~Ijc il. 'Of
AL. Wait.
VOL. V. No. 21.
Several Changes Necessitated in
Our Team on Account of Baird's
Injury.-Yesterday's Practice.
The last hsome game for some time
will be played here today with Adrian
College. The game will 1)0 called at
4:10 sharp, so as to play nearly fuill
halves before (lark. It is just now im-
possible to stale the line-np of either
Adrian's or our own team. Villa will
be unable to play, and I eysloldls will
Final Tennis Contests. "THE SCULPTOR'S ART."
The final singles iii the tennis tour- Prof. Sidney H. Morse Greeted With
nament yesterday between McKenzie a Large Audience at Unity
and Prescott are de)claredl to be the Clu _Latvenng
best exhibition of te game seen on Tfhe0 unitarians churchl was filled last
11)0 t1nversity courts. slnight by an audlielnce whicll was both)
Fotir ganses were played; 11)0 first ibstructed 1and11amuse'd will) Prof.
of which) was wonos by P'rescott, 6-3, Sidney 1t. Morse's lectufe on "The
and the next three b~y IMekhsate, l6-1, -culptor's Art." Prof. Morse is asreri-
6-4. 6-4. Prescott seem~ed to win 11))'dent of Chicago, luos11 form)') rest-
tirst gamse withs east', making several dessce in tlle east gave him n as)e-
ltl)01051in)llpllays. 'Mcto)'nzie entert'd I uintansce'wil)sth)uc lOm)n1asEsn))'-
probably fake his p11ce st tackl'. Iharder is)h scd-atel 5 and gl))' sed0)
Greenleaf will probably ill Cal.the 1R) ieshaw str oke' will) such efect
Btaird's 1placc at qusarte'r, :and) l-')rl)rt that Prescot was lbewileredl by'his
will captain 11)0 0t1)1. ift11)se'.will)
11yan at e'nd, will be1'about (ll Ille
tchanges 1to1)'e51m)1).
Yesterday's lprac'ticl' betweenl the
'Varsity anid rese'rve's was very stasb-
horn. 'l'lsre)' extra 11)0) were put be-
hsissd tse lisle on till're'sl'rve's, and1
thley held tile 'v'arsity to tovo touch-
downls in) the hlfut iour's 1)11cc 11). 'Ilh)
chae o~c)f ssigna' lslnthe esev101)id
grousndl 0)tile'lasily. IN. W. Gifcfins
carne)' 0ut 1a1)1strensgthened-)thlb'rs-
serves' lisle visibly, 5show ing upt)i15)is
olidIs't o)')fo ). Seve'ralii 51)0'play13s
were intr'oduce'd, 11)1)1will1b' use'dt 15
today's gasme.
Fall Field Day.
Entries fo)r the f)111 field day on Sal-
ulrday sare com~issg is) qulite rapidly,
11)1)1the eigit 1vents 05) 11)0programl
will be well contestedt. All 01)0 wishs
to comptiee 5must0 hand))n15)hir)'names10
before Thursday- 1100))to L. -Martin
or J. A. Leiloy.
Tile track 11115beens cleaned up11) and)
soiled, find is iss first class condl~ition),
'beisig fairly smnooth asnd firss. A nuin-
Pber of men0)0an' out 0)) lh' track every
dlay traisnisng for thfie llay,11)3.but 11)0
junipers0fare as)5yet slow in gettin~gout.
Noi)' e110) of goosd repulltatioseinil
tile tnive-rsity, anld some)0records Ima~y
go Saturday.
The Locker Sale.
Secy. WFade reports thaulpt to tis
date over 700 lockers hlave' been dis-
posed of. 1611 being 10111 to wosmen.
Tis sneans thlat an additional numuber
will be necessitated to supply 111000
who are yet desirous of taking tile
work. A questioss has been ssked in
regard to tile possibility of two per-
sons using ono locker. Mr. WFade iss-
formss the Daily thsat it has been decid-
ed not to allow this practice.
Hilsdalo defeatedi Olivet yesterday
by a score of 34 to G. Snyder, a Hlls-
dale msan, had a leg brokess assi was
otherwise badly isjured.r
If you wish to have your rooms relist-
-ed, advertise them in the Daily. 1-7
smashes10. OMcKenzie ticd lobbing
withs goodl lscess.
Tile priz0 for tile sinslgiasi 1olver
shingisemsug valuied at $7.
Till' doules will be pii)3l')i tomlor-
row 5and1nst 11)1y, will)McKesszie
asid('hickerisig again~st Ilerrick Iandt
11111; andli Jos1l-n land 1'Wither agaisot
P'resco~tt lull Scaillry.
Pre'scott gradualltedla1)st yea~r ff1o11
Clii'llgo tUniversity-, whlere lill'was
chlamplion) 15)tenn~is, ff11110Selabu~rv
wvas last rea~r's chapilon of till'--'I ii-
eig)) highl schoolsi.
The Senior Laws.
005), Holmes and1111Parker, and(1tieleice-
tu~re was)5filledl will) anecdtest0 and 1bits
of expesiessee drawnO~ from is ipersonl
knowled)ge- of ttse' 1101.
Tile lectssre waos smainliy iillstraltive,
coilsistisle lof crayonsk iethes 1)11)1ass
exp~lanaltionlof tilt'lmannerl'fof mlakinlg
1a busst. P'rof. Morse's tranlsformaoltios
of face oulins dsrovn by5101a11 boys
15) the1 audience 'woe)''s'pelly-113clevec
1a1d) sur5prise d 1p1 leasedtltill' au1d1-
0)100.'Two busts were exibiitetd madel
f01)1 c1)1y' obtainled1inl tilevicisity of
Asnn Arbor andli trof. Htorse explainedi
tile methods111of molinsg,lmainglg as11-
te casts 1a1)1 copyllgill marl-el.
