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November 23, 1894 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1894-11-23

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VOL. V. No. 48-




It Was Presented at the Regents'
Mefing Yesterday.-Other Busi-
ness of Importance.
At:1 1111 isfis itfn' it Iniveel-"f.
yi'sfee+ owd~iy 1)iillg'flthe lt
c-ou-fclluod tr1. oleii~li ineIi ltltli
Ii' fssitfis i1 his E-hip (F'i tE-< n. o
Ioi 1; i I lls . hi l iltf'tot v I _li tIiii'i'ity
;111(1 Ii,,-;ilesire to rliiiiv(i' wfeeifil
frli furthiilrii' ibiiifi'I'f~siiieii i l l'
ittlit of the iroinuci' I pciiref. Hil

,fi'eer ftfi t, eoniiffttip- lyMr. I TOMORROW'S GREAT GAME.

l1,fivix' fto Icivi'fullcontl of suc
tfif'lp f fluffaintiAforks s £.11 1eider 11ri.
if 'esi' Supfeirvisioni. flit; sili-y is to
Final Game Today.
1fill'('fill lit u.f11i1i'(111 ih1 w iioo li-ill
'i ply thelii fiffiliffe (4 111fill111101"
cliii. iries t lefl ufieldti- fR.Teyal i tif iii11.t

How Michigan and Cornell Will Line
Uo at Detroit.--'Varsity Praction
Ii f i litifii ffif ii ' filluli'. ns li
f(Tlw I5 yf ini iiiiiii ll. 1 iiif(' -mmi
oneiiftit 1111 iii li ii -lOn, other.
1iiiiihh ie1i is huyi cuff''iiiiiiiisnie
leunrsee. flu-n, ill pityand'tiif&
dpnupnil f lsin as iith.i.an

Siiie' petopli' though try' to use'
oll niiitonet
Wie Say Boy Those WhchBave lone,
{ f51 South Main st.

Cf:8lluo'itl ullnd ithe ift-*:; fill Ih,
Iv i tlfiii fils iii liii toitheliii' i-i

i-al l uifli-mi-e.
Ieni-if l-tiefni1 r lu-u iiiif)'ei 1hai:
thefifillfft ii i ieann'rrebr ii' thei llii-i
iiailii'facufly i' iskedi tfprisenit
1'11)._ill uioide'r'that11lihesc'hoiilfimly
ib' eiiiiy ro;aie Thii'so iifrcd t ffti'ifm fil cl 1111
Al'tiiii itionfig hIf reetefromliilii roil.
'miii''fiili' Iicliitoitoreis ii' prfire
.c ni'i ii 1111 iii'
lung foiirlithe'ymn'siufor ii te.1Juni'r
fteiex tiiieinig'
Regent Ba~rbouur ciii eulfthatf100) ii
iipoiniiileiiifur li asitnt in thelii
flis'libraruy,anti 11lso lth fitelgil
f'fefffffff Clnfteiw't, sli'e fithefllwt
biiltdiig lbi eniloseid. in give retmifofr
ensiiltitiiiisofitheiii' sii-iifn Dl-
It 'was ioNeithlut 20)llocers hi'
piurchlasiedlandulplattueid ifl feaws'buildt-
fog, ti-lire they coiulid be ri'nted ati
;l a year. tt theyweve no it useti
unoughiinoiiakce it lprefitabletinru-'
11110 themi, they -were to lie placedf in
ftegyminasiumi. Deiferreid.
Seveni hundreid uniuiweftulydilliars
wais apiprepriateilfore coering flit
'heating piples inft h usemnent of flit
hiemeopauithic, denial. lati'afoillibrary
The degrci's of JL.LBi. tias confer-
red on Robert Brute Nuteliell, and thle
degree of D. D. S. o A. C'. V. It.
Ifti-as decided to eonstriict five
newtt'stairwvays at flit rear of flit
stage iii Lniv-ersity hall, flit present
,Stairwtays being blockedulip by flit
:'olnmbian organ.
A resolutioin ias offiredl giving thfe
gymnilasiumn for a hop to flit fraterri-
ties provided if closes at 3I a. ii. This
tics laid on flit tabli' as' iwas a pieti-
tion from flie junior social coilmnittee
askinig for ft'e gym. for ft social
Jlan. 18.
It wvas decided io emloly a new 'ell-

ThefiWi' 1111 e etifly i iiiii f111i di"
Aliiwf,11 cuiu'dr i n lat l ay.ili and the fll
ci togifli-nei by Grufdin atilffickl
Ll wiiifils wthdntfilififil f5IN U'il

