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February 23, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-02-23

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i _ ..

i tIt . 'tI htere i Fivi'SHOES.tt-- - -SHIOES
ini e i atict ittt nil te, fog tutu I ntirStok go-sat
I't--,it.[Oly (Sunday ciii- ptdi iduring the *teait -(1- luiol-antithlitial.-
thCotigi, par, tp y:-Red uced Prc
THEU. E VUMINDEPENDENT ASSOITON, Laiadt ~ir>I. The ociU"ttogtt tll ce ices"
t-ttitlitlttia fortt ito- tck atti ill jco' .
iOit-twtn atigN.Sat titn-ttl nthuloa.tatttytn te tttttt ' t - i~e100uiI one.hu MAR H 1ST, 1895.
EDITORS "i~~~tt_______
1. etm sa, Lii. 97,Matagingi Etio. 11ttitttut. __________ \t)3 ,AI~i1i
iSJ C BS&A~it '. II. iauntottIt, an t9h, Ass-ttiti ------- -- VIC~TORlAL EIGOD
A. W. StinTin Lit. Statl., Asant.!iiTHE SENIOR CONTEST. VI jtl ODS laalittntlluk,At Antrbor.
<'. 11. l RtttttLL. Li. 's, Aaattat tit___________
0. Autt .tW , Litit.Ccot t(1 mtui ISTPA"1- o ity thtietn oi nt im inoimate P. .-This includes all our Fin Pt-
I? et., . l '9SBLainess \ a-ni-tge ue ii.M- ois -ttltit i ttnaitinttrnuindu o et Leather and Rstusset Shoes.
Associate Edtors BsMuitt in-tin ikd ito tettlit e aretasuti-tiyactitittat ittitiC-i "l-! GRA NI) OPE11"RA -t1
Carn.mttnitt LI iuninkt'0iii. tnl u in f i-a titttitty. liar.,Y, FEB I25 19
s. B. Shlum, lit. 1 . I.A. Datnte,I.t ..t orain tttat-itctond itie.(intt,-ifused-tls.t losn's to tMtii, Tnin itaas, Matti.- ONE NIGHT ONLY
F. IL. Evtan, Ltn -'(5. Eli Sdatt it-ittlltX ttti enIt: ot teott t-i, t oxinItag Pititi, Foottbtll
Sar. S h Lit. 1.90 .ottuIii i tiitadt atl t t-t tit-Sti.-E B I5 '9
Ai. ttttert.E r o. Itl..t' i titiIti13 B.tW ve- iitltnutttettl-t i iitijtte BU VCTR "LEICGODSwNwYork's Rig Hit,
Suscipin riefl:.i Pr erinaialyli~. fti~in co1t1111n; liO heISpecial Deli ver
Mlattuers ofVitr Iiepete. Entire tin iiiofDntroit, ays:
Lions- may tine li.tiatte otlic iof tieDn taT ha lt ttti- iito- snition lnty hightly Ilftt t tt t e t nwt n ttn i hilatllpia. it-ut--il. GREAT PLAY.
f the editarn r autnrizeetlnitttrsn. teitbitclttheisi-nitor la , andi ii t -n'ewYoknch Vht-tgu, t-sat- - GRAND CAST.
tnmunniemttnn hnuatd nite lnlti tipfht lit-ittinstiy, ut nt-i-p iCtisely tandt PACIOTFINE SCENERY.
7oaclock. p . M. if they aret-i-i tppa-te text LStalt-tt in o toe nnAumgii rlt lndsI___
dtay. Addressalliimattrintetndtted fr hbit- holy i-i10t11.N tln li-i1 tl ly'th tim - ui- - Ia itat Ilu lad ii ( nlinlgti
tatint ntht - PltinggEtttit. Altiitbtus in t-ss (li dutd t. in-liIt it-n 1 tr-itew Y rk Px[Ofice,-
conmmunictationt-snhaldt tie siti.tin teiBet-,"TEANN ARBOR SVNSBANK -
ten ttttann .. . liiitat, t ut. m .. . ~l SVIGS PRICES, - 35c, 50c 75c.
