels
U) . fta1. Cr ifr ft ('tiu fuf ndwa bot I ot yIs n heyer 875
sit itware tor ituit sitasidobsee thtit hetu
rft uuty 2situ DOtusser 12I1 iCu sf1 sts fits Harsuit s beit-iosisis anuitit-el-s so~cktutt
i tt P'earsonus;rdif,'Sfit; s 5 s hiels Otu heAmricn 'o iec C..
C f Ro insn l, lld Se lti fettutiris. - - Limhi tiutt i inieymourusu.
stiftute. Corntell osteft , IStum-t J.AfPOLHEMUSe,
neirti tF Iitel cITalotistt ill- 'i ' 7 JE ,
roti s Yit nosuut iii llerr f, N rt Main Stret
flatnstois1 f utinl Catlttofp or 1Prietf ~ A I 1( o1.li
Nttt'ij.f us ortder that ft h oyt
niay rectivethfutry supfpfort anti apf-
pilauste of our btoys, it lies been dte-
cide ton1 appoint yell masters for thue
game Monday. Accosrdingly the
managenment has appointed Mr. F.
Fi. Janette to select the yell mastyrs.
The American Association of Phy-
sicians meets in Detroit, June, 7, 8,
9 and s o. It is expected that a
large number of medical students.
from the University will_ take ad-.
vantage of the proximity of the con-
vention and' the low rates and he in
TIheiprospett usprteseint is thatufour
teani Setui-u-iihigsiti-is f rititithe ea~st
stuff ttinflue Cut -ittgam omi it Mtayff0.
'Tle Godoceni -Eage Closthiig ('o., 590
Wootdwatrdl iseimueDeiesfti esiring
a vietory foi the of osM.d nine, aind
recogiin~g timtfit still depend aiSgrett
detml onSthe enlthusiaisftc snpport of
th~eir fellow stuidents, has lfited imp
headquarters for the recepionm of all U.
of M. studients, so that by makingthteir
stay in I)etroit as agteeable ass possible
a large nunmber-maybe inlduced toconme.
At these headquarters all students will
be kindly taken care of, their parcels
looked after while thseyare, at the game,
and if ,anyone should desire to make a
pure uase of $lO,,or overthecost of hi *
round trip~ticket to ]etroit and admis-
sion to the game will be refunded.
Hundreds of th best students in the
V. Qf V-are werigsuatl made by
thisd firm.