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March 23, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-03-23

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Published Daily (Sunday exceted during
the Clleg year, by
OrricE: Timen building N. Main nt., pposite
.pst ofice.
H. COEuAN, LI. '7, Mnaging Edir.
G.C. II lluoso, La '96, Assi stanit.
A. X. SIH, JL.Spelh, Assistant.
IW. A. Seiar, Lase'li, Assisant.
J. A. ,Lelsi, Lit 'S, Atblei Editor.
J. S. PLANiT" Lan '0, Business Mlanager.
iH. Vevyr, Lass'tI, Asistant.
Ansociate Editor.
S. B. Shiley, LI. '5. I. A. Dancer, Lit.
E. L. Eans, Law 'it. El.Sundrland,Lit96t
Carrie V.Smitb.Lit.'9. L.R. lamblen,Lase'I..
(.A.looghtsi,Det'0. C. 11. arrell, Li..'.
M Gilbert, Engr.'97.1i.BGamonooMedi'9.
Minnie MI. Thomnson, Lit. '9.
G. A. eah. Pharmie 'l.
Subscription price $210 per year, invariably
in advance. Single epies 3 cents. Subscrip-1
ions may be 1f t at ele ofice of teDLseYns
at Stofiet's, at Sate t. neosandawith any
of tics editors or auhosried solicitors.
tCommuictis ashould reach lbseaofies by
7 o'cuck p. m. if they are to appear the et
day. A ddrroa all nattir in teded for publi-
cation tt the Managisg Edior. All busiess
cammunications sould be seit to the Busi-
ness Mlanager.
An Arbor, Michel.
Tiseeiizenis, stdetsandut pies
hose tbseitheirlshabres; ns-wlietlus ls's
irihie0f1o5 t'lhet sl'r11a.
By thei'schittule at gaiis a litlh' i
1y llii'barball 1510070 llt lt it will lie
sitn ihat Meliigii will miet iii bet.
teams ofstliiiWiet T lmotlstils-
fatorytilpo'it, hioveor, s thdetlarg
numbert'sof home galilo which art 11o-
'T'e nollllsitt'ltha lot tle, long-
vwisliti-for."coa's annx" Itoit'e gmi-
nilailmlis praltally seuirt'dlwill be
gldly iecived byt the whi'slolcUniver -
s11. 'lii' wor: which ilh' XVtrihan
gymnalosiumiihas idoe saue ts110011-
thes wooen of tie lilivrity will o-
haillsthe uipplortnitit's for athletic
wourk 91 iieldel by l 50st1den1s.
Nowat httilt'sn110li'tsiapp"illt'ae
it is fotund thlat lilt grtunids nrcheli
it's'lare. i sdelorblel cot'ndliition alaa
resuloftilisa xsasvtiig dootslasI
wrP hecmnedStliil'ait't toce if lpre-
tiet' is to begisin du tit hts for stis-
fsctiory reuls. Tliiegioudiit oiiid
lie tiooghly rollitd11ato is OssiN-
tle, while the gronit is soft.
Who May Vote at Annual Elec-
11,lise attention of the memberslhtlof tie
Athltic aoeoiation s cleld to lt'
following list of inriobers. If you
hose iiurchiaset a ticket and do not
fintd your nisaie in this list it will e
to yor interest to reort _te' smeit
to the director of whoms the ticket
was purchasesd or to J. H-. Preniss,
treosnrer of tie assoioion:
B. 11. Austin, hR. 1M. Addlensn, NW.
H-. AldrewE A. C..Motls, J. G.
Bertrand5. Jas. Bradlry, R. Baleh, L.
G. ftaek with, 8S.1H. Bur, P.L. Brooks,
F. P. Brach, Chas. Baird, J. E. uler,

