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February 23, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-23

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_____________THE LI. OF M. DAILY.

Published l Ici(nly adore teerted) drig
.Suhteripltnpre aLsO 1per yar, inarably
narsnce di9ne eie 3cantsl. Sbherip-
teonseMayrhebeftr1a t chottfice ot the Tt)emy,
at Stoffet's, with ano of te eitore or
Auehornorl tolietor.
l'oamncatteeiono sttitilreach the ocieriy
7to'clttchrP.itt thy are to appar the next
ity. Address all inatter intended for pulic-
cn to te Managing Etitor. All bcceneses
.'orenicneatioae shold ie snet t the Sea-
ces anagttcer.
Ann Arbenr. Mih.
(ivtxtoi 13the fact that1 0u11carriers
tiook aiholidllay yesterday switioit
permscsionte c Ttt il. itws nt tdte-
liveret. lesterlisycs i0011 will ie
tielivered today sith tie regular is-
WEv are glati to n1otic that tie
proposal for the foruation of act
Inter-collegiate degatleacue itt
tile West, palibllfd ittTo- l.vI
not lotng siece, is seetngp tie sarm-
est receptioni at the heds of tie
wetern college press. Sus a league
seemosIpracticable sod easy of formc-
ation.'Ills iii s swil do all us its
powser to assit is its formatiotn.
N(III that the gymnasium11htis ieet
secured for baseball practice, every
cadidate shouid vsn11r iito tll
practice with a spirit0to wii. In
this say a 1w1ining teaml can be got-
tento ~gethler. Every cadidtate,
therefore, is urgedt to do gooiI ear-
est work and lhe regullar ill lis prac-
tice. itih glowing prospects for a
prosierous season, every effort
shotld tein~ade to add to Mlici-
ans laurels 0o1nteiatioid,
Ti 11.1CC 15 otesore pulictio hn
whichs is practically a neccssity at
the T. of MI., asd hiat is ate Alumnil
Weekly, pulbishecd in conectio
with tlilt D uIttv. A vigorous at-
temupt orsuade by te preset
matnagemet of'Tit-. Dst.v to laench
forth such a publication at lie be-
ginning of the present college year
but owing to lie dll times prevail-
ing, a sufficient number of "ads"
coicid not be secured to insure the
financial success of the ]publication.
We are satisfied that suds a paper
could he established here, even if
no more should subscribe for it at
first than the senior class, who
should feel sufficient interest in col-
lege affairs to subscribe for a college
weekly, which could b issued with
lte proper suport at a subscription
price of one dollar per year. If
sufficient interest is taken and the
times ookup, it may be possible
that an Alumni Weekly wiii be es-
tablished next year.

Indoor Content at McMillan's.
rilhe mleumbers of M\IcMillsn gyrn-
nasium11 ciiilihold their secont indoolilr
contest at lice gyiccnasisum tomorrowr
afterniootc at 4 o'cclock. Five evets
trill ite cosipeted, as follows: Run-
nling lirceati jump; standirng icighic
jump; iparaliel bar dip; rusning highc
ict; puting sixteen lioundsishot.
Tliis is the second one of foutr pre-
litminIary conttests thtat phcysical tdi-
rector Williamson hcas arrasged.
:After tiese, it is his purpose 1o give}
a fonal contest wills a considerale
number If events on the programl.,
Thcere are qulite a numllber of con-
testanlts for totuorrow's coolest, 111111
the comlpetitionl viiie livelyv. All

