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January 23, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-23

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r" ( vations of the present year, none is crease interest in the league race, ~---
L more important, we take it, than is and college spirit would run high
the formation of the Graduate club. betwveen the universities, which are =j1 S
Published Dalir (Sundays excepted) duringal ratialy-nsittins
theCaoeige 1r, y 'pesntighe pormof theChcg
presenting.INDEENDErograCITIi Considerable interest is being taken ____ '
T H . O . I D P N E T A S C A I N p re lim in a ry o ra to ric a l c o n te sts, w e at N r h e te nilh fo rm a tio n o f '
Subscription prive V.0pryaivral oratoricail matters this year. Whtetihpdtanh tdnso ae..
itt aanve Siagrenpies 3 cents. Subscrip-yhoetathesunsof ak
nss mar be tell at the salvce at the DAiLy, we colivider the reniarkable iii- Isthe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
yt Si'ei ihayi h div 0i h he Forest and Chicago Universities will aid SHORTHAND. iiarvifiel bulinig;iine
-tSohts wih ay o th edtr or poe e t n d ntsaoest hrevu eihes;ilageattendtance, vgooidisiplinle; sliper-
autborizedslicitors. inct~tlat look upon the plan wstll favor.-I. . iellsk; e ll vstuppllieddrevading rom;sailletatres-
Gmuiainshudrahteofcbyoforyasin hsreadbe fCatueday vevningreepv~taioslvopen h nire5year
abad e h de c oryas ti ead fC. Weekly. ,Exceptialtaclties rpacaigsetin posvi-
t o'cltoYtt. ifteaire to appear the nest shoueldi is-el proud of our record. tions-___________________________chea_______-
lay. Aidress sll matter intended tar pabiva. a aeuas . s $ oV5 per we n pr iva~etaeamilis.
tean is the Managing Editor. Alt business In no other Gield, perhaps, has such baFr Nee catalogue, address
voiicnivations shsittd be sent to the Btint- iniproveentt been mtade as in nra-P.R LAYPES
re THE~j U. of Xt. DAILY. torical developmetnt. I T LD
(A. Ia ssns, st 55:l, Stinatig itoeir. An effort is being made to arouse__

ii .. iticLIaN, Lt. '94, Assistant.
J.L.Lt,iiit. . '35, Assistanct.
V, Ai,iiz, bawt '9i, Assistat.
J.tA. iills, Lit. '96, AthlietiEditor.
ca. uvis . I. ILSit., tBusiness Maitager.
1i.A. SM,, Ltii'9, Asistant.
It, B. Gammon, '9ii. iI. I,. Stall. 'u5.
it 0 I'. ili .'i L. Marticdale,. 4
Ar e i., lly'9 S , . l. sta iniae'9i.
L. E cooradt 9 . C. iJekins, '4.
il cpy must be attea bffice ufre S::30a. is
ot the day at publicitteun.
Trhe bditor' stiltttisld thtemselves revpan
Bile ifortheeopinios os taiitent fcores-
ponnsii, apiiiaring' ilte AILY iti.
Xi:: are gladi to see that the Hare
and Hound miss art becoming so
popular; as this is ae method of
athletic trainitng wvhichi shoutlidbe
encoutragtd litre.
Tli r Oratorical Association is to
be conegratulatedl upon having se-
cured Judge lbarks to deliver ant
address upon "Lincoln as a Laiw-
yer." No doubt the last lecture
route will be fillediwene the .1 ulge
appears Friday.
Tfit Anti-Spoils league is nmaking
an unusual effort to impress upon
the students of Amterican colleges
the evil effects of the spoils' systemt
of politics. As will be seen ini an-
other coleumn, the niatter tan been
placed its the hands of tse political
econotmy departett, and students
wtill be asked to sign pletdges to pro.
niote civil-service reforms.
Niii that a graduate club has beets
formed, the old criticism that there
is no class of students so) conmpletely
lost to their environieents, as the
graduate students, should no longer
apply. T a certain degree this ob-
servation is true which is due, per-
haps, to the fact that they have had
no central association to awaken
with them an esi~tWae corps, a com-
mon feeling. Ansong all the inno-

