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October 23, 1894 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1894-10-23

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Time Table (Revised) July 1, 1894.
Mail and Ex-d... 4 05 Mail ...---_.._._8 43
N. Y. Special---- 5 10 N. Y. Special-... 7 05
Eastern Ex-...10 25 N. S. Limited... 9 25
A. at. Pacifc Ex-----12 15
Atlantic Ex.--._ 7 47 P. M.
D. N.Express....-5t40 Western Ex.----1 53
G. . Express ..11 03 Chi. Nt. Ex.10 25
GREx--- 5 57
O. W. RUGGLSno 11. W. BAYnS,
G. P . 1 ,Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor.
T., A. A. & N. M. RY.
Taking effect Sunday, Aug. 1, 1894.
'trains leave Ann Arbor on Central Stand-
ard time.
7:18 a. m. *7:15a.m.
*12:25 p. m 11:30 a. m.
4:15 p.m. 9:00 p.m.
*Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo
All trains daily except Sunday.
W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A., Toledo, O.
19. OF at. TAILORS
Latest and best styles of Foreign and Do-
mestic Woolens. Firstclassfitandfirstclass
work guaranteed. Cleaning, pressing and
repairing neatly done
48 S.State st.. SecondFloor, AnnArbor.
n U nrrI 1% E. Washing-
Biz Fou Rontp

Saturday's Football Games.
Princeton 12, Cornell 4; Yale 24,
Orange A. C. 0; Harvard 39, Williams
0; Pennsylvania 18, Crescent A. C.
10; Rutgers 8, N. J. A. C. 0; Tufts 8,
Trinity 4; Dartmouth 42, Bowdoin 0;
Annapolis 12, Georgetown 0; Lehigh
22, Carlisle School 12; Union 6, Amn-
herst 0; Brown 26, Wesleyan 0; West
Point 42, Mass, Tech. 0; Virginia U.
76, Johns Hopkins 0.
In the West: Wisconsin .0, Chi-
cago U. 0; Beloit 42, Northwestern 6;
Wabash 16, DePauw 4; Chicago A. A.
12, Rush -Medic 6; Albion 6, Notre
Dane 6; Nebraska U. 22, Iowa Col-
lege 0; Purdue 36, Armour Institute 0;
Illinois 54, Lake Forest 6; Oberlin 12,
Wittenberg 0; Vanderbilt U. G, Centre
0; Monmouth 34, Iowa Wesleyan 4.
Junior Law Quiz.
The junior class will be quizzed
next week on "The Rise, Progress and
Gradual Improvement of the Laws of
England," as treated in Blackstone's
Commentaries, Volume 2, Chapter 33.
This is a portion of the work assigned
by Prof. Griffin in connection with his
lectures on common law pleading.
The sections will recite in room 13,
as follows: Sec. 5, Monday; See. 1,
Tuesday; Sec. 3, Wednesday; See. 4,
Thursday; Sec. 2, Friday.
Grand Opera House, Oct. 27.

The grand musical festival specta-
BEST LINE TO cle of "War and Peace" which will be
INDIANAPOLIS, produced by Inues' band, at the
LOUISVILLE, (rand opera house, Ann Arbor, Oct.
and CINCINNATI. 27, has proven a mystifying subject to
*_the critics of Pittsburg, where it was
ELEGANT given the first performance during the
recent encampment of the Grand
Through Sleeping Cars Army of the Republic, to which band-
BETWEENimaster Innes dedicated it. Mlany of
Petoskey, Louisville and the writers declared an adequate de-
Cincinnati. scription of the composition iimpos-
sibility, while others have pronounced
ASK FOR TICKETS VIA it a cantata, oratorio, tone painting,
melodious history, etc. But all agree
BIG + FOUR + ROUTE. that it is a decided departure in mu-
E. O. McCORMICK, D. B. MARTIN, sical creation, the grandeur and art-
Passenger Traffic MSgr. Gen. P. & T. Agt. istic splendor of whirls have ne'er
been known hitherto. It brings forth
SAVE both cheers and tears, tickles the
V yOTuyingmusical palate, and in certain pass-
Bb yi ourages electrifies every hearer. Audi-
'W'OOD A.AIT COA , ences sprang to their feet in their i-
OE tense enthusiasm, cheering the patri-
G. R. KELLY, B3 E. Huron Street. otic sentimnt anad tise ssul stirring
Be sure and take this notice with you. stin t th e sii sii
strains of the music in which they
WMT-M - , often joined in the transport of their
FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING emotion. The perfect throbbing of the
Corner of State and William sts, rapid firing artillery accompaniment is
William st. entrance. a virile feature of the production; the
K= i NZ 7E G-sAM T ~EM songs of the people, the patriotic airs
Students Recreation Head- vividly descriptive music so iagnii
quarters. cently played; the splendid work of
No.3 N. Main Street. the grand quartet of vocal artists,
with the superb support of the great
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK band as well as the assistance of
Ann Arbor, Migh. Capital Stock, $50,000. many novel accessories attain a cli-
Surplus, $150,000.uan
Organized under the General Banking Laws iax of wonderful interest and inspir-
of this State. Receives drposits, boys aind
sells exchange on tke principal cities of the ation. Arrangements have also been
United Stats. Drafts cashed upn proper tmade for the band togvamat-
identifieation. Safety deposit bases to rent. . rtebadogieo a-
OFFICERS Christian Muck, Pres.; W. i.. nee the afternoon of the 27th in order
Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E. Iliscock
Cashier; M. J. Fritz, Assistant Cashier. that people living out of the city may
9 --N AR-OR have the pleasure of witnessing this
remarkable performance, and not be
E LAUNDRY CO. compelled to stay over night to do so.
High Gloss and Domestic Finish. The prices for the afternoon perform-
ance are 35, 50 and 75 cents. Seats
E. S. SERVISS, Manager, may be secured by telephoning to the
23 SOUTH FOURTH AVENUE. opera house, or by letter.

