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January 23, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-01-23

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"t,-kdurng 2g 'l i, rs'lieilry stusents tin- DITSON MUSIC. iCold 'W eather!Tsiiiil h ildsr oaii h sle f
- -t~l~r l tding lief ouiiiiiicrnointlio
Ntiiiiisei liilyiunday s-scrisis-si isliiiO i sn oiils I eIi h is w iii is 'Six Love Songs,'' 111 Ot
he Cilli ;u yea, bsq ri "uiii yii o r l iii iils.cxii siosh 5.53 IyI ui,'iss i x ti',o i . rc i
it Iilail A ii5ut lendciln. Sawyse. sitexistesofSit 1iiV
THE I IsIfNEPEIUENI -los' slIl esiicid. T'II. losilarliiy olf tilxi cit tii InesHeavyyPap ilexr 5 et s el Ass
isil i iesluling N.. 1iiii -l. i W~ie iojoli miii nwill rs-c c - i*li n)i-5 { e 7
4tic: n-c. . 1H ),tifroti-iss:'i.-inoisuolssd iiisti l l COLLEGE SONGS'R .fb r
ib h . vn t sc$.ionnf i eer se t, i is-iilsl ii'usscssdtssiiiver iil ss515 7standardsissilcollection oCIollege osog. !- zT
iniadvonie. Single spieo~eceiil. oSnis8Zi1r0 xisatranls d ftxvecuals. here 011,0 sol. Heavy Paper, 50 O S &.~LIIA
Irions mayle lefs t ltholie llo f teifua en1055; _________ CftsCloth, ilt, $1.00.
at Stoffet , t State t. ieit Stand, ovitllr urs Aniesay. pixl ONS itD!g"S11011. FAI.E+:S
at the edtoxo or authiorizeil clic itort ___ ULLL FO L. Wshngtn lerk, Axin Abr.
iommnxicatiens shold reaslhisthe officby T }.tliico issliyi lissyOnly book of the kind blisied. ie
7o'clock i1. .if they nare io iaiiiirith© e 1li (, . j onago ofef of theiseoslitiy collcc u tmt
say. Addreoas all matter lIntenided for tinil1 l~ls sirajged for a tees iiiiquc llc Heavy Paper, $1.00. 1111;L(RANI) OPELiRA HOUSl;.
-tioti to the nManaging Edior. All isasitess N IGTOL
,-m uiaiis sltndlouisl is'to i et uhe xswill takie 110p l i eex ii- IOTOL COLLECTION INSRUMENAL[GUITAR MISC'O E IG T N
scs 1555 rc. losScouctingeisenti tIcili4ioi -lion-liWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 95
THE sQ.01- M. DAILY, i S oor osith tin ouis-ooi-y s it cs Eloity-toicsefor he uitar fromthue 'thisoiossEets,
Anti Aibsr irexl]rIibest oure. A splendid -sllcifos. Iasd-
____-__ bill. 1'11i4sosliiiiigasddress uill li~Coic 0cns-Rce's Surprise ParTt,
EDITORS. ilseli lsiy V.I.IItcltns I Aybo etpspi nrci> fpie ttehgOeai xra g
i. sCLEMt~ALit.'97, Mlanain Editor ss1s tl eh ioiitC~ i ii liil i lest xxs~gss.
t. 13I l~iittoi t wm'. , Asstit.i oliaerlsscisthle hosius. AliSsAlitis' OI6VER DITSON 00., 14 9 '2
J.A.F.Lmtco i, Lit -96 , Ae i-.ito.in 'ls ill, lf sosldo. lt i lls- lllofss 155-
7.A io' i-tAhei dtt4 1.33 w sslisntsn St.IBostn. rie lagest ,giiziotsn iithe stald. iti
J. S. Pu'imt, Law '5,BusissMaxta ,.i. ',t- !sit sinigrsis, gs-thisc Wihliists uinis'ceairy tn isclhestro of solslt. iOusicosn-i
f1.. I ws-s 4, .A" o issis t Ijxlil is Isssiss. lc. i--liC t. .Ditsot&tCo. N . . etee lo-lcicssl e e es l ams.
