____________THE, U. OF M. DAILY.
.e~j* ~ "~i. ~Yale-Harvard-Princeton.
_____Tlhe following baseball games, as
u .selDiy Snsaxrpe)drn now arranged, will be playedl be-I
taeX0atiere year, tbytaveen P ale, Harvard and Princeton
-- MaW 4-Harvard vs. Princeton, at
Subscriptianiiese.50s per year, invariably P riotictoitst.
ia aervancersingle eopiei 3 rents. Saltserip- 'MFay ito-Princeton vs. Yale, at Nesv
esons may bseleft at the oilier at thr DAIsY, Hnavesll
it rcslt's i~haii a te rstriorMay 30-Princeton vs. Harvard, at
aithorized solitors.
Communicatians should reiaeh the altare by Cambatridge.
7 o'cockhr.ss. if they ae to appear the next Junie 9-Yale vs. Ptrinceton, atI
lay. Addtress alt matter intended for publiea- Princeton.
in to the Managiag Editar. All basinessa un
commurnicationa ahaald he sent to the Carl- Jn siaess avri ttai
nss Mainager. bridge.
THE U. aof H. DAILY. Junse 26-Harvard vs. \Pale, at New
Ann Arbar, Mieh. Haven.
th dtosd nthld themses ""' "' ' In case of tie between Yale and I
eilefur te leopinissns or sirataemseata at correet- Harvardl, the deciditng game will be
eanoetnts. appaing in the DAter.
playetd at esv York on Satttrday,1
lassasisic bEditoresay lie fIsissi ats ilsls )t. lisiiv tJne 3o.
day n k'r Vi ississ-.5Isoat7soil l ockiesit.p. 3. Es'- - - - - - - -
Ss'si: ill.i of tbe motive fear goostd__
vigorosis practice tin the parst of the
track athletes of Wisconsin, the Horsford's Aoid Phosphate
the Cardinal says editorially: Is the tasost etlertive antd aps-ee-
- If we test outr skill with Michsi-
gas in field and track events, ave are able'reitedy in existence for
vitro frons past experience that our
soon will lhave to train hard to sin, preis'butitlg inidigestiont, ttnd re-
and if Michigan is not our opponent, li;ts ts iessa-sn
the contestants may rest assuredst vn hs dsae rsn
tbat another collage will be secsred trois a disordered stomach.
tbat at toast cannot be defeated
aithoust hardl training." Dr. W. 'W. Gardner.,lSpringfieldi,
Adsign yourself "A constant reasher" or "An old subscriber," if yen want t
know when Christopber ('olttihbus dis-coveredt America, or tbe slate of the great
fire of London, or what is geod for witisipisig corsets.
It is true liar editor is only too avilliti to ohuge yota, hot why got your infor-
mation at secnd hsatid? I-s it.nt sells-c to hasve it ittyouir owns head, ready far
tise at all times, atiotelize iis fih i'ipieiissne'i' itiat i"knowledlge is poaver?'"
All knowirsiga is bseIs ust cavllesiris v, well digsested knowledge will
enable you to fill satisf -sclsiy use-),ssp itisssi itiflitlo avhicih yost nay be exiled.
Hosw is the best asay- le a seqslisetilisalicI-h e? dat bsy a stray qutestian,
asked at odd times, buttte;blisecii-- y yvit)ass isestiscat form, tebrat and mast
careftally arrangedh soslpitlsillsiof c l i si 5isi t'l r'stlsit.
You knowv withlsatca,(-ssthe jl s-s-t iiio15515f tir ile sas revised. Hao'
many leaned roeti-ii"o.sll o ko-r 'fii simchpler, eachl pasragraph.
Hose every avord seas Nveighed itvati 'es's '-s'+ vs else', aas tss-o anot its best and
ta-uest nieaning.
In the onion way is(--ll't' tn s-, 1;, -di :'s all bratcahes of knowledge,
selected on accouant of i,-c's-"- i-u l~of:sHisais wvhirih thsey adorned,
labored fosr yeas to c's Ii's1t. 5i; - 1k-o; o'!a 'is L resintresis-e library of all
susefeul facts.'lihi'reasult o !-ii tsat.itaii lttveloediia Britannica.
It is a wvonslerfult scrk. iczl is. ' l ~c..,;f sills .ig-sitid an explanation of
nattiral phenonarasa. It is sicsiu-seflitie si<- 5t' - sel;ar as ill--i0sto epoet. It remains
for us to place this tissefilwoerk i' avi xss ais''of th eieoleC. i-or the price of one
cigar a dsay, the loosest assictssas ms akc e 'isisseinChiseler of any art. and has-s
at homtae a library that ccilllbe' t-a lidais nstdel-igtof isswifeand children.
