ONE MORE DEFEAT. Michigan held lead till the fourth To Visit Europe. LU Z BI J.L !
Dartout Oubated ad Otfild-inn ing, when Dartmouth uade four.
DartouthOutbt~edand utfild-The Members of the Faculty whoI
ed Michgan.-Accident to McCormack and Folsom made sin- will Cross the Atlantic this Year.FO SAE
Smetzer. ~les. Huff was givens a base on Their Various Plans. FOR ALE
The nests received from yester- balls, and Dinsmore cleared the o htvctonilprah I BadNewv-PsesssmiiTmes--ta8sseoel
day's gme~ rathser threw a damper bases by a home run, making a ter- igi so nees oko hs' Neer ridden-Takeno555del.
upon baseball enthusiasm. We had rific drive over Shields' head. After imngithei bes of neette know tose ie 1T tt,}4fi0
expected to swin fromo Dartmouths this Dartmuouth scored every inning, who sill go to Esrolpe this year. SicQ) LESS EACH DAY.
and it was very disappointing to find Mihgnsrnangru asmd A DAILY reporter has been going the
that they ad rui 01) fifteeln runs to in the egihth inning. Shields made rounds withi the folloswing results: I l.0"Ja .
our five, heebgeradsord'°afed Prof. J. E. Reighard aid family St5 South Man St.
Dartmouth's playing outclassed er's choice. will sail oii the Waesiand, Red Star
that of oar teaml. They batted Ir- The feature of list ganme was the hine, Jun~e 2. Will settle at Fre-
rifically and ficided sell, while terrific batting of Dinsmlore. H ugi ae o ots hy ihgnsHeigadfedn ee o obe w hebgesad ilsedsm iettesuyn
'both weak. Shieds did the best a hosisnie ,ii in the celebrated laboratory at Na-
work at hat for Michigan, plling EnnerwhCo orl. pes. Thleir trio sill occupy 15
down seseral long drives. months.
A very unfortunate accident haip- The followiing junior civil engi- Po.Pu .Feradwf ev
pened to Smetzer in the fifth inn- eers will leave for the Lleand canp June i to be gone until Oct. i. He whel55 atley t-Ietslltasye
ing. He had his thumhsnmastedSaudy sails for Montreal by the Beaver of$.,s9 9- 5 he a 0ct s apirls
Sanday putoutofAoitnb arroudr. I.rMll, J S.stoddyfinetoEnaandathnghroghtoo
adptotojonbyagon H.D MilJ S.Haey lietEnlntethogHo-ball.Ie pluckily insisted on play- Wert, V. P. Wilkins, I. Stern, C land to Gerniay. They sill at-
fog out the game. This accident is H. lPerry, C. T. Johnsist, H. C.tendl the musical festival at iBaireutl.i. FY E C~'
ver mch o e rgrtte, spei-Most of lila time wiii be spent at 101.t1s315 xoonxtsin As-,
veymc ob erteepc-Jackson, IL. D. Dwight, I. Sheets, Munih, aiiI h xvii retrn b sta
ally since the team is already jaded K. R. Lyman, F. G. Skiiner, N. J.Mncadh il eunb a
by the trip and is not playing with Tuibbs, H. . King, C. tiWilliams, of Switerant. oh THE "WAVEBLY" WHEEL
snap. Prof. E. IL. Water.f h French
li he irs iniligShildsMots 1. -Colburn, D. LeFavour, J. H. departnment, sill nake a short trip, w eigihtC 11011nt-isill lllllerlt( . J
In hefirt nnig hiedsHoli- IDiinbar, M. Laniont, L. N. DeVore, spending nmost of his tine in Paris tie-ler $8500 1is h lmlon- ofC 1tie
ter andl Hanloin scored on hits and IT . Conmstock, J. H. D~ye, T. K. anti retlrninlgis time for the open- liius~. Se hil11t111111.1 'ci
errors. Darnmouthi got twso runs Mathewson, W. R. Caldwell, H.A.ig of college inilth fall,lHe has B O NSD U S O E
