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December 19, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… .0~ I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. DECEMRER 19. 1919 1.7y 10 LM yy F RI 1 TAKE MICHIGAN WITH YOU By tomorrow night the last stragglers of/ the great homeward- bo'und host will have left Ann Arbor, leaving only a deserted cam- ,pus behind. There will be a noticable dwindling of that intangible but supreme factor in the University cosmos which we call Michi- gan spirit.-What will have become of it? If, as we believe, that spirit is imm...…

December 19, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

… cil holds its next meeting Mon- y 5, 1920. Will, the report of ittee at that time be such that dance with the dictates of pub- Offioil Mi day during the Univer- !nt Publications. TED PRESS entitled to the use for d to it or not otherwise published therein. >r, Michigan, as second lic health? ga "8s'tree., ig- Of ,...e...,. Managing Editor ..Business Manager 2738 .Asst. Managing Editor --.-.- - City-. Eaitor ...... Sports Editor -.... ...…

December 19, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…Ll Lii U VU~Ui ~ UEE TO / -. + flhurlhIil it rJnsubstantiate our ndng. ,* ['f ! iil I I 11L I U iIX L l u "M kk' III uI flI iru v Personally I am strongly i favor sassc ZGlo V~ ~ ' RNKo hvrfyrn n ilb ny hR RPI IA~l~ single teal toglad -to arrange for the flooding IJIU 111 IIllfIUI have Joine hardest f R~ I% I~l of the place found if one can be se- -!jclub anda when- cured," said Mr. Bartelme. WLL PLAY FOUR TOUGH GAMES, floor "when college ...…

December 19, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…-s were, elected: pre rcop, '22E, of No esideiit, A. B. Cam: ,tana; secretary, G. of Oregon1; treasure '21.E, of Wyomin held every two week ig being planned fi es Columbus, 0., Dec. 18.-.-"Chic" Hjar- lon ley, sensational A4l-American half- 'e back on the Ohio State university foot- es- ball team for three years, may play ew professional baseball next, summer. 1p- Harley, it is said, will be offered an F. outfield position in the Columbus~ 'e...…

December 19, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…r w . F ,. ..,._.. : t nir ww -TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY $I IRLEY MASON "TE.RESCUING -ANGEL" * I FRIDAY and SATURDAY JANUARY 2.3' FI 1 4 TH-URS., FRI., SAT. DEC. 25,'26, 27 D. W. GRIFFITH'S "SCARLET DAYS" IJack Pickford, ,: ' s v. ''.. illy; A Story of the Old West YOU'LL ILIKE IT ., ;r, x ... . . . :: . ... ; :.. a , . "6In SUN.,. MON., TUES., DEC: 28, 29, -30 DOUBLE FEATURE BILL "THlE LIFE LINE" -- and ~ AL. ST. JO HN in "S5PE...…

December 19, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…T10 00 i MEET i 11 acation A the TUDENTS AND PROFESSORS FROM U. S. AND CANADA WILL ATTEND >ung ras a nent. 1871 .11 de The i this rtmen and e, sc - Tuesday afternoon. Notice of the spe- cific time and place will. be sent by postal card to the girls signed tip in wom- Barbour gymnasium, and put into the ty of .Ann Arbor Times News. ts of Town girls as well as others are wing asked to sign up or telephone their the names and addresses t...…

December 19, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 70) • Page Image 7

…RAY ,rate Wallop" ICADE ki Prof. mil Lorch has been invited to be one of the five members who will represent the. American Institute of Architecture which will co-operate with the offlcials of the Pan-American Congress of Architecture. The com- mittee Will organize an exhibition of the works of American architects and an exhibition of historical American architecural accomplishments. This exhlbition will be given at the first Pan-American'...…

December 19, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 70) • Page Image 8

…MOE II L I .u'S 3 4 2 2 6C C is field of meat exception of and cheese, ure considera- action; and, meats is with- people them- nduct of these capital imme- of the Federal to their busi- I the the But, greater than all, it establishes the principle thrat no group of men, no matter how powerful, can ever at- tempt to control the food table of the American people, or any one of the necessities or component parts of it." While Mr. Palmer giv...…

