asked to at
o'clock on I
play are
g at 4
Girls' Glee elub will be held at 4:30 FOR ATHENA 'OC1ETY TAL
o'clock Tuesday .afternoon in Barbour
Faculty and studets are invited by
dolls at Athena Literary society to..hear. Prof.
There are still a number of dI. Leo Sharfman talk on public speak-
Newberry hall waiting for University ing at 7:15 o'clock tonight on the
women to dress them for the Christ- fourth floor of University hall.
mas baskets given out by the Y. W. C: Professor Sharfman will treat the
A. Girls with artistic ability are in subjectdfrom the view point of the or-
demand at the sai~e place to make dinary audience.. This will beAhe first
tray cards for the'hospital patients. of several open meetings that" Athena
Girls who have no talent along either expects to hold.
I . --"0,
Collegiate Alumnae association
ices several fellowships which
e available for the academic
1920-192L- The Alice Freeman
r fellowship has a value of
Candidates for this research,
hip must have the degree of
of philosophy or doctor of sci
orI must present evidence of
which would be considered
committee on fellowship of the
Ltion of Collegiate Alumnae has
ade the committee on award of
rah Berliner research fellow-
$1,000 which is to be given
Women who expect to stay in Ann
Arbor during the holidays, and who
would like to work part of the time,
are, asked to leave their names with
Miss Louise Potter in' Dean Jordan's
'All girls expecting to remain
here during vacation, are asked. t'
sign up at Barbour gymnasium so that
the Women's league can reach them
as there will be no Daily to announce
any activities. They are requested to
leave their name. address, and tele-
phone nunber either in'the bluebook
in the league rooms or in the one left
with Louise Potter, '16, hrr Dean Myra
B. Jordan's office.
of these lines are asked to make a
voluntary contribution for the pur-
chase of fruit for the Christmas treat.
The Michigan Daily, the onl morn-
ing paper in Ann Arbor, contains all
,the latest Campus, City and World
Medicall Men
Dean Myra B. Jordan will not be at
home to University women on Tues-
day afternoon.
Wyvern will not meet tonight
announced. The ne meeting will
held after Christ s vacationl
The Daily contains the
dated Press News.-Adv.
Take Homea Box
latest Asso-
Quarry Drug Clos
pen to woment holding de-
tor of philosophy or to
rly equipped for the work
en's Educatioi}al associa-
on, offers a fellowship of
year 1.920-1921 available
i Eur pe. It is open to
ing the degree of arts,
The last allotment of middy blouses Boarding houses are planning to
and bloomers have arrived. All girls stay open during the holiday vaca-
who placed orders will be held re- tion, with the exception of the Cut-J
sponsible to take them before Thurs- ting cafe and the Y. M. C. A. inn,
day, Dec. 17. which will close Friday noon, and
- Van's lunch room, which will close
The regular meeting of Mortarboard Saturday morning. These will open
will be postponed until after vacation. the Monday before college opens.
Liberty at Maynard
Prescription Store
So. State and N. University Av
e ..
... Itll1 Ill r r
d have a definite
,tion. Award is
of character and
. _
1 ,,: ..
f A 0
iLi ; t.. 'N' I 1
held at 4
time in 1919.
as service and
en one of the
held at the
_ / ,...r p er; - ".
f Y 1 ;_ y
fY't/P1 N 1 ri end v.+ 3
,_ s
, 1;
f .
' i J ,
C. Douglas
:asion and the
club will
No matter howAivertirig the subject of one's clothes may be, no
woman thinks of planning her wardrobe without first considering
foundation-dainty undergarments. So, there can be no doubt
about their popularity as Christmas gifts. .4
Blouse Gifts
Blouses make timely gifts, for the
fastidious woman cannot have too
mangy to ,accompany the separate
skirt or to wear 'with her suit. These
Blouses cannot be excelled in values
and attractiveness.
Of beautiful Georgette Crepe and
Crepe de Chine they are attractively
displayed in a choice so wjde that
every taste, no matter how critical,
may be satisfied, for all the seaison's
color effects and all the smartest new
styles are shown.
40-inch Crepe de Chine in all col-
ors of light and dark shades, suitable
for blouses, $3.00 a yard.
4Q-inch Georgette Crepe, in all
colors, $3.00 a yard. The Fancy
Georgette Crepes for blouses' are
priced from $4.00 to $6.00 a yard.
(Second Floor)
aney box stationery
rds. 0. D. Morrill,
Whether one seeks the fluffy undergarments, the simple tailored effects,
the soft silken lingerie, or the lovely Porto Rican and Philippine garments in'
which hand embroidery asserts its charm, there will be found niodels to inter-
est all types of feminity.
Very new are the Pettibockers of Belding Satin in green, peacock blue,.
black, brown and taupe.,
Our holiday display of Lingerie in Christmas boxes is certain to offer
many suggestions for Christmas giving.
(Second Floor)
I . I I I I I NO , I , I
Ribbons and
Our wonderful array of holiday Rib-
bons offers almost unlimited suggestions
for Christmas gifts., ,
Plain and fancy Ribbons are shownin
all sizes and conceivable colors and 'color
combinations, and can be used with
charming effects in bags from the tiny
vanity size to the huge knitting and utility
Ribbons for finishing work, for Christ-
mas tying, and for making dainty articles
for the baby can be found in our Ribbon
Section on the Main Floor.
(Main Floor)
Purse or Bag Gifts
A smart Purse or Bag will help
solve the gift problem' of many
people this Christmas season.,
Owing to the fact that we purchased a sample line
of Purses and Bags we are able to offer them at prices
fully one-fourth less than they could possibly be other-
wise. \
Our holiday stock includes Velvet Bags in taupe,
navy, brown and black with beaded, velvet, and metal
tops. And there are Purses of Silk Moire in brown,
gray and black, strap-top'-Leather Purses and"'small
Hand Purses in all colors, and. other Purses in sizes,
suitable for children: h
At this time we have the year's greatest
showing of Handkerchiefs for personal
use and for Christmas giving.
Handkerchiefs with colorings are much
in evidence, while those of all white are
prettier and daintier than ever.
A Special Offer at this time is that of
Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs with pret-
tily colored embroidered corners, in lots of
six for $1.95.
There are many, many other Handker-
chiefs in both plain and strikingly pretty
designs, specially purchased for the holi-
day season.
(Main Floor)
(Main Floor).
S. ..
OY I I I IIM I Ilrllrl It Y MI lr ll ll 1 -
_ _ 4%
)N 21/ IN.
! L'a6m.-
Entrance 124 South Main