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December 19, 1919 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1919-12-19

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T10 00






ras a
.11 de
i this
e, sc

- Tuesday afternoon. Notice of the spe-
cific time and place will. be sent by
postal card to the girls signed tip in
wom- Barbour gymnasium, and put into the
ty of .Ann Arbor Times News.
ts of Town girls as well as others are
wing asked to sign up or telephone their
the names and addresses to Dorothea
right Bristol, '20, 1340M. Almost 200 girls
the have given their names already.
ed by Other events to take place are
e ex- sleighing and skating parties, and a
tutes progressive party. At this several good
from times are planned for one afternoon.
s the The girls may invite guests for New
lifica- Year's evt, and possibly there will be
a dance that evening.
epart-, Christmas festivities reached their.
dotal climax at Martha Cook building this
year morning at their annual breakfast..
nt, 18 Iorior uests of' the girls were Presi-
14 in dent Harry B. Hutchins- and Mrs.
ience, Hutchins, Miss Crocker, Fred' P. J'or-
dan and Mrs. Jordan, and members of
the board of governors.
Each girl invited a guest for over
ead up night. At 6 o'clock the entire house-
ed ohold marched through the long corrir
ed or dors with lighted candles, singing
? The Christmas carols. A procession of
incthe 250 people wended its way from the
racti- fourth floor to the first. - At break-
d for fast the friendship candle wps started
Snew at the head table and passed to each
d in' turn, . symbolizing the bond of


Eiglty University students and overI
20 others from Ann Arbor besidest
foreign delegates expect to attepd theI
Student Volunteer convention fromt
Dec. 31 through Jan. 4, at Des Moines,
Iowa. Pourteen more are going from
Ypsilanti and seven from Albion,1
Chinese Send Delegates t
The Chinese students to go are T. C.
Li,. '20, president; M. S. Lu, '21L, vice-.
president, and 'K. H. Wu, '21,'secret-
ary, of the Chinese club, and H. C.l
Tung, '20, a member of the board oft
directors of the Cosmopolitan club.t
%y. Tung- teaches the Chinese lan-
guage on Saturdays at the University
of Detroit. M. E. Pablo, '22E, of the1
Phillipines, Bernard Beckwith, '22E, of
Argentine, S. Katsuizumi, '17, and F.
,M. Vianna, from Brazil.
The purpose of the convention is
to bring together Christian students
and professors of the Uinited States
and Canada and leaders of the Christ-
ian enterprise throughout the world
to , consider the needs of the non-
Christian. 'peoples
Expect 7,500 to be Present'
Plans are being laid for at least
7,500 toconvene at DesMoines. As
there is only one such convention in
four years many will return from for-
eign fields to attend, and Dr. John R.
Mott, leader of the Student Volunteer
movement, will be a prominent speak-
er. Addresses at large gatherings,
smaller group meetings, and personal
interviews are planner to give each
individual the opportunity to meet
and come to know the ideals and im-
. mense schemes of those who have suc-
ceeded in Christian work.
Y. W. C. A. Secretary to Go
The Delegation from here will furth-
er include H. 1s.. Chapman, leader df
the Baptist guild, who, has had the
campaign in this sectiolt of the coun-
try in charge, Miss Vva Lemert, see-
retary, and Hulda Bancroft, '15, asso-
ciate secretary of the University Y. W.
C A., T. S. Evans, secretary of the
Y. M. C. A. and Mrs. Evan, Prof. Mary
Welsh, superintendent of 'the Univer-
sity training school for nurses, and
Prof. Dora Barnes,. of the department
of public health nursing, will repre-
sent the faculty,
e. I
r Women
Girls interested in dressing dolls or
making hand painted tray cards for
Y. W. C. A. Christmas activities will
please call at Newberry hall fotrdolls
or other materials.

G ir is Serenade
Candle-lit Houses
The' Freshman Girls' Glee club set
out in "bobs" Wednesday evening to
serenade the various dormitories, so-
rorities, and University houses with
Christmas carols. The "carollers"
met at Newberry hall, going from
there to Helen Newberry residence.
Here they were evidently expected, for
the girls were gathered at the win-
dows, all the lights had been turned
out, and Christmas candles set in the
panes. The carol-singers gathered be-
neath these windows, and sang "Hark
the Herald Angels .Sing," "The First
Noel," "God Bless You, Merry Gentle-
men," and other songs of Christmas.
From here they went to President
Harry B. Hutchins' residence 'and
thence to Martha Cook dormitory. At
both of these' pla'ces they sang their
carols, and then set out to make a
tour of all the soprity and University
houses. No house was slighted, and
the. carollers went from one house to
another singing as they went. At
most of the houses candles' were
burning in the windows, and they were
received with a true Christmas spirit.
-They brought their evening of song to
an end by serenading Dean Myra B.
Jordan at her home.
Hill auditorium rang with Christ-
mas carols yesterday afternoon when
the children of the grade schools gath-
ered to % sing Yuletide songs. The
ground floor was filled with children.,
while the balconies were reserved for
their parents and friends.
Miss Lou N. Allen, associate super-)
visor of music in the public schools,
conducted the entertainment.
The grade school children were dis-
missed from the aftergoon's school
work in order-to take part in the pro-
Only Two 4ororitles Keep Open
All of the sororities will close-their
houses over the vacation with the ex-,
ception of Alpha Phi and Kappa Kap-
pa damma. These houses will be kept