ter, E.B.eiltnt, Jas. iairdl,I".liriseot'.
'. 1t. Bush, . '.II. 1B'nnitt, 1t. 1'.
Boiiilisissl A. P'. tisrutigis, C. P.
Bhiss, it. .I).losssloiid, S. C. Basb -'trte
II. S. Basrlowv, N. '1. flotrir dt. 1B
tislisirn,9". XA. B. ('stltistan, Gi l.
Chliadlr, hart B. Cottley,IH. 1V.
t'usinius, IB. S. t'illillgd,,tHarry
A. C'oly', A. (x.. I 'unsie. lJass. C ts
AV. B. Ct'init'c, (G. B. Carroll. AV. A.
C'arpet'ert', i. P. C")l', 11. AL. ICos,
foas,J.It. Crouse, Jothn C('ixs.cot,
Wi. .C'ahsill, . l. fox. -. . 1' isitltl.
AV'. A. (I slil-lI, V. 'ia. I'ticl.rinc:,
It. AV.('layton,1. B,('. Catcker, I. F.
C'Ity, B. Issllisa Pausl Cossiell, I'.
HI. toisiasi, '. B. Davsis, '.Drakt'.. E
J1. tioscI, H.. Dssiw, 1,1. lDt'llbv-. .i
Durr'andllt, XV. P. Dishler, I'. XX. lls,
A. Efftinge's,M.Va.BitonI. F.A. Eitrt
Ferrty, .ir.,iG. 1". IFials.r, XX. ('. ritos',
Iiiogei'ald, . 9tH.1Falt'r'.1I1. A. 'isi,
It. I". tFlinisi'nsisn, F1. Fitelsd, G. I11. Fiir-
ness, J.iS. Finalasy, (i. XX'. Gillis, litt
il.-'i Iis, i. 0'. Garsett, X'. tC. Galrrett,
A. P. Gtlilslsil, I. Gtlssttw.A. rt' 1 -',
C'. B. Groeassck, F.I.t'. Gras'ss, 71.
Htealds, B. It. Humphtlrt'y, .B . 7t.Ils-
lanids. 11. XX'. IHawkins.,tChsa. I Irssl'r-
ilo It. . Xs'slItigs . 91. XX'. i stt'.
HlbrooIt.Ii. ttsintII: 5, .1. I.l-t s'ss. It


is aa absolute guarantee osf qualisty
Itissnever fosusdonsanssylsut thec best
X'ictor Athsletsc foods- raass isetha
Victosr Bicycles, atad are becroming
moreoulsar every dsay.
liull linse of Basebtall, Tenies, Foot-
btall, Gymsnasium na d Athsletic Sop-
Sresd fsrcataiogoe of VictorAthsletic
Mlakers of Victor Blicycles.
Rosito. Phliladerlphiac,Derit.
Neer Yorka, Cjhic'acgo, Draver.
"Six Love Songs,"
117 irasslaE.Sayer.Trsesltsions of Sin
at lasts s Ossnest lyric:s isnas tssisiamsicstal
srttsns . Heavy Paper, 75cents.

Cenrts' liTan Shoes,,
Washington Block. Ann Arbor.
P. S.-See our Show Window.
+ + +THE +++
Prices, - 15c, 25c, 35c,
Besetrved seats ons sale at Wsatts' Jewelry
1 Mondaiv Fveusnwno