S . 1.lShiley,3.E IC1..1 lrusiix' isisndl Will ittits Slanttit. L EVERExTT 0.FI5K & Co,. 'ltES v Isktsssi o ts Iaae~et Li5, blncs-
I. A.lDanr, '95. . .1"a. ''lotr flossor 9 W11.0 , l o w us in Ialcoty Tic
Carrie V. Smith, ii.ootHgln iewl 'rnsl b aci4 Satosl~t~~y~lit
Minnie Them pdlii dilisiil 4lis.i-il iriisiTHE-LB wlse i.Sst ltoil oadystWt
E.. B.a11tlet, '9. the m stilissni attrlsisc p ro t heprills
6: IC.Stnlrlani, ltO. MEDICA, =I S FFISKR E
.i..ItnGamoi 9i. 0tlin. l-h4s'iils-ntles- truts AliisleanFS ECES GNIS 'rL lLnoadA la i]- 1 f Stude~nts Rect'ion-) Hed-
The esitors sdsinot old themses sistoonIiili.iiIoclslstl ilksi'ii- IfUII ULUIU SudnsR reinHa-
lilpfrte-pnosso.aitmeist i p;ie i liiuxii'iisc Chicago Ill., 355 Wabash Ave., quarters.
pndenis, appearixng inthle Dli t.sti. 1i. . 5101. R ilsisissi r.5Nit 5 N ain tet
- - - Smuler susis s i slsts i iis, sissi
Thlls' mes'hi il l ithis' x ilotix li - lies tIo'tutu SIilsslisg ills I 1si msi tito t islleic Aenicy ysemi!itiOslit PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS
isk"S sout-eiiissast hs nsisixrsitys ity-sx. isill slsussslu. 'Shloti dsislsllx I Unstitesd Sttsr. isWatoiles.i-liy, Diamns ditsishatli
I°rOr 1.11(1 posil tis fitl i [5 i. mrtgageo s i ollterasl. lismonds lbogt
is r ibie isii'c t a g. utritgs xdsiis.sill Its gush i y foii- its.. Vs. I Trir-Iansi sold. 'stteisos and Jewely ilely rn-
Y ex ft1 1 n is1.I.11nfrla 1411),! AECE 1)A"~ ' piedOiler -iioy reidence 3-lE. Libert
cosillo st l uslege yeastWc sith it i- tit ln 1.I.Ssil-mtsl ii Ip i s5 ii(S t 1ity(113 ar,: s to ll ia.imil110 3 a d 7to
Sniottiss Chiago, 1 slisgtun I) Cpm
lIle t lo, its'xpe tcii'-esl in loipti-sttj~r ),f5-dift.s~i~tlilastii. liii x"'beslit-s1'-1{New York, Len Angels Troto.ss3.C. W ATTS7.
psxsgcatiits .s's ft he ut li tils tle i uest graspit o liie typicltly sts-i.
xosnisstsslli te ilxuies se I's Ot ~rduteHoord. $1.50 SUBSCRIBE NOW $150 HANGSTERFER, ?ATERER
tOrganizicitonst ill atdeqattly leeh se -
hissix~ar siAulfuuxi 'tsoslsxt sibas. 1 -iretd Slpliligo 1'illissile.