strate the

re called The decoration of the tree in the
facilities ! blue room carried out the thought of
the liter- the birth of the C4rist child.' His
>f affairs 'pictures placed 'among the evergreen
qupiment foliage were lighted by tiny globes of
e of sal- red, green, and blue tights, and at the1
tip of the tree was the Christmas star.
and the Gilberts and Webers Chocolates in
ually in- any size for . Xmas at CUSHING'S
lit NAD9q EFI - Ofd~evc
Stte i 'EU~ Um Quality and Service
- I, 113 E. Liberty St.
Ann Arbor, Mich.

1 23 EAST L

open by two or thtee
spend the holidays in

girls who will
Ann Arbor.




.- '



Courteous and patisfactor
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the account be large
or small.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
lncorporated 1869
Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00
Resources ......... 4,000,000.00
Northwest Cor. Main & Huron.
707 North University Ave.



_ .4





Quarjs ay

All girls expecting to remain
hire during vacation, are asked to
sign up at Barbour gymnasium so that
the Women's league can reach them
as there will be no Daily to announce
any activities. They are requested to
leave their name. address, and tele-
phone number either in the bluebook
in the league rooms or in the one left
with Louise Potter, '16, in Dean Myra
. B. Jordan's office.


i , . !
j '
u =



eaf leather note-
front; also Econ-
ably lost in West
undy. 1217-W.

-Black leather brief case. Con-
d Zoology notes. Return to
office. Reward.
-A sum of money east of the
us. Call at 9 Geddes Heights,
hone 766.
- Left-hand grey buck glove-
ribbed back. Finder please
One plain gold cuff-link set
small diamonds. Call Wall,
Ring of eleven keys. Call
n, 775-J after 5 o'clock.
PERSON who exchanged coats
ne yesterday afternoon in room
[ason Hall, please bring same
5 S. Division sometime this
ng and get his own. D. J.
ID- Refined young lady to

FOR SALE-Complete $rinting out-
fit. Chandler and Price Press, 7x11
chase. Advance Paper Cutter, 16 in.
300 pounds of type, about 15 styles,
all new or ,but little used. Other
sundries. W. W. Mann, 617 Pack-
ard St. Phone 1792.
FOR SALE-Steel couch bed, -office
desk with plate glass top, two burn-
er gas plate, rocking chair, table,
hoe, cultivator, bicycle. 203 S. Thay-
er, Room 12.
FOR SALE--Buffet Saxophone, B flat,
low pitch, silver plated, satin finish,
almost new. Will sell cheap if tak-
en at once. 500 E. William St., or
Phone 2743.
FOR 'SALE - $400 Kimball upright

There are still a number of dolls at
Newberry hall waiting for University
women to dress them for the Christ-
mas baskets given out by 4he Y. W. C.
A. Girls with artistic ability are in
demand at the same place to make
tray cards for the hospital patients.
Girls who have ng talent along either
of these lines are asked to make a
voluntary contribution' for the pur-
chase of fruit for the Christinas treat.
Sleigh ride, skating, and woasting
parties are to be given by tbe 'Wom-
en's Athletic association fc# those who1
remain here during the holidays.
An attempt will be made to reach
all girls either by phone or postal
cards, but if any are overlooked they
may call the following girls for par-
ticulars: Ann Kirkpatrick, '20, Mar-
garet Fullerton, '20, in regard to
sleighing parties; Esther Hollands,
'21, Mirian Phelps, '23, for skating;
and Mary D. Lane, '21, or Miriam
Schlotterbeck, '23, for coasting par-
L. C. Smit,, Corona, Multiplex Har-
mond, and ther high grade second
hand ty'pewriters. 0. D. Morrill, 17
Nickels Arcade.-Adv.
Martha Washington Candies fresh
every Friday. Tice's, 117 S. Main St.




Wiveils oppejey n vogtp as they are now, notailore cos
without onc. ',Espeially wiJ. 1 y need a smart new onfe for traveling; not or
trim, tkiored app~arapg, but to make smarter an already smaxt costumne.

piano- wonderful tone.
city. Price is right. 203
or R 12

. Leaving
So. Thay-


er L, oom 1.
FOR SALE-Pair of hoe Hockeys,
$5. Inquire 1102 Willard St.
FOR RENT-A suite. Less than a
block from campus. Terms reason-
able. Phone 2626. 1130 W shtenaw,
FOR RENT-For eight months, small
five room house in one of the best
S. E. localities. Phone 1600-J.

We have a wide and complete assortment of Neis, Jnluding both v

veils. These are in all the harmonizing colors with the winter suit shades' and in a
variety of dots, embroidery patterns and novelty meshes,

Have you seen the dark veils with contrasting French dots?

We-have only the

with the blue dots left, for'this new veiling is in deed popular.

We have I

F and veilings.however, in purple, navy, brown, taupe, and black.
Come see them-we know' you can't' resist them.

FOR RENT - A first class uite of

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