December 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

….t b 44 a PRES: DAY AN T)NIG SERVICI # s. ./ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1919., PRICE _,RIC HOP PLANS ;RESS RAPIDL' the 1920 Junior hop, to b aterman gymnasium Fei ught nearer completiona of the hap committe uing in the Mi1hlga c6mmittee announced tha several orchestras hai * received and these ar consideration. I ers of the committee is b). LI1 at 7F University To Hold Referendum Vote On Treaty Of Peace Jan. 13...…

December 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…lee I but I wring the Univer- lications. PRE.SS d to the use for tor not otherwise hed therein. ichigan, as second ret. Two weeks-wherein you can save yourself. f rom a disappointment that is irretrievable both to. your- self and to your friends: Vacation is not a time for high-brows .to count their A's and. B's, but. it. might well be used to consider the C's and D's. The Illinois "U" Y. M. C. A: is going to provide entertainment every ...…

December 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…IJ iuinr 'P IlTul mumi I IE sport at the University, it is expect- ed that the matter will be discussed -at the next meeting of the athletic board in February. It is understood that during Christ- mas vacation steps will be 'taken to interest prominentgalumni in the project of a Michigan crew. NEWEI UIPMENTAID TO, 1ARSITYTCOURT SQUAD LARGE ASSORTMENT OF MATE- RIAL ORDERED BY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ird II ve an ex-I the fact that y Busines...…

December 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…3al au- its been for with the ar' Risk~ ton, and him a men ini in many_ :on experi- lals on his week, Mr. ance of the 'gan is held, mneral Bur- ly because of great practical assist- ance' rendered in framing recent leg- islation, that the senator ;who had made the accusation at onge withdrew the statements he had made. * Fame Grows wltlj Distance - The old adage beginning "a prophet *is not without honor-" is" very true sin the case of Mic...…

December 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…orists Telegraph Delivery 1002 S. Univ. ALL OF anbetter spirit grow up between the CHMPIONSIn G S University and "Ypsi." - Dean Priddy of the Normal has assured people that justras there are JOHN B. HUBBARD, '20, URGES fine young men at the U. of M., so. BETTER SPIRIT TOWARD NOR ither6 are as good ,girls in the Teach- VIAL STUDENTS ers' college, as can be found any- where.. Editor, The Michigan Daily:-- It seems to me that it is much to b-3 ...…

December 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

…part of the time, their names with in Dean Jordan's ns and Persh. I CHRISTIAN CHIESETO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS Chinese students who are spending- their first Christmas here in Ameri- ca are finding festivities quite differ- ent than those enjoyed in their na- tive land. dIIome r f }; SUGAR BOs L mr ---- PHONE 102$-W rI Sing Christmas Carols Perhaps the most interesting of Chi- STUDENTS, STORE TO las T 'WERE ONE OF 'ACH 'ENO3 THE COM-...…

December 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 69) • Page Image 7

…"r sI I . Births, deaths, and marriages have fforded the annual round of excuses hat come tumbling into the offices >f attendance committees, ideans, and >rofessors at, the holidays. Only one "grandmother" has been esorted to so far, and. the dean bought that anyone with the audacity o try such a time-worn plea deserved ;he vacation. One freshman petkiiad- d the dean that his presence as best nan at the wedding of his brother, was >ssential;...…

December 18, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 69) • Page Image 8