U ioN such slays as Easter ,:tta
Fruit and Fblower Mission has in the
past takean fruit and flowers to the
patients at the hoapitals. The near
approachc of E:aster mcakes it neces-
sary to rernind thce students ofsthtis,
as their aid musst be had to enable
the Misaion to keep op the cutatoam
this year. TiscMission shcoetledbe
ass expreasion of thce sentimenct of
the students, else it fails in its lir'
pose. It ascould be mainalianed
fromc the spirit oif generositv asid in-
terest in huamanity existing in the
community, if it ia to ho at all ese-
ful or worthy. At sucha a time as
the Ireaent, it should only be neces-
sary to renmindelta students sithtec
wvork antI aeeds of the Miission to
obtain a generous resiconse. A very
small contribution from every stu-
dent would be sufficient for all the
work thec organization would under-
take. Besies the fruit and floavera
chich have boon taken to the sick
on holidays, the Mision tans always
boon ready to provide a free- bed at
the hoapitals when the phcysicians in
charge have thought it advisable.
Boxes for contributions have boon
placed in the halls. One is in the
nanin htall at the loft of the door to
the president's office; another is
placed in the rear entrance to the
medical building; a third is in thce
front ball of the lawe building.
Mass., says: "I valar it atsaexcerlenst
preveniative of indiestaion, ansi a plrasat
acidlaed drink wheniprloely dilutedetI
u-ale, andswaeetened."
Rumrord Chemical Works, Pra-eideneeR.I.
Besvaseeot Substitues andslnleileisisa.
,jurrea~ asastisySese tasarts tilsaeIae o o.ruse peaatM u
Fnr Sle b allDrugists entire set of 20 vollames, the remaitning $9.10 to be paidi at the rate of 10 cents a
day to he retuitted nmonthly). A beautiful dime savings hank wiii he sent witta
Atilrd mW. GOOtIalas.Flistin. 0Grsoer ofI the hooks; in wvhich the dime may be deposited each day. 'This edition is printed
i ~see. iarnationis ad Flosiaers o1 all tori- from new, lreteo ieulto radsrplbudi ev
ety. Floral dseiens aestusponsssot saicsae.lrg ype naesquaiy ofpaper adstoglybudi ev
No. i Obseevassivy strert, opp. cemeeeergae. manilla paper covers, which with proper care will last for years. Bear in mind
bnat the entire 20 volumes are delivered to your address, with all charges paid to
t 4 1II any part of the United States. r'
THIIE C LU BI li isaa slessiaofes niasde- only ts ihie eile7osTHEsi.t'Osi'M. DLYasMa16isxatillsre
iStandard Bicycle maiopensir a limited imeiis-niisy
of the WVorld, (sat this Oust assel Sutt[ oPh F. i.: MOGJ ,siatlas.
sistilsisi iinagestirTnaliU.sotMhiDyILY
gracefsl, light, nsu tioi. tiers
l ilalisas st in Aseicastsstill re-
tamrais lsterat Ithelsead. Awas Pl iesit it-cc t('teis l sis('it if .ti cllisitiss (f lJsciss S Ii'iivyvhssiss hiss
well upsosthi- times sitsa little ina
adve, tsweth-srvseldisid 1>i titic, atovessi sti'ss, tsogethe is t Vhsftyour DLiae, kNaity tjs tisl, /s trlus/
seenreasagipopulsarity is a I ewslseo ve DJlarhitsi'.ftit'rhcra(c toi's h'sdoll10 s'sisis (1,tittij (se siitiiius/Its
ctso etif pride still i-atifiii-tisii oiswsi sissih ish t ssiil t s'l.vaisish/59,00 iho/silly jsihsi.
toi its russ t,e. aoeite ia bicycle-
asidsitsto srsiea C'olumabia is tos
Boston, New York, ,Sills.....
Chicago, Hartford. __________________ ________
k .t tessnsilintusu te ds-as tie-es N PALACE + BARBER + SHOP w ICATARRH HVEYO T
lee's- it ass 5'olsnflssssuess ymyIMEDICINE.
sssitis ass esoetsieshamss'. o And Btathtiaoosss. V. IH. OWE ,rPao., I -a 'ec .Try tad be c viisecl.
NO. 4 HuAs Mron St.. OpsieCeore asisre,<s Pris(e. Osse Dollar. J0IN 1st aO~is
IIa - 5Hue o Cold.tSandS easSalt Baths. Pe- lt:(' t ihSt., etitagt, Iblisi. Siesd fore
eil~liiIi Is-