THE U. OF M. DAILY. Latimr, oft Alit-ligtit.for iti t lltcIn Arbor, Ai teMi-tmCaptitlanock,0(0.0 _____________________
Anti Arbot1liet. SurMpnu ltr- Dti-m ut - .O-gne ttImti.$i590.ini.EVERETT . FISK & t0.
IT eitorn dii not holithetumnlnn- i-- pns-of tin S t . li.evesnndtposnit,ituynd1T mut
nitnfrteoiiuntt tintiifa-e-l,itl'3' of Afihligtti), for 0 rtutt nutisellsexhane ion the pit-ip-ta~tiit softe THE
siblefotheop~ionscrsati~mtntsufrores- -United Stats. rt-tificanhd upout poper TAHRm GNI
poandents, tppearnu in the DAILY. -- identiiatioint. Safety deoit bostenmt
_______________ _ [h________ 'i int-uiy tnumbr -of .PcLii- wtt- Orr Itlt:Ctltr n .Matuk, ret. .I.i-ria, iePo, C a .f ico it
'Tereiill litatimimmalorit:meet- tStudex-n t le'r' in out ail onta~innins itiashier;. Jlurtz, Ansitat iiCtshie. Chicago, Ill., 355 Wabash Ave.,
iti ofilt Itui Pm-i tin -vttig etimtttntestigig trtii -otta-"lain-metropolitan Cafe .V.'lil.ltne.
l-7t-itatmeber in urged to be presntt-il. ili-'at theiti ' ritriy of i'enstv inl at titug a 8 ie ini[ utplun Ageny sytmiiin thei
vaullta Furtt Ae. betwen Alingin Hotlnu 4V otver ,00 plittnioinsied itt 18.
A bill as ben ittrottduedt))ii10i tetandCity ofilt-n Biilitg. Optnll CNISOATDT
Th'attn ebtailtl Itt-tittof t: umitr lw f hus
Ptlao f t initn o ti in roitu ibi-s ltt clnssonet;Thuirstavtty,,itinig, titer ilhe Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, Props. Nt-tn Youk, lt Angel-, Trntu.
A'leturte, for the purotls' of orgaizinig .FT D. & r-:i-
nr partly sup(potedt by thiestale. Au- IC R FTL KTSI7FRGARTaN
ttle ilpoie o h bl-a Clans tatti.r:.Ii t anont wan FIRST CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING, Students Recreation Head-
elected tempoitary utunaigr amd C. P'.Qures
itet oathelo nametdia-chol. Ittetntnit- of iStte itt Wiliin nu.,qure.
Luntl It- itriy taptin. IIt i sir- tlltitti c. entitern e NtSN.3 lain St-et.
l'nlversihy md itooftudemtit mvilges -~h n~nt~ 1ttt itn ht ____________________________________________
tnte to de done away twithi wholy, tiin Fpent lint-V itlat!1i a.toi. tue Idiot,% to mm--te
miht be saved by- lie itoductiotn itoI r
a. billhothateltect.mot as nt 001anposible to Oln tnitain
________________ loi htm t' hmperentemit positiomn. THEU 0 I-E TT ~ I
Notwithstnding thin severtal disap- NOICETO10 XilZIS.
liltnauts wvhiehm attendd thin sni-ur- Om u eoomt of tie ~tat dthiulty il Edted by ALBERT SAW
ig of a Sieaker for Wahingtns obtaiighio correct addrsss of all '
tirtiday.11ae-ocasion wasniever more imebers of theiorciiflsit in IREIEtREV[WS
tiuspit-osy iconmtmemorated tian eaiuite recenvbdathetrtinvitataintiot h ve A'
ro vdtnrPvttom cti ee-T WAS in April 191, thai the it number
terday. John J3Lents. notoly mtiuovd tion Sturdty evimig. Timcoummit- of te American Review of Reviews wa
a worthy nubthitt for Jndge Ewig ee-twisi it to bn underood, owevoet. prited The ne idea of giving the bet that wan in
wvho had beltnipreiousliyengaged, that all tmuinirs of tieclas are ii - the oiler magazien in addition to its own brilliant oi.
