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April 23, 1895 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-04-23

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TieTbe(eied o.1,19. Robert DonnWho hias by thcy Copies Are Now Ready for Distri- 1TmTal(RvsdNo.8,89.D nign
EAST. WE ST.' force, of his native genius and untiring bution.
ssA.Milad Es..... 35 Sail----- 8 43 energy, raised himselftoth.frn
N. Y. Speci.... 5 15 N. Y. Special--... 30 rani of Anserican teagedians will Te ''szclndr u-
A.-.PciicE is es t heGrn oea ato 01nets r Oreoudl'or dtetribtlls
Easter --Es-0525 N. S. Limited..-- .9 25 year
Attantic Es.---7 47P.M---Aladtoa ulnry'Nstkev.
ll. N. Express.... 5 40 Westers Ex-. 1'nsa o s oaelesto ieAs ditnlSlllll) l~tki
G. R. Express ..-l1105 Chi. Nt. Es.1_ll 5 night only. Thsepay selected for tits Sinn-e the figuees imbltxh4ed by the~
G.R.Es----- 7Dalaainch ott te'iac
e.~ TOLS H .HYS vessfis "Tb' Gladiator" of Saunet," Dil naig il'tta tta'lc
G. P. & T. Act.. Chicago. Agt., Ass Arbor. one of thei finesgt in the language land 2,818; inlu~tdinllt111sutmmer51 school00.
"T no which gives Mr. Dowvning's snag- 2,564. Porty-seven states and terrn-
T., A*. A. & T 1 " . RY'. nificosit presence and userinasteriong tories' and sixteen foreignt conntrees
Taking effect SundayApril 7,1i894. s~sfl cp. Tecsatr aftre rtpreast(,l amonag the studenlts.
Tratns leave Ass Arbor on Cestral Stasd- "~The Gldao"ioeiltla es ieannoncnt''ltt iladte tht the10 00ML S P IC
ard time.ThGldao isoethtasbn
NORTH. SOUTH.- associated withl the names of tForrest colllne nf~~llilt oration, will be deltheer-10e00eMIs. PRIVsntck$.00.
7:08 a. m. I715a. m. adlcul eel ly Dr. Jamies 11. ('Canfiel, who hats T
*12:55p. m, 1l:0ta.m. g111 1cslose giastainathe pr ofes- ONE OUNCE. ONE INCHILONG.
4:15 p. m. 9:00 p. in. 11011besidesvhosii Mr. Downiilig hats necesstly aceeplt'tedteesidia' otf sisat ar.ltrbsgaeta55
*Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo enntaethsrih osod t.thnesGhioiSttate tisity. All inure-size by gtitingh extra pie e sit 25cents.
only. dmntae i ih osad r
All trains daily except Snday. Dwigi ~yfrusl nlai~ aini ie ilii inocllltiiN HNS UZET OV
Donn svr otnt;i.hvn nni h pca noneetz O S. GREENWOOD, Agent -regard to Cthetithletics, of the t ls-c'-- Read-siplaily lernm aatdl.
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. as is leading lady Eugenic Blair, ti Least labla- to itnjtry. etamsonsr forktooa
aJdradiantly beaultif'ul woina and all sity. oathC ea idsaf-te frownsttr.idA-lt.
___________________Cs is solid Certaa silv'er. Att1othter Sat
AN ABO YSI NT9.SRY clplshd actrsss whose finislled Lecturo by Prof. KlKols i.ay. t ve ry mEtxtet , eratdste' tia 6 cn laixtapeitduulwrkisaaplnddeoictsit ow- ndotarnledaccseae
lug;'s stresngth and etrlieatlieao His Prof. Frnaa'ir . elsey will gtve all Eectrotypees linasttieatoil apptication.
Time Table, October 7, 1894. company is Ghrougihout a p~owerful otto- illustraited lecture.011 "A summernlitel BEAN & LAN ,MlCC
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:00, 9:00 c sc~eiaily selecteid for iegitimnate' work. Pomnpeii" in e thePreollyterititi clanicti 0e9-701,lain ce. 5 .5nitDUL.AU-, W0S
and 11:00a. in.; 12:45, 2:15, 5:00, 1:45, 9:00 asdMosiday eveninlg, Alaril 2t). Neapolittan
10:0 p.mi.
Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:30,9:50 and BUSINESS LOCALS. folk sosigs will be sendleroat ly til-'
11:0 a. m.; 1:15,2:45,5:0,7:15,.,30and 110p.m s --
SUNDAY TIME.- XXasted.-One stueneit of each dol- srlatit na' traae .Lta
Leave Ypsilanti from Congressast., 1:50, 5:30, partnient to work for us Sattardtays. son, of thie' University' Sciaoatl of Mrusic, -
5:00, 6:30and 9:00 p. m.Ju n :Mssas lteJaf s"si-''hs
Leave Ann Arbopr Jncini0, 4;00, 5:3t; Adadress -witis stamp, Stan Ml'g. Ca., 4- rsaat sfettssi.'tCx
7:00 and 9:50 p. m.sng wilvvdyiutrelf.il
Carns ran on city time Fare: single trip 15 Mtonroe ave., Detroit. ssg ilvvdyillatt ia s
costs; round trip tickets 25iDenis. ol als ae i ot1itsNsailtncrie.pariclsr'itatel - -:
WM. 5". PARKaER, Supt. A goodltllone'stfa' 'bli' sases lialle '('il
hland tofinido. 1Hava' y-til tied Ite 'a--
deneal ha such ta artist as P1-it.
FLOWERS, FLOWERS lrated Swati i Lien'sTheniayoat v te ~ nwll1'5t''i t l~ naa
Por Everything and Everybody. used a good, hlonest ptllaerl peolei. ''his lecture lay Proaf. Kelsay
.l S Unvesit ae, Wanted. -Too goaod iadycn se
COUSINS &j [f1jl 6Ssieslyae l'csa-ass:t was sectla'yicris at the Vaiv:-i-sita
os 5. to sell goodts, reauire's 110 cashxtotatt.of WIVttisosils autdprov-caltto it:' ligisiy
DIET .A.S & SCH.NZ, aiw'loi-iit nrae$ o$ entnttiiagi. anisistntctive.%its':ttte-
las-cday. ('ail at 1No. 45 E. Wahing- sgi it ieltluethtitrt s
17. ' .O4.6 l onsit. at 7 ip. in. toasight. Po llaisan lift' ana ltllstl-titissg ltily
Oar Spring and Summer Woolens All stusaentasxilrio welti set' Mr. of thse wostd'rfail discoveries thereo. COTRELL & LEONAR.D,
are now on sale. Prices Low. itia eof the Goaldes Eagle, Dtoit, att Thseitroc als tatflilies ctlttrtiilssieteA~LBANY, NEW YeaRK.
Call and tr00 u5. the Cooklious''se esay~, 23dalilst, He will ba, fear tt:li-isilneit of Illillitais litalens of :Gps aldaGowi-'to tse U(ltversit
48 S. State st.. Second .Floor, Ann Arbor. isShoinig these awest aniiiti itiatht all, ttlĀ°'lPraesbaytea'n iagul(. Iteis:ofills: tistia
patterns in woolens ainaisill isiechen rtheac cisnge of udate to Aril ?9. V. TiI15RRTLL, Local Agent,
22 Years sn the Busintess .""lS itsx ts isii aftCltii2144 W________ p - itlliam a a., AArbor~a, Mihe
yasisothe at saingf atlea-, 2
icr cent frosiirtguila anries. Give Chicago Alumni of Kappa Sigma. rf .Sc ra '
CTY LAUNDRY, himila call rf .A A ietiin'of.t' rt:' rlern:a ir-aoftaty ai 0%d . f n, ^ - anrv 1



