L a u Bal-for Sp)ring and Summner Suits-- We have left a fair stock of
all sorts of
will bat further and last
longer than any other H IEN TH T IL RWIIGTAES
make. It contains the ---I ot orhAeuAlntnBok
best materials and shows ---1 ot orhAeuAlntnBok - - which can be closed ot as
the finest construction 7 follows:
throughout. B30AiFRII, ED IkF&E . MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C
legebl ferdt DDW II TABLET, - SC
leaueallofere to ' er y be250Iaha ted Ihaods. Winowh e un oa d Il'e c CRANE LIKE N TABLET, .- - 5C
the public is anl pan. b eyb $ rdfrteccc Owllhe er.Cmei and ty it t'iand at
ttaincoed s ia it a~ myfrtoewh W t.BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C
VITR.te®itrOnalU q )E.A>r[ UT. This stock will not be replaced.
cases. Our trade markcAoi rnigH ue
is ca guarantee of finest FacyMieduut------------------Mcperuser,~
OVERaN WEtC. Fancy Viiiad Peanuts--- -- -- - - ------------------l10c per pound
OVERMAN ol c00, Fancy Mixed Nuts ------------------------ ---- 11 lbs for $1 01. H. K EYEs.
na>rovr ce Fancy Virginia Peanuts---------------------- 1eperfpoun
__ __L EAN & COM PANY. PNs:-v. of M., A. A. H.S.
44 south Hain street.
p 8o The finest ini the city. Comle and see
Ni plding rosI UNIVERSITY NOTES. ! A N lt
"The' omeisar Colar- -- MOORE & WETMORE
ittie' that the ariiice or e t-'ha his siudenti':in nishcit Molhirc I i~i i::Itti
'trariog it is thresirt 3B S ST. >,£Tn511 ST. lrtr'
podort d. Cniformstc toll-hin s=i. Re. .itis Kay ) l Atltieet'6 Saic:, MAIN SADSTATEST
aed Sappiirsof eeryofisknr
dec riteifrse-Toc uls-il.Soteiapeen-i ntyCu r.~r n"Silc CORNE OF WILLIAM,
. Seerd oiadsomeTues.i ttAV5h Af coirtears seers or.-
SIiiastratedctaite ti he l~tt ort. rbalil ric e' HirrVEotAS. Marrii2, l'1iiSiTOCtKii1111
TheAc e f Prfcton 1 tdimiy sudnt "illtnc t, Ie . lams TKay ppc ise ot
Ti Artse 1tttc i as io~ci il ot Siitlitat'atiSotnete."UNIERSITY -TET-OKS
'TI-lE teIolt i l per ormanceiiiiirati1)t Fri .Marcrb>27-Meeing0of 3Mn ittgti ET Sn
"tufiithis sot. S'tchomtsrs' Cli. For the Second semeter,
S palId infg B icyclIe the:etiirent ti t nbrtf tict' IAcr diiiSat -.ahrS 2--Tot'cing fs i ltt5'ii New and Second-Hand
FOR 1896. St,-ath>.- eela ytl hctiriy titer r
'irictas cIhlsytr. igitro iiid.Suiui -CSa teMatl 28 tWatitttao iriiiii
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., f thihii' ri*...'ull surliii-Ctit ifr ttit''irtit. At the Lowst Prites.
Nrcc tork, Ciiao, i'hiidelpltt. * dc i'i. O iiui It i itii. Sart-li 30,.Tiiiie~iri~tiii liiIrri __________________________
Largeta nuctur aers. of Bicycites asd Atli- 3Mt'itii.'06iL, I., nit~siiiis tyi wien- Ie.7lattie ay .hititlbeo il 'Edgiar
ietitGods c intto,eorid. 1od ctinit u ili. Alt o'"0 STRICTLY A SCHOOL F DACIG
FIRST NATINAL BANK.Harvard Princeton baseball Rues. teI 71"hmN
OF ANN ARtBORt. t: a noc iin, tf iilthe 1 i- ti-ti cii ely."
St.,Aiti .2 t i.,C ae i nctcrei :l oi i urclaaes ol, or att
Organiedi18301il4 . miiCdrii iiiAli iii l nli 'cctt 11 - acnyime cocttccc'c totcyturseif,lie
Capital, $100,000. Surplusad Poits,$,000 renattl electt cofI'lle Atleit' Avsc:ii- emststartitg cc hetyotcdo. Ofie fnd
Transtacts a eneral banking bsiess. hild fothl e llcrlitte' i of tic ts tittflt). Aadey 6 iaycard t.