…ORLD PAILS TO PLAY "OEA DOG" FOR PORTA 11 I wt aI I ., I mj STUDENTS IN PORTO FOR VACATION DEC. 17 RICO ASIA ON Before you go- TQOP IN and let us help you finish our Christmas shopping. We have any number of articles which will make ideal gifts. EVEN IF you live in a city, that should not deter you from buy- ink your victor 'records here. We ii ii can offer you real service. 601-6115 Eat ikint 1I Publishers of the MICHIAN SONG ...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…fbp r ' DAY AND NIGH SERVIC] N~ ,WtZlK' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1910, 0 ,0 PRE;. THI F "... e'PRI1VE '111 4a ,F FEW COPIES OF DIRECTORY LEFT Selling 1,100 copies within 110 minutes establishes a phenomenal rec- ord in disposing of copies of the "offl- cial Students' Directory, according to Charles Stewart Baxter, '20, manag- ing editor of this year's publication. As fast as the .1919-20 edition was off the pr...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…-2-! - 1residE name- ain style of car anda will visit a every surmer of his life to see on the door is: polished~ till it .Official M during the Univer- 'uhlijations. PRESS led to the use for it or maot otherwise shed therein. al news Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second1 .rd .street. cords, if signed, the sig- ,but as an evidence of bed in The Daily at the led to The Daily office. consideration. No mnan- .incloses postage. rse the sentime...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…nazoo Nor- m the vaca- TEAM SHOPWED ITS STRENGTH til Dec. 31, AND POSSIBILITIES IN am of Pon- D. A. C. MEET t city. On )n go to Recognition by the athletic authori- in Ignition ts is what the student swimming >sing flue. team is now working for. All who have best in, the seen the team in action are one in test of, the their opinon of its strength and pos- sibilities. Coach Drulard is greatly will be in pleased -with .the development of his nga...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…Positions OpenI At the appointment bureau they are getting in more applications for teach- fers to begin work at the beginning of next semester than they can fill. This is always the case at the first of each school year, it was stated./ /Frequently it is exceedingly hard to find a student or experienced teacher to fill just the position desirepd. For instance, calli comes in for a man to teach. history, economics and Cakle char'ge of athletic...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…,AL t Xmas, 1 toI .Tice's Drug -Adv. Store, 1171 ,. MOORE THE MAJESTIC Cass Floyd has his own methods of settling disputes and eliminating riv- als and he employs them to the best of his ability in "Louisiana," featuring Vivian Martin for the last times to- day at the Majestic. When he discovers Louisiana Rog- ers, who had been his sweetheart up; in the mountains, walking with Law- renceiF'erol, a young playwright, he at once becomes int...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…IN ENGLAND I I. Wv l Silk Neckwear Knit Neckwear } Underwear Pajanmas Night Robes Gloves Hats and Caps Silk Shirts Sweaters Co. -cade~ t Cold? k. Pair of Those Lar 4 Buckle Arctics' kapely English, Lasts r Medium Widths (By Associated Press) Carlisle, Eng., Dec.16-A campaign for the nationalization of the manu. facture and sale of intoxicating liquor was inaugurated a few days ago at an Important trade union and labor con- ference h...…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…J> : t l 3Li 10 L ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1919. .1 ,XICANS RELEASE' MERICAN PRISONER (By Associated Press) ashington, Dec. 15.-The state de- nent was notified late today thatl erick Hugo, the American seiz- y bandits in the recent raid of tuiz, Mexico,' had been released had returned to Muzquiz. Condi- Supon which he wvas set free were stated in the message but the de- nent announcement said it was osed no ransom had ...…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…xclusively entitled to the use for ches credited to it or not otherwise local news published therein, Lt Ann Arbor, Michigain, as second nard street. rds, if signed, the sig- but as an evidence of d in The Daily at the d to The Daily office. onsideration. No man incloses postage. .se the sentiments ex- ......'Managing Editor Phone z414 or roz6 r. .... ......Business Manager Phone g6o or 2738 , .t.. ....Ast Managing Editor .....................…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…I e84 to seculre AD'S TANK TEAM Y SW"IMZMERS JBETTER DS AT MEET SAT. IJRDAY fspecial transportation facilities to take the Clevrelanders homne in a body for the Christmas recess. HATS TO WEAK, HOSE Those who desire their' hats clean- ed and rebloeked for going home will Tease ' leave thorn at our shop as soon as possileI so we can have themZf out on time. We do Velour and Borisa- lino hats so, they retain their original fineness of textur...…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…-1 asked to at o'clock on I gymnasium. play are g at 4 :Barbour Girls' Glee elub will be held at 4:30 FOR ATHENA 'OC1ETY TAL o'clock Tuesday .afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Faculty and studets are invited by dolls at Athena Literary society to..hear. Prof. There are still a number of dI. Leo Sharfman talk on public speak- Newberry hall waiting for University ing at 7:15 o'clock tonight on the women to dress them for the Christ- fourth floo...…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…Ffinger Scr r j A.. THE MAUESTIC VIVIAN MARTIN "LOUISIANA" 0DADE. [ ~ l[ u.Be. , 3ti-Y 7--Owen tMoore n in"Pic- Star Comedy, "Tick Tick Quibbling,' trick excuses, and in- sincerity are very seldom met with in the interviews which students have with him regarding- their absences, declAres==tDan John R. Effinger. "I have , found" that the students are pretty square with me,". said Dean Affimger, "and' I think it always pays ,to- believe~...…