X. M. SEABOLT, No. 4 N. 4thi ave.
Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing
dons neatly by
AUGi. SCHOONEWALi',' 25F. W~ashington
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for
and delivered. A.. C.Oi(VERIT, Prop.
Ladies' and Gents' Cloting Cleaned
or Dyed.
Mlembers of Guarantee Ticket rokers' Asso-
ciation of U. S.
Cosby & XcKeon R. R. Ticket Agency
50 Adams it.. Chicago. Reduced rates to ass
poits. Branich Tbe Kindergarten SNo. 3.
N. Sain st. Anh Arbor Sichic;an.
$255.00 for a 51- Days Euro-
pean Tour.
ie are organizing a select party feesa sum-
mner tour So Europe leaving New York, June
22nd, for London, Antwerp, Brussels; Cslogne,
Coblentz, Frankfort. Heidelberg, Slrsssbrrg,
Baden-Baden, Paris and Dieppe,.retiurning,
sailing fromi London Angsti2nd. The party
will be conduited by and under the personal
charge of MRSuO ENOWEnSOme Of Columbus,
well known as one of the flrt musical in-
stractoen of. Ameicaand a geisi gentleman,
of large experience in travel. Each patron
will have a; berth insa large promenade deck
stateroom, and the, ships selecoled. are, new,
8,iO'ton twin ncew steamers, pravided with
electric lights and steam heat. Complete
itinerary and information mailed .on receipt
.of seif~addeesnis taftped enveiope. ' ' .001
pays every expense-eo sights, travel 'and
botls. Fnil information and itinerary
mailed on receipt of self- addressed envelope.
Sentien this paper. -.
(Isis. TourlAsad Steam'el.15 Agts.,
272 N. Sigh t.,
SteW raleessxory.where). Columbus. Ohio.

Do you wvant boanilenal? If so, ad-
vertise yossr board iii the Daily.
'Jhurs., April 25.-aSenior swaiegout
ttt v'esper services.
tri., April 201.--Intercollegiate debate
between Northuwealern and :Michigan
Thsus., May 9P-lacslty recital at
Frieze 'Ktssoial hll
Tis., Aprnil ,r 'iaroity itlle vs.
Detroit at Ants Antar Gamue cisiheol at
4 o'clock.
Thung., April 25.-*Hto''ing ot Grazd-
ate Club at th e esidiis-s of tProf. I. C.
lRmmell. Aidress tb' trot. '1hatomsso01
"The Heginnisng oaf Poetry"
Sat., April 27.-Wanssity nine Ts. D.
A. C. at Ann Arbor. GSame' called
at 3).:3(1."
Thaura., Msy 2.-- Senioar social at
Gmanger's aeadensy.
Tuesday,, April 30.
Home Seekers Excursion to Viri'iist
via Ohio Central Lines. Onse fttns- far
roiind trip. Tickeits goiod fasr1)0idays.
Tickets of one fua-e for rondii trip,
limit 2(1Cdays, also oil sale to otiar
poinsts iin the Southm. Consult igets
0. C. Lines.
Toledo, tOhio.
All candidades for the 'varsity track:
'team mnust'appear on the athletic fielid
for platlce every day between 3 and
mip.r. or arrgnge. other hours wills
Mr. , Fitzpatrick. Its, 55 imperatively
necessary that candidates appear
every day from now on.
J. A. LEI ROY, Capt

I'eiilllttSituaifraiteriity fiothe itUi-
va-natty' of Mttaiciganiandiottlist eIi-c
resiaing ii Cttiesat iats hi 1lIt ithe___
itneitfor theIl oti sextfTisiihi in Oni hire e Itexscise-c ue liotic i
isr fr hehiirhii' Sfllgsiliifg iiQiaestisheo es rasults -'sases tlmo
alausmi iehuaiter ha that ctt3. '1 Evreti ucileolypaio
losal o-ha~ptser-AVsepsure"enuted:by sovqereel. or h ol ratc
Mhsscs. Mills, liali its, Densisons, '('sit1-1. LeSS SPriredr.n las
Stansandlush lesy. Ast~ong orgsisis- Lsos rvteoI- ls.
tion ivuis effecteul. ei m-'es;-

Moot of State High School A. A.
Thec sossly' faaoral Mic-higain ligis
Schiol Athlsicaiusaseitasin awill hldli
uts lrst anuluial iiielda'sit Jtacklsons,
May- 30 andsi<81.'hlt'high schosols*it
lie reianesa'uutod will ptrobably li t tis
of AtiusArb,)rn, t.saisiaug, .Tacixsn, Bat-
tie Cre-k, Grandi litulait aoilSaginusav.
Thae candeidtett for the AnnulAntsor
Ihighs Schooel trtack ti-sin will lbe'Its--
Iuitted ol oItainioil lt::.athlstic fiel
waithmliii' vtuisity cadidlates.
Spring Games of U. of P.
l'ennsy-lvania hlcd her first spring
games Apil20, ain thatit'relsay nac
of osse sile was de-featedf by Harvardni
by sixty yardils. The only otlher noto--
wor'thuy eenht oii Ohuti rograillwaus-
Knipe's raisinug of iHickok's shuoh record
to 41 ft. 1 in., an increase of 1% in.
Judge Cooley to Lecture.
Judge Thsomas 1t. Cooley will lec-
turo to thso law students and others
interested in University Hall tomior-
row afternoon at 4 o'clock. His sub-
joct is "The Webster-Hayne Nullifica-
tion Debatre."
Subscribe for the Daily.

HAND. Magnificentbuiidisg; len trehers; large
attendance; gooaidissiplise; ssuperitr work; weli
supplied reading room; dsilyj lectusres; Saturday
eenigeceptions; apes the entire-year. Silcep.
tioonalaciiities fee plating studens in pnuitisn.
Board and room$Sate $2.75 per weet in privatSq
famiies. Theseaesredued toa5ibynself-
berisding. Foe Catlogue address
p R"5-CLEARY. Pees.
A Device for Accurately Register-
ing the Distance Travelled
on a Bicycle.
It is as precise ha its operation as a watchb
will "outwear Sfve iiicyciei, weigks only 33t
ounces; is dust proof, water proof ond noise-
lest has while esamel dial, same as awnaefi;
registers 1,000 miles .ani repeals; ts easilyanzd
quiebiy z pp ed: aodlustable In read genes any
position in the staddle; xside fond2, 20.14$ andt
35 Inc z wheeles and is absolutely guaranteetC
-repaired without charge.
Vor Sale by all Retail Bicycle Dealers..

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