Ins)plealkinlgof 1110 art I'rof. Morse
'sid 111)11till'wily1)to 01)1'me 111)to l)-
))1)5)l,)1)1) r)))) s pole oi0(f strangec
Til l~~lr 11W ~a5 111) i .1 lletspeelchl and11ihabits 5isI toiappeal 1o thi))
justl after tile lecture ye-sterdlay,00)111
- ' by thse universal language of 1)1a1.
Presidenut Keerssn))till' ~lir. I l ua ens vntems it
All lunanimbeugly 001'))dtleoiholdtthg
wil sslsll)11553-liltlll ol bi tlenoroslt, iundlerstlandlltile xptressioss lf
c1l1ss electionl a we-citfroll))Sltilfld.y
-thloughlt bytpictureO writisng.
on) Nov. :3. 1)1nhmotionhof 1011. Reese It is a mlistaketea110)litht 0cthis
1)0 drudgenry' 151tile artist's lif)'. 1)nce
of five 1o co-opera'te withl a litke c01)-
or twlc'), pi'rt'illsct'. )it alife 11)1)ge 'e
lmittl'l'fromu till-junsior clal ss ntile
aealaweare a1111 nd 01' t)'h))1 1)0up1reme5
00ork olf set'ur'ing11a51s'eakelr for 111)01)
l)omh)5t ipresent15 sif. 1B)t1 10 0)101
ington's Birthday. 'T1) followoingllO)t)('lICIstieilr. t10ie
commsittee wa1)0llannouncedl)i 13' trcst-
ovorker' whso15islrepallredi1anst kno0w
deist Keerns: Mlr. lR-eoe, Miss 'Va1-
thsat lt'elmomenlt hissarrivedi. OWe to
5011, a1)11'Messrs. Asdssss, Wessto's and~
oursrte1sil01y'if 000 are1abl'eI) to oit
Violet. Til e )xecu'tive- committee'l lf
the las wa auhorie001)wke )entill'righit thoursrtrittes. Labollr is
tile 1l 1) 00)10lleltslorlltoe ~slIt'
Othr estrnunieritis a 1's- Pof. 'Morse lannhounced0l himl)1'f 1)0 a
football e'nltllhuiast, andsibefore un-
gagedl promlinenlt spea-kers fur Feb1. 2..
Ex-President Mlllrrissss ooii ll vres osiing at bust o(f a flotbal p 11la1st'
thse stssdents, of Lelasnt Stanlfordl U'ni-red " Tagyalth G r-
'er~sil3'. ovhile Chief JusticeFlile'rtofCadnl
sr Th"'ie Psist ao first matte vas a
thse Uolled States 5supremlle court, oowil
to like serovice for tile I'li'lhgo till' reptresentatlionl lf Capitlainl Ilirti, of
the L'. of 'M. football teals), sssosles
frosu a pictusre of Btaird in Spalinig's
Information for Dents. "otalOto"'f10) vi avi
Tile desstal faculty owilil makel'.sic- iss thse afte-rnon saitd it woas admuirably
tersuisetl effort tis 3ear to plrecvent donse. As sownvs in tile evening, howc-
till studts performsinsg sisy denstal co-cr, it wals chanlsgted, owing 1t) an) 1)-
woork or operattions outside lot til ecidlent 0whihhad 11e11osly injusred)tsil
school, unless under tile instructionl of afternhoonh Pilt.
tile proper persons. Any student 101)0 At thse close of Isis lectiure trot.
violates tlissrule oill poitively'bho'Morsehil-d Inlisforsmal re-eptionl,
e'xpledIIfrosm tileschool. Osn' sft1- meetingsogm011) )ds)luintllsll' amslong
dent hsas bees) expelled1assd any3111-her s e stuidents.
detected iii tis ovork will be a1s se Unless you wvant to be a grind sub-
verehy punished, scribe to the Daily.
Trys to learn without ooks.
Someo people though try to us
musical instrumoets with little
or ito tone.
We Say Buy Ihose Whih Hae Ton.
We sol that kisnt.
51 South Main t.
Opp. Court IHouse Alans S.
It you wait to get a fins box of
Cheap; Hot or Cold Lunches Either
Night or Day go to
R. E. JOLLY & CO., State St.
1)0om te ORyal Coos-.)rvtoy
Teacher of Piano, Organ and Musical
Composition; also the Art of
Studios 2 S.Diviio St. Ass Arbor.ic.
Cening P'rssin ndRepairing
oeneatly Iy
AUG. SeIoOEN UVALI).761E. Oahingons
/ 48 S. STATE ST.
Clias'-.0s15now on.'llpts-rcied'Iatolasy
tme thoermstring)10))ith) 1)t)10oladmisl-
sion. Altclassesreonder the perona)li 5)-
tructi 10)1)f Mr. aod Mrs. IRoGrnfer. No
stairs 1tolmount. tofie 111)d lllsoeing iHal 005
We offer discount on all
University Text-Books,
Law, Medical, Pharmaceutica
and Scientific Books.
We buy and sell second-and books.
Mathematical Instrumests and
Drafting Supplies at special
rates. We offer
Best Linen Paper at 20c Per Lb.
Clshieesety Iostore. lDon Town.
en tole s. Op. Curt Huse.