& o1e'ilai2

are invited.
-Y SPECI X;, L c rr. c Cc1~; I-t crecatest of all ref.
Suspected Students. B erenceLibroc c c h h~t: 'i:{.. o .z..3,.cb£ ,D ,BRiTANNICA,
we are able to <=,t ll- z z: J<ie erIre dors. Je
i thcaca, N. V., Febcruary 22.-Tlie 1 edition we offe .isr A a nRe rltl ti sPbished in 20
city authorities Itink Ilcey case large Octavo Voltcmes--f over 7;60l --0 "- '_,i cf>ttzx ad f8,000,O0
seceral cdews that ciii leadl to lice words. It concta-ins u hots epritfet I Ic.-ci c-; ouc~r.l: eer c~t ountry of the
arrest of tice sopltuclres swho0caleb-wrl, and soparate re-.ps of1. evry ~teis n teUncntc It contains every
ed lice deathc of Allary Jackson, lie topic in tice orcgcnacl Ldinbttrc dtsion, sod bloeveiliee o-. over 4,000 noted
colored cook, by liberatieng chtlorisne people, living and dean, not coetauted set any othcoioln.
gas inth Ae kitcceec adljoieccecp lie aualthont paralcel isohlceiccelort i- t; ca -iomdentcrptrcses stunds our offer
timing rooco swiere lice fresien to our thousands nfl fricnds an t ric.dcrs. Sticaceuioffesr has evecer been made
swere hlolig tile class supipier Tiles- before. and should have your iacaefl t-oosudcratcon. I -cry reader, therefore,
clay night. 'Tcey think tihey know ( i earnestly solicited to give thte attentiona to this offer that its importance
svio purchcased thie tools to ecake tice' and litberality deserves, as it is oplts foir a limited period only. It means
hcoles icnlice loor of lice kitchteec acid that the best and most expensive Entieclopmldia is within easy reach of even
whlere soece(If tee cieeemicals ulsedi the boys and girls. Parvnts encoctras our crhildrenctisabita of economy
cane foee. heslltletei silleetsfor that noblest of all ht.ltoe -"--Co omy foe the siake of en education.
are beinlg wtached andli till lie ar-Juthikoi.A.asipT
rested if thcey try to leaeet11w1.
Studlients itlersolc,:Tctceil aedcil lc- i
1tCullitcie,twio are sufflerinlg frimltce I 1 0A
inees oicthicet, are sliwly illror E.for the short period of E3Pi' dtl.. 0. s5 (-i ae to youthe RE~VISED ENCY""
Inp. ix citing dtevCelopiienits are ex- ;CLOPEDIA BITA'NTT;,ri:n o ~aoyoalcls. wieh covers every
Ptectedi, for pheysicianssay that ally- department of lcnowli td ,i hctsows to -L* " .cmi.o s)1ciWusesoy other
onle whio knletv 1110 to arrangle tile library-mo mau c4"nnt
chlemcicals slut ailacifultisIledi 1mtst
haekonhwdal h astat toes gensera tell. -Special to
Free tress. On receipt of only Ono Dollar wecr will Tosrard toyotc, char gee prepaid,
- the entire oct of 20 volutmes, thd uCcicllc in 00 to.lie paid at the rate of
10 Cents a day (to be remitted -outeels t Abecuiful dince savings bank
This edition is printed fromt so- ACCo 11 due quality of paper, and
as strongly -boudi eavny uiI-- bhwith proper care will
lastforyeas. earisail le'.C'1c,'-, 2 ii -cchticea are delivered tW
1kyu drswith nit char; L3 pai l. - )i tcl tscl t ld States,
Tils I;t steecilcoflermetl on ely Itoitheraders of1111 U. o0 .M. I) il anets i cilIrie
u..occ-..cc- scc-c ne. ...t..o. mtcin oeno alimi tied ime nl.
oaoe asvra aAuira risuapsic o

Is the asost effective aoil agr-ee-
ab~le remuedy in existence for
preventing indigestion, and re-
lieving those diseases arising
from a dtsordered stomach.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfid,
Mass., says: "Ieluie it as as excellent
preventatire ef indigestiset, and a pl easant
aeidulated, dinkenle properly diuted wiit
water, and swceetened."

(t thfis Out and Send1(1to i-i. W. (URTISS,
Buseinesis MeanagOer r T Pit. I. ccF it Otics.
I c1ill[1 ilani tia8ooc, dsbdci tii-eS11ilci 1 the vl yu il Saxii,BcilI oriciq 1f
J ev1cliIe[c)?itil 111(oidt furc~theriitg iriet iei irciida.~~ -mtaigt

lalst-tif .......
Comity. --

Deriptvr peanphlet free see appliocatioto aGO T
Bewarecif Sebsltteseand Imitationa. Ated BathIetoms. W. H. OWEN, Proet. It s acure c-are. Try it and be contesinced
NO.eeswill never lege-Iit. 'sent hr malt t6anc-
Noq East Huron 51t.. posiptlelCeurt addresi. Price. OteeDosllsr. JOHNP. HOSRR
House. Ret, Cold and See Salt Batle. toe- I4155 d Iceb51., (hirago, Illinois. Sen-t r tic
For Sale by all Druggists. c-aintus ui.

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