December 16, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

… e the names ents attend- iool at Y psi- II WHAT'S GOING ON State Normal sch d the University. Ju~u .LLe campu as a wnle In spite of the increased cost of e Michigan Union, a calendar materials and labor the price of the sity events, a list of Univer- directory will be the same as that es for women, and the names last year. he Parrot and the Eagle Ready-made clothes like the Parrot, are essentially imitators-lacking in individuality. No tw...…

December 14, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

… I N' 0' DAY AND I SEE 0-10 ' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1919. , w. ir rrlWilM +wu i .rrrrr + r° i r ,.ice., . TY GETS TWO NEW COAC GARFIELD ATTACKS STRIKE SETTLEMENT (By Associated Press) Washington, Dec. 13.-Principles I underlying President Wilson's plans for "the settlement of the coal strike accepted by the miners are based' "fundamently wrong as a matter of government," Dr. Harry A. Garfield, CIS federal fuel...…

December 14, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…the use for not otherwise therein. an, as second Arbor, ridence 0f i at the iy office. No man, tge. niests ex- ran -.Managing Editor Phone 24t,} or roi6 Jr. ..... ......Business Manager Phone 96o o 2838 .... ....Asst. Managing Editor ...City Eaitor .Sports Editor ......................... .Women's Editor in ..........................Telegraph Editor EDITORIAL BOARD H. Hardy Heth , Jr... ..........AAdvertising Manager ...Issue Manage~r .Off...…

December 14, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

….L - AMER 4t. I 'EA - ,. °,. .: .._ - 1919 ALLAMERICAN TEAM 1919 Second Eleven MEN LIEYEN First Eleven End-Higgins, Penn. State ' Tackle-West, Colgate. Guard-Alexander, Syracuse. Center-Weaver, Center College. Guard-Youngstrom, Dartmouth. Tackle-Henry, Wash and Jeff. End-H. Miller, Pennsylvania. Quarter-,McMillin, Center College. Halfback-Casey, Harvard. Halfback-Harley, Ohio State. Fullback-Rodgers, West Virginia. Third Eleven West...…

December 14, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…One) are nc 'unly .ebyt 1 1915, 1selected June 1 posed to be select f each year. TI y are selected co d ends the 31st 'he Senate, of t elects its rep; urtli meeting, Ii May. The Regei alumni members The Studentst the same time ors of the Athle ,s is used to' sell Hers ? Who nomn ,, '1 ~IS Dot pointed r follow: personO ,rd of dir selectho is not any oneT of these groups that alone can control matters. In - the years ofl my memb~ership 'I h...…

December 14, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…ISTIONNAIRE -inserts, Christ- ms make ideal ad Company th University tman Kodaks and Supplies. (Continued from Page Four) shall be made up of the faculty mem- bers d. They pass upon eligibility other than those involving academic standing. Q. Who are the present members of the finance committee, composed of the chairman of the board, the di- rector of outdoor athletics, and the treasurer of the Athletic association, who have general control...…

