WY /7 7 A the Grand Opera House. j I. OF Ml. CALENDAR. NOTICES.
MIJCHIGAN CAtTis ill I Lati.,(ourse 2, foil te sv
'ime Table (Revised)Nos. 1, 154. it'tI Silan ir of rsolir'shotIWed..Jan. ' --2detigof Wbstr slestTlt'eworks toe red inth
EAST. wET. ( lty O 9 taispriclry( oieym11 t'rHl.diterefsetios will e as follows:
Mail and Ex -350 Alall- --.. IllS tilig At. Farrl is an(i ltir -l !;1,,-l - 3.Sfnio1' clss 511('i 'gSec. I,8 D-Terce, Adephi; Plats, ie-
N. Y. Special5a1 N. Y. Spelal ^r0 pahedss Irish conolisit, ill fit, r lie h'.ed.,Jtnlorioss; Liy, lBs. . and XXI., wrk.
Eastern Es. ..1525 N. S. IimiE~d 925 liat -4 pl.,1(..n11cape1l. Se. It., 9-10-Tresce, Adlphi; Plats'
A. M. Pacific Es -_-1215 y'oodthle' average. IeIhasosp1111fie Wed.. Jal. 2. f'radtlleub '11 at 1: 'Allaria; Lvy. Bs. XXI. aniXXII
Alatic' EFx.- 7 7 P lyo ihyadIigo atadwork.
t). N. Epres... 5 40 Western Es 2 il't'l 12 l iol tse 5511Hill St. Sec. Il., 10-l 'esre, Iltrio Patic',
i,. I. Exs s, _11 0 Ci. Nt. E. 1 25 9511 osiotedIhimsel with a. companly Thurs s., l ssll-islt'fTrinoms; Liey, Bs. I.and I., work.
GREE's. 7.(al .- aulyto~r Sec. IV., 2-3-Terece, Andria; Pats 'aY-
o. W Rue5i.xs, H. W. HATES thus i's in t igood05 petsrforlmialc"e. Theiez' halS 1 1 m jtivi; Livy, Bks.XIII.,nsi XXI V., worl.
G. IP.. 1 Agt,tCicasgoAg., Antn Arbor risis 'sy a111dr1t~r icsiirwork is ofl'the lIEZ1(,allSe. V., 2- -Trece, Aelpi Piaantos .
___________________________________Fri.. an. 2 . M-ilig soi'Ssrrsifi e lile Insn; i's, tks. I. anti XI., wr.
lsbtest siosiqulitsesasdsltlt'siiging ar:hots Uionin room 12.'s'sw tbuilting. st See. VI ., -T'ertoerAelh; Plansns
T. A. A. p&. ieN. MI171. R. 1 I. Ills'vyBI .'19(1"wrk
I~'. 'isi~y t)23:3t' frst't-itn 'II llan e as ifIiernt hlitsii
Talsig seffect Sntday Aug. 1, (SM I .rgotl 9w(k at lavslll;S. . ,.2..stisrcasoil'I ttslt isi'.SlosVlt)V
isnleave An Aibor as('essrsl Stan([
ardissssI Te tpart itof 5 Christphier. Ilh ' is- : "ym1." ' sill I'b te er th '.isslliiitin sitMr
710 a. i. '7:la. ' ' i sesIilsslt nteiri - Sat, an. 2i. t~icts isslIofsA itleil Olesi .As t lioslstslb sdiui
p1:1~. n. 11:S0a. in tlt, l'whilt'Will II. Slosn do net thsh llhe tdittfretSestislis esil st o -
4:5p.nman t stitle' ostrssrslts. ;ctheI lssingloIlls .is,1l
*''~isa bebssseisAnti Arbor asdIttl slsts ' . 4'nt1tf Sl..ISngt.,-2. Tris- Ms-La r1eg.7tr. i tly diffi ttI tis ~inites'necessarliy
oisly Spatin. isOS tiiw si appuslrodl s lls'Detroit. at'Nesverry blssl at :.5. tfor studseit so sr lstilot.iillsS L
I, roissdaily excep unday rI oval tresure n-c sii ave. i a-i55 llitl li- M o,!ii 5-.E eli tlstl ht '1 e s sl. 5slt5 i.s s
W. 1.BENNETT . P. A. Toledo O0 prsit. 5 'hars A. I11159nd toilEs. Lei~ssns-s ' sta "'T (Viitteozrs rs te see o i'sei. Mestad'sr sue tts.
ANN ARBOR W&1YPSILANTI ST RYI h~cnt..:w, c lprao o le ab. sn",osieatidctehir
. od-fsttttiut typei, andtitlanilstili 'ai- Fri., F0tl. . 5C'lstedlit sU ssion sone rt c'isce ot setinst at.lsbloks sta '
lacse ''swa s e InfitaihJohsnna.t.w'so ist Unisersiy stll. orderd. I. A.SANDES
Time Table, October 7, 1894. Stsle'ilhs'crsown jetos 'st uidher lve.r. So. et iIss tslisg.sliiO'ht.i ut.
