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March 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…TH1E UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. M JGHIGrAN NT-IL4Good Tailoring Time Table (ReviesdMarcaL,180.15 Mal and Es-_._3 5 Mall _8 3 No lottery schemes. You pa for whiat you get and = NYSp cal... 5 00 N Y Sproal 7 303 Eastrn Ex-...1 12 N. S Loed_S t9o CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fitted'; ."M I E° 0. aN 'SpEX_____ 7 0 Pciiesx..~.__1 5 and gua'ranteed. 'I ootsanls of students tre amongst our -s- Ito°LE - s ° G. R. Esxpress ---00 05 Chi....…

March 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…TlE UNIVERSITY OF MICH1IGAN DAILY. THE VICTOR HIN[ST 30111 GS AN0 LATEST STIRLES Closing Outt L a u Bal-for Sp)ring and Summner Suits-- We have left a fair stock of all sorts of will bat further and last longer than any other H IEN TH T IL RWIIGTAES make. It contains the ---I ot orhAeuAlntnBok best materials and shows ---1 ot orhAeuAlntnBok - - which can be closed ot as the finest construction 7 follows: throughout. B30AiFRII, ED IkF&E . MAMMO...…

October 23, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…*af 3 ali VOL. VI. No. 21. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1895. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. !F I ME iss _M" i-IM NOT UP TO T EIR BEST. Wrinkes new staff' artist. Itit o SNEN UIA 'VARSITY PRACTICE SHIRKED BY the ittiblietition.ofwrye Oi seouhfroe esnt SOME OP THE PLAYERS. The th ler (drawitugs are 1),Cv P play on at one time. One " Good Cause for a Shake-Un in the JKeninedy, wit-o contrihuies te frotis- gouitar is not enough, how- Team...…

October 23, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Dily (Sndy excepted) during the Collet year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Grirso: Times tuildting N. Main st., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LsRoy, '9, IMaaging Editor. G. B. HIAnsaso, 'oi L, Assistat. G. I. Siats, '5., Assistat. C. D. CAP, G. L, Assistat. S. E. KsAssn, '9, Athletic Editor. L. C. WAran, '9. Busess Managr. . C. FAULODS, '99 , Asistnt. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt, '6. A. K. l'trie, '8. C...…

October 23, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. STUDENTS! We Give You Credit,,. 1 - - - FOR KNOWING WHERE - - - THE BES CLOTH NG is sold. You have shown us by your generous patronage that OUR SUITS AND OVERCOATS are just right for people who wish to dress correctly and at the same time SAVE MONEY. a SPECIAL NECKWEAR SALE THIS WEEK, x 37 S. Main St. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. MICHIGAN GE_nTi L Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. EAST. WEST. A P. M. AM Mail and Es-3 50...…

October 23, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOBLE'S STAR clothing :Mouse t- 35 S. MAIN ST. Tecrownng part of man's at- 5 tire ishis hat and in eeds are _E = .gally good one to give the nees- sary,finishing tooch. Seetour Imperia1. > ( PF/STI7SE.O $3.00 N217227 IN OtIR WINDOW. THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL Is unquestionably the finest ball en the market today. t's light tess and durability make it a favorite with all players. Price complete with inflator, $5.0...…

May 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…I " dlp iw Voil, V. No. 166. UNIVERSITY OF MICHI[GAN, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 189. PRICE-THE E CENTS. ANOTHER .VICTORY. MINNESOTA PROVED AN EASY VICTIM FOR MICHIGAN. Sexton Was Too Much for Minne- sota's Batters-Condon Did Great "WOik Behind'the Bat-Deans and Shields Led the Batting. Michigan tird consecutive 'game ystcrelay by defating tiem Ui- versity f Minnesota witb a sore of 16 ie 4. Wasget was pounded foi twenty hits, all but two Mic...…