December 14, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…I 11111' guild is specially 5 J, f+ v iwGw llud . w URIVWWWIO U IR s for the Junior Girls' play e handed in to Katrina Scher- : by Monday. who are interested in writing for the Junior Girls' play are to attend a meeting at 4 on Wednesday In Barbour ium. Lgements had !been. made y women remaining in Ann Ar- ing the holidays would be able at Alumnae house. However, sufficient number did .not' tak'e ge of the .opportunity it will ssible to...…

December 14, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

…STIC L News From The Other Colleges Arcade, comes in -time with a manc is"' (DAY-TOMORROW ANITA STEWART . In "Mind The Paint Girl" ARCADE Shows at 3:00; 7 00; 8:30 Phones: Theatre, ag-M Mgr's Rea., a1-II Columbia-In co-operation with the National League of Women Workers, the department of extension teaching will offer an intensive training course In girls' recreational work during Christmas vacation. It is planned tc cover briefly al...…

December 14, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 66) • Page Image 8

…WHAT'S GOING ON I I SWIMMING MEET WON BY DETROIT ATHLETIC CLUB D. A. C. COACH COMPLIMENTS IN- FORMAL VARSITY SQUAD of Kl (Continued from page six) Professor Aigler made the following statement in his letter: "I have 'your letter dated the 6th inst., in which you propound to me as chairmnan of the board in control of athletics thirtyrnine questions. I note your'statement that you feel there is a lot of tdlk and many rumors be- ing circul...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…P. oo Wr A4uka Ia ! DAY AND N) SERV ) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919. PR] STERS TAKE SENIOR LAWS Fifteen embryo lawyers success- ily pleaded their cases for entrance to the ancient order of Barristers at e tribunal held yesterday after- oon. Although the court commenced roceedings shortly after 3 o'clock it as found necessary to adjourn 'to the nion for, food before completing the Those who were given a favorable 'H...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…e invested in govern- k~ationsE. - REss to the use for or not otherwise !d therein. igan, as seconad street. signed, the sig- an evidence of That student organizations discuss after-war eco- nomic problems, seeking particularly a statement of their practical bearing on the reconstruction problem and of the personal responsibility which the college student has during college and after- wards. One paragraph' of the letter deserves, perhaps, s...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…and that her handicap with which the games of this year competed and will be cut out next year, was ne. The series was started so ais year that the time had been ed on Nov. 1 before the season pened, so that most of the games mded in semi or total darkness. difficulty will be overcome by ig the series earlier in the year, nding the season before the e in time. ball among the classes, and the nterfraternity game, has been his year more to revi...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…It PHONE 1028-W .l" CONSIDERED BEST PLAY THIS YEAR1 YULETIDE SPIRIT PORTRAYED MASQUES' PRODUC. TION -e IN DEAN JORDAN TO ENTERTAIN CHINESE .WOMEN STUDENTS Dean Myra B. Jordan will entertain the new Chinese women students at dinner on Saturday evening at her ;home at 1215 Hill street. They have been invited to meet Mr. H. E. King, who was a missionary to China for 25 years. Gilbert's Chocolates for Xmas, 1 to 5 lb. boxes. Tice's Drug Store,...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

…w JL&VF Prices T n Wge THE WHITNEY d/ F, R. Corm The II Last Tignes Today WASHBURN In "Love Insurance" is ARCADE Shows at 3;00;7:00, 8:30 Phones , - Theatre, 295-M( Mgr's Re.s~ 3x6-M An army retail store was opened 'yesterday morning by the U. S. Quar- termaster corps at 213 North Fourth ayenue with Mayor E. M. Wurster temporarily in charge. At the present time the store has a stock of 'two carloads of general merchandise, food, and ...…