Leaver Ypilaiti rons Congres s., 700,900 StFb ~; resTlra eetIea' c oP es
anid 11:00 a. i.; 12:45, 2:1, 5:00, 0.45, 9:00 sand eO t discoeriess)(Illso. 5Corsi.Strongt as t ll, in S.7,. :. soas'uiUsiesity IStutdeits wio sesir' to esterlthe, coi-
1ci,vueeAn Arbor Junetitti. 7:2, )s::oanstd ls rhat tsi.tttoistul'O IlstSt tll olth t ii' lo uests'io. Iritol conteltst sho tlld ess's'.'thei
(ittila. it.; : I t,2sia,5:a5,7:ta.O3wsstisl Il p . rolling hiltis gret''ter l than tesceptehlr.. -ssl aes. ho 'Sslethj f otheir ers;ronole
SUNDAY TIME. issilhe ltenh Otfst'e kilcen' mr' BUSINESS LOCALS. itd t1e lassis th'y'rsepresent 'si1li .
I(, 0:20 Y ds 0:00tirmn. r iSi. I3,X,I itiglil ltsa i' ta t fit'hronei'r0111. [Notiee Inserted i tiis c'ii at tte-te
.W,0:0 nd9:0 p m -of 5cents prtea . Special raeafor uloner I.jslsrles asithferI0' i l;olse Iy lets.
reave Ann Arbor Junctstion,s,2:00, Ot,:30, 'Alsrk S-imith, tiemal"e silt tsiitsor, timte, and perts ltituirishsied ity' applyitg , troilssoitl1tisnli t i
700 asd I:0 p. m. a h AL fiei1 rtossnudbhne n
(tat's run ottcity tints. bite sisgle.til I,5 made' at.lhndsosiiss ti asen. shoise higl stSt isi tie Ist
sI's itround trip tickets.,.i esnt's spaobreed nfh o artn. IOASTOIIS ofil.t
AVM.I.PAsK 1RSSupt '510 lst.1fri-sti il Slt'tiIIsirfost.;10) 1 It IiLs-
Ilute.upt-dts'lst" portin tofit'e For scety r lodge 0oer sor:e ii 12 I5 I.JI t S iss
FLOWERS, FLOWERS 50ogs'tils ts.'itrltsttsitl iilther -ii- 1E. iashinatoli St., seeod f loo. .> 1hosr -stise ist(sciuns :1'ortt-
1 ot Fserything adEverybody. alets sesittih'ositf iiat , sliitperdi lor thi' firetIosrdiretsAnn Asbor ueleiopen toithose wsho Lit' hlst
GL~lLttSIIR J6 tdilHA 205 5s 1'e+ nversit aire. sirist l' s itle l,'1tile- pst'ssigo to 5 S iisiotst . Sstslactcl,.n Spasish , will I tit fferil inIte s's.
CUS~ id.[1111 Telephone 151. lst iiflraselliun'iilt(itgltril'elnd senester. Stdfens sdesiriig ta
the. prsgr tInn stilr:' sIiSatsstsfsctry Don't forget io sbsribhefor te take tle cotrsere sreqse'd to t'ga.
The 10 tosthe ttsiii'sii'i. m~ay snovsel dasnes Daly. muiltlitwils tsunesigesdsit
lenien trlloucedt(l.suc ssil t' si: i-cs e oftl5nee'dsiof atiIn 555 once.
Clover Leaf disyhlsitus omulssrs." 'Ols:'sceney crd esse, operab lass esse, meiai l11, 13, 1, 2, I' iOIts'A1.
'ss-s eo ratlesss an'sld r skillul susolipi- surgical ordentlsal isstrilues taet 55 LatwsStident,. -Nows 'is le th isis
latisuot he it ~t u tsc islsiusilfIan ('1(5- soreaonale lprice? It so ogo Is t't los'v ' yosr lectrs bousd, sInl sIA
Route ris, senhsinsedSl'itheefets 'T'he choirissArguss Book Bidey, ZNo. '9 lums l 011ou'wisI a first c1ass jota la tiwu
wa~sss re: 1 sai-i'ell trinsesd, snd tet St.,nthey111' 'ill it syo i 05Ilin lire't 1o he Argus Book Bitder, n N.
eostiu(se s-ssl'slsi'dI ts usrotse 'iadusir- class shape. Dol's fogtthe 11115'' l sin S. 'rics'siosss23 s-tts ill).
