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January 28, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-01-28

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~iJEtt. of nWal,

VOL. II.-No. S.


Republican Club.

Choral Union Items.

The U. of M lee and Banjo Clubs
at Ypsilanti.

IQno~rTMmv ' D T -nrvei

AXbout 1 50 yonng repnblicans met iIn about four weeks tse chapel
ms the lasv lecture room, Tnesday will be supplied withn a new ballet
ev-ening to elect officers for tine corni- & lDavis grand piaiso. Tine instru-
ing year. Tine meeting was opened -ment will be ofextra qnality anti size,
lby speeches of a general nature by aiid is being constructed at tine comi-
incubers of the clib. Tbe nomnin- pany's factory especially for tine use
atosfor president of thne club fol- of the nmusical society h l
owed. Tbere ivere bunItsvwo candi- Keabe in rooii 24 andni coo is tbe
latcs noninated, .James F'. Burke, price paid for it.
by Ralph Stone,- and J . L.. K.Bur- Tine efforts being miadle by the
sent, liy . IL. McCalnint. M'Nruvonnen oifIDetroit, wbo are inter -
liarke was elecledl nearly unani- estetd in tbe wonians' gymunasiunm,
niously. Ie is oiie of tbe nmost are of a very practical nature. A
iromninenit of the young relpublicans, propositi,)n has beein receivedl to
tormerly private secretary tio Senator transport the Choral Union to iDe-
,\I. S. (quay, anti is at present set- troit, wvhere tbe ''Damnation of
renary of tbe state league of repuibli- Faust'' will be given. This to oc-
van clubs. He earnetd for himself cur on the succeeding night on wvbicb
tine title of the ''Young Orator,'' tbe entertainment takes place in
and has stunspedi throughiout the Ann Arbor. Tine proceeds to go to
statc of Pennsylvainia. lHe vas for the ladies' gym. Ons'Tucdesday
six years the official reporter of the eveningy the Choral Unitun uinauim-
(io'nnit andl district courts of tihe ouisly agreed to the propaositioin.
I. sited States for the wvesteci i (s- ..- -
trion of P'cnnnsylvauia, aniilra nks The Petition Not Denied. I
amnong tlie rapidi stenuograpnhers of line reports in a locailnenspiapner
dine (-onintry. aind the inatpers of D~etroit, that the
It1. 11. Parsionis was electcel vice- faculty hadndcenied the petition of
I~ientei o f the clubt; iH. K. Wol- thme base-bsall usanagesnein u to take
col, secretary; ainsld ax ii. Cmtli-I ans eastern trip, are not strictly ac-
eon, 5sonsaf ex-Ciongressmain ii. M. vcate. Tbe laetition nas inertly
uitvlnesns, treasurer. A commninit- ' laid uipon tbe tale, as tine Dairny
tee osf seven was apupoiuteil Ins nake stated vesterdlay, annd it wiii prob-
aeraingennennis for atteinding tine ably be called tip aind considlered at
.M ichnigans Club banqu et on tine evens- the next meeting. Tine petition svas
hng of February 22. A conmmittee sot thsoroungbly disunssedi nt Mon-
ws appnointedi Innconfer withn muconn- siay-s smeetinag.
iite of thne lennecratic society, ar-
rainge for line organization of a mock Communication.
Grover Cieveiand to be here on Comsplaint arises ons every sitde
Washington's Birthday, concerning tine non-ventilationn of
____- I iisersity ball. Often 2,-oo people
Inhs cmiteapitdbthI'3astudients, swbo hace beens dill- Isit ons tbe bard nncomfortanble seats
for over twvo hours, breathsing anid
nently endieavoring ins secure l,.-
Preidet Ceveandto elier herebareathning air so fonul tbat it stupe-
annClevddela ntostienevtnes fies their brains and dulls all their
birthnday' receivedi word yesterdayfaute.Hwielcul spnI
frusniIHoin. Don MI. Dickinssoin to go siveness cans be expectedi under
ahieadi ansti make thseir arraingenments suds circunsstances is inexplicable.
as Mir. Cleveland had informally ad- Whnethser it is tine fault of janitor inc
vised binm that lie wnould accept tine usbers tine matter shsoulId be renne-
invitation, and woultd probably send died, or people will refuse to in-
Isis formal acceptance in a few days. deago sucb pbysical disconmfort even
for tbe greatest attractions thsat
'ii ii~n~ a.' conic to University mall.