May 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 166) • Page Image 2

…TfHE U. OF M. DAILY. .. . - Published Daily Sunday. ex:epted) during the Colege yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Orrio: Times biding N. Main t.,opposite "postoffice. EDITORS. J. A. Lnitoy,"'9; liausgng Editor. A. W. Ssssu, Special, Assistant. W. A. Srst, '6 L, Assistant. E. R SiNnsn.An, 'i, Assisant. H. COnnnAl,'1, Athletic Editor. G. B. HAnussoN,'SO L, Business Manager. I. S . PEARLs, 95 L, Assistnt L. R. HAsin~e, Assistant. Associate Edi...…

May 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

…THLE U. OF Mf. DAILY. MICHIGAN GL T Y BUSINESS LOCALS. iMiRYOUR OTING GO TO PITUESi 'THA'T' TmTal Rvsd)JMy1 9.] rtSAE. IgNB SBi.EAST. WEST. TheNitiona l Lawand -Clletion ___ B EAVI L1 SMALLEY P.MX. A. M ssociaion of Detroit. Just the thing ONE TOUSAND MLES OF LAKE RDE Maland Ex-___3M0 Mail ----- 5493 - N. Y. Special--,-5 0 N. Y. Speeal.3 0 for ay y oiig lawye} lr dSiriiog to set- AT SMALL EXPENSE. -AND -- Eaterano-xis.. 1 12 N. S. Limited- as....…

May 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. HULLY GEE! yu of tu go down and se ellis The chicago tailor at the Kuk Hous. He bes a line uv guds to show thet makes eny budy fele gud. but not the same kinde as when " u git. out an' git tite. there hes bin a big crowd uv ug peeple there and there was sum there wot haint been yung fer a gud while. Sum uv the boys wus got up like their muthers of tu be ashamed uf them and sun brot their sweteharts to help them chuse a su...…

April 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…4,C , . 1a . VOL. V. No. 140. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. MADE SOME LARGE SCORES. VARSITY'STRIP A GOOD RECORD BUT SPOILED BY TWO FORFEITS. Seven Games Played-Five Won, All EasytVlotories-Wrangles With O. $10. and U. of 111.-116 Runs to Opponents' 29. The game schled i at Detroit, Sat- urday, April 13, with tie Western League teams. of that city was re- vented by rain, and an alnost certain victory wa...…

April 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…TILE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at. THE UNIVERSITY- OF MICHIGAN. OrcE: Times building N. Main st., tppoite pst office. The editors do ot old thomelvs reon- siblo for the opinions or statemets of corres- podents, appearing in the DAILY EDITORS. J. A. Leero, ', Managing Editor. G.;. HAsiSN, 'OL, Assistnt A. W. Snoe, Special, Asistant. W. A. Srs,'50 L, Assistant. _ H. CoEnA, 'S, Athletic Edior. J. ...…

April 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICGHIGAN LN At the GrandOpera House. THIS YEAR'S CALENDAR. U. mS. CYCILOMETER. TieTbe(eied o.1,19. Robert DonnWho hias by thcy Copies Are Now Ready for Distri- 1TmTal(RvsdNo.8,89.D nign EAST. WE ST.' force, of his native genius and untiring bution. ssA.Milad Es..... 35 Sail----- 8 43 energy, raised himselftoth.frn N. Y. Speci.... 5 15 N. Y. Special--... 30 rani of Anserican teagedians will Te ''szclndr u- A.-.PciicE is es ...…

April 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. SchaIIefs ottom! Formerly with (George War, 19 R. Washington t. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the line of Tex-Books, Stationery and Moiscellaneous Stock in general. MARTIN SCHALLER T~E DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER,' 19 E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. "959 LAWS! RAVE YOUR CANE ENGRAVED vWM. ARNOLD'S, Jeweler. - For Men and Boys, ..ANBKNI LMS °"OOL SWEAERS in black, navy, white, garnet 'and gray, for...…

March 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…VO.V. No. 124. UNIVERSITY OF MICIIIGM , . 1a u. ;, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1896. PRICE-THREE CENTS. I I I THEY HAVE COME ANDGONE LEGISLATORS HAVE MADETHEIR VISIT TO THE UNIVERSITY. Various Buildings Inspected-Meet- of Solons and Students-President Angell's Address Gives Facts and Figures For Them. The ispecetion of the University has been0 conludedl by the le gislators aued the visitors left last night for their homes or for Lansiis. Wiat tie...…