December 13, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…MHAT'S GOING ONI 11 I A SATURDAY I I n cordoroys trousers in your size. only a limited number. ned and leather coats-better look 1:00-Union Service committee meets in Lane hall.. 1:15-Iota Sigma Pi meets in room 303 Chemistry building. 6:45-Menorah society board of di- rectors meet in Lane hall. 7:00-Upper Room Bible elass meets at 444 S. State street. 7:30-Student Volunteers meet in Lane hall. Dr. Lerrigo speaks. 7 :30-Bayonne, N. J.,...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…I A lie2 I' 1 0 I 4 DAY ANDP SEE. 10 _. _ : --- - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1919. PRICE I , ll .11"! . .. I., I I RHODES SCHOLAR ELECTION, DEC. 23 i:0i I1fl0Appointient of the second Michigan A FRhodes scholar to be sent to Oxford university next year will be made at a postponed election to be held Tues- day, Dec. 23, according to Dean John R. Einger, a member of the state ~AI A(EE ENT WTH 'WILSON committee of appoi...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

… iothing whatever about. Sentiment is e ashamed of. . For by sentiment man prayers of other men. answers Official Mich~i ng except Monday during the Univer- Control of Student .Publications. 'HE ASSOCIATED PRESS is exclusively entitled to the use for spatches credited to it or not otherwise the local news published therein. qe at Ann. Arbor, Michigan, as second Ain Arbor Press building, 'Maynard street. Business, 960; Editorial, 2414.. i...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…ospects_,,for a successful track next season are good," said i Farrell, when interviewed day. "Although no official call ;e made for track men until after tmas, there 'are 45 men working ARLUU rimL ILIIL FUll SOPENER\ECEMBER 13 HILLSDALE - AND YPSI UNABLE TO PLAY TONIGHT TEAMX A: Much promise for the future. Moul- tirop, at forward, and Mason, who has been working at both center and forward, played the former position well. The lack of a ...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

… I. ide c Tree at Community House rd of directors of the Com- deration met Thursday and have a Christmas tree for unity house this year. Mrs. head of the Community d there will be- Christmas for the members. jtm + NUL I 7 |iIU WKII REASONS FOR ROOMING HOUSE Girls interested in dressing dolls or CHARES DURING VACATION making hand painted tray cards for; COARGES WRIER Y. W. C. A. Christmas activities willT _B- please call at Newberry .hall fo...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

…11 - Wit "'Ill 'homas in "The harlie Chaplin in Ret. ) Rogers in "Ju- ly, "His Master's ogue b~ Detroit _ Thurs-Fri. 11-12-All-star cast "Break the News to Mother," with a two-reel comnedy. SPECIAL-THE DARLING QUARTETTE SunMon. 14-13-All-star cast in "The 13th Chair," with a colored review and comedy. Tues-Wed. 16- 17-William Russell in "Eastward Ho," with a monkey ocmedy and kinogram weekly. VAUDEVILLE Thurs-Fri-Sat. 18-19-20.-Seyen-reel s...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…/_ 8:00-Unitarian guild party In Whitney theater. 8:00-"Red Feather" opera in Whitney theater. 8:00-Lutheran students' party in Lane hail 8:00-Swimming meet with D. A. C. at city "Y." ....-.- ier's studio. honor of Dr. iptist church. Atia dinner meets SATURDAY 7:30-Varsity basketball game. Mich- igan vs. Kalamazoo College in Wat- ermahn gymnas um. 7:30-Bayonne, . ., club meets in Lane hall. 7:30-Student Volunteers meet In Lane hall. Dr. L...…

December 11, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

… Aoly v m I t)AY AND I' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, ECEMBER' 11, 1919. PRIrCE ,.., ..-,. .-.'- - f ,t MINES TO op JLJINT A T ON Sororities Respond To Y" Call; Poor Children Will Have Real Xmas I I UN. Seventeen sororities have already agreed to act as Christmas big sisters to a like number of poor children, who will be clothed and given a real Yule- tide party under the plan now being carried on by committees of the Uni...…

December 11, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…AN DAILY during the Univer. Publications. D PRESS ted to the use for :it or not otherwise lished therein. Michigan, as second vely enl edited ews pu Arbor r or mal, $ 3.30. Press building, Maynard street. 0; Editorial. 2414. to exceed 30o words, if signed, the sig. appear in print but as an evidence of is will be published in The Daily *t the if left at or mailed to The Dai office. will receive no consideration.,No man. unless the writer in...…

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