n 'sl' . '. tltollisoss. 1X'. art- "COLLEGE SONGS." ,PW -
lttff, M'. 1lit. scinlgs,1S. 1B ~l~si>ipp i
Ii. G.Krn'gslsl, 11. It. Nteg 11.- The stsndard ('oihuelot'n0of College Santo. IiA RCI'i25.
Deer 300,00 sold. Heavy Paper, 50
Koihni. ..A. Osetis. L. A.Ntlites. ('.ii.cents; Cloth. Gilt. $1.00. ____
Kenndy. , t c.Lytst, A).lP.I Lio'is, COLLEGE SONGS FOR GIRLS." -
.1. A. Lelitoy,'. IL. Lanhg, II . tt. Dely bt.hsof itse bled publihsaed. The
Lauedel . ob O imaL, oas fte ed rclebsfr oe.Eugene Y say
Itttihs, Heavy Paper,.00
salle, :1. S. EisL. t='. Los-he, D. 'USUAL COLLECTION INSTRUMENTAL CUIJUII MUSIC," '1911,I'tNO.;N'T
It'I~avtisr, XX. II. Mosrley, Martin,. J. Eighty-two pieces for lie guitar from the
(i. Ohisrfiis. B.L. Msss',I. 7 ILossi- brat sourcs. A speindid rollection. Hand- VIOLIN R VO
had,1 I AosnaChs fosome Con-er. 00 cents.IN VR U S
N'. Bi. MIaers'('. A. Mer'irill, H. XX'. Ansy bottoh sent postpaid on receipt of price. ASISEDB
Mierrill, Bid..il'sartin, ih.Ml.s~rias;, I. OLIVER DITSON CO.,ASITDBMlerF.I.or.E..
Jlln~acl'' 4 C3-43 W Dsinn&Ct..Bosto M. LACHAUME, PIANIST.'
I. '. F._llihhhrd,.1J. 1'. llgi'-, Al. C f in&C.NY
Miltlanld, I. hasteir. I'. B. ABissit..1
LM.'eg, (. 11. Mssrltiy. XX'.I). Xl- "Like Paderewski Ysaye posseS5se
Keze .A. MaTlestth, Jt'ssie,'Al. Temnple Special. genius-New York World.
Macsk.laililies, IG. It. B lIMiller,______ _____rl___
tol rf Nslcir.de", 1. It. Newtiria, SAVE SAVE ADMISSION, - 50(;,
JackhNoyes, It. \icliolseit, . i is.
Fred'ttN(t'Wttt, H. B. tils, ti. Ott11iisqs p j Tiekets on sale at Calkins', Ann,
S. S. (Olds, A. P. ('Bsien, XMM1. IIi U4'8 I9 Arbor Organ Co. and Bog Olfes
ti'BrIienl, N. S. Pottter', I1. trescott, O. night of contort.
X'. Prescostt. L. A. Prt~ial, C. Isig(' By buytng a Temple Specsali. ___________________
IR. II. Pals, D. 1. IPrughi, Jas. I-1. STRICTLY HIGH GRADE ! 'W'M_ . . 'TT1 },
Prsistiss, C. J. PL~illt'. S. C. Is-allt, Examine this whaeel before purchainlg your FRTCASCSO ALRM
(Qs~shrles, J. OG. Rsllt1, A. XX. hRussscll, J. L. MEE & F. R. CUTCHEON, Corner of State and William sts.,
J. A. Rosehbtaiuml, Bill.'.Iticha, 1G. IlMOscOoSiTREET. AiETeSp. Whlliam S1.enetr~ance.
1Ray, J. H. Bssclan, Protf. BoIl', .
Rnthi. 11W'IivOahrd Ityan, Al.1.Boste11 IT'S -H[ARD TO DO WITHOUT the o fl uua ee-hi
htltls, S. (G. Bale, II. BoLsoell, i. 1R. CEO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN.
Rowvliey, A. B. D. Btotlsh.mi. 'f. 11.
Rtliadll. Prof.,Otatiley, D. R. Sttuai't, -_ - _
T. B. Siia. 1,j r., P. LB. Shiear(, A. ). Your dealerislieloh veoltehem,ifthe hant, wrsiteutsd we'ltedyou tetnfortioneisyeu ant'SM
Sivesn,0.B Soohlig,.. o' handtome ilustted catalogue free. PARKER PEN COMPANY, JMIOCIIIO, WI.-
Stonse, XX. I. Shelbiy, A. XX. Stallhi'y. [I U 1SK a
It. (G. Strtccksiln, ('. WX. Se'lci'ltough, o
J7. C'. Sinelling, L. I'. Shaclefortl, J.
H. Scott, I. F. Stearns, P. H. Smihls.1.000
It. Scott, G. A. Stracuss, II. h. Senter,
Geo. Stone, A. Smoithl, F. L. Serring . W AGPSTOSFLE
It. I-. Sutphlen, L. B. Stuart: . XV. I.00 M OSTIN FLL
IN 1894.
Saltir, A. B. Salter, C. XX. Seoburs', o
ItIB. Sunderland, XXinfreol Smiithl, -ago.
It. C. Shields, A. M5. Smioth, G.C.Send for 'Agency'
Shirts, N. It. Spicer, It. C. Stevens,Maul
H. 91. Sith, 1G. t. Tyng XX. Tyreell, - ctn NwYr
X. NVW. Thiayer, NV. B. ToothakcbtBoto Nw or
Ptrof. TCruelood (C. h. ThInnms, A. B. - - Chl~ago Los Angeel.-

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