aemong university students through-I
out the country an insterest in the Tiveie t iii'Ii I e ''tIullls5 e. v ,I l.
Horsfords Acid Phosphate Trl'ls5e11511' is Abotue Ie)lr
Anti-Spoils League. tIrts *~lt'i 5.e
F . XX. Gelilen, editor of the Cen- 1ut, i. I:1
tilcy Magazine, srote to liresident I te4:ot1ffciv1oda)e- ". i."s'" ~ il
Ansgell asking his assistance in oh- able retised y in existence for onli.
Alltreainsdaiy xcet .tend
taining the signatures of all young inioesS. nd (' t E NWatOD, wt.As iAro.
mten over 2I tears of age in the U. preventing'5 1
of iXI. PresAngell, Prof. J. A1. lieving titose diseases arising G PID OPEV 1 -dSE
Talrad]~.Dxnhl o-loo IH.ference and decided to give thee re- frotm a disordered stomlaclh. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, '94.
qulest favorable attention. As a -
result cards are being distribetted by Dr. W. W. Gardner, :Spritegfirid, T==E 2V =R =DFtTl
J. X' an Tassel, of the last de- Muss., says: -I value it as atn extellent MATTIE VICKhERS
piartmtent, I.. W XhiteheacI and XW. preenaltv of indigetion~, unit a i ia l -be1, i ln t etii rd
J. H-amsmil, literary' dehpartmeent, and aciihahued 15mbbybeIlseuuutieehyuhihalec wh~t CSCUS QUEE
Mr. ID. labol, of theedecical she-waeadsetnd"1:tt olCC11( hlvK I' Kl.
pat in. The rard contaeins the itlysauneer tlii- til. TESNi'. in ite'seo es-ti.
following pledhge : Descripivei'i'pauuipiiiieteeeoiluapp vlica in llu-t I d leeiaiu 'tio and Ithei I veluissly st(e-
XWe hereby declare ourselves in d'eia~ahraiee.Rt
favor of the conmphete abolition of ,-t r'o n~tttsn mttos 'Ytt t~e~~ : :te ie.3n
the Spoils systent front thie public 5Pa155 pitei ciii 1c'kliofHIto\\, 5t"
service,-believing thiat systent to be FrSaeby al rggist. eatsu l- 'ie IsvtWiii-' Jwl--oe
lenjust, uindemocratic, injurious to
political parties, fruitful of corrup-
tiotn, a burden to egislatite and ex- - ..te
ecutive officers, andt in every way -
opposed to the principles of good ~ /__
'We call upons all in aitthiority to 2 95Conu rea.. SS t.
extenil ho the ettmost the operation + 9
of the present refornt lasts; and by - A \ 52d.uum5~
additional legislation, to carry the
benefits of the Merit Systemt to the -N: i as~ aletreri f'a.
farthest piossible lintits tinder our .fTo eets
national, state ansdlmunicipal gov-repraefit one tSoj
ernments." riuu rIige 5heofbt
A Triangular League. \__\ kjhhs5TrtiOnpsjoS-' _

Thee students of L~ake Forest andI
Northswestern Uiniversities favor an
athletic associationt, consisting if
ILake Forest, Northwvestern, and thee
University of Chicago. Te follosw-
tug is front thie Northawesterns on the
A league cotmphosed of Chilcago,
Lake :Forest and Northwvestern could
be maintained at tery little expeense,
and all games would be well attend-
ed, because of the contenience with
which they could be reached. This
would insure the managers of the
athletic associations against finan-
cial loss, Moreover, the large at-
tendance at each ganmeswould in-

I >(lle, eJou~inahab~d oh
RvprodueticuuneJ Per~adlik -
di ssrayo eriplAt ra pI1etetrs ?j
r _ f ad othecr Vrawirsas.
Class( k\5 ietures
_ l4rtrcltc j The [Cxelty-
pra~ted, ho biaai l leIe i3bvavt5°ttJvuS9.td
@1al @o~d5AeOI u (rd5 R-Dace Order,&
'-Ar~l5tic Prorom~re,.
Comre P ondeoec~olicied I rs

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