Tine initial conacert osf tine hU of N1. wlt
Glee and Banjo-Club's will be givens ,
to-morrow eveiing in tine Ypsilanti Mailed to You -:n
Opera House. Tinecdubs, whsichi N4}W
are composetd of tbirty of tine best ("'HIIA P TEB1
miens of tine U. tif M. in thnis line of I'.>-
munsic, have bneen trainninag regularly Upon -
andi faitbfully foir tine past tw'o PRtICE ' APrPLICATION.
nmonthss, ansI nave inecomie very lav- -
ficiennt. line voices are exceptions- lITI K IV C-011
ally goods, far- better, indyied, thsansI LIST
~,tose of any clnnbs which have mere- MnnntnnCiiersofnitnest Plis
tofore represented tine University. and JewelledTocetyBadgCH
Most of thic soings are newv and at-DTO , MIH
tractive anneltine cmnncert swill in
doubtedly be a success so far as tine
quality of nusnic rendered sh ncon-
cerned. line folowinig prongramin sill
be offered: E
P'Altl I .
1 Sinnseiin - - - --_____________Sceininit
Banj nnneni -Cli iiinS
tifnDeares,vuinn_ ...---- ------Stnarcn
Silo, OQurttind mmilvsit' whein ynnunwan tthenLtenstMeiropolitaStylnes
4 ArinniiersiSon --------tiniUsivesi in Shoes aetasnnauic isstnn uAsisn
5 'ellisn 13ni----- rn I of. , ~ n nst~nn~u
E l i'srniia 1nlzs ---------- SmuiiR. JH[.!F F &
bannnjns Cii
Reiii-es .---- ----- -----5-Sarc' Isle's T ML'
3Lne fuCanina -(Carin - IT i ROl, M.lul

ninnstreiiarol---i -- ------frw
Lulab -----ii -------------Bitissn
3i Chestnnt Miii----------sins- . of i.I-
4 Minstrei Carnisa------------isins-en
Banjo Cl,'ub
The Boston Free University.
Tbe board nsf aldermen sof IBostoin
man passed, by a vote of six to four,
a resolution lookinng to tine establish-
mennt of a free university inn connec-
tion wvith tine public scbool systemn.
'Tbe resolution states that it wouild
apear that tine cost of sudshash-
vanced gr.ave nvould be lens thnan
$ Ioo,ooo annually; that its inr-
tiuction is legalhy within tine prov-
inc of tbe Bouston Schnool Bhoardl,
andtihIat tbe highest eduication
sbooild inc withninstine reach of all
schnolars of our public schnools. 'rie
reolution provides tbat tine school
board shahl give bearings on tine sub-
ject and report its recormnendations
to tbe aldermen.
The art department of Rutger's
College bas received a gift of TI,000
from one of the trustees of the col-
lege, and a new instrnctor in mathe-
matics had bein secured.


(1mms. Spelieri' Cno.
mre stllinig at grdeatly51re-
nducend lrnces, them'rtihoice
line nof Neckwecar, "Inder-
weairi annd nil Fiurnishiing
Gi ndalinispect' goonds
mni prices.

Chas. Speller & lc
By tBuyiung yonnr
nie us whime we are here.
1114 Monroe St., Chicago.
So S.. State St- v Ani Arlbor.

tin Donaldsoln, including ari the
standard reference books in, clinical
mnedicine and diseases of the tharoat
and lungs, has been presented to
Johns Hopkins University.

Ex-President Carter, of ililiams,
ban just written a life of Mark Hop-
kins, that popular New Elngland
college president.a

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