F~oreigcc esebttccgcs toogt odcoid. Furnish --
letters ofrcit. tligiiitcy ritto furiieny a tani'entuitis St., Aipril -p, 3:30 p. ii., A~tlrici
P. BACH Prec. . Wi. CLARtKSON Cashier. "cr' i ti:luy tc uitIci :clc' winc 1i ceitr. ic ld1c5--it-iiiian c. 3Mirligalic Agi-
O'ge httcll mttceandicteipierits roilit-cI('Celltegc. [ Or To t0lIPo'JIe
THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK cci its ccsittct "st tt-it hrio tMeral h-Taitl cocrt: f ibu-~ ciit-rccRlict.
apitl Stoekt, 50,0. up lu C s, $150,00. Frtc~clcit cc-illlicc'litligici, iigyii ititig
lteaorcc,$slissico.Sit., Ap. il-Spring recess boguns, diuti ie ii tio ittf tcccka dot
Organizcd oddethe 0Gren Iera akhsLaws iiiu- itersonneti tllof]stcla:::m i: t iicu it -0 yor nctcy. We've -yet tcget te
of this tistte. tecrtecdepoits hoys sod ANN: Aitli" tI itt Iti1' ht's Uo~~ c oit ioac..
tells exrichage cn tie prinipal cities of te thlei Othc'rrtcapcitcitit igelgi tric t 1 i'~ I i.tET\ . 0 PALME'S PHARM ACY.
Cnited Sttates. ratcshcied cpon proiper icctheieft'ic'-t l 11011to10 it tiiiol ti.,. Iat' c ie ~'frht -~~~ ri ~ cmsia ietcetcsc-iolle
idefc atittos Stey depoit totes to ret. -ae foefr o'terudti ilnsla h'ns origbr
OertttEctt Ciritianctktt Prles.; XW. ID.his tltu rc till eligile . irilrttiii ic -hciety. Ie nwshwt cr o
Hsrrimtcs. Vic-lrrsC.: (hac . liscock, ill be ucotiicr it' l iniigau(i'Itii- iccrc right.
Caihie-; M. J.Fritz Assistat Ctsher. talco greedi io aeticcicl i ' r lc ie'"lairo n dtox-r ('on"ceicn t Icit,
is to clrciticoi ucout, ros tti itti Mii. Ticeots scud Apiril I intl 2, lIn-
L~o'trley's Chocolates. itrlittalrh,'uscuidcrce o r et'turntc atrtatt''lii puiI^I2SPCIA
Hlot Lunches. cdropped'citit t iitct rctc idloulStuiclishtatec of ct'etind onethinifre wcill DIETAS E SiiANZ ellsois lid Ptats
_- to il'd oty cu tilc. bc' rrtc t o al ( i n itc. 'c rt os it teeryli cu alescd
__________________ or li Ct A I. S~ii' reicnciei , ituicict a c Wrcie.~ or
tgp 4 t x O LICE.canpmet a 5 - rniRtilch rc ecaled for ottntie~ered. Noh. Sae .Ssrst.
TU<TTLE'S, 45 . State St. NOt'Ceconriidtifctt or.ii
The ciiicict elcictin (f tie liiit- stuld ]aM TO i and 3I, Inatied touc-
_______________________ cty Of it3lrc itttiAthlieie: Asail~ol i tait April 3. O At.MAI N Funettirl Dicretcor,('lt
wilt be heilth i ie ncaietti t2 p a. . Ontt nd iethi'lirt fart'for rtund.5Collis. Emalmcincg a Speoiltly. No. fitS.5
p9 unSturct. ir l -1 l- riPl otIth crilicstehIlant forth Ie ]Iltiioaarttcave.
11. AS t. tINTOSSt'res. I 100:1CCPsi tirat-utty lt Cicrelatel, 3T 0 O StAVING ARtLORt cnd IBat-
___________ IAlcril S8 tto, ] c,'- .J romu.All oitts rst cltie .
Lost-A ing hodig abut igit± Rt S CiP'F'c.-XOOh\Agn. isli hcair dec-sitoucudctihting eparctrs. J.ER.
ky.FuofteiarfrYaelcsroaost,0.Stes. and ilt be identiicdby inumbers RWnted-A' ulisiingsteward foc 7ENYUWANT'yur clothes ceed,
/stamped upon thieml. Tefider will board and rotims. SI S. MBain st. iopgerleh, peer eela's hoot ssotore. :Lo-
Cheapest lace to buy it be rewarded for acy rouble incurred - " roratottry apr C.. f o-stadec to order
is at i~~y leaving tthem at 39 E. Wilihun t. tri, being aw are that arl:i mirifae ______ ________
. s r at the IT. of3I. Daily office. treofslrwreitspncuie
[pt pINO.ItCE. w-iclol are desit',ble, do not conine
MS~TEBLERlS Cycle Emporum, All candidates for the fleshnan themselves to the prodnction of antiy
11 W. Washington St. baseball tecam will Ii.nO their names oetmbtbigeSsebc l
Iand psitions to ticetanager at once. ac fast as they arcp1l:ed on tle -ato.* r
IHARRtY 1B. POTTR, tt. Tbey habeaylsoIa teuslocucj
Bicycles, Sundries, Sport- a___._________ '1'orpimesh, f German tl, rench u -
I SI S. Pb. yer Turkciutl eraof Itaian Nrengchu,
ing and Athletic Goods. Washburn Guitar for sale, Argus5 and E+nglish sio'er, w liih can hardly 9 ]r
o______________ ffice. 128 ,be nliated i Itisconry. - __"_______,_