oiutiv tits a aseonbais, soChambers, . M. St. John, C. If.noieaeilau
stolen bases anti Dean's wit throw D hr.vC CV\aughan aid family
to 1tar Darnsuuth dde oneS~ecerI..II. niiti.will leave aioit Auust 1 for huda-
to~at. artouthaddd oe i Prof. J. IP. Davis and Messrs. pest, the capisl of' Hungary, where
more to her score in the~ second. Skinner, iDye, iSmith andIa'v'ert have Dr. Vaughan is to give ai address
___-- ____________ ____-I been at Lleand since Saturday, lre- on te"H-ygiene of Drinking Water''
OXRrTIoLCII - before the international Conress of
A H. ll. 113..A. Kprigcns.ortepat. Hygeie. He xiii back by fOctober Oti il otuaphiier iforithe iedi-il IGalss
Filsomib_.. ? Ati u11) Aloha Nu-Aoeiohi Contest. Dr. Novy xas not interviexed btt Iecillully r~e-i-ul 1,1have cittii. ss ilow
Hut1b---'----4bu1 h le expects to attendu the sane co-- s tihili
Abbit,l--.._.-- a ei2u The Alpha Nu and Adephi iter- gress. FRESH ASSORTMENT
Dodgei,r----...--5 i 1 aysoitiswilIbdthi0a ua Mir. Effinger leaves June 2o in -F
Aatsrf__I S5oa, ar oite il odteratuay conpany wih Mr. lDow. tIe will
---i--4y0 z 6 evcnistes, ron1C1, spend txo months in Paris, travel
_co, ~ 1eeig Alpha Nu xiii be rel- througisSwitzterland into Germany, 0
Iols... .:1i52,is rsted by the folloxwing persons: and xiii returni by ay of England --.ir ree:ivv a-
stICHIlGAN Society paper J. G. Haaplian; ora- in tine for begining of sork in the TUT'rLES, - 48 S. Slatte St.
-- tion, C. II. Duncan; decanmation, fall.
A 111113,v Ai (1 Mr. tDowv xiii take axwhee ithxviiiiE
Ie ohsst i --l) n E.Block; debate, WXV. X.Griffinl andhianspdmotfhstmen
Spizer. 2 b1. .--5 i n I I P1Y.. Dykenma. TieAepirpseGra ,
Shieids, e -.___ - areasieLdeph2res- ernly.
Ifoliser,1,..-____ 1 1 1resentatives r s folois: C. G. Prof. Stanley leaves July4. gong - --.
Sciilev, c__-- .1Zil oration; C. T. hrdy, de- to Munich, Leipsi,anil then to BA LL(/ y
Hanlaosatin, debate.J.4Dearbrn2aisd Iairesth to attend ue great WXaner BBASE GOODSti
Ivtina.f --. 40oi c , .Wite.Th ujetfrFestival. It is not yet (ecited
Wucrin "t 5 4 H.5Whit"n.wTeetfor Iis xwife and uht.er xwi Sut-,and TavmimaSttla I.ISp-
_ _ _ Idebate is "Resolved, that there accompany him.
Totals--. 8 4 a huld be an educational quaifica- Dr. A. S. Warthin, demonsrator pies,
Isissus i a 4 a tios fr vters'' l~ssa N wil -of clinical medicine, eaves about
Rtichanls--------4 i 00 0 0 1 tae0 heafimaiv.June i, to pursue omie special work Yulare invied toeie stoi.ck ondpries.
llrtmcthk___.t , 5 4 1 4 z 1 0-15taehefir tv. in the large hospitai ois the coti-
Ps-elri--hkgl .Ornsnl.4 - "' --_- ent.
Tlar-d-l h is-uHsii.vv an si, Silis. Mr4 .D.riofCiao xl Prof. Schnal, of the School of
Ons-acri-.C.Aiott Dodige. donie rins- speak before the Foiern woitMscas xpcst obti a
Din~smosre. P'nwed bals--Slnetcr. wid 5neigo im postsibls o elierts opohutitwa
pth-il5Iloi. Base on iballs-By Halonii. 4 Friday, May 25, room 1, enineer- moshet er i ias
Stacon--15 ob, ; y aissosre, 4 - Mrs. John Dewey has already UAT'JERSITYBOOKiSORE
Stk on be-- Sikoin5 Breink ing building, on The Steel Arch gn and Prof. Dewey will sail sone-
Stoles boes--5 iehiean, ; Darmuth 5. Furnace." * time in January. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.