giffPlease keep in mind 1110 Toledlo, at~ion. 'T'set-sot) usct; s n' otiter, t9 N. AMain S. ______________________
St. Louis & Kansas City R-..,~ Irhe natse's'fitat.'svasde'ieei'seitail- For oarders advserise. uns 1st 15aisys
'he Clover Leaf Route, "Fast luecluthilnlinlestuxrav'aganzsa, lbut Ise gotAIt OOOIS' TUF IAB AU flflTE,
Line" for St. Louis, Mo., sunt the specislties S's-is-i' s's-lleit in their A9,01'. V'ry pleasant, well tunishue Irostm ~ Y~DIOl fU t
XWest and Southwest leaves 'ro- 1492 twill blit' lit'G5snstndl Or ld-s fori'tt 'rent cheasis st 3A:1.E. X'saslington s.
ltdo Union Depot at 3 p. to. tonighit. 'The hst adverti.ig is umsl'ti the1501t -1 Ok---
daily, arrives New Unioii Stationa 'iis lutcsssilt'-city is the Daily.HO SP IG ,A .
(the largest in the world), St. l. ii stusedest c'lt'hrtol lus.s'l ssisiis't ' sIHOSPR NG,-A K.
LoiOBs ealy next thorninig. iplatsltemh -an'vgn Sf.r io aeyourseen'fle'se huh ostus I
wsz luoahsrsiser is lnt yet tlly se- telr."hyar iee "T X S
CONNECTION WITH ANN ARBOR enuisd tupol Smtime towic ardsth le: A9dertis ill the Daily. LOS AN'GELES
and Mtchtgatn Central lines at silt of the semesster. I Vt'HY! Ho0 CIIE.9.1'
Toledo. A glluusslssl, ts hi: i'ithluiicbtiA(t r ..(ipito Floridsa.just inow wotlti -ND
BuftRcinn hi ar et re y ~'iinle-e lcis1' seaste lbs' hione of the msost pleasant things 1 SAN FRANCISCO.
BslandtSRueclining' Is'.. Cariss-ertsy Frethof life. If looty of 18 c-n e se-1New'vTexas and California Sleepless
ansd Vestibuled Sleepers Aill- Sut tivri3 ft'sio'isls -cured AMessrs Greenwood &'sGilmore
soll change.('tintls' beecn ssttsrs'sd ts' arons I'ierre will arratnge for 13 doas'strip its their (o ie
C. C .J~tiN1{1IS he (otselhls. it 'rssics 'iuc uutlalpraieceat. $12.0 ''ill pays'entire,
'illBa now asth "~edill: (r-cost of journey including seis, erts THE WABASH AND IRON MOUNTAIN RY_.
General Passenger Agt., Toledo, 0. sillhs aws sls'"ttslsls ~usnd ttanssporaionuWhss not o's
not,"ius honrtct " i t s res''idiesIen t s t s he s'. 555 t -sr ls'iagrhd : is ~iyI s'
17. OF M= TAILORS ISibsh'stuhs for he Dasiy. Subscribe for the Daily. CHICAGO TO LARED, TEXAS.
Iatest'sad test syeslosfi adForsilgn irstuad Do- nclassr(.Stine Ausinoand Sass Antonio. Passenge-
inkgaiantes. Cleaning, presing std 1.50l IEI~ fosSot Spings Ia's- only sne chunnge of r-
4A 6ateat. 1eon33l r, n*IrbJ.U at Slot springs at 11:10 a. .Si hobonte,
1 qusckst tlroslusleepin ar ise beteen-:.
22 Years in the Business .~ itChic'go and Malves.-Asisdsily line ell'
________ _______TIoasist Sleepersleaing Cicaego onsitsme:-u
CITY LAUNDRY, tanTtrog o H Facsc EaLa
i 11 Agele s al. _
N N .SEABOLT, No 4 N. 4th ave. O -f1,/ f V 'D A 1 I \ ,/ Frusmsass, tikIets,,s acidul itncnistiots.
1V lf aply t
Cleninsg Presing and Repairing
done neatly by Miehigat P's. Ag. Trasv. 'ass. Ag
Al.SCONWL,26'WshntnI will be delivered at the your room the remander of -r--
EXCELSIOR + LAUNDRY! TtileTcollege year forrk only $1.50.i
20 EST URO STEET.theColegeyearforonl $150.F. H. Tristram, P. E. Dombaugh,
oond svrk Garanteed. Gods called for en Pass. Ag. tass.& Tike A' n,
and delvered, A. F. COVERT, Prep. Coe.r ustsAt ave. and Sih- 2307 Madison -It_
ANABR S U VB S c RIBI S No w LV fied stPittsbrgP.'Toledoo.
OfieTimes a Sofit'vSan, with Dr. N. Keerson, of Bot.nhow *t
Ldes ndet' oti lene D aly 1e msBlock, a tf tsNews San, the posstoffice buildng. Warts. Cons, Sea
srDed0., aiA on, Inrowing Nailsad alt diffcltiesof
s i. orDyd.or at Paul Myers. State t, News Stand the fetsuccesfuytra.fa g m to niW