but genoraliconcesnsion loors hiam vtd. C'OMMITTEEti. inal ariclen, took America by stom-am it had ake
with the imot iholarly3 and eloquennt (nrivte)lbyProf. unrpr-t f he ngin Itdelt on w
MINDJ READING deentInies mut ~ iandge-;i rinltd-fteaEglht tedtongasIt ls fmai ostatallt
lecture of tie year. Witinsuth me mii i nulntaio free. 26 N. Fifth Ave Aecaafirndseitdwthpfctneednenisonofc.
amon th rans o th aluniDITS N M SICThe Review of Reviess h a monhly, timely in ilutraion and teal,
ITSON MUSIC amd instantly alive to the newet movementa of the day, to a degree never
fiehigaim studtents need look it ar before dreamed of, Thouaands of reader who offer their colmedatiosIt
lier for oatoi n ocai on ofohhis 4 among trn the 'greaet tnams in the world, say that the Review o
iatre. I~ Reviews give then exactly vhat they should know about poiics, itea
Sixa ov Sngtire economic and social progres. The most inlential men and women
Th'lnli for distncme runners-t to lip itauth F. Sayr. Trnsttiionsunof sinI of all reed sandal parties have agreed that no family can afford to loe i
tuc ot amd b inlhrininumg 5'Monday osetn iuHevyPpers i5ueannts.nct educational vle, while for prfs
shudnotefr te o tar ht r ,,sional 1and businesa men, it in simply5 t -
shouldctotLbeGEoiSONtSn.it indipenable The idepartments are t
fewn nshate mhantd ii it teit niames OLGE, THcnEce y tn pcilssi. 1REULAR DEPARTMNTS r
nwhereas itere idhotldtbe t teast hirty' Tie stant-dardncolectionm of Colee San-n sedo er cs.swede n, I:eidsteseilarilsadca
Over S3W.0nsold. Heavy Paper t stabo°n-eOcio-awil ac ad t emsethe ftipniterimetad i
or foty catdidates for the teann in cents Cloth. iii.. $100. scores of irmediihterly igo- intereisnht~ hitineitemitan
- 4A~ traits ad picrs are in each number. timeinss, the Review of Review
thhnsgo evett. 'Thetrinling indtootCLGESNG FRGIL.uhsc thee egar depeimentsnt
All thi xliswyth eiw h iPore fte ot s -n Ianueum',ie
lorthlmomoituhmof atch tbefore out- CLLGESOGReviIRS.explhas m anhy the Revew - Tb. its emon'-Ans f
Reiwshs oe oaprobably whihthenlineritt men anitwoen
nio reinbgtatil ttIoieuy Only tbnok f the kind tpublihned. The shold n tnd teir prpens. -
(Jel pacic bgis il nt e eav3 ongsueof lime leadinge colleges fat' nomen. p unprecedented success in the fit three .incentand it mtuntepumni
andml will be omuly uch nosiill et t he Heavy Paper. $1.00.j years of its existence. For 1895 it iw4nA t sm ntheeuisne.ns T
tmtu itsncontionm tio st-i.t t rtki ~iCL ToNttnt ET~~UT~lmti-i 4wlemr nalal hnee. n whih temtmsint s hnedad
ia YL CLLC 1ONISTU1 NTL U TARMUICtkmn-medt. Aulit i sum in tusonib
outoors. beteviryotmo who etn run mAges are rping lainsoe profit. We m - nu muerin andhe~tit
- ^ -toItirytrrnet ighi-two picesa fr thnenuit-ft-m te gie beailesommissinsS.end fhe els.squotd .ut
or i iln 1t uto 0 otit er bet sures. A spedid eolectin. iiand- Crrent s lstor yis Clture ch-nni
Al ondayoer.ateanmor an oon thee- name Cover. 50 ents.- Anual S rlcpls, ss .o age on.ittitoe eensea usnaitis
uter as possible. Thu ractuk ahletieaApbakcstpniidntreitn riceRYIEWREYILW5 - osrsieussesansieas nntutletnSn
11 anagemenet has umad every effort o OLIVER DITBON CO., i 13 Muir Pliacea New Y..1ws
ineS new men, ut they arc not in a 41a-n6 s it'ss llaIa. hBotnst. 11t
gisstto sknaw of :all 1110 materialII.hluo aN. Y. Iw..4IL

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