L.1 itte ha 1h eard o-i fi~i f iii' I '
adjitmenh fi~~fu it, n fIi ll c le if't -11 ils,11lE i',till 1t11 If you iwanifto get a fine hex of
hiackhl fill bei'filli'ih hi Cookill ''ll s)- la ) hi ek R aNlII
iii' faw's iiill lbe' i'lfftfluiifl by I 'i-< - al ndi ieihfi -l ilinsylee i'felfl CHOCOLATE BON B S
fuui'uh. muwitliMtlti'S3ieiu'nihif.1t
S.aiuirdayiibut:iareill'rhfgt ~'liii' Cheap; Hot or Gold Lunches Either
':)(; it,'.iParter will iac t's if -ii' Night or Day go to
i c liiiis ii ltbe 'in fuu'uf. t, inelhul f i - i-
'flu' iu'aauis st-illarshialliNewellftoh("0i101IR.. E. JOLLY & CO., State St.
'i1 iu ii hhfiuf hhfi lt RETUBEN H. KElV[PF,
Tfiisipsiui tfi 'uufcif f Stuttgart, Oeruiany,
Lewis--------- celte---------ut If''ii has'b'en si-retfofr nearliwo u
Raikestt--------- 51- ri-lth~----- itchueIt'ils Ci ui rei ll Teacher of Piano, Organ and Mufsical
ritfit ilit10 1lt ittricksite eusi' u Composition; also the Art of
Bruadfiell-_ he---irig t ed- ----- alisbury lihi'gauule tiithi 'ihltf'ht'ihiahi, us' u-u, Teaching.
ilffhui -ielefi- -fa~ hul lu t'~ ii il ii-l fStuidio w2)S.Diishonu S.nAor-fuce.he
Plm ----e-----rigiuflul f - Q_----uinotbahll. MERCHANT TAILORING!
Mclenie ---' - tefll tae-------Showaehhr t'leaninsg, Pressing and IRepairhig
flit ftlloi'luI fulfill hfoisiituteidone'nCastle~fy by
Gymnasium Opened. ifii'l'cu's 11ealsi 11111suibstituufies fluAUG. dCIOOENE'SALD, h26l E. Washigteoi
hos h i iui u gel', 181; ("a rt-, ;)51/ fffVla,184; FuRESH L11INE o
W'aterman gi tllihihtffhfitsifuhuowi, airl1'yu11l)17;1'1;iLOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES
of flu' uast.Yustrdayfy(it 4:1:I 1).111.11ST1REEIVtEAT
tifweit lu'heleasttihilflit'. iexcetihitfe 8f tui.d~l iru-- 3 111.~TUTTLE'S,
hulth' t u-hrl 111 huduusuhuuuiug1711; Blafild, 141; t'eru-lt, 148; fygier.t8,5 SATEST
111; Dyc r, 1611t; hihuuuingsiuiu, li1
thueir suifts, flh'first c1-11151was tclledCi'AliC E I
flu ushc f' Di iitgtfulu Yefu'uiui hardst, 1:)11/x; lenardf, 1(3h; Denbuhy,
aftrnon dillwasgivr) ; tNindeli, 175; hlulkes. li1f. 'flu'
heuuueuifei' ti-tight nf fthe lihil f1111ha.ti-ill SHO FO fG
ot idumuubells.Mllny u ljeyf-ul hiruin _ lasisshtfnow oteh.Pupils receivedht assy
linip if hgahhhst tCorne'l l li-11 e .1/ ifme, thetserumsrinfug with date feeladmis-
oin fluetruickwi-ifli t butthus were- i sluuiuAI thusses aue unuder tepersonail iuu-
polunlds, flue ui'u'rugu' weiighltfitestructionuu of fur. ands.lmRfoss Granter. No
greaft idemandlif. Mucihu enthufsliafsmu)fils stairs thu muount.Offiee ad as nclinhgliail on
uuaiiflsfililby all. 'flue isitors' (galliebig13pudado l h rudfor anr t
baciks 1,04 peunudis.n fllfh
lucy ti-hs crowdued to ifs futmlostlasill Tuhu elih-lt-llW II1 KII S O E
spiectatoirs au-c reuireud to50oftere. riobably fbi'as followtis: I' *
Adelphi Program. 1I. Frs POI'iTION O RNtlEL
sciter--------lfe --til ----heachaau W e offer discount on all
Thu Adelphliswill field a min'ug' In- Vilha---------efttackle--------Hll
Car l___r.____eft goaru- tfar'uerltapfl University Text-Books,
night io thueir nueiw qiartlers.'flue Saith--i----------eenfc te auhf _____~e il Law, Xedical, Pharmnaceustical
folloing pruogruamu itill be carriedu'outf Iliesihger ----rigiht gaad---tohuuouand Scientific Books.
lladden-h ------riglu ihtke------- ogers
Music; i'xtemuporaneous debate, i'.ff., Price or ilayu----righ~ftuin-------Thassiui We boy and sell second-hand books.
7Ir. Block, flit, Mr. Watson; paperf, OBaird......-----if qaerter ---'-f- yckfof Mathematical Instrumenuts and
Mr. Ilalajlian; delamuatiorn, Mr. 1011- iterert-h---- eff hal ---------lasouu Drafting Supplies at special
Oygerf ------'rglthall -------Oyer rates. We offer
bill; mifhc; debate, "Reisolved, thati Dyer - ha---fll bfillet ----- Ohil Best Linen Paper at H0C Per Lb .
flue Presidentf of flue T t'uieu8111ff- Pre'usidient Slfuirt, outlhe ur'ueuui'i-B
shosuildlbe teetedlby ua direcftcut", - BEST NOTE BOOB FOR 25c.
huff., Mussus. Sf1111eIfandiurn''uuer, uut-.,\surSity ffa15setf hlurs to ft'efrel-i __________
Mlessrs. Merle andi Linidley. di-ils of Miiin rotal, Wfisconsin.i('flu- SOLEAGENTSifIOR
caugo, Northwuesternu andufLakelouirist ++ WAIHMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTINHPEN, ++
T1hin last luulaiuer of Harpeuir's ffeelly uiversities askin" for af coiutureiuur
conutuainus uasrife up of ilurvardl tol- oil college athletis looking toi fle 'TO SWOR uS.
log, itha iewofthe(,ria)u elmiatin f pofssinaism 0Uiversfly Bookstoire, Down Town,
lui ii iI -es ffi uuuls. ul iutou0fff f1.I,~- onte e f, Opp. Curt Posse.

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