March 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY'. I Published Daily (Sunday exceted during the Clleg year, by THE U. UE M INEPENDEN ASSUCIUIIN. OrricE: Timen building N. Main nt., pposite .pst ofice. EDITORS. H. COEuAN, LI. '7, Mnaging Edir. G.C. II lluoso, La '96, Assi stanit. A. X. SIH, JL.Spelh, Assistant. IW. A. Seiar, Lase'li, Assisant. J. A. ,Lelsi, Lit 'S, Atblei Editor. J. S. PLANiT" Lan '0, Business Mlanager. iH. Vevyr, Lass'tI, Asistant. Ansociate Editor. S. B...…

March 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. T GY MLJGHIGAN ( ENT1RAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. CO-EDS WILL 11AVF A GYM Time Table tRevised) Nov. 181. CTINED FROM 550070) PAGE.RE NT HBAD ND A- EAST. WEST Trir Bn Townisend, 1-.B l'I..iile RGNS HBADADBR Sa . an u.35, Ml . .1 I\\Iownsend, C. It. lilrli. l. C. 1'ig- BOUR MAKE IT POSSIBLE. N. Y. Special.... 15 N. LmY. Speciltd -.----97.30 25 artXXW. P. o.I.lper P udo 3500Nwo ad Eastern Ex -_ -10 25 N. S. Limite'tpit Fn o 3500N...…

March 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. uhaII&'s Bookstore! GRIP Formerly with George Wahr, 19 R E M D IE E.Washigton st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the ALL KINDS line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. AT M A RTN SCHALLER, EA. Mu m y' SE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, NEW DRUG STORE, s E. Washington st., one block east of Main st. COR. WASHINGTON ST. AND FOURTH AVE, '95 LAWS FIRST NATIONAL BANK. A W "OF ANN ARBOR. HAVEYOURO...…

February 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…4c ti of til, it f t I jee ko Vor,. V. NTo. 1009. UNIVERSITY OF NMICHIGAN, SATIIAY . ERUARY 2:;. 18~95. I'I1It--I''lultER CENTS. rAN 1, L( )LENT A 1)1)1{E;SS. F in , ansid siFhus. s;',Iat:Faidltll 'IFill,1E NOR c(ONTES. A BRILLIANT SPEECH DELIVERED 1111talion l111 11n11hfe lhoiloIgh ilL li'THE EFFORTS OF ORATORICAL BY HON. JOHN J. LENTZ, ! Ctilllf of their' I)('0140.l1u11onaly ill ASPIRANTS AMONG THE '95 LITS.1 The Celebration of Washl...…

February 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF Vi. DAILY. i _ .. i tIt . 'tI htere i Fivi' - -SHIOES ini e i atict ittt nil te, fog tutu I ntirStok go-sat I't--,it.[Oly (Sunday ciii- ptdi iduring the *teait -(1- luiol-antithlitial.- thCotigi, par, tp y:-Red uced Prc THEU. E VUMINDEPENDENT ASSOITON, Laiadt ~ir>I. The ociU"ttogtt tll ce ices" t-ttitlitlttia fortt ito- tck atti ill jco' . iOit-twtn atigN.Sat titn-ttl nthuloa.tatttytn te tttttt ' t - i~e100uiI MA...…

February 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY, n H GA CE T A AtteGadOeaHouse. The ex)inaio in aec willbo TOT SEW AT AtteGan1pr held next t ock In the law lecture S;houd a paty of 71) or lss froma Time Table oReised Nov.018,04 ' son itI eliecry: a idayv by lDavid! room as follows: Se. 3S A and BIt-lot- ay fraternity wish excellent oard A~ST.aWES. 1 Scull, soas produced at thve (lun-; ay at 8; S--. 5 (A and S) Tuesday at for $2.50 per we-b. TChy can do ns r. M. A .M Mall ...…

February 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

… ''IF ; V (F' M . Ii \2OY ' ?.a1 lbuk i[ Solid B c MOORE & W ET.1fm..Rr ,G Y+ UI S ________ All Bristle er of William st., hare a F ihGog onlt tc formnerly With Georgo Wahr, 1J9 ehve f~ hm L. WYashineton st. Headquarters forH a r B u hte eve-rythingr a Student needs in the Bru h IlSWT ITET gooks r' _ tine of Text-Books, Stationery and T LEAST MNY .icella neous Stock in general. FOTWNYIVCES New and Second Hand.-, Our synotoolam suits MARTIN SC...…

January 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…7 ~IJE U. o InN UNESA, JANUARY 2S) Pati - THRF5 CENTS. Voi,. V. No. ;S8. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WI V1.I. T t v.: .rv. __._ ---- - - THE SUMMER SCHOOL. Three Courses in Law Under Messrs. Smith. Dwyr and Hughes Arranged. the -o ireular ioftthe Sum isr Shol, whtiich ill sonii rbe issue, will sll- yoni oli5iiit(tler eatres liie i- mrardutioli at theecou rss i lay by ityksss. I Ingles. IDwyer iid- $silitl, hiistrutorsl in ithelIii liii ltit ...…

January 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF Al. DAILY. "t,-kdurng 2g 'l i, rs'lieilry stusents tin- DITSON MUSIC. iCold 'W eather!Tsiiiil h ildsr oaii h sle f - -t~l~r l tding lief ouiiiiiicrnointlio Ntiiiiisei liilyiunday s-scrisis-si isliiiO i sn oiils I eIi h is w iii is 'Six Love Songs,'' 111 Ot he Cilli ;u yea, bsq ri "uiii yii o r l iii iils.cxii siosh 5.53 IyI ui,'iss i x ti',o i . rc i it Iilail A ii5ut lendciln. Sawyse. sitexistesofSit 1iiV THE I IsIfNEPEIUENI -los' s...…

January 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WY /7 7 A the Grand Opera House. j I. OF Ml. CALENDAR. NOTICES. MIJCHIGAN CAtTis ill I Lati.,(ourse 2, foil te sv 'ime Table (Revised)Nos. 1, 154. it'tI Silan ir of rsolir'shotIWed..Jan. ' --2detigof Wbstr slestTlt'eworks toe red inth EAST. wET. ( lty O 9 taispriclry( oieym11 t'rHl.diterefsetios will e as follows: Mail and Ex -350 Alall- --.. IllS tilig At. Farrl is an(i ltir -l !;1,,-l - 3.Sfnio1' clss 511('i 'gSec. I,8 D-...…

January 23, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…THE L"V. OFM. DIY .i n~n~nr H&LF & POUND THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS- BANK. I of nicely perfulooed toilet soap for Ann Arbor, lidsch Capital Stotck,,too. SchaileiiS 0 t aSurplus" $,0. 'Tr S.NI' C r NJTS Orgsnited onder Chsc eneral Booking l.we ~ of this State. 1Iteeeives deposits, buays slid ^- - - sells exciane on the priscipal cStirs of the Vtitly ;w itlo (deoorge Walll',. 19 , United States. Drafts cashed, upon proper E. Washington St. Headqua...…

November 23, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…of 4kL4jh MOW -W. iL VAMW VOL. V. No. 48- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1891. PRICE-TIIII .E,: CENTS. VOL. V. No. 48. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1 S94. Piocic 'Piuocg CENTS. OBETZ' RESIGNATION. It Was Presented at the Regents' Mefing Yesterday.-Other Busi- ness of Importance. At:1 1111 isfis itfn' it Iniveel-"f. yi'sfee+ owd~iy 1)iillg'flthe lt c-ou-fclluod tr1. oleii~li ineIi ltltli Ii' fssitfis i1 his E...…

November 23, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OFE M. DAILY. Publis.hed Ifaiily (Sunday:444' cepted)4during 1IE IIOf W INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, 4f(IF"'10::Times bu444444444-4N. -Main '... oppos44ite4 in4 44dv44444'4. Single 4'4cop44es.:3 4cents4. Sbc 4tof,4fffay b, ltatt44444444 '.4.e4of4 .fwwAILY,44 4day. 4Add4ress444444 44t4444 i4444444444for publi41- 444414444 444t444' liana44,44g 4.4444444' A111444444444444 THE U. OF M. DAILY. AA rbor44444, 3444. EDITORS. .1.4.,1.444444, 14444....…

November 23, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…''BE U '.OFy'A]\. D1)ILY. ~IGHIGAN CENTILAL Castalian Football. Timie Table (Revised) Nov. 1s,1894. jl l l 'se s ltiiiilsii EAS. 5ilL'r. i epi-w ing ;daily oilii lii" <'io )tl 1adExs 350 Alta -_ _ - 843 cillilis ;Inti ai dy show n.l1o \. 'a. special.- a l5 N . ' -'Settial - 7 10 Eastern Exs----10 5 5 N Lisitodil . 5 iistliossiicii in i 151irpiliiliii7 Slay A . i saifi Exs -- 12 15; Atlantic Es 7 47 '"-"z.' 1'o11()\\- liii- hsll 5- l l ls1 sai...…

November 23, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…THlELU. OF 11f. DAILY. RTR F. C. STEBBINS, THEi.l NEW ShI~s 8oso~ CANDALL TYPE fl'!I fEIIAI _E II91 H. A i,,omerly with George Wahr,i -, fELI~DLC MUUUI1IY....Washinton at. Headquarters for '~ B -.llm (01)01 YSJLNTI MIH. verythingr a Student needs in the IS,. b~ ctjollJok1s good line of Text-Books, Stationery aodfo'$3or2.0 eA~ . fo ~8 or $~ho. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 'CLDCK, Miscellaneous Stork in general. -moo riilMARTIN SCHALLER, j' SATISFACTION ...…

October 23, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…~Ijc il. 'Of AL. Wait. VOL. V. No. 21. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1894. PRICE-THREE CENTS. ADRIAN TODAY. Several Changes Necessitated in Our Team on Account of Baird's Injury.-Yesterday's Practice. The last hsome game for some time will be played here today with Adrian College. The game will 1)0 called at 4:10 sharp, so as to play nearly fuill halves before (lark. It is just now im- possible to stale the line-np of eith...…

October 23, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. +_ Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U, OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, OFFE: Times building N. Main st.,opposite post office. Subscription price $2.50 per year, invariably in advance. Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the office of the DAILY, at Stoflet's, at State st. new stand, with any of the editors or authorized solicitors. Communications should reach the office by 7...…

October 23, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN AL Time Table (Revised) July 1, 1894. EAST. WEST. Mail and Ex-d... 4 05 Mail ...---_.._._8 43 N. Y. Special---- 5 10 N. Y. Special-... 7 05 Eastern Ex-...10 25 N. S. Limited... 9 25 A. at. Pacifc Ex-----12 15 Atlantic Ex.--._ 7 47 P. M. D. N.Express....-5t40 Western Ex.----1 53 G. . Express ..11 03 Chi. Nt. Ex.10 25 GREx--- 5 57 O. W. RUGGLSno 11. W. BAYnS, G. P . 1 ,Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor. T., A. A. & N. ...…

October 23, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. CRANDALL TYPEWRITER HARRIS HALL, 'THE SIMPLEX PRINTER. S'aI| Dooksto I A new invention for duplicating copies of writings and drawir gs. i ,8Formerlywith George Wahr, 19 E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the M R. A SBA CHline of Text-Books, Stationery and B H9Miscellaneous Stock in general. The Magician, wMARTIN SCHALLER, THE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, Will give one of his deligetful From a csalu...…

May 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-No. 16l1.. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1894. PIcE., THREE CENTS ONE MORE DEFEAT. Michigan held lead till the fourth To Visit Europe. LU Z BI J.L ! Dartout Oubated ad Otfild-inn ing, when Dartmouth uade four. DartouthOutbt~edand utfild-The Members of the Faculty whoI ed Michgan.-Accident to McCormack and Folsom made sin- will Cross the Atlantic this Year.FO SAE Smetzer. ~les. Huff was givens a base on Their Various Plans...…

May 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Ui. of In1?. T t. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) dring n Col-re.,ar, oy THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE, accient to Smelter could not have occurred at a more inop- portune time. He is really the only catcher we have and his injury leaves the teanm in an almost help- less condition. The only hope is that, as he did in yesterday's game, hie will continue to catch in spite of his injury. A CURtOUS phenomena has ...…