iluecollegita 't ebasslo', s;a isltossBeuni _. ., xlo xxs it.I isss'iuuose thot hisstit
cedit i is'efr hieiexcellenit -howisgxifi '74 of liii'litirary- I ip-otiltlt iif
wuiucoe lr IViah, arlon sxlxx tt5a4s11 lon iyes-itiy, lils ibeeni ulsloild sit
aginst tiler hillittliii. It is '-tue .tssoel .juticti ftesit lii itliili'coit
iuneis asisetd dlit: lii' bett. s's~kt11 ptot ext York iby-Go. lt- orton. .1Jussge" pl wa wihteca
sicfoundsiltids' sit hess iceaiaStu xanxil issof "sit 71ixo N g11 a nT his lA pnr
11i1t the Ihistoy..of hpaxs, c olttx sli'ii y' i,i fro 11711 to 1872, sil 'sum s o thingII YY..iI
Ss h te nlli'nisutisssslt~is t hex ~i 'itfelisuied Ale Is so c/eap as a newspaer, whether it b
tstnks hisixe skl bee lcn sit suffiienti . . ti'Issrit hs'thsilIsx
suh1,toihik'serly off the Blor us ia ik* thrsofie l .r kfnilemeasutred by tie cost of its production or by its
aii adillil hOiing. 'lis-}yssxtsiloc N.Y..-,skithdSils autii sto lhss-Nexi- ialie to the COnsiniihri. We are talking abot
psihinituary ehgattkgaJises sllll ° brl~uim m1870.Ilie i is'eoit~giasan American, metropolitan, daily paper of tie
{"hsarge nniibec of resnairaholi ollkiJ as tlwxyer ot ability- andtihistsn belI' first class like THE CHICIAGO RECORD. It's sos
foi lii iuteaurs isihut h tel cysWkcsi sil wlooritcotstsuscheap and so good yout can't affod in this clay
til Oiehigtt sie inuceh cls'n~s~ ..-sesuss f eeklyicoo sotslnof progress to be without it. There are other
fusn alilututuis etl it f'1ltls ust , h s usebeei tranged foc a the h._tof
is inausle. i cousi, inludingxwreslig manii; papters possibly as glood, bit none better, and
-x-m-a- cg, unnxing, juminS~g, at. none just like it. It prints all the real news of
hums uss rr-A Ici annlot be gisouat hiss' Tfl ard aslinalcuady inetly- 400t1atilt-the iorld-thle iluis you care for-every day0
law.s facilty forcthei ffotci peltt O -shdtes for leu' rack teuxms.Th us'cn.-
f- is'sare gie ixockfilsqsuasl biyfand prints it in the shortest possible space. Yout
Wg plainsfor uc si nissuc(oils it - TWYi t4 oG ntttooc cmnnig hak. can read THE CHICAGO RECORD anti do ada'
iett iult.lt Y's fet-rdfbhuen orli t_-work too. It is an indepedent paper anti gives
iik i teiliapiy tsttitll t ortEGE TOWN PULPIT. all political news free from the taint of party
lguan to 1gcu'a(sx nih loinwaidh1i10u (MONTHLY) bias. In a vord--it's a complete, condensed,
filerso ,'n iili lhf117 i s i cilix-s, SERMONS OF REV. J. T SUNERLAND. clean, honest famcily newspaper, and it has the-
xil also ble,sthttci's shesc cx'sriuse is Series of 1894-95. largest Morning circulation in Chiccago or the
liei faximes' is i -esiaiuiiuhr 5 ntofs
educttill's hii httn,su l iuix8ET.-The Soul's Cry for God. west ---25,000 to 140, 000 at day.
nelyae :," tn wl b otly. OCT. -Jesus as Hiumsanity's Ideal. Prof. J. T. Hatfield of the Nlorthiestern
A needesh lntftw tihstss o ', I tlt t- Nov.-Secterianism: Its Evils, Causes University -sas: "THE CHIC'AGO RECORD
and Cure.
itl worik iluasby ho los'iwh eis's1 DEC. 4(The Tea Cross of Christ." comes as near being the ideal daily jour-
lio(uildi sslxiihhl1~11TAN-"wass Jesus rodr?" nat as we are for some tinie likely to find
8eishr 1It degtres; osxtalit:s'ecs'ili-
bait lis11ts b ianlenthen'edeto thre SOC. -YEAR. SC. A, NUMBER. on these mortal shores."
yar lle I - a lo-u 11111 1lstu ll o i Droat-rsal, at Shehan's and Stoffiets. Sold by newsdealers everywhere, and sub-
needtim pre:) ~l ti eti bor e rte iiisriptions reeived by al postmasters. Address
w~l~iAn oh- tCorner at Statfe and William st.,
s-t t 'u istri e srox te f eq . Wlllam t. entrance.

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