Unity club is offering a 10 per cent
cash commission on all tickets sold.
Anyone wishing to sell may obtain
tickets from Robert Phillips at the
State Savings bank.
All students expecting to graduate in
any given year must report to the
registrar at the opening of the yea,
and ascertain what prescribed work, if
any, is still lacking for the degree
P. It. dePONT.
All candidates for '97 football teas
are requested to appear at the Athletic
Field, Wednesday, and every day
thereafter at 3:30. SPICER, Capt.
The class football games will be
played early this year. Managers and
captains are urged to get their men
out at once.
To give the "Best on Earth" is the
motto of Witters' Palace Laundry,
which leaves nothing undone that can
be done to give perfect work. We col-
lect Mondays and deliver Thursdays.
Leave orders at Fulde's Tailor Shop,
cor. of State and William sts., or ad-
dress card to L. D. Carr, 21 N. State st.
Tues., Oct. 23.-Adrian vs. 'Varsity
at Athletic field.
Tues. eve., Oct. 23.-Dean D'Ooge
lectures oi "my Summer in Norway
a"d Swede," at t2 E. Huron st, for
benefit of Ladies' Library Association.
Admission 20 cents.
Tues., Oct. 23.--Michigan Library as-
sociation meets at 2 p. m. in Faculty
room, University building.
Wed., Oct. 24.-Michigan Library as-
sociation, continued meeting in Fac-
ulty room, University hall.
Sat., Oct. 27.-'Varsity vs. Case
Scientific School at Cleveland.
Sat., Oct. 27.--Fall Field Day at
Athletic field.
[Notices inserted in this column at the rate
of 5 cents per line. Special rues tr longer
time. and etra lies furnished by applying
at the DALY office.l
Elegante suite of rooms to rent,
neatly kept, $2,50, also fine day board
at $2.50. No. 45 Packard st.
Wanted.-A student to canvass
among students, big mioney guara-
teed apply between 4 and 5 this after-
noon and 10 and 11 tomorrow at 2 S.
Main st., over Brown's drug store.
Wantd.-Room mate from Highi
School or University, by young man.
Call after 7 p. m. at 14 N. Ingalls sti.
There will be a grand Fall and Win-
ter opening of Fe Woolens at the
Cook house. This opening will be con-
ducted by Mr. A. E. Rose, of the Gol-
den Eagle clothing house of Detroit.
Mr. Rose has had six years' experiecee
with the U. of I. students and knows
what they asant and how they want
it. He invites their inspection of the
finest hine of suitings ever shown in
Ann Arbor. Dont forget the date of
the opening, Tuesday, Oct. 23.
Now is the time to get your uphol-
stering done before winter sets in.
We have a splendid new line of plush-
es, tapestries, corduroys and other ma-
terials and are always willing to make
estimates. MARTIN HALLER.

In our new academy every provision
has been made to advance the inter-
ests and promote the comfort of our
pupils. The location is central, yet
private, being but one block from
State st. There are no stairs to
mount, the dancing room being on
the ground floor. Mu. and Mrs. Ross
Granger personally instruct all class-
es. Academy 0 Maynard st.
Wanted.-A bright young man of
pleasing address to do light work.
Good money and steady job for the
right party. Call after 7 p. m. at 14
N. Ingalls st.
Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Oil-
cloths and Shades. Good goods at
reasonable prices. All kinds of cabi-
net and upholstery work done to or-
der. No. 52 S. Main and No. 4 W.
Liberty st. Passenger elevator. Tele-
phone 148.
If you smok Cigars, buy th; hst.
ItOSCOE CONKLING is the brand.
When you want a good Cigar asl:
The best in everything always gives
the greatest satisfaction. The ROSCOE
CONKLING Cigars are the best and
cost no more than inferior brands.
Try them.
Special prices made at present in
covering and making over old parlor
suits, chairs and couches at Martin
Best references possible in Europe, New York
City, Chicago and Ann Arbor.
W S. State st. Come and see us.
will broaden your shoulders and take
the stoop from your back. Will de-
velop any muscle or set of muscles
in the body. All parts guaranteed
for two years. Can be put up any
where, without taking up any
room, and is noiseless, self-adjust-
ing and adapted to any age or sex.
Indorsed by the leading athletes of
the day. Call for catalogues and
inspect it. Price only $5. For sale
14 N. Ingalls st., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Every Requisite for the.
.. ' O ffiiale
Adopted 1894 by the
Intercollegiate Asocia-
~on ad mut b used
in all match games. ue
PRICE, with inflator, 5.
Spalding's complete Football Catalogue
asent free. "Spaldin s Oiicial Football Guide
for 1S,' esited by IValter Campscant aiing
the newe rules aid oter vlale informa-
tion, by mail, price 10 cents. Spalding's
trade-mark n what yu buy is the guarantee
thsat the gosds srs- the test.
New York. Chicago. Phladelphia.
It is well before leaving home, whether
for business or pleasure, to decide upon a
hotel and thereby avoid confusion.
When you visit Detroit we would be
ileased to have you stop at the old
'Frankin House, cor. Larned
and Batee St., where you wiliavea god
meal and a clean bedat mderae raten
Thehousehasseen renovatedfromtopto
bottom,andnis now in first-clas condition.
Meals, 35c. Lodgings, 50.
Per Day, 81.50.

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