May 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA LEW H. CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIN ST. Director and ,Manager. XMWHIGYAN GNEI~ Time Table (eie)l Feb. 1th, 194. EAST. WEST. Atlantic Express. 55M Mail & Exp. SM...85 1. & J. Expres.. 7 5 Clie. Spc.....7 0 0,l.OtExp...11011 N. S. Limited..1030 P. M. P. . Mail and Ep.414 Fast West'n Ep. 15 Fast Eastn lxp.. 912(1 5. R. Es......6015 N. S. Limited .. 114 Pacific Epress... 915 OW. ERUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. &...…

May 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

…ow- dy iOdpfls ys e rar' it1 hiol ta box of orChocolate;A fi ltfr$ .0AthePparO ftes She 1 o dmire your good taste if you.Fn ltOw$L O th otaa alte Calkins' Pharmacy. B, .IS~ AfitawnW8S0Th~ MOO~~E & w2JwMc~, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST.: CONNER OF WILLIAM. T E N I , A L . Jc a O ' - T NS, SE ALLAND SPORTING GOODS WhYiich they of s'rat pricets Guaranteed1 to1)e as Low cos -an be Obtained E lsewhiere... .. .. WINCHELL'S TEACHER...…

March 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…A S4 VOL. IV.-No. 126. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. ELOQUENCE OF PURITANISM. tigate a method of an independent IN THE GYMNASIUM. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT The Subject of Rev. Frank W. Gun- water supply. It was voted to in- That's Where the InSoor Meet will Ihouldibuy a copy of saulus' Lecture Tonight.-An corporate in the by-laws a clause be Held.-Entries to be Rev. Frank W. Gunsaulus, the general library and...…

March 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…____________THE, U. OF M. DAILY. .e~j* ~ "~i. ~Yale-Harvard-Princeton. _____Tlhe following baseball games, as u .selDiy Snsaxrpe)drn now arranged, will be playedl be-I taeX0atiere year, tbytaveen P ale, Harvard and Princeton THlE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION tbis season: -- MaW 4-Harvard vs. Princeton, at Subscriptianiiese.50s per year, invariably P riotictoitst. ia aervancersingle eopiei 3 rents. Saltserip- 'MFay ito-Princeton vs. Yale, ...…

March 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW, H. CLEMENT, 5180i. MAIN Sr. Dlirector and Manager. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY 20 EA1ST 15HIRON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods nalled for ond delivered. 1 A. F. COVERT. Prop. 114 N. #~i CiE Wanhinaton Sn eet. HATS } vAND ~NECKWEAR &&bse D_ A. TINKER'S sol SNo. 9 South Mains street. Slots. recently occupied by TwoSant. TI 'HE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. CICAGO, 106 W~ablashn Ave., 13. F. CILARKi. ...…

March 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OFM. DAILY. What is nicer for Eas- A ]Dollar Line of Easter Ties Iter than a box of Calkins' at The Outfitters, LChocolates, 25c, 50c, 75c, Ior more. B30WD1S8 & MAWW8'3SON.._ MOQE LE & W-J~cLEOaR , NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST,, CORNER OF WILLIAM. =.S_= A FUZZL SSORZTlSet 'z'TT ----- EPISCOPAL PRAYER-BOOKS AND HYMNALS Whi'l i l( t , atH 20s t .)e pce nt.iscounst, andi of _ Ei Ann Arbor Savings Bankf AnntoArbhor. Mich. ta...…

February 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…c . of AQ It's V()- IVi.-No. 102. .0 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 'FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1894. A MUSICAL NUMBER. The viola soloist, Mr. George The New York Philharmonic Ciub Sauer, has been a member of the Give a Concert in the S. L. A. Damrosch, Seidl and Boston Sym-E Course Tonight. phony orchestras. He is as artist' the New York Philharmonic club 'in whom the management takes give a concert tonight in the S. L. great pride. A. course. This ...…

February 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…_____________THE LI. OF M. DAILY. Published l Ici(nly adore teerted) drig iuc~coll'eu,ee THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSICIAION .Suhteripltnpre aLsO 1per yar, inarably narsnce di9ne eie 3cantsl. Sbherip- teonseMayrhebeftr1a t chottfice ot the Tt)emy, at Stoffet's, with ano of te eitore or Auehornorl tolietor. l'oamncatteeiono sttitilreach the ocieriy 7to'clttchrP.itt thy are to appar the next ity. Address all inatter intended for pulic- cn to te...…

February 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUJAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. 1,1,1 H. lEMENTT, 51 SO. MAI'Z Si Director(tendi ii Mo cm EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY ;:tl S HURliON s'1tiiEEI'. Good Woknal~raniteedi lGoods roalledfor ad deliveredl. A. F. c.OVERT, Prop. J AAI S NV. ll(JI I1iiW, PFloriht. (Grerof tre. Utriitbimoiitd hI Ftai.ofhitlvail- ety. Fl.i or l eos i ooilmatte iiono rt ni lotic. No. 1 Olservotory strv(ot. .cemetery luate. zz rieoars intile I~iie !s.s.' CITY LAUND...…

February 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF MN. DATTY. 0\ -11 1 S A SNAP FOR THE C(}1i1)S . l A51 1o and1 x,,. 1100 h e o l R:A.AS" rl£s le;E lii i d>t lii)) ,I ts SWe 1 Ctitle ;"out tell Laie,, vshiob f zLL~J3 "K- BQWDISF3 & Weera dSiO. - QQEEI &W~WJVcX J J NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TE XT BOOS FOR THE SECOND SEMESTl"ER ? EIW kA ) 2X X lANA)s. NoTEI'-3Qta 0Is A ;I'cA IX,. Ann iAr ikbor fxra Bs, M~A .w 5 ;5a1 e(.1. l } 00. THIE ANN ARB~OR A '...…

January 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…jc . a , t . ail n. VOL. IV. -NO. 84. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. PRELIMINARY CONTEST. able that this year on account of the "LINCOLN AS A LAWYER" Competitors Must Present Nms general interest manifested in the Will be the Subject of a Lecture by With Subiect of Oration by contests, the public will be admitted Judge Samuel C. Parks, Hisss February First. to the contest. -- 'r n lla- sgcine 4 _t...…

January 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE LI. OF M. DAILY. r" ( vations of the present year, none is crease interest in the league race, ~--- L more important, we take it, than is and college spirit would run high the formation of the Graduate club. betwveen the universities, which are =j1 S Published Dalir (Sundays excepted) duringal ratialy-nsittins theCaoeige 1r, y 'pesntighe pormof theChcg presenting.INDEENDErograCITIi Considerable interest is being taken ____ ' T H . O . I D ...…

January 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE LI. OF M. DAILY. ________ I _ .. THE CHEQUANEGON ORCHESTRA. - a11U1I 50 _' So10.ooLG -I CLEMENT,--AET 51 So. llAL ST. Drec'tor'oand NSaat' r t-AG NT' EXCESIO L U DRY Christy Hat. London. L. L& A. 20 L I'i(000.0000 1'Ii;F:.5k lso Dealer tin Men's F1ne too'shilx,;i Good Wool. too tot OGoaods' Ru a 'r iStore For'tt andoeliseood. A F. itOVERT. Prop. 22 Wear's illthe 1iosoes.~i " CITY LAUNDRY.EW M. M. Seabolt, o4 N.IFourth AveKRPOU C(tww1I1 +...…

January 23, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Lo1 j Iigt \ * wP OF SALE OFF jP4Zx+ C hocolates, HeOre tre some sofl0m.r Prices,: - - - iiSILVERMNIi S T. ;;4.00, 11, w To. 50c. SROEL iFS IhAl 14car, ) va3.0o) Rdcdfohu.ALL 55,0 SHOES now $3.75. Reduce from oc. serythiiug Itechl('Cd inProportu).s at TtiI E O TFITT~ItISS, Calkins' Pharmacy .BOWIDISIH I& A..W EISO.IT MOOI0 EJ & E REQ:E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. i.NvtrIE'1ENIO ZT) IIEII...…

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