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January 23, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-23

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~IJE U. o


Voi,. V. No. ;S8.


V1.I. T t v.: .rv. __._ ---- - -

Three Courses in Law Under
Messrs. Smith. Dwyr and
Hughes Arranged.
the -o ireular ioftthe Sum isr Shol,
whtiich ill sonii rbe issue, will sll-
yoni oli5iiit(tler eatres liie i-
mrardutioli at theecou rss i lay by
ityksss. I Ingles. IDwyer iid- $silitl,
hiistrutorsl in ithelIii liii ltit i.
the issi biculiy h- tsiistaitlislii'd
1551' cousesin the biehfthlit smei
iistiiietisi i li iiiitt unaiiliitstlegl)
deas aid prniiiilessiud bisBlaie
-ithft eoali liii het nitersity sly
d triii; its 5ii1iiii'i S 5iio . It is iiit
eipeii'itt heitcoui trss iterillist
int dettatisi ii.1itis iteriitr'iiii
ihat then iiwiieite t teic' riiisosf
thse taiiciers suit stuts whoti iity
itlcd sut' legal 1kuawvlediutithir
egilar wirtt Cin istiuctii, oreasst
ltei. They foti-i s ativeiitltdautielo-
tit ts those isisi titeiritoiii lieti'
titeFita t i- ut t iish miiiiitae' a
itttrdutetity te-:es' sthmie sill goundmi
teit in thelii-fiudatitisials.letireen
ot the' lay s-tool . liii troundit iove-
-it by te vra rs esiisiaas flii-
1. liiietry isi.-'this c-sre r.is
itesgueil liii tosiu-uo wisshiatigiii at
tkoledge of ts- jawis-a ptrtes tistiti.i
for i tise if legal stuy oe as a
bteanchm oitnaliberal euciatiit.minliit
}Itiiito iiiillitOiilegal iesssiill ii
itFrill embrae iam-consideatioin oi
that nattier andilsources at las,liii
state iii its legalmset, the commnr
las, eqfity, satute anti stattotrie
construcition, i classiiation snsial
ysis at the legal system and a sitetet
lit the history at Americanm lass. ,tei
ttsins-anti lectures in this course ill
te under M. Smitn
. (Constituitioinal Law.-This rotis
wil-tl em~bace a treatmiet af tie'attri
it consitutions inraes, aibrier
comparisonofathtie constiutins of sev
erad of timaiadig modern states, t it7o h omto ftePl
eal croust tutiotm. and a thorough di
russian of the tet of that istrument
as interprted and construed by tl
supreme court of the United Sate
The' instruction itsil course will b
gb-f s byINr.-pawyer.
3.yrActical pBisness Law- ad Al,
Law of tha Dmeti itgatos .-Ti
course will be an eminntly practici
oe. As its title indicates, it is d
signiedfor tlbsewo desir a ratl
Ito il go of te aw gv eniag- bo
iness tra astino. o - ally ant

faily rtlaiiss it silt Consist it THE IN LNDR
menallegl riti~ls tiiiihlyiig the gent Barbour,Dr Samuel A. NOG D ST E T
iii~itil li'iii r Ttys to learn ithut ooks.
folloswing sbjets: 7, (itanmecal Jones, and Others. SomePopIl ~thht tt7to use
iases. iicltidig cemitrats. roinnu~irhl I ntiscL iitnet s'thlttle
litter, agility, panftuir stils, erilr- Iiihe.laiiiimi y itutitiseofttlti, I uiiaui orrnottl ue.
tios tiiidtretielndesnialtrperty, will le plaedilitiisal,t taiiremv. 'flis ~ a u hs~hc eln
oliini tud l is a t .'uiusi t srti-tt.the host briltitaurietes i te lI i- .
coutrse N situbt i e i'ui iny. I lungri's. i tll: wictii iesurlii's st-i- ti ilt in'l- S1 South Main t.
_______- -i- tioiiiis tlpool is I c ei' i -v il
AdelphitDeditoatton. iitlti.iii ihi.iitt itit 5__
ulilll'thiai h i lu <'s s ofiii-auiii'ig liiin itit i thus h i ts rastd i h
thas sisunti r ttliouit l u intat Wih oi ae tl' Itim ri ('t11ti lst \N ii utt't
taautettmi. Anintteresttigi-coitituitoIiis onei1I te LEAING SCHOOL OF BSINES andtlOi
'ths Aituiht slltil tiit hiiotei ii stittum tt ti. tallui't tlil, tAND Mgifcentibuidiglteu tacmiii a ;
t'lx Adlphisovely as ouneel u Rrlttil y Ur i ill el l. ollev, a tend rs goddisipie u ei oriii sit lii
1.s8. 117itsMwals lat li! Sen 1C- this city, theiC lf o <C lgi 5 -1,up a ra vQ ~rl epios; oens ii intir ea~r rrp
tie-t+lsi im ts t',l i it' ailt~iitii tor plig sudrnts ipti os
lrsofits early rsi l, theuirli uti. Al. ius tits at one loars d roo $2 Io7iprioeeklin pr etal
ut wiutii,( K ismins' hule tmmi tiuotuirhieit -amumitmmt-aiam nil'- These rotesridcdo 1,0wyby . 55~
V. S. suienastofot iMilnms-siti, andthehttr ith iher'grit ji~uit -llisutumid 4 is ii- °BCER.Pe
sirout utfu-hiatusis PetitR. I. 51 lliimt- titer Iiia hasithom ta guietimay is r- I-rU -~'o~s
son, O iliiilain deartoment I'thi t ing tittms cciuien is l usife.t- 1r~~a iOF
have i tmfatspoketn'rm titthe Adephit hi F. Wiluox. I'91 lit, icontribiutes alt LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
platfmttuml utu siwho iare iuithl i l-t'ht tir tilli 'hu i titr-rt Imitestiy", ii si imunmusumi 5A
grrss o il uilhtml tuiuh''sl-uti. iii urm- uihi tiiiuuiu-mts upiinmthei lacki41TUTTLE'S
gagedit i tlsiii thepat h.o aiw.- nii- it sy nulitiw aimg its pst ad 048 S. STATE ST
cil and1smt -almst- iilliii' -other- rofes- u ltl lslltidlluiss ini its uuI tei l thir
l1ions, lie iiho oupiy piossrs itretsiouuthu tei-tuittiesuithipilt aii'l (it to RANDALL fo'
chirhs in tis mandi othmr univerisities it onei.thy ido nottworkto e ugthat':
Thoectiiial perlgram ofit iticthiotheii ttearhe is atr Is salariy; hilt Artistic rPnooto .
sIN tie litlit Saitu y, tutu. 26,1. tustudenit taftr histcr tdit. liiithe sihiol'e_____
1 7:t) i, mt. m uIio mt\, n d su iltlitbtoas thu atilllu is seliwsi-elimi. dmmii -ii ~u L
So11115- - - Altlli tmuQoturttsti' tfaftiusah t teLtuinrsity LRES OPEATING OOM IN1 SAT,
t bsrm'tion ------hiRC.' Catmtbetl TI' tirissutih d(t"is,'' 1s a pretty _____
ftIl - - - - - iiF. Wicox
-l 1ouct ls-- ------ little stry stritt-umtby SMis abetitl WSIGO LY
Remarks- - -Mr. Iitrtmniti- O l ASIGON BOK
Reintiscencses- - - . It. fiorntoni (altnu._N 15WS
Ad met~rs- - -- rot Ibogne
".13N Dlmjuts.- - -- - -- Esrt dohiCtrpes," by tEisonuti.i Ann. Arbor, Mic..
Adduress' ------------ ro.Titisilo Susndierlandd iii sit-smoethantilets-s
son;;- --------itA, ltii tuirtet -.-
in-men mm'tini. 'flit atile is eiswrit:- SD. A. CADtEUX,
Presidont Angell to Spook. tenmmidiis vry instrumtie rsttimu. LaetI roeBrbrS p
- Presiutiemt Augllhatis receird ;il i- IEdwa~rdtitedhatts apiliosopihiealnthi ety g IWsinmgtontist, st door
arice nttld A isuriv Tam." east o Malis s. Annm Arbor
t dhleitioll eaereises o f Kietlao1llt mmugoiu hotelms iutit A M T~ nn l
iii~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~in tmsttetii''syhtuuhmg iatus to hry, "A atmutme," by Kari h-hf i~ ~ L
st-humetumeeimumunive''Amty-tMAMMOTgH tiPIE- SALE
s! ntt im ai i tmm iot i i tmi.
A fin it hunimaumntutmInd.','TlloililetheTA S2nottol1t soi-
eDrh Daniel Kirkwtood Aim sihuhess e f t Sl r' e
ienrdts"ty Dr..Stmuut eAlToes lHt cud Ctld uncuh"s lttAlt Horo.
f ill tlsategvrn hut'oihut' tttil'its.
-of Indiana: tt isuwensuierdthItat ria' "Chumus,'iby Waltr N1'.Dew; 'Mihie 1,) uth ; l O - Ow 0N S A LE
agu; oor:b thei senatotrs anh rtpresimttima go'eolss oifi.CtrmsA;mms
titnubetlot exiiaie4 feom r ie h enrlael-l il epeau."
the i'Ile~s tmsciubly til ii iri e sl niy i ztlg iit, tltr lss ite tIset-
t The Junior Party. tlany (tiltthisBrotiasss agaoime
ec h 'helt q 'iuamuetgans, swithIImpieces As ustual, this nutsmhnle tinhls ___
sin this orchestra, still furtnishl miusi litay gon ook rn'ievs anrd is 1111 tie 3 0 ~ &
ae for the junor party next Prirday enin- lale exeecitigly hterstuit L C, n tetPes
ing Arranigetnets haete umii co11t- Those holding lcer tikts stha -AC, ~h' Pes
:1e; plated taor.the burst;class scial e'nrlhaveno nt yet handed in the coupons BYT
is -givenin Ann ArborTie tprgratm mattachedt to .thoirnto the jphysical dir F EpEEERSON Il}aiotso.
A wil e much longer thanu heretofore ector at tie gymnasium are reiuestedt
e-and almost every piece isill hi' nuw.ts' tat so at onet- Tbs, icluzdes btqbCmlthnoevlm.Hn
dl Students from all departinenhts are I-thilose now using lockma and, :those _somoly bound in extra el1otb.
s vited, and It wll be distitictly a el hlding tckesfrte'oertht ilO1.0Poagpr
theaidto ahy t arS of
WITog heg afair a~ps y ,